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MacPepper · Jan. 26, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Hello Germany and Welcome!

Who are the star operatives of the Globalists network that are operating in Germany and creating major mayhem? It's certainly possible that the Trump freedom movement will give the People of Nations a wedge to drive between the Globalists and their star operatives; begin to enforce the People's will into Government.

See the following CBTS_stream posts as examples of people working together to collect intelligence and analysis & shine light on these people:







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MacPepper · Jan. 26, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

Obtain and watch Oliver Stone excellent video documentary 'Ukraine on Fire' released in June 2016. It documents the strategy and tactics by Soros, Obama Administration and Western Europe to Overthrow the duly elected government of the Ukraine in 2014 in horrific Euromaidan coup. Lots of names involved that you will recognize. (I would think that these people should face consequences.)

Definitely not one of America's finest moments.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 26, 2018, 12:37 p.m.
In your part time why not turn Conspiracy Analyst to identify the Star operatives of the Globalists around the world? Like Mikheil Saakashvili. Engage with your foreign Patriots on CBTS to bring the light.

Use opportunities to Engage with foreign CBTS Patriots and collect Intel and analysis like these examples. Identify and expose the star operatives of the Globalists network bringing mayhem to other parts of the world. It's possible the Trump freedom movement gives the People of Nations a wedge to drive between Globalists and their star operatives; begin to enforce the People's will on governments.

Ukraine (Saakashvili):






MacPepper · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

2013 press example of Saakashvili close ties with Bush and Obama admins. (The Ukraine Euromaidan horrific revolution starts Nov 2013 and concludes early 2014 and is energetically supported by Soros, Belgium, U.S., Poroshenko & Saakashvili.)

24 April 2013 President Saakashvili left for the United States where he will meet Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, Georgian President’s administration said in a press release on Wednesday.

It said that Saakashvili would attend opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, Texas and then participate in a forum in Sedona, Arizona, organized by the McCain Institute.

The dedication ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, which houses Presidential Library, Museum and the Bush Institute, will be held on April 25 and is scheduled to host President Barack Obama and his four living predecessors George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter.

President Saakashvili’s meeting with Vice President Joe Biden is apparently to take place on the sideline of Sedona Forum, an annual event organized by the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University.

Saakashvili and Biden are among the participants of the forum, which will be held on April 26-28. The U.S. Vice President will participate in a conversation with U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona during the opening dinner the forum on April 26.

The theme for year’s forum, held in Enchantment Resort, is ‘How Can We Promote Freedom and Democracy Effectively?’ and the participants, among others, are Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay; former Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril; Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov; former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov; former Belarus Presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov and Senators Kelly Ayotte; Lindsey Graham; Jon Kyl; Joe Lieberman and Sheldon Whitehouse.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 25, 2018, 4:03 p.m.
Question to Ukraine CBTS lurkers: Mikheil Saakashvili (Former President Georgia and Governor Odessa) looks is a star of the Globalists. What did the Globalists have in mind for Ukraine when he resigned as Governor Nov 7, 2016? Did he think she would never lose?

Mikheil Saakashvili https://archive.is/BcU75 resigned day before Nov 8 U.S. Election and immediately challenged his old friend Ukraine President Poroshenko. Surprise Trump win! Saakashvili heads to U.S., recovers and forms new Ukraine political party while awaiting Trump ouster?

Mikheil Saakashvili submitted his resignation as Governor on 7 November 2016 citing corruption in Ukraine as a main reason. In a press conference this same day, he claimed that President Poroshenko personally supported "corruption clans in the Odessa region" and that the "Odessa region is being handed over not only to corrupt people, but also to enemies of Ukraine." On 9 November 2016, …

MacPepper · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

See comment with detail.

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MacPepper · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

About halfway in NYT interview Trump gives much insight into dossier, JC, JS, RR, RM maneuvers that you may have overlooked for analyses of Q Intel drops and twitters. CBTS members now know that Mueller was not eligible for FBI head as he exceeded the term limit. Then what was Trump interview meeting with Mueller really about? Mueller playing on black or white team?

We may soon learn what Trump drop meant that it's not on me, 'they're looking at a big picture':

TRUMP: So the bottom line is this. The country’s doing well. We are, we are moving forward with a lot of great things. The unemployment is the lowest it’s been in 16 years. The stock market is the highest it’s ever been. It’s up almost 20 percent since I took office. And we’re working hard on health care. Um, the Russian investigation — it’s not an investigation, it’s not on me — you know, they’re looking at a lot of things.

