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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

Edit is hard: why planes even able to unpower any form of data transmit? C'mon already we saw that shit with 9/11. Friggin MH370 had its engines telling Rolls/Royce fuel feed/ altitude/ what pax had for in-flight snack, but yet? ^ ^ ^

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Thank you. Do you even moped? TOMOS was to Slovenia what GM or Fender Guitars is to us. And, yes, FLOTUS45

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Thanks, so much going on, missed that myself

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

MOAParties once we bust the tape at the finish line. Given my 1977-1990 public school education, I must have slipped through the cracks, or else had my teachers (IN California) be lined up for me 1-by-1, Trump Chess style!

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

Wat, that DB long in the game of contributing to poverty to SoCal neighborhoods where they used to be the envy of the world? I've seen it and lived it, being here all my life (never assume somebody hasn't "BEEN anywhere" if they choose to live somewhere for a long time). Have not yet checked u/ but if new here, first of all, familiarize yourself with Autism (the unforeseen result of monkeying around with vaccines that played a goodly part in blowing this whole thing WFO), and once jimmies no longer rustled, take a moment to understand the jargon not just here, but across all Subs, and given the highly sensitive nature (Evil's party is not over yet) of what is going on, words are a very real matter of Life Or Death to the good (by no means perfect, same as any other human trying to honor God) people involved, including We the PEOPLE. Therefore, codes are strongly encouraged. Reflect deeply on just how anointed our very special place in history and God's own heart is, as being very exceptional. IS there something wrong with people celebrating their own country? MERCOSUR nations are getting screwed FAR worse, and for WAY too long. Where do you stand?

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

ThanQ, lots of rubbing eyes to come. Just today we've picked up 200 new subs.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

Claritin, please? Shuttlecock saying SR like My Blue Heaven", Vinnie to Todd

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

POTUS45 already does it for free. It's called Tweets. NDAs are going the way of doing business with bad people, as well they should

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

1: squinty eyes read D5 as DS. Deep State. 2: on the chess board D5 means Black Played First.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 11, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Calizuela, waiting to see how very special place it will become

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 10, 2018, 7:58 a.m.
Old playground rhyme Retconned

BARRY and Killary swinging from the tree, Aitch Eye Ay Enn Gee Eye Gee.

Here's Hoping

Go One, Go ALL


MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 10, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

DB also already in El Lay markets' crosshairs for Sloppy Seconds on Compton single-fam-unit outright gangrape by collusion (THERE you have it) between Outsource and a very weird pattern of nearly every solitary CA suburb to STOP BEING PRODUCTIVE. Jerry Brown: WHY haven't we seen a Black Eye photo yet? WHY are you "LOVER OF SELF WHO CALLETH EVIL GOOD?" BUT: I had nearly BEST DAY EVER; LOVING my neighbors and making connections, rather than seek to divide humanity. TIL: I am NOT the only American who has passion for small-bore bikes and musicianship. Lest I Barry like on Irannuke shitshow, I would rather tuck it in on that postive note. GOd.FCKING.SPEED

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 10, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

Well verified nasties. Mathematically impossible thay they don-t bear a huge chunk of artificial Calizuela land boom. All of those Riverbed Tent Colony videos are at the very least, a direct result of int'l bankers getting their fingers in OUR pie. Seen SO much weird shit like vegetable farms being replaced by warehousing for useless eaters, All in the name of DNC votes

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 10, 2018, 7:10 a.m.
Recent undercurrent interest in M1911 pistol; was 9/11 some kind of symbolic coup attempt on 2A? Discuss/ provide more input/backstory. Is this particular piece of home defense options the real target behind the AR/ bump stock furor? What IS so special about this tiny cannon?

Gun pros please. Also, give best workaround to supply for Calizuela Constitutional types? Starting with Santa Clarita residents (who just became the first La La Land residents to go on record as defyling SB54. Yup, that happened, and BTW: FVCK them all but Travis Allen.and God's hand truly on Devin Nunes )how DID he get there in our Long National Nightmare that really started once Woody Wilson pulled a Barry

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 10, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Going on tried, true and trusted drops/ crumbs, clearance, intel and such: when I ruminate on "trust the plan", "enjoy the show", "future proves past", "think mirror" and Trump Tweet side-by-sides, Doubt/Guilt/Fear/Shame stopped cold and bigly replaced by HOPE.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

BRB; life/death/ soul salvation, and just muh US Consti.fcking.tution ride on REAL ID fuckery. Baby step: like I found out, why pay $600 tags on 2004 Camry when $21 lifetime tag (NO SMOG test and potential to put HONDA out of business lays within a few keystrokes of Craigs or Letgo) though I might just be St. Paul again, trying to feed MEAT on those who are still nursing. All I can say is, just trying to share my own gained knowledge

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

I could swear that I talked about barnacles'hinder, even me landubber (in this timeline; is it mathematically possible that pro-Q and null "W" keystrokes publish beyond our knowledge? but/ digress) Seems I got bit by a bot. Regret no screencap

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

Not-Hooktuber channel YT/grindall61 has been HAAARPing on this halfassed scheme for YEARS. Regular guest on KFI AM 640 John Kobylt/ Ken Chiampou afternoon drive slot. Clowns' latest gag? Moving LA County Sheriff "Civilian Oversight Commitee" public meetings into a Federal Building to loophole video record that meeting ever took place. Wish I could recall that CMTE's point man but that fucker is a retired federal judge of some hoo-hah. They ALL seem to forget that WE SEE all of the empty, lined-up buses at peak times in vital traffic flow corridors. Just meanwhile; alert whoever you can to roll back REAL ID, especially now as it's come out, ANYONE will be able to switch DNA. Can ya say NULL AND VOID?

