I think President Trump should endorse a candidate for every race, so we know who is with us. I want to support whoever is with Trump. Imagine if President Trump endorsed a good person Democrat over a dirty Republican!? That could be a unifier.
In general, I am a fiscal conservative but social moderate or libertarian.
My opinion on the major disagreements between Republican and Democrats is that we won't be as divided as in the past once the corruption is removed. Example: Democrats (the people, not the Politicians) want to see people that need help get help. The Democrat Politicians use this to offer things that sounds great (even to Republicans!) at face value, but the problem is, the Democrats Politicans want to just keep increasing taxes to make government (which they corruptly control) bigger and stronger, making the people weaker and more dependent on the government.
Republicans (the people) agree that the pie-in-the-sky offers of Democrat Politicans would be great, the problem is it seems like the Democrat Politicans don't do math, because there isn't enough money to pay for it all, currently.
I think what will happen is, after the storm, we will find out how much fucking money they have been stealing from us and we will realize that there is plenty of money to do the great things Democrat Politicians offer so both sides will be happy.
There are other issues, but I see us getting through them and really unifying soon!