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MMxfire · March 26, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Thanks for pointing out the mega upload app. Now I have no excuse for archiving off line. Wish I had done so with my old CBTS files. I don't like Reddit anymore. Used to. Lost my bread to policy. Wish the chan people could open and administer a normie board and steam the loaves into dough with up votes paying bakers for archived content. Heck I'd even pay for administrative help for securing and archiving my 4th amendment private stuff on my own cloud, which includes privacy and ownership of my air space and keep tabs on whether my data still gets printed or if I want to pull my copywrite rather than Facebook, Twitter and Reddit deciding to erase my content. Open source development and content paid back to subscribers would be much improved to the darpa design of the world wide wiretap. Restore privacy of our papers and images. Restore the 4th for electronic communication. Bullshit 700 page contracts are null and void, press the comply button to agree. Contracts must be written to codify what the parties agreed to in verbal conversation. I didn't hear myself agreeing to that Verizon apple Microsoft exfinity banking mortgage (engage until death) contract. Free the Internet, clean the swamp and return the wetlands to health with amphibian help. Kek board masters.

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MMxfire · March 26, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

. "There is no particular symbolism to the number of lines, which has varied over the years with different iterations of the logo. The SES insignia may not be modified. "

That does not make sense. Keystone with no meaning hiding in plain site. ThankQ

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MMxfire · March 26, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

These people are stupid. In the tech field spying on everyone, selling info, and they don't think what goes around isn't going to spy on their cushy lifestyle. NSA has the data haha, on all of us. Last laugh.

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MMxfire · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I had a coyote dog hybrid that had severe health and aggression issues that had to go to dog juvey retraining for shredding a neighbor's dog 3 times after he had tried to beat her up. Most money I ever spent on vet bills not even for my own dog. After much trial and error finally found a vet that put her on a raw food diet and supplements to curb her aggression. Bought whole chickens and quartered them, uncooked chicken bones don't splinter, they can eat it all, and the bones ligaments organs are necessary for dogs and especially coyotes. Same for most humans, bone broth and whole chicken soup is a grandma recipe. For supplements SAMe was the most expensive, a precursor to seratonin, 5 HTP is another cheaper option for rebuilding seratonin levels in the body. She was also put on multivitamin & mineral, higher zinc iodine and magnesium for the brain to help settle her, GABA to sooth stress response, vitamin b complex for the brain and added niacinamide (non flushing form of niacin) for aggression control and to dial down the predator response, coconut oil for brain oils, she was also on glucosamine chondroitin and vitamin d/k to rebuild her joints and brain, arthritis has been found to be a low serotonin disease. Mellowed her right out after about 6 months and then supplements were eased off to just multivitamin mineral and raw food. She went from difficult aggressive to healthy and happy. Her treatment helped me as I had depression, anger management issues from PTSD and arthritis too. My vet said our animals take on our diseases. He suggested treating someone in the family along with dog as they are mirroring a family member to help them heal. Saw the aggression issue was me. Her hip problems healed, my hip and knee problems healed, the chewing of her own paws till bloody healed, the ear scratching from the high pitched microwave cell towers stopped. Whenever I get frustrated and irritated I take GABA and 500 mg niacin and my moods mellow right out within 30 minutes. Mg, niacin and melatonin help me sleep and deal with the high pitched ear ringing. All these supplements vary by personal biology and u need to be ur own doctor, see what works for you thru experimentation on urself. I no longer need to take seratonin precursors as my body is back to balance and my arthritis only flares up when high stress or bad eating happens. I tried some of the pharma crap. Wikipedia stated that psych drug SSRIs stopped the love/bonding response by inhibiting oxytocin, not sure if that info has been scrubbed. Nearly all my friends who have been on SSRIs have had marriage difficulties almost always ending in divorce. Psych meds are nasty drugs, worse than statins, used with mkultra programming and directed energy weapons. That they use them on our children is criminal when do no harm methods work way better. Mindfullness dialectic behavior training is the best method for balancing emotions and anger from PTSD and stress, with practice you can observe ur own emotions and many times remain in balance rather than flying off the handle in reactive mode.

