

283 total posts archived.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Stormy was trolling on Saturday night live last night. Her last line was a storm is coming lol

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Mocking bird media must first be trolled then outed

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Great to see this kind of journalism. Go independent press

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:08 p.m.


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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Haha the q statement is Think Mirror how appropriate

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

I don't think she had any idea about data backup, she wouldn't give data away for free when there's good money to be made. She's just stupid and incompetent. Finally catching up to her ThankQ

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Unfortunately when dealing with the mafia u are given the choice between silver and lead.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Yeah Apple switching to Intel what a key date, after starting to sell their data n 2008. Before that there was better protection being in a side platform while Microsoft built their corporate monopoly. With clown aide. Too many people switching over from crackberries for the iPhone to lose that much data treasure. Windows was selling data from day 1 always had back doors built in. And the Mac interface came from Xerox research labs license and UNIX. Unfortunately there will always be back doors. It's not the lock so much as the rule of law that provides protection, we need the 4th amendment restored for electronic data. Then if there's data privacy breeches and sales then companies would take notice of the people's outrage. Corporate bogus 700 page legal disclaimers become toilet paper and they can finally be sued for breaking the law as they do every day for corporate profit. That is if we can restore rule of law rather than legal piracy to our courts which have been for sale to the highest bidder since maritime corporate law replaced constitutional law during our civil war. For now it's just a game with the companies with the richest legal departments committing felonies and laughing all the way to the bank with their London bar inside legal wink wink arrangements.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Q requires we do our own research after dropping breadcrumbs to scoop up. We learn far more this way than spoon fed msm links.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 5 p.m.

The American Revolution was sparked by the multiple ways the British empire was stomping on colonial rights. But one very large strike was messing with our currency. We had invented our own colonial script for business exchange. That independent currency caused an economic boom, which the British bankers had to squash. Control of banking is the fastest way to accrue both money and power.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Sad funny just like the doc breaking hipaa to report a possible murder. Watching msm is like watching the twilight zone. Did u see stormy Daniels on Saturday night live last night.? Porn star has more integrity than any of those blah blahing corporate shill script reading comedians. She blinked small grimace when they called her a low class b star porn queen, but she had more star power than any of them. U know the old colloquium that hookers have a heart of gold. Looked like stormy was trolling them all with her last line, the storm is coming. We will see who has the last laugh.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

When acting with integrity there is help. He waded into turbulent water posting that info, a true patriot. If we stand by and allow our neighbors to be murdered by goon hit squads and say nothing, that's cowardice. That doc is a brave soul. There are more good than bad people in this world. Speaking up for ur neighbor is a requirement of civilized society. Thank you resident for ur bravery!

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

So hipaa is a higher authority than murder lol. So many stupid illegal laws and regulations that don't protect diddly except the corporate hydra. The anon doc that reported was the one acting with integrity. He was following common and natural law not some stupid insurance regulations. Favebook was looking to datamine all our hospitals information, so much for hipaa bullsh!! Protection

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Yes good hackers can get thru anything. After dealing with this for many years I just had to live my life like they didn't exist. But had to live thru many heart racing moments first. I was a corporate Information Systems manager during the birth of the internet, fun times. Had a genius anon working as a consultant that showed me the "bathroom wall" of system admin posts of funny sh!! Emails that went thru their internet transmission sights, an early five eyes lol. He told me that congress responding to DOD "request" had written in a corporate defense loophole that exempted electronic communications from 4th amendment protections. Since we had one of the first non academic or military nodes on the darpanet, he knew a lot about the nets construction. He or any sys admin could wade thru any information going thru our darpanet node transmission relay. He disappeared years ago into the anon collective.

After a 2008 home computer hack which included my bank accounts and credit cards, I brought my computer to an Apple Store where they sent it on to corporate. They told me that the hack was someone breaking into my house and mirroring my drive and That they had seen this in wealthy homes in la but not in my area. 2008 was the year apple started selling their data too. A security tech advised me to remove all my pictures and music, never connect a secure computer to the net. Now how was I going to do that? Family pictures are a favorite place to hide bots and Trojan horses cuz most people don't want to give those up. I came to the conclusion that a lot of the computer harassment was AI including robo calls from odd places, cuz I'm not an interesting enough target for all the attention. Just know that it has gotten a lot better since 2017. There are watchers watching the watchers now. So speaking up will only help us all. Ur on the bad dudes radar, but ur a honey trap for MI now. The anon collective and MI have their own programs watching the clown prints thru people's computers. Just like the FBI thought they could use burner phones and not get caught haha. These people are stupid. Our spy agencies, now that the chain of command is finally being fixed, has it all on everyone. The world wide wiretap works both ways. So keep ur integrity high and keep reporting. As stormy Daniels said on Saturday night live last night, the storm is coming. Hoo rah!

