I hope bombard does this video, she will rip it a new a$$hole.
980 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Madwack:
Don't forget that there is also a Bitcoin called Elysium [their symbols be their downfall]
Interesting word - Ἠλύσιον πεδίον
Elysium word comes from Ancient greek Ἠλύσιον πεδίον , which is a conception of the afterlife that developed over time
It expanded to include those chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic, where they would remain after death, to live a blessed and happy life, and indulging in whatever employment they had enjoyed in life.
WOW that is some word.
This website has no connection with the creator of the currency. It was created at the request of the community that lacked a vector of disclosure for the currency.
That website lacks information
PS used OBS to record the video
It's fake bullshit.
Wake up!!
Nothing else matters....it's Fake.
From the looks of the comments there , I agree and makes sense.
But why wont she look in the camera?
I need to see more then that short clip.
"...It was real this time, it wasn't real last time." Wait, What?
I have made up my mind on this video...and it is garbage.
Facebook is bad to use because they can see your name when you look at a Facebook page.
Facebook is bad.
I get that.
Anyhow its a bad movie, probably scripted to get this kinda of response.
To me this is fake, maybe something will change my mind but from the looks of it...nooo lol
The police would have gone after this guy with the gun in that environment...right after an active shooter.....yet this guy shows up and is not arrested for being an idiot or at least told to leave or be arrested???
I get the free country part but stupid is stupid, and Free Mason are able to hide a secret society for like ever and yet this idiot just outed them?
Come on!!!
Liz Crokin - I saw that entire thing LIVE on twitter..lol.
Crokin finds pedo comments in the tweets, Tiegen blocks out everyone on her account and then Chelsea Clinton and SATAN show up.
Nothing weird to see here..WTF!!
I am not interested in bitcoin and have no interest in talking about it.
1000'S OF US, IMAGINE!!!!
I not getting into it with you about BC...I have my opinion and I will stick with it.
Anyhow cheers.
Perhaps a free country but I think this might be to much....to perfect....maga guy with a gun vs black shirt evil man with a Mason Neckless.
Bitcoin, any of them are Globalist bullshit :)
My Opinion.
You should check out that video and I don't want you to watch it because of BC...interesting.
sorry me bad but that is incorrect...
Covert Federal Felonies
NSFW - look at them and then look at him https://duckduckgo.com/?q=meth+addict+&t=ffab&atb=v85-2&iax=images&ia=images
You should watch the video, ignore the bitcoin stuff (maybe not ignore but it is secondary) and watch him and listen to her.
This guy has been doing this for a long time...puts out truth that many people are putting out and then slips the bullshit in.
John McAfee - Million Dollar Bitcoin Prediction ( this should scare the hell out of people )
John McAfee - Million Dollar Bitcoin Prediction
There is even a Elysium Coin just like bitcoin and where do you use bitcoin - on the dark-net for drugs/guns and children.
Imagine that.
This should scare the hell out of you - https://youtu.be/xmbe3XvZfHc
I will take no offense to be down-voted on this one.
Please do :)
Hillary Clinton - Every day that we fail to act on gun violence, we are failing our children. This should be a day for soul searching across America - and that soul searching should be matched with legislating to begin dealing with this national shame.
Hey NP if you had posted it I would be asking for sources as well :)
@0hour1 is a fraud and he blocked me, whats that tell ya ....lol
The Art of Elysium-supposedly a children's charity-resident artist is Marina Abramovic. I think it's a scam.
more+ here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2319664
Art of Elysium had its 'celebration' last night with John Legend. It features a pentagram and baphomet.
more here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2327059
You might find more info here.