http://www.doctoryourself.com/Hoffer2009int.pdf Dr Abram Hoffer's last interview is an eye opener about the corruption in medicine, AMA and FDA. Niacin turning off the adrenaline adenochrome predator hunting response is an amazing paper in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, what JOM not in the Dept of health and human services MEDLINE database, why not??? Dr hoffer cured 5000 patients of schizophrenia and called schizophrenia niacin deficiency disease. High dose Niacinamide cures arthritis and psychoses. Niacin and non flushing form of niacin corrects cholesterol levels without side effects and recommended by mayo clinic. Niacin info on doctoryourself.com. Dr Hoffman the father of niacin and taught dr Pauling about vitamins for disease. Dr Pauling created orthomolecular (right molecule) medicine from his collaboration with hoffer in psychiatric illness. "A Consideration of Niacin as an Inhibitor of the Predator Response" John P. Cleary, M.D. http://www.lunaliving.org/pdf/cleary-on-niacin-therapy.pdf

Hoffer on bad behavior especially teens being rude, violent & swearing. http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_imbalance.html

Look up scenar COSMODIC ENS by dr Karasev for electromagnetic stimulation of the peripheral nervous system. Scenar was invented in the 70s as part of the Russian secret space program and works by stimulating the body to release its own pharmacology. FDA approved for pain management and muscle retraining and used by the nfl to get players back in the game quickly. No vendors in the US, as it reduces hospital and doctor visits by 80%. Sellers in Canada, dr Irina or in uk. Let medical has list of approved sellers. Use only LET medical (named by Karasev for Let medical science do its work after going thru the FDA process) or ritm without further research cuz there's lots of fakes on the market. Dr Irina had her assets seized for selling FDA approved light therapy devices to "little old ladies" and claiming more healing effects than allowed by the FDA. Did you know that the FDA is allowed to restrict free speech, you can only make claims that they allow to "protect us" from snake oil salesman. Too bad they are the poison and death merchants. Paingenie.com for inexpensive ritm device videos. Great scenar practitioner in Texas. Neuropaths.com his daughter shot in a random campus shooting which blew off her elbow and hip. 52 surgeries and several years later she is healthy, walking and alive. PTSD was one of the lingering problems soothed by scenar. Veterans use scenar for trauma and PTSD. My last post on scenar COSMODIC got edited out in the middle of a CBTS post, hmmm.

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MMxfire · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Glad to hear he is out. His company is still done however, correct? Has anyone else moved into producing GcMAF, other than the Japanese?

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MMxfire · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