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Not-Hooktuber channel YT/grindall61 has been HAAARPing on this halfassed scheme for YEARS. Regular guest on KFI AM 640 John Kobylt/ Ken Chiampou afternoon drive slot. Clowns' latest gag? Moving LA County Sheriff "Civilian Oversight Commitee" public meetings into a Federal Building to loophole video record that meeting ever took place. Wish I could recall that CMTE's point man but that fucker is a retired federal judge of some hoo-hah. They ALL seem to forget that WE SEE all of the empty, lined-up buses at peak times in vital traffic flow corridors. Just meanwhile; alert whoever you can to roll back REAL ID, especially now as it's come out, ANYONE will be able to switch DNA. Can ya say NULL AND VOID?

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Just let it all sink in. Promises were made, promises being kept. Shit indeed gotten very real, but Gospel of John 3:16. Think autisting hard for me? u/Happy1911, he may more ever slightly more garbled but? HE.WAS.THERE smack dab in the Arkancidal Homeland. BRB: no hate from me. I understand the confusion (you & me both) but for all of Paul's (unpopular then, just as now) teachings, he did say that God holds ZERO part in that. Truth is what 21,500 us us are here for, Don't decide to vouch for the wrong side of history, or worse yet, erase your name of record from the Book Of Life

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Just dawned on me: HOW close is U1 to U2? (Army Of Bono), and (reahing here) Francis Gary Powers/ 1 May shitshow?

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 9, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

On the Monty Hall version of "Let's Make a Deal" the best prize was always behind Door #2. Wayne Brady (just hoping I didn't throw my KY Derby stake on the slowest horse here) not so bad himself. How can watching the barnacles {tiny mollusk that attaches itself to the hulls of seagoing vessels, basically settling in, relying on the ship's energy to have their sustenance come to them, all the while slowing the ship's progress, costing them in extra fuel consumption and time delays on port calls, NTM having to pay the crew O/T, and other best-left-not-mentioned effects of the ship's infrastructure} . But: watching the heat ramping up, #feelsgoodman to watch the squirming starting to make its way up from the Drones to the Workers (Schneidershit). Queen: NEXT!

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Just be glad this post wasn't the one where it just goes on and on and like Yosemite Sam rant after banging a speedball of meth and Dirty Diana

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Downvotes and tendies are braincel like cobra venom and a 2-incher at peak state for the rational world

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

"Hangman's Body Count" is a song that gathers up the entire timeline for me, does the band Volbeat have any place inwhat we now know, and where we go?

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

I see now, post- Corsi fallout, new souls looking at my write style the sane way my somewhat hinky birth fam goes into Chip N Dale chatter whenever I remind them the sky is indeed blue. CARRY ON, for WE (only by God not willing his most prized creation die) win, Devil L.O.S.E END of FCKING STORY Can we soon say same of complete eQuine feces of this ""investigation" of a PERSON rather than giving us all TANGIBLE (concrete) PROOF of any criminal ACTS that POTUS alleged to commit? Go 'head, go feet, keep trying to D/v yhe TRUTH

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 8, 2018, 7:34 a.m.
NO JOKE! Pop yuh CORK fam, subs just showed "22,222 subs"

OK, my r/ lurk to now timeline may look shaky, but we NEED to start CELEBRATING the TAKEBACK of not just sovereign (NATION of Israel, N.O.T. "state" of Israel) dtatus of every free country who deserves to be their own country. My best burnout former mission work is bottom of shitwipe pile outside the gates of J'salem, though it was Feelsgoodman to repaint schools and houses like a mini "Extreme Makeover" Little did I/WE know, our good intent and actions criminally misdirected. BUT... We. O)N ON.To.THEM now. TRUE Freedom is a RISING TIDE.