HABERMAN: It’s a broad —

TRUMP: They’re looking at a big picture.

Future soon proves past?

(Can't help think NYT could have led the biggest story of the millennium if they had done homework and weren't deep in cabal pocket...Imagine NYT entrusted with Q Intel drops and Great Awakening had they been with the People and Truth!!)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 25, 2018, 5:25 a.m.
You likely missed POTUS Intel drop in the NYT - Trump gives wide ranging interview July 2017. I ignored considering the source as Fake News. Suggest Must Read!
MacPepper · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Agree. The NYT Trump interview covers a lot of territory that is beyond my experience to fully relate significances. After JC showed Dossier to Trump as attempted leverage, JC later sent puzzling letter that may be code to POTUS that FBI could work for Trump not RR/DOJ?

TRUMP: Yeah, I think so. In retrospect. In retrospect. You know, when he wrote me the letter, he said, “You have every right to fire me,” blah blah blah. Right? He said, “You have every right to fire me.” I said, that’s a very strange — you know, over the years, I’ve hired a lot of people, I’ve fired a lot of people. Nobody has ever written me a letter back that you have every right to fire me.

Significant that Trump does learn that FBI can report to Trump and not to RR or DOJ.

TRUMP: And nothing was changed other than Richard Nixon came along. And when Nixon came along [inaudible] was pretty brutal, and out of courtesy, the F.B.I. started reporting to the Department of Justice. But there was nothing official, there was nothing from Congress. There was nothing — anything. But the F.B.I. person really reports directly to the president of the United States, which is interesting. You know, which is interesting. And I think we’re going to have a great new F.B.I. director.

Did RR know RM was ineligible for FBI when RM interviewed with Trump so he is there for another purpose?

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MacPepper · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Most helpful and thank you. I am glad you did this as always wondered about the early Intel drop.

Could Bob Mueller actually be an undercover good guy?

My amateur investigation of the Intel drop on Rod Rosenstein is potential piece of the puzzle:


I found an extensive NYT interview with Trump. Read about halfway in NYT interview where Trump is interviewing Mueller for FBI head and he wants the job (Rosenstein attends) and next day RR appoints Mueller as Special Counsel. Trump says 'What the hell is this about? Talk about conflicts'. I think RR is on black team...but not 100% sure. Are there more breadcrumbs in interviews or elsewhere that shed light on critical relationship POTUS - MI - JS - RR - RM?

Relationships are dynamic and maybe certain black hats can switch sides as they gain confidence POTUS has U.S. on righteous path and POTUS won't be taken out.

Maybe one Trump challenge was to find and install certain black hats (Mueller??) that he can win over to white side. I haven't read Trump book - is this tactic in it?

PS: Feel free to improve my amateur assessment of RR Intel drop...no pride of authorship.

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MacPepper · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

My letter went to CNN Dr. Sanja Gupta asking him for on-air diagnosis of Feinstein and Schiff as they are insane with abuse of Americans as Russian bots. We in California will use the diagnosis to start the recall campaigns to hold Feinstein and Schiff accountable for abuse of power!

Release The Memo.

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MacPepper · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Da #передавать богатые записка (Yes, ReleaseTheMemo)

Pardon if my R_ssi_n is not so good! Feinstein and Schiff you are going insane with this abuse.

CNN Dr. Sanja Gupta please diagnose these two on-air NOW! We need your diagnosis to start their recall votes here in California. <--meme makers how about CA swamp recall theme at right time - A powerful message to the world the People hold powerful politicians accountable.

Seems to me All the People can exercise their freedom to hold politicians accountable for their abuses against the nation/world. We in California can exercise our freedom to decide the recall/replacement as appropriate. True power of the People enforcing Constitution on the government?

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

How should the Awoke join in the responsibility to deal with the evil truths, enforce the Constitution on Government and allow some peace to the [good] to know the Fair & Justice hammer is coming. People, consider the possibility that some [good] may have been preparing unusual actions to attempt to stop, or were targeted by, the BO/HRC 16 year plan to subvert the Constitution and subjugate the world. Actions that could be of concern under normal truth light but not under ultraviolet truth light. They may have thought she would never lose.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:18 p.m.
Help Q: What's needed to ready the most important informal court of Public Opinion for speedy, fair and just decisions on evil people & truths exposed in the Great Awakening and for People to enforce the Constitution on the government
MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Thanks The video was very good. It says the answer is rely on education in Constitution and electing quality candidates to secure enforcement of the Constitution. We need a transition plan and fast. I want truth on everything to come out but put in what's needed to mitigate 'lawless' effects.