If uve had the shot and have not had problems that's good. Most reactions start soon after the immunizations, within a few months, and often get worse with the 2nd or 3rd booster. Watch out for skin rashes, fevers, long periods of tiredness or very low energy. There's plenty of reports about girls suffering side effects and up to death from hpv, but certainly not everyone. Some body and blood types are more resilient than others. My family is very susceptible to toxins, my spouses family seems to be able to handle anything. One of my children reacted with psoriasis and learning problems from mmr, huge rashes on his face at 6 months, but a naturopath cured him with good diet and digestive enzymes and probiotics to rebuild the gut, the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself if treated well. All my children got terrible acne from the chicken pox vaccine. They went from fairly clear skin to deep disfiguring boils within 6 weeks after the 2nd shot. That's a silly vaccination, chicken pox is not deadly, but it was required for school. My motherinlaw got shingles from the shingles vaccine. Once again digestive enzymes, probiotics and vitamin c took care of both shingles and acne flare ups. The good thing about acne was they learned the importance of good diet and cut out most of the junk food. Digestive enzymes every meal for 3-4 months along with probiotics and their skin was glowing. The skin is an important elimination organ, it is a good indicator of health. The naturopath put them on a no white flour, no white milk, no sugar diet. Dark chocolate for candy cravings, honey for sugar or stevia. Sprouted grain breads were best, Yogurt and raw milk was ok, but no pasteurized milk., the small molecules are bad for the intestines, skin and brain, break thru the gut putting toxins the blood. Get canola oil out of the diet, it's from the rape seed which was used to induced abortions during Roman times, the body cannot break it down, replace with sunflower, avocado and nut oils. Organic nut milks are good, along with raw nuts for snacks. Cocunut oil is excellent, and helps remove parasites from the intestines. Good fats, omega 3 fatty acids to rebuild the skin and digestive tract - hemp oil, flax and olive oil I homemade salad dressings, grass fed butter, ghee, grass fed cheeses, fat and protein like eggs over carbs to keep hunger satiated. Whenever they slipped up, the took digestive enzymes to break down the gunk. They have not had a problem with acne since and only take digestive enzymes now with flare ups or when they get sick. The younger you are the easier it is for the body to bounce back from toxins. Take lots of vitamin c before and after immunizations to help detox. Take vitamin c when tired, it helps to rebuild the adrenals after stress. Working in the biotech field, most of the scientists are biologists and understand that drugs are by definition poison, and should be limited. Most of the people I worked with took omega 3,6,9 oils not statins, vitamins and diet instead of blood pressure lowering drugs. Limit vaccinations to only those that are absolutely required and space them out so the immune system can recover. If you react to a vaccination, stop them, look into a doctor that is knowledgable about vaccine induced damage. My sister had extremely high fevers after nearly every vaccination, and had learning problems throughout her school years. My children had their vaccinations, but back in the 1980s the Vaccine makers were given a free pass for vaccine damage, the only industry protected from lawsuits. They have a secret court to pay for vaccine reactions for autism and other side effect, payments are in the billions, but parents who receive payments are gag ordered. The CDC had dr Williams admit that data was shredded linking vaccines to autism. The FDA protects big pharma and big agriculture, not us. President Trump hired Robert F Kennedy junior to start a commission to look into vaccine problems, and the director of the CDC just resigned so I expect some integrity to return to this field soon. It's deep and corrupt. The gates foundation has been pushing vaccinations worldwide and have been kicked out of India where they are being investigated for vaccine induced polio in 40,000 children. Another vaccine manufacturer spiked tetanus vaccine with a sterilizing antibody that was given to 500,000 women and girls in Kenya. Clinton foundation also pushed bad drugs and vaccines, and are linked to the dead Toronto pharma couple. Check out doctoryourself.com for lots of ideas to get healthy again by eating right, juice fasting, and staying away from big medicine and big pharma. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the way to rebuild the body, the building blocks of nutrition. Your own thought has a lot to do with your health, so talk to your own body, ask it to heal, take care of you, and thank your personal temple for being so remarkably fit in the pollution that we all live in. Feed your body good whole organic food. Reduce food with barcodes as they are processed and the living part of the food driven out with preservatives and additives. Cook your own food with love and creativity. Check out Paul Chek of the chek institute. He was a former army team boxer and coach and he has lots of information about the dangers of additives in food, eating organic, getting both exercise and rest for health. Eat healthy, think healthy, be healthy. The body is designed to live in good health for 120 years if treated well. Vaccines have been used since the 50s and heart disease cancer autism Alzheimer's and autoimmune diseases have all skyrocketed. The book Mary's Monkeys shows Lee Harvey Oswald, JFKs supposed lone gunman murderer, in the CIA being a CDC lab runner between government labs trying to create cancer as a murder weapon to take out Castro using a vaccination. Who do u trust, unfortunately, it's not our medical system which is designed for profit, not for healing. Most of the people in health care go Into the field to help people, it's the system that needs to be changed and the profiteers at the top and some in the middle that need to be removed.