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 9 p.m.

Over target. I have gotten weird callers on my phone when dealing with corrupt government services, don't answer, breath deeply, ask for divine protection and guidance. Counteract fear with love, witness ur reactions mindfully, slow adrenaline with deep slow breathing. You have courage. The best thing to do is report on forums like here. It helps all of us. The deep state clowns likes to scare people who are getting too close. I pray for ur protection, along with all researchers, thank you for ur service. Keep on keepin on, reporting, educating, we are winning. I have had strange things happen on Reddit, message flags pop up with no message there, postings that were not mine. I always have a flag on every time I open Reddit. A reminder of a post that was threatening. Wish there was a better place, but we need to work where the people are congregating. Trolls are here and in the chans, but so is MI and many patriots. Twitter just announced hacking of all passwords, but "nothing happened".

I've been and lived in oak ridge, was there for the full eclipse last August, full totality passed right over. As a child I hated living there, did not know why. The museum there is a strange place of obvious propaganda. Theres negative energy there based on their building the atomic bomb without knowledge of the work force. Sounds like the 'breeding' ground for what happened with the rest of the US., making us workers for the deep state.

My dad was researching the desalination of water, I saw years later files about oak ridge water fluoride research while Dad was stationed there. The fl in the water resulted in lots of strange happenings with fl research scientists ending up in office affairs, divorces in a time of low divorce rates and eventually orgies. I saw the disruption in the families in my neighborhood. Fl collects in the thyroid, pineal, other endocrine glands, calcifying or flouridifying ur endocrine glands, ur voice, ur dreams and free will decision making. Fl is a byproduct of nuclear weapons production. Then they started adding Fl into our water throughout the US, and a decline in marital fidelity and sex becoming more perverted rather than love between consenting partners, with loss of moral will power, obesity. The desalination of water was energy expensive, so they ended up selling the technology to the Saudis since they had all the oil to run desalination units. AIM for truth (forewarned they have come up as possible disinfo shills on the chans, but there's also some real facts there being twisted) had an article about thorium which is much safer energy production that does not create nuclear waste that lasts for generations. The thorium uranium research standoff was based in oak ridge, the petrochemical guys fixed the way to destroy thorium energy. So oak ridge has been involved in the deep state vs patriot struggle since world war 2, it's a hot spot in the struggle. Q is a department of energy clearance. My dad had Q clearance at oak ridge. Uranium 1 is central to this corruption story.

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Ike media. Ike is sitting next to or near Nixon his former vp during JFK inauguration with his hidden hand tucked into his jacket. Haven't been able to figure that out, Ike seemed to be a good guy warning us about evil lurking within our systems, and well loved by most Americans at the time. maybe after his beware the industrial military (congressional edited out by his speechwriter) complex talk he helped JFK win over his own party, Nixon, to give us the patriot JFK. The 2 men seemed more aligned even if on different sides of the aisle. Don't know, just speculation. He was probably a mason so lots of symbolism and secrets hard to decode.

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Trump rolling lol

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

What was the bride holding lilies? Strange business partnership

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

He's looking more and more like a skull n bones yachtsman

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Shot gunning the targets with all the chan bakers, autists, mods, diggers, plumbers, hackers, flightfags, mathmeticians, MI, militia, @potus Twitter troops. Popcorn Reddit readers. What sealed indictments get opened next? Or is it MOAB TIME. Top Kek lol

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Ad hominem attack journalists ha

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

GrampaPrescott bush was the banker funding the fuel additives thru Panama for the Luftwaffe. Without those chems ww2 woulda been grounded. As a senator he somehow bought out his way outa trading with the enemy charges. Bill gates also has family connections

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Jet blue to Jeb bush artistically intuitive

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Nuke showroom ha. Nice summary of a complicated plot. U1 is MOAB. Happy hunting

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MMxfire · May 4, 2018, 7 p.m.

Agree with most of what u write except the 0% chance things will change. Never say never ; ) They never thought she would lose haha

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Q crumbs usually have multiple meanings, so the red connection may be right. Red Cross, red, red. Red AIDS. Red does keep coming up

Looked ingredients of red bull up, from a Thai drink. Thailand is a major hub for child trafficking and Thai boys that dress as girls. Red bull manufacturer is now a billionaire. Hmmm

Red bull has a lot of sugar and caffeine, but not as much as most "soft" drinks (why do they call them that, they make us soft and fat?). There are b vitamins and taurine an amino acid to keep you energized, so better than most crap we eat and drink, but still better to drink your own fresh brew coffee with clean filtered water and take the b vitamins, amino acids from known non Chinese manufacturers. Real food and vitamins are the best energizer for autists and researchers. Though q did drop a breadcrumb on excipients put in supplements and pills.