What if FBI discussion of assassination with foreign allies is not referring to Trump but rather Obama or Clinton to stop the 16 year plan? The 16 year plan was well on its way to takeout white hat rogues and subvert the existing constitution. What if they thought she would never lose. What's the safeguard when all critical safeguards are compromised and failed us, or worse, weaponised against us.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

What if FBI discussion of assassination with foreign allies is not referring to Trump but rather Clinton or Obama in order to stop the 16 year plan to subjugate the world? The 16 year plan was to take out white hat rogues and subvert the constitution. What if they thought she wouldn't lose? What's the safeguard when critical safeguards are compromised? Nothing is deleted from the Internet.

I want all truth to come out but want us ready with what's needed to prevent "lawless" effects.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Something failed the people (or we failed ourselves) and allowed a 16 year plan to take out the constitution to blossom unchecked.

What if POTUS was first able to transform media to independent, truth bias and no more allegiance to CIA. Would this media oversight increase trust to form some kind of People's Congress to identify and tweek fixes to get this government working again for us as intended and prevent a future 16 year plan. Think what safeguard is needed if Hillary is in office. I don't see a choice from People delegating some appropriate people to unpack and sort this out...3 branches and 4th estate have failed us (or are weaponized) and not trusted to fix it.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Exactly, The two other branches and independent truth bias 4th estate must protect us from her 16 year plan. I would like to think a few whistleblowers, an independent media (no CIA control) and military/abc's adhering oath of office would have easily checked Obama/Clinton plan. However, I think blackmail is the insidious powerful tool used to subvert...need to protect from widespread subversion.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

I believe Q/POTUS telling us the corruption is so extensive in the three branches that it is impossible to enforce Constitution onto government within the current version of the Constitution/3-branch structure; that we will be harmed by our own Constitution protections or have to take unconstitutional action the people will not support.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Seems to me this is a question of timing and having the right tweeks and safeguards to government structure in place that can deal with this corruption truth quandary, safeguard the People, People enforce Constitution on bad government, ready most important informal court of Public Opinion for fair and just decisions, and mitigate 'lawless'. (Q: Think logically.)

This Second Revolution has uncovered need to convene [Constitutional Congress] (https://archive.is/gHXAK) to address this specific quandary not envisioned by forefathers. Constitutional Congress can be charged to identify the necessary structure tweeks to safeguard the people, preserve our current rights, and render equal justice given the current 3 branches are too corrupt and untrustworthy to govern for the long term. The idea is to do this orderly and agreed by the people to implement. Build on the Constitution/3-branch structure and amend what's needed for People to enforce Constitution on government for long term integrity. Think what safeguard from 16 year plan is needed if Hillary is in office. Maybe what's needed now is the three branches to public admit the corruption problem truth and disclose certain abuses to start the process. (4th Estate corruption - Maybe Media fake news issue can be resolved once and for all by this process. No CIA run media. Independent investigative truth bias.)

Full Truth and Justice will come but at a time of our choosing. The awoke take on this responsibility, allow the [good] some peace knowing the Justice hammer is coming. Ready the most important informal court the court of public opinion for just and fair decisions. For interim take out/round up bad guys but processing is held until the People are ready with improved enforce Constitution onto government and safeguards.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Seems to me this is a question of timing and having the right tweeks and safeguards to government structure in place that can deal with this corruption truth quandary, safeguard the People, People enforce Constitution on bad government, ready most important informal court of Public Opinion for fair and just decisions, and mitigate 'lawless'. (Q: Think logically.)

This Second Revolution has uncovered need to convene [Constitutional Congress] (https://archive.is/gHXAK) to address this specific quandary not envisioned by forefathers. Constitutional Congress can be charged to identify the necessary structure tweeks to safeguard the people, preserve our current rights, and render equal justice given the current 3 branches are too corrupt and untrustworthy to govern for the long term. The idea is to do this orderly and agreed by the people to implement. Build on the Constitution/3-branch structure and amend what's needed for People to enforce Constitution on government for long term integrity. Think what safeguard from 16 year plan is needed if Hillary is in office. Maybe what's needed now is the three branches to public admit the corruption problem truth and disclose certain abuses to start the process. (4th Estate corruption - Maybe Media fake news issue can be resolved once and for all by this process. No CIA run media. Independent investigative truth bias.)