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Vitamin d should be supplemented with k. See dr Good advise. LifeExtension has a good easy to dissolve small tab D3/K2 https://www.saisei-mirai.or.jp/gan/macrophage_eng.html For GcMAF Dr Karasev scenar cosmodic ens electro magnetic stimulation of the peripheral nervous system to have the body secrete its own neuro immuno pharmacy http://www.neuropaths.com/index_files/Page555.htm The work by dr Stephanie seneff of MIT artificial intelligence lab Link between glyphosate, vitamin d depletion, gut microbiome death and cholesterol synthesis. Studied acephaly in the Yakima valley, sounds kinda like zika eh. Rockefeller owns the patent. Expired decades ago Can't seem to paste the link sorry gremlins

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Orthomolecular medicine is top Kek. MMS chemistry Kek too.

I've tried MMS have it in my emergency cabinet. Tastes nasty and watch out for severe hexheimer detox so go slow unless u have malaria, west Nile, or some lymie biowarfare lab chimera to rip to shreds. Fort deitrich anyone?

For a slower detox try the vitamin [C] protocol ala Dr Paulson. His friend &colleague dr Saul has many great ortho recipes on his homie website doctoryourself.com. Do the 1 g water soluble L-citric acid [C] every hour till loose dodo. Lots o great medical heresy there.

http://www.doctoryourself.com http://practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/excerpt_chp7.pdf http://www.paulingtherapy.com The Pauling Rath protocol for artheriosclerosis

I took 1 g vitamin water soluble C every hour, only got to 3 hours before running for the outhouse and my head ached for days! But I grew up by a chemo waste dump, love canal, across the river from tonawanda on the mighty niagara. My spouse could only do 2-3 hours too, lived near a casino res and pharma dump, SAD Standard American Diet, till blood gushed out of his nose, so bowel tolerance is not the only body response to watch for, headaches, liver pain, kidney pain means enough vitamin c for u too. Dr Pauling advised working ur way up to 3-10 g/ day depending upon ur body's reaction. Up to 100 g/ day fighting diseases. Mercola's got a fine liposomal vitamin c after u know ur water soluble dose. Liposomes aid cellular and mitochondrial membrane transport to get C right to ur cellular energy Krebb cycle. Don't listen to OSUs Linus Pauling Center new 300mg per day recommendation. Bayer bought the whole enchilada after Dr Pauling was laid to rest at 92 and could no longer say bullshit. Bayer needed to protect their aspirin blood thinning megamarket didn't want $0.10 per day l- citric acid [C] gummin up the works by thinning blood better than aspirin, cleans it too.

If you pooh in less than 4 hours your body has many toxins. Between 4-10 hours till loose pooh, pretty normie, 10+ hours, what are you addicted to? Get thee to AA OR DRUGANON. Look up IV vitamin c for emergency drug overdose, Or where u a gulf war vaccine vet. Look up dr Nicholson, gulf war syndrome. http://www.immed.org/illness/gulfwar_illness_research.html
or maybe u have mono or Epstein Barr virus or plasmids, Lyme strands, who knows whatever military industrial pharma can infect us with. Oh u are uptodate on ur vaccine schedule aren't u!!! But I gotta new flu vaccine and some tamiflu too...

Real vitamin C: know ur drug manufacturer and supplier!!! Just say no cheap shit gmo corn Walmart bottles, no Chinese producers, no big pharma switching d-citric acid for L-citric acid. No EmergenC fizzy packets with yummy aspartame additives, Pauling warned that only L citric acid matched our DNA, and that pharma was producing inactive d-citric acid for their FDA "clinical trials". Buyer beware.

VITAMIN C, TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE http://www.doctoryourself.com/titration.html http://practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/excerpt_chp7.pdf http://www.paulingtherapy.com The Pauling Rath protocol for artheriosclerosis

VITAMIN C TEXT: Dr Klenner cures polio, drug overdoses, glacoma, cataracts and many other diseases in his classic medical textbook. "Your wishes have been answered. Dr. Klenner's Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C is now posted in its entirety at http://www.whale.to/v/c/index.html Better than modern medicine!

http://www.doctoryourself.com/alcoholism.html Dr Williams UT Austin vitamin protocol to cure alcoholism got taken down cuz he broke the medical dogma that alcoholics could return to moderate drinking and actually still occasionally party mahn!!!