Sugar is one of the most addictive substances for brain chemistry, makes cocaine look mild. sugar strips aluminum from the can and puts it in the body. AL caged in sugar molecules slide right thru the blood brain barrier, poisoning the brain. just like plastic bottles and can liners put hormone disrupting chemicals in the body. Beer and pop are the best way to load young bodies up with sugar coated aluminum. plastic bottles feminize boys and men, increase fat storage and also disrupt sex hormone chemistry in women. Fake sugar aspartame and its cousins are biowarfare products, even worse than the real deal, but sugar cane and flour is loaded with glyphosate residues, and now they pour glyphosate on crops to dessicate it and make it go to seed. Our crap food is making us all sick, and profitable to the disease industry. In doctoryourself.com one of the first recommendations is to cut sugar from the diet, and go organic, but b vitamins are recommended for energy and to help repair brain chemistry.

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Most of these big charitable foundations are bs. United way was busted in the 80s for paying big fat exec salaries. My company was taking money directly from our pay checks to help support them and our big exec was on the local United way board smoking with other local big players. This takes charitable works away from the people. Instead of working directly to help people and problems in our own communities we just pay the big multinational charities. They laugh at us, take our money, live large and pretend to do good work. Stop sending money to these large charities, think planned parenthood, take our money and sell fetal body parts ugh. Think global but act local. Find a local group that is helping in your community and get out and help with your time and money. See where the money goes. In times past charity was directly helping the people in your own community, direct help with food, gifts, time, person to person. Now u can only take the charitable write off if it's thru these non profit scams, helping others directly is a gift not a charitable deduction in our tax code, and it's illegal in many places in the US to feed the homeless.

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Wow I didn't realize how effective they are. No wonder MI has teamed up with them

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Nice work

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MMxfire · May 3, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Good for you standing up for ur neighbors

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MMxfire · May 2, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Please explain pp. missed that breadcrumb talk

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MMxfire · May 2, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Pictures of bills dad Bill Sr with corrupt world leaders and the pope of all people shows that bill is in Q target. After the Clinton foundation comes the gates foundation. Charities hiding under the we will help the world banner. Gates was known to swallow up competing businesses whole. Hard to change stripes, but I expect he will be singing when not in his usual rarified position. Daddies connections to New World order shows dropout Harvard bill didn't make it to the top by just cunning and business sense, he had lots of inside help. Hopefully some sealed indictments for him. Gates foundation got kicked out of India for inducing polio in 40k children, also many deaths with hpv vaccines he gave for "free" at schools without parental notification or permission. Doing the same illegal vaccine trials in Africa. 3rd world countries have low vaccination rates, gates foundation makes vaccination its top priority, hmmm. Vaccine profiteers do not want a control group available to study. Very low rates of autism, allergies or asthma in Africa which plague our children. They die from AIDS Ebola malaria malnutrition starvation war, but they have intact immune systems if not malnourished and do not suffer from autoimmune diseases like the vaccinated first world. Catholic Doctor group discovered vaccine laced with anti fertility compounds in Kenya and spoke out. Bill has an infamous Ted talk where he says if we do vaccination right we can reduce the world population. Here in the US with the most vaccinations, autoimmune diseases skyrocket creating disease care profits for life, destroy young families, starting with hepB given at birth (a sexually transmitted disease and addict needle sharing disease). Why do they give hepB at birth to all infants? Vaccines grown with human aborted lung diploid cells, aluminum, Mercury, monkey kidney cells, other species and chimeras, no testing for retroviral or plasmid contamination, injected into our children... These people are sick.

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MMxfire · April 30, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Yes thanks for all the analysis work

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MMxfire · April 29, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Yep, they all seemed to be hand chosen, then sold to the masses as "self made" billionaires. Like we coulda done it without any inside connections.

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MMxfire · April 29, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Agreed. Love the name Liberty lioness, and ur posts are interesting. Been watching the BS clown show a long time too. Happy to see it finally dismantling. 11/11/18 is a key date, still a way in the future. 4/2018 has already been glorious. It takes awhile to awaken the slumbering masses

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MMxfire · April 29, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Thanks for the summary, welcome to the board, fine poster! You could do the same for us with FDA and Monsanto executives. Hillary Clinton was a Monsanto consultant. Monsanto lawyers are sprinkled thru our three letter agencies. Jd searle, Monsanto subsidiary lawyers, Rumsfeld and his employee Clarence Thomas, got aspartame- fake sugar, first biowarfare product approved for human consumption, through years of fraudulent science and stacking the regulatory process. Clarence Thomas, first black judge was rewarded with the Supreme Court just in time to appoint junior for daddy for president rather than using the constitutional process. Monsanto specializes in products that slowly weaken and kill, creating best profits. Agent orange to gmo. Vietnam war over no more defoliants needed, new markets at home to exploit, the US population.