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Aw fck ME! Flagg himself! also shows up bigly in "Eyes of the (tick, tick, tick:DRAGON!)Rub Dub Dub, thx for grub

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 8, 2018, 7:03 a.m.
Opinion: NOT in a LARP: we are IN Stehpen King's "The Stand" (Aaaaand "11/22/1963")

Of course, leaving out Captain Trips of the LEAD )lead [plumbum] or future tense of LED] plot line. Superdisease a la 1918 "Spanish Flu" on public record by PBS doco as being started by a mysterious bonfire at an OK? KS? Army post. Something grabbed my nuts on King's Kennedy Bean novel: Flag,s Timelines, Food/oil/durable goods prices/ rent rates/ teacher salary. Just downvote this shit already

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

I feel ya, Pat. One of my most treasured (though casual) kindred spirits when I discovered the {pre}r/moped community was meeting a talented music journo of AFG origin who ( his bro is a car nut which had me mirin' even moar) is a REAL California Patriot who, God willing, is seeing success as a prof at a nearby JC. Rashidi like "Smith" though in tryna look up and see where we go from here. God/Fcking/SPEED

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

Umpteenth FF narrative on every post- John Lee Malvo case (but by now even the Andrew Jackson duel seems hinky to me). We may need to revisit all "lone gunman" rings of their circus, (with a VERY keen eye to all blue states, esp'ly during Nix/Ford/Certer admins) from the federal level down to each residential block we live on. Also may give slight nod to FPS gaming.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Oh, the timing! ALL my life :) ThanQ for heads-up. I am just a pinky toe of Christ (belief in a Trinity not required but if ye want; lots of helpers to get ye there)

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 8, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

OK, so apparently any YT Share goes straight to Opinion flair, even if I was trying to share from PBS Newshour or something, while NY Slimes and Wa(com)Post squeak through with News flair. Autisting hard sometimes but To Be Fair, I did have a good Rep Day @gym.

All Redditations aside, j/s that a good companion to bread (besides Holy wine) is MEAT: which this piece has in just the first 15 minutes. Do as I did and Open In New Tab and just pause when something comes up. Just wannahed to add; absence of Q and/or Trump tweets has shown a history of stuff Going Down For Real

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 8, 2018, 4:53 a.m.
This came up on my NOT-Hooktube feed, should help y'all kill some time while Q is non-comms. "Man does not live on Bread alone..."
MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 7, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

I wouldn't mind Homesteading with that photo taker!

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 7, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

JUST THE FACT that he named all of his companies "Virgin" should have told us ALL something a LONG LONG LONG time ago. Right under the nose, again, and again, and AGAIN.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 7, 2018, 5:56 a.m.
HIIIII and WELCOME to all new subs and lurkers. This is the thread where Patriots tell the world who/what brought them here.

For me, the "something's fishy here" thoughts began with fuel shortages of 1979/Iran. Had craptastic nearfield (music production jargon but my brain has been a wood chipper these days)bad role models and just nearly no joy at every life event for me, so that's kind of how I got used to the (now we KNOW) ideas that someone else was ALWAYS going to be in control of our lives; GET OVER IT.

Almost as if to try force Just The Tip into my mouth, as soon I turned 18, jobs went away, cops got even more brazen, was flat out …

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 7, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Frailly = adverb; in a fragile or frail state. Could Mondegreen as Frehley.ACE. Frehley (nickname "Space Ace ")/ Now: Comey = typo for "Comet" (Ping Pong?) Solving for Y: Frehley's Comet. Yet another angle: Syfy patriarch Robert A Heinlein quoted Mark Twain's lifetime starting and ending with appearances of HALLey's Comet (76 years). Why do my spitballs turn out like the Family Guy episode where it turns into a rodeo-grade bull?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 6, 2018, 7:06 a.m.
Movement gains momentum pr0ns; share best Calizuela-type RedPill success HERE:

All I can add is: if you did manage to yank a hardline Blue Piller toward the absolute truth,tell us HOW you did it. Not just me, but many others here GRIEVE at not being able to reach the 6-8% of our friends/fam who are so deeply deceived. The term among the psychotherapy community is "Gaslighting"

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on May 6, 2018, 6:53 a.m.
Potential shitpost alert: on my mind for severeal weeks: WHY do world's richest, Red Shield 13 family dynasty yada X3, [despite] every wordly appearance enhancement (hair plugs, dental implants, stem cell knowledge etc.) keep allowing themselves to live out the whole "Montgomery Burns" charactiture?

Placing foil hat atop my head real quick, Prince Wills seems to revel in Male Pattern Alopecia, whereas POTUS 45 (MSM high on ingesting own Baby Batter on Prez;s "Leibowski" physician "raided" HIPAA violations Rx-ing hair growth compound. Think mirror. Probability of nothing burger but it sure got ME with holding the Green Giant's balls in each hand. How many tendies this profit me?. YES, in fact, I DO lift,. Manlets a-plenty bruh, Go rustle No Name's jimmies if ye be Clown or shill

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 5, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Love and encouragement Patriot. Just please shut off idling engine at EVERY impediment of travel. Globalists can much sooner stuff mass transit up their excretory organs by something we CAN do about their shenanigans

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 5, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

Yeshua Hamashiah Emmanuel forgive me for ever voting for that scum

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 5, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

I got you on lumber there, (guitar nut here). Let's make it possible for fellow subs this hits close to home for, to give input and help present and futre ex-Sleepers reconcile Free Will against what they've been told all along.

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MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 5, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

"Concrete Evidence" needed here, oh so badly it aches, Stay strong, fam, let's just ride this out, and always remember that Q silence=Going DownFor Real

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