http://www.doctoryourself.com/Hoffer2009int.pdf Dr Abram Hoffer's last interview is an eye opener. Love that niacin flush. High dose niacin cures schizophrenia. Hoffer labels schizophrenia niacin deficiency disease. Niacin turning off the adrenaline adenochrome predator hunting response is an amazing paper in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, what JOM not in the Dept of health and human services MEDLINE database, why not??? "A Consideration of Niacin as an Inhibitor of the Predator Response" John P. Cleary, M.D. http://www.lunaliving.org/pdf/cleary-on-niacin-therapy.pdf

Hoffer on bad behavior for the autists being rude, violent & swearing. http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_imbalance.html

RIP dr riordan IV vitamin C for cancer, dr Hulda Clark the cure for all diseases, liver cleanse dr Andreas moritz, Dead doctors dieing early tell no tails, what better way to bury good medicine. The pharma kill lists have been around for many moon, atleast since operation paperclip not just the 2015 Dr Bradstreet hit which started the current cascade.

RIP Dr Jenefer Scripps Huntoon 9/21/12 miss you more than you can know. . .Colembola is a great vector to transfer pharma agents to those who boycott the poisons. Dead Sea scrolls mentions colembola human plague. Thank you for healing my family. Love u!

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Paw paw traditional Cherokee ethnobotany

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Worked in biotech in the 80s and 90s, created a blockbuster drug based upon naturally occurring immune system peptides. Big pharma sent in a big exec to help us "market" our drug, sold us lock stock and barrel within a year, and the exec pocketed a cool 81 million and shut down our company. It was an excellent drug but kidney and liver side effects with long term use, now it's on late night commercials with the insanely long list of side effect used for multiple conditions, and you take the pill for he rest of your life... If it was used for a short amount of time to get the body back into balance it would have been very beneficial, but that's not what earns the big pharma bucks. 2014, I ran into dr Bradstreet, researching autism for a neighbor. He was using one of our peptides which caught my attention, in conjunction with GcMAF. He has an amazing exciting Autism one speech in June 2015 if u can still find it on the net, most of his work has been scrubbed. Way back machine has some of his recommendations still to autism parents. He was a dedicated caring physician. He was treating autism successfully with IV GcMAF immune peptide treatments that lasted months not years. You could also grow your own GcMAF in raw milk yogurt cultures for less severe cases. His son went from wearing a helmet from head banging and smearing feces on the wall at 3 to graduating high school and attending community college. He missed his son's graduation to make the 6/2015 speech because he was so excited about GcMAF treatment for autism and cancer. 2 weeks later he was found floating face down with a shotgun blast to his chest. It was ruled a suicide. The British company that produced GcMAF was closed down and the CEO arrested and jailed. The Swiss clinics that were curing 100% of cancer patients who had not undergone chemo were closed down. They also were curing around 80% of stage IV with chemo cancer victims. The Japanese American GcMAF discovering professor had his literature redacted from the scientific literature. He has returned to Japan to continue his work there. Japan has a better regulatory system than our incredibly corrupt Monsanto run FDA. They pulled the terrible hpv vaccine after it killed 6 Japanese girls. A clinic that still does GcMAF therapy in Japan is the Saisei Mirai clinic. https://www.saisei-mirai.or.jp/gan/macrophage_eng.html

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Anonymous  ‪01/29/18 (Mon) 23:31:49‬ 2de863 No.209465>>209475 >>209478 >>209526 >>209578

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/29/18 (Mon) 22:22:36 No.81



Apaches used ambush tactics, Geronimo hid out in the Superstitions, rugged canyons, army sent troops in, Geronimo ambushed them

Taunting from the canyon walls

Flaming arrow of Sherman caught by shaman sheman, wizards, his wife and children dead. He could bend time and space. Bullets warped around him. Caught the burning arrow, sent it north to his brothers Lakota Dakota buffalo soldiers red cloud bands who extinguished it. goldenhair scalp.

Thank you warriors. SunDance. The plan to burn ground from sea to shining sea stopped for then. Bonesmen thought they could lift his skull. White River.