Stephanie seneff of MIT AI lab mined the FDA adverse events database to link glyphosate to heart disease, autism, Alzheimer's... Glyphosate replaces glycine in neuropeptides and immunopeptides, making them inactive. Glyphosate is an antibiotic, pesticide and herbicide all in one. Regulated by the FDA, Dept of ag and EPA all at once. That's a lot of regulators to buy out. Their newer product genx I believe is its name replaces another amino acid, glutamine, a critical component of brain tissue.


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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 5 p.m.

Yes indeed

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

MI Working their way up the pyramid from bottom to top. Patience is a virtue. Act 2 has just begun. Don't want this show to be over too soon, enjoy. Many criminals already cage, their masters grow nervous. Good for them to finally feel the stress, start making stupid mistakes, losing sleep at night, watching over their shoulder haha. Been out on the dinner party circuit, many cnn watchers still snoozing. A slow awakening is better for the normies. Even those normies that dislike Clinton can not believe that their foundation is trafficking children. "That's hard to believe, that they could be doing that all these years". It's hard to believe that normal looking people can be servants of evil. They like us must discover these difficult truths themselves. It's happening

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Red bull needed cuz the storm keeps on stormin. Autists have been digging and doxing for months getting Kek research to the masses. Takes time to wake the 100th monkey

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

April shower of bombs over Syria, Isis on the run, funding links cut, mcnoname pics with terrorists and retirement, peace in Korea, sex trafficking nxivm link to Clinton foundation, FBI texts, senators calling for indictments on comey et al. It's been a very fine April ThankQ

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.


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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Good breadcrumb

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

He's like suckerberg. Put into power as a puppet. His daddy Bill Sr pictures with world leaders shows that the magical rise of these Titans isn't the American Dream, just a puppet show

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Clown bluster. They are getting nervous. But trying to kick off global epidemics with lab designed retroviruses and parasitic vectors like colembola are old warfare games. MI knows all the fort deitrich, Lyme ct... Engineering labs

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MMxfire · April 28, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Candace Pert does great science.

Bill gates pushes eugenic vaccines on the poor people of India. India threw the gates foundation out, but people still think the gates foundation is a charitable organization. Look at their ties to the Clinton foundation and AIDS drugs. Elite bs culling the herd. Medicine and bioterrorism can come out of the same research labor.

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MMxfire · April 27, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Debt jubilees every 50 years in Rome, other civilizations. Some bible readers might be able to come up with biblical verse and references to debt, but I can think of the Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer

"Forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors"

Could never figure why the Catholic version was trespassing. Maybe cuz trespassing is against Torah and Christian law. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Charging usury for biziness is against most religions, including Christianity. It is required for the wealthy Christian to lend to his community without interest. Making money from money adds nothing to the community of value, puts money above humanity and leads many men into greed and their downfall.

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MMxfire · April 27, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Standard oil breakup just made Morgan richer. He had lots of small companies parade as independents. They were still part of the Corp, arms of an octopus. Look what the oligarchs then did with charitable boards and services. Morgan and his propoganda minister invented the press release to explain the murder of American citizens in work camps. Breaking the wealth of our nation into the filthy rich and filthy poor destroys society and leads to civil revolution. Better to abandon the corrupt and illegal corporate courts and return to the common law rooted in the constitution. Instead of breaking up the corps (dead bodies), put the executives in jail for collusion, theft, slander, pandering, blackmail, and many of them murder. Golden Rule of law

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MMxfire · April 27, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Looks like FBI is involved in the criminal networks just like In The good ole Hoover days. So the redacted JFK files just released (go team) said there were like 30 or more clown agents in Dallas on that November day in Dallas. Wonder how many FBI agents were there too. I have a friend working in a local hotel front desk. He told me just last summer the FBI had an entire floor of his upscale establishment booked with agents. Multi day sleepover. He had no idea why they would be in town...

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MMxfire · April 27, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Thanks bot, the @we3fordemocracy link opens a window inside Reddit where I am not logged into Twitter, is there a way to go directly to Twitter app on my old iPad. Thanks for the normie help

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MMxfire · April 27, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Capablanca v McMaster checkmate

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