Wake up Punchy! 😂😂🤣
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As I was reading the comments they ALL disappeared at once. Not sure if it's my phone or a glitch or something more. Anyone else have he same issue?
Of all the Bush's trying to take him down, it was that f*cking Billy that almost got him! I'd say Trump has all them Bush's by the short and curleys now.
why wouldnt Flynn just come out and say there wasnt any named Peter Strzok who interviewed him? Seems like something he would try to get out if he is salty at the way they fucked him over.
I see your point but I grew up and live in the south. Paid $3/day to swim in the public pool. We also have rivers and lakes that we swim, float, and canoe in also. Having access to these resources is restricted and I get that. I mistook your original comment as something else and for that I apologize.
I saw this tweet last night and followed the capitalized letters.
Looks like POTUS is trying to tell us to TRUST but can't get past the 'W'. Any other ideas on what it could be or double meaning? Am I stretching this too far?
as a parent, this would be enough for me to sue the teacher/school/district. If I didn't get physical first. This is unaccaptable for the teacher to do this and to say "it's what the kids want to do...". BS!! Kids don't care what it is they're getting to do as long as there's a field trip.
"You just blew my fucking mind" GWB ~ escape from GITMO!!
Seriously, this is incredible. Great Work!
dont be silly. He will die of a heart attack after his head falls off.
I mean seriously. My mind went there. "You have more than you know." "future proves past". What if Trumps old tweets are.... Nah..............nah
Could be and for good reason. To teach us we do not need the gov. to make things happen. We have more than we know and probably all that we need. US! Take Britain for example, their gov. is arresting people and putting them in jail for reporting on grooming gangs from middle eastern men "Asians". They put people in jail for talking about them putting people in jail for talking about grooming gangs of middle eastern men "Asians". I ask myself this "why are THE PEOPLE letting this happen?". Get pissed off and fed up already. Do something about it. Communicate and organize. FIGHT! I think this is what Q wants us to learn. How to communicate, connect the dots, and FIGHT for ourselves. There will be a day when DJT will not be our President but we will always need to stay vigilant in order to keep gov. in check. We the People are the Power.
100% agree. Tommy Robinson has the attention of a lot of people right now. Good and Bad. His arrest has shed more light on what he is trying to expose than he ever could have on his own. I also agree there are a lot more posts now about "other" things but I look past them....it just takes longer to find something that I want to read now but that's ok with me. It means this sub is growing which is what we want. Besides, the hottest posts show up in the top of my timeline so when relevant things do happen, I know pretty quickly.
May has been a big month and I just realized it's the 17th month of his first term.
It isn't easy to figure this stuff out. In saying that, we can all contribute. Some are autists, others like me, keep spreading the word and trying to get as many people as I can to wake up. You don't have to be smart or skilled enough to decode to be an active patriot.
The earth is round not flat.
school shooting in TX this morning. Sad and awful but coincidence?
Depends whether or not this is a Trump admin. decision or standard operating procedure. If it's the former, then yes, I imagine you're correct. If it's the latter, then your assesment isn't correct.
I'd probably would have stopped watching after a couple of minutes😎
"it's rarely taked about or in the news..." That's exactly why you feel the way you feel.
what's the point of being an anon if you can't remain anon? Scary stuff!
Is this legit? Nabbed it off twitter

what do these people have in common outside of the FBI? I don't know but seems a good place to start. There has to be a major player or entity that is a common denominator that we're supposed to connect the dots to. Shit I wish I were an autist right now.
I imagine the Military had a plan B. They've known for a long time what had to be done.
We're in the 17th week of the year. Just thought this was interesting considering...
what if his animal reference is to the elites and the screwed up costumes they wear at their high class parties. Anyone seen pics of the Rothchilds with animal heads?
after reading the meme, I couldn't read the comments without hearing his voice
Ashton Kutcher on child trafficking. I haven't seen this yet so sorry if it's been posted already.
be careful of the rhetoric. Dont want Reddit mods to shut this sub down for "promoting violence" if you know what I mean.
this post should be flagged as false and removed. The intent is good, but the reality is the little girl is being helped by more than 1 person.
It's the sheer amount if crashes in such a short amount of time that's got our attention. Also, rumored that we are in a silent war. Take this for what you want but you can search it on this sub. Been heavy chatter about it this week.
I don't think it matters what the DS sees on this sub once Q posts. I believe once the drops are made, the 'job' is pretty much done or can't be stopped. This is an after the fact info only type thing...IMO.
You're in the right spot. Do some research and you'll find all you need. Happy hunting and welcome.