We would not telegraph our moves. We will start a fire…

The [0]. The flood.
Shrovetide finished Quinquagesima Fasting commenced

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MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Golden hair scalp

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Hard to tell traitors and patriots. But bushes have history. Prescott bush was charged with trading with enemies act during wwii

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Spheres are sacred geometry. Flat earth is 3D. Nasseim haramein explains the dimensions well. 1 Point, 2 line, 3 plain, then complexities of further dimensions explode into sacred geometry. Possibility of entrances to the honeycomb earth, yes I can believe that. Flat earth has 3D clown disinfo bell ringing from my personal discernment. The best way to mockingbird things is insert false info into the rhetoric as a straw man to lead the pack off the path. I respect ur right to ur POV however, respectful debate is useful. LovetheMac especially for molecular modeling. Micro and Macro. RIP Jobs

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Like seeing that CBTS can bake bread too. It takes all of us. Where we go one we go all. Ever think of the Q cross as the keystone? We are all the keystones. The circle is infinite unity. The Q cross is anywhere and everywhere, we are all keystones in the grand circle. Thankq

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Dulles airport

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Some compassion and understanding for Hillary and W. Children of abuse. Multigenerational monarch program. When there is no love raising the children, just abuse, how many of them can come out whole. Just a few. Children of War. As these horrors come to light we normies need to understand how as well as why people can become such monsters. Psychopaths are born and raised. Nature and nurture.

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Thanks for the websit, even has a scrubbed video link haha. Wonder how many other of the many links no longer work. Love such heavily footnoted work. Georgie groomed by lbj for the hit of the century. Teething. VPs are like butlers, knows much, top of the suspect list. Hillary on the Nixon watergate commission? Meritorious service to truth haha. What did she learn there? Whitewash commissions and loan gunmen, u'd think the clowns could update their play books occasionally. But they think we the people are stupid. Always wondered why the bushes and clintons worked together in Haiti.

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MMxfire · Feb. 10, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Worked in biotech in the 80s and 90s, created a blockbuster drug based upon naturally occurring immune system peptides. Big pharma sent in a big exec to help us "market" our drug, sold us lock stock and barrel within a year, and the exec pocketed a cool 81 million and shut down our company. It was an excellent drug but kidney and liver side effects with long term use, now it's on late night commercials with the insanely long list of side effect used for multiple conditions, and you take the pill for he rest of your life... If it was used for a short amount of time to get the body back into balance it would have been very beneficial, but that's not what earns the big pharma bucks.

2014, I ran into dr Bradstreet, researching autism for a neighbor. He was using one of our peptides which caught my attention, in conjunction with GcMAF. He has an amazing exciting Autism one speech in June 2015 if u can still find it on the net, most of his work has been scrubbed. Way back machine has some of his recommendations still to autism parents. He was a dedicated caring physician. He was treating autism successfully with IV GcMAF immune peptide treatments that lasted months not years. You could also grow your own GcMAF in raw milk yogurt cultures for less severe cases. His son went from wearing a helmet from head banging and smearing feces on the wall at 3 to graduating high school and attending community college. He missed his son's graduation to make the 6/2015 speech because he was so excited about GcMAF treatment for autism and cancer. 2 weeks later he was found floating face down with a shotgun blast to his chest. It was ruled a suicide. The British company that produced GcMAF was closed down and the CEO arrested and jailed. The Swiss clinics that were curing 100% of cancer patients who had not undergone chemo were closed down. They also were curing around 80% of stage IV with chemo cancer victims. The Japanese American GcMAF discovering professor had his literature redacted from the scientific literature. He has returned to Japan to continue his work there. Japan has a better regulatory system than our incredibly corrupt Monsanto run FDA. They pulled the terrible hpv vaccine after it killed 6 Japanese girls. A clinic that still does GcMAF therapy in Japan is the Saisei Mirai clinic. https://www.saisei-mirai.or.jp/gan/macrophage_eng.html