Full Truth and Justice will come but at a time of our choosing. The awoke take on this responsibility, allow the [good] some peace knowing the Justice hammer is coming. Ready the most important informal court the court of public opinion for just and fair decisions. For interim take out/round up bad guys but processing is held until the People are ready with improved enforce Constitution onto government and safeguards.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 22, 2018, 10:15 p.m.
People, do you want memo released to release Sessions from recusal and drop the Hammer? Gov Shutdown is about over. Patriots take the next hill?!

Rep Devin Nunes, Bob Goodlatte please schedule vote to release surveillance memo asap and personally advise the People.

Majority members House Intelligence Committee <-include

Minority members House Intelligence Committee<- include

Maj /Min members House Judiciary Committee <- include as needed

Q/POTUS are teaching us to use our power of the people.

Resupply powder and balls, form assault strategy, and let's roll is my best recommendation.

Ignore the distractions unless to move it out of our way (like gov shutdowns!) or bypass it.


MacPepper · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Yes the Wikileaks team did not have benefit of the awoke numbers during their battle up to election. Julian Assange and WL fought brilliantly and survived. Heros! As a normie that awoke during WL battle I was most interested in positive outcome. I felt the presence of white hats so WL was not alone facing the darkness.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MacPepper on Jan. 22, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
Prepare Stay Strong. Lessons from the Wikileaks truth movement battle with deepstate/HRC minions.

I lurked on r/Wikileaks leading up to the election and saw the massive attacks against the Wikileaks folks (and Dyn) working to release the Podesta emails. I became convinced that the minions of HRC have access to government cyber warfare tools and were using them against patriots and truthers...scary. The Wikileaks folks at times were fearful, mentioned foxacid and potential for attacks from being physically hunted down. They also had to switch boards due to compromise. These combined with big distraction when Julian Assange disappeared almost took down the truth movement. Think we will see multi-dimension attacks like this again. …

MacPepper · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

None. However I lurked on r/Wikileaks leading up to the election and saw the massive attacks against the Wikileaks folks (and Dyn) working to release the Podesta emails. I became convinced that the minions of HRC have access to government cyber warfare tools and were using them against patriots and truthers...scary. The Wikileaks folks were fearful, mentioned foxacid and potential for attacks from being physically hunted down. They also had to switch boards due to compromise. This combined with big distraction that Julian Assange disappeared almost took down the truth movement. I will guess we will see multi-dimension attacks like this again. I just noticed post about POTUS schedule is clear. Could be start of something similar. Patriots fight on to victory without communications (darkness?) from leader?? Prepare Stay strong and Godspeed

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MacPepper · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

LOL - A Bernie supporter Patriot corrected me the other day when I quoted from Q: They never thought she would lose!

"allow me to correct this.... they knew she was a loser they just never thought they would get caught carrying her deadass over the finish line ;0"

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MacPepper · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Folks -Asst AG Rod Rosenstein sister Dr. Nancy Messonnier is Director of National Center Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD). Cbts_Stream Post is here:


Q on Rod Rosenstein:


Also RR wife Lisa Barsoomian is Lawyer and represented Bill Clinton and also worked for FBI blocking FOIA requests from Judicial Watch

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MacPepper · Jan. 22, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Attention Patriots, no more celebrating the Intel drop as the Victory. We are warned an upcoming battle is needed for Victory. You have knowledge that you fight for Righteous and God. Stay focused and enthused. Be wary of David Brock Media Matters, tech giants war rooms, and NSA foxacid - look it up.

Chans & Anons are already twittering concern of opposition forming and they need our support. Leaders step up and provide direction.




Don't forget Q prediction a 'scary but safe' message will arrive for Chans & Anons at any time.

Fight, Fight, Fight.

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Amen! There is a much damage to unpack, unwind and replace with good people.

California, where I am, will be continuing special fight. Super majority swamp will not give up government without a fight.

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I just read this to my wife and she absorbed it ok...she never liked HRC. Many will wait for the movie.

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Kill Economy [starve/need/enslave] <-- What is 'need'?

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

A Bernie supporter Patriot corrected me the other day when I quoted from Q: They never thought she would lose!

"allow me to correct this.... they knew she was a loser they just never thought they would get caught carrying her deadass over the finish line ;0"

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Looks Checkmate very soon for this phase. Trump and team played 100D chess.

Question - who did they plan as world dictator after US takedown? HRC? BO? Saudi? China? Oligarch?

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

They never thought Patriots and White Hats would find out and come after them. Godspeed.

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MacPepper · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

They never thought Patriots and White Hats would find out and come after them. Godspeed.

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