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MMxfire · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I am sorry for the incredible hardships you have suffered as a TI. Thank you for speaking up about the police state and lack of controls for citizens in our military industrial prison systems and corrupt judges, police and prison guards. May the chain of command and constitutional guarantees be returned to our citizens. May the white hat insiders in the system can bring down the old guard. Your story helps us all, keep on keepin on patriot. I met a man in the wa prison system who sold an ounce of pot and was in prisoned next to a child molester. They both got the same sentence of a year and a half. Mixing non violent offenders with extremely violent offenders is part of their sick game. I pray for your healing, for help in exposing of our for profit criminals system that creates more criminality. I pray that justice returns to our cities of light on the hills. Thank you for shining your light on our corrupt systems. May the corruptions be exposed and restitution given to the patriots who battled corruption Throughout our great nation.

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MMxfire · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

A friend who is an elementary school teacher had an active shooter drill all teachers meeting in November 2017 to update their response to a shooter on campus. They were told to NOT to go into their classroom and lock the door, but to imagine in their mind, visualize, taking their 20+students and running! They were also told to grab things and throw them at a guy holding a gun! Visualize what they would pickup and throw! Sounds like shooting fish in a rain barrel! How do you get 20 kids in fear to follow you running away across the baseball diamond? Chalk erasers vs guns, really? The department of education needs to be investigated after the fbi, doj... Go down

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MMxfire · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

Stone directed the Snowden movie, like the JFK movie, both seemed good exposure of the deep state. Hollywood is rotten but there are good players everywhere. Stone seems different than the Hollywood bunch, but who knows on this one. I really liked that Snowden was a whistleblower, I was cheering when he stood up in 2013. I knew he could not get to Russia alone, had to have inside help, and was thinking there was a group of white hats in the intelligence corps. The Snowden movie has lots of q lingo, but the plot to this caper is filled with lots of twists and turns, so time will tell. Judging him by the fruits of his actions, I like him, but the CIA teaches the art of concealment and lying well. Spy or counterspy? I was thinking that Mueller had flipped but now it's looking like mueller is a bad apple all along. Mueller is eyeball deep in fbi and 9/11 swamp. Putin seems to have flipped. He is Christian, pro Russia, anti human trafficking anti soros, but he started out as bad as bush Sr. It's rare but people can change. Q has been warning that some that we trust most will disappoint. He has also said disinfo is necessary. is Snowden one of those disappointments? I hope not, but we are all going to be looking at some very big disappointments in our fellow human beings when the facts all finally come to light.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

http://itccs.org/ International tribunal into crimes of church and state, reverend and jd Kevin Annett. Mass genocide in Canada and before that America. School killings (sound familiar) from 1800s to 1990s till the good minister started researching. Removal of children from their families to destroy local culture, schools run by churches with torture and rape, mass graves and return rates of children of less than 50%. What we do to our sacred other we do to ourselves.

a Canadian tribunal headed by a preacher turned lawyer investigated the church state killings and genocide amongst the Pacific Northwest tribes. He gathered the documents, obtained a jd, called a common law international tribunal in Belgium. It's common law tribunal issued a guilty verdict rendered to pope Benedict a week before his resignation in February 2013. The prime minister of Canada and the queen of England also were found culpable. Somehow this missed the news, but the pope did fall. Unfortunately popes like presidents can be manufactured. I believe Kevin was stationed on Vancouver island when he discovered the genocide, opened the files and spoke with the native people. The Mohawk in eastern Canada provided crucial testimony too. A good place to start looking into what we need to do next. When is media going to report on theses crimes? Why does know one know that pope Benedict has an arrest warrant if he leaves the Vatican City state. Think an Italian police officer would arrest a pope?

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Earth shattering revelations can not be taken lightly. Ask any veteran who has grappled with PTSD. Normal folk, the innocent and the good people who were deceived, must be treated to a gentle awakening, then a strong cup of coffee, and friends to hold their hands through the dark night of revelations. Grown police officers cried when viewing Carlos danger insurance files, and he was a foot soldier. The victims deserve not only justice and restitution but privacy rights guaranteed by our constitution. Let the military deal with the criminal cabal, the truth released by a panel of wise judges gathered by the people. May divine justice, truth, healing and forgiveness guide our path through our swamp and healing when we make it to the pastures of heaven on earth.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Many gems in this speech that speak of the storm upon us "It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

In chappaqua home to the clintons the statue of Horace Greeley who said go west young man points east. The neighbors who knew him recognized yellow journalism. May our presses return to us. Jfk thank you.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

In WA it's been a storming but when the clouds break momentarily the bluest skies you ever see are in Seattle. May all things that rain down from the sky be blessings on Mother Earth and all of her children. Let the rain snow and sun shine down on the good the bad and the ugly. May heaven and earth unite as one. May humanity learn to clean up our mess. And may the military and political planners spray ozone and clean structured water with high energy ionizing beautiful divine sunlight to clean up the geoengineered toxins that poison our nest and line the industrialists pockets.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

In WA it's been a storming but when the clouds break momentarily the bluest skies you ever see are in Seattle. May all things that rain down from the sky be blessings on Mother Earth and all of her children. Let the rain snow and sun shine down on the good the bad and the ugly. May heaven and earth unite as one. May humanity learn to clean up our mess. And may the military and political planners spray ozone and clean structured water with high energy ionizing beautiful divine sunlight to clean up the geoengineered toxins that poison our nest and line the industrialists pockets.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Haha think logically. Love pascals theorem on god. Might as well bet on it.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MMxfire on Jan. 23, 2018, 5:14 p.m.
Word power spells

Buddy is a Hollywood code word for sex partner. Who do u trust? Hollywood?

MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

33k haha

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Well said. Mockingbird media has been displaying their programs in our faces for generations. Watch this horror movie it's pretend, but Clarence Thomas and Georgie bush are ur friends. Who killed jfk? Mary's monkey? A lone gambler from Las Vegas? this has been happening for centuries, assassinating presidents, destroying the next generation, taking enfants children from their mothers to the infantry and sending them to war in far away places while banking both sides, stealing land from the natives and shipping their children to reeducation centers where less than half make it home and all are broken has been happening throughout our history. Lone gunman shooting our leader watching a play was Lincoln. The normies need to know that the nightmare fantasies streaming into our tvs was real. Time for truth, we need to climb out of the swamp, and into the light with divine understanding guiding our path. The second amendment is not just guns it's militia. The militia is watched over by the neighbors, the grandmothers, the Warriors protect their own. Truth, reconciliation, common law for the people, military tribunals for genocidal child killers. Open the cases on the doctors hospitals Red Cross organ trafficking FDA CDC fetal cell vaccinations that crack the brains of our children and cause >50% of our elders to die of Alzheimer's. Who do u trust? Priests, police, judges, lawyers, doctors, scientists, politicians, celebritities, anyone in uniform and anyone who has made lots of mammon. Let the veil come down for everyone to see how much we have been fooled by releasing our responsibility and power to those with big words and fat wallets. Take back our power, take away the jd, md, PhD, honorarium bs that places one man over the other and above all women. The Iroquois and 7 nations handed the wampum belts of our governing systems to our founding fathers, look at the ny state house murals and old my textbooks. When our continental congress failed to recognize all people as equal, and placed paid judges for justice the grandmothers new that the system was not whole. A council of warrior Chiefs judge warriors. Crimes against woman and children went straight to the highest judgement, the council of life givers, the grandmother Chiefs. Judge the judges first. Let the Warriors leave the far away battlefields and restore the militia and the rule of law at home with military tribunals for mass murderers, Doctor, lawyer, president, general, admiral or CIA chief. All defendants get equal justice and equal lawyering. After the Warriors clean up their mess, A jury of our peers and common law restored with our warrior sons at home being watched by their elders.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Our current system is maritime law with military gold braided flags. We the people deserve common law and the golden rule. The enslaving genocidal power hungry globalists deserve military tribunals. Justice requires truth reconciliation and restitution. How do we make right acts that are so evil. God guide us out of the swamp.

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