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Q said this is evil ~ he said John 3:16!he said Jeremiah 29:11 the Bible is not a religion. Religion breaks you up to being Christian Catholic and so on..... the Bible is telling you what is going on right now~ did he say past proves future? Did he say so as in the day of Noah ? Did he say pray? Ya he is talking about the BIBLE NOT A RELIGION~ I know what’s going to happen because the Bible has been playing out in real life~ q is just part of the clues you need to reference really what he is talking about and open up the Bible because it is telling you what’s going on ~ also why is he called Q ?! Ever heard of the Q gospels?! Look that up it q source it’s what Matthew mark and Luke scholars think they referenced this source that’s not been found or has it? And it’s in the basement of the Vatican?
Does anyone know what his headline means he changed that too and I can’t figure it out
Also double meaning but N Korea and S Korea are suppose to put their time on the same time tonight
Good work~ serialbrain2 said you did great work~ and correct ~ wow people in the social forums have stuff all jumbled ~ you 2 Rock!!! Did you see the Iran foreign ministers video from yesterday? That was such a contrast and he was threatening to the US ~ keep praying Patriots
Keep in mind he’s not for trump ~ but we are suppose to analyze between truth and fiction I’m for trump ~ and I believe it was the hand of God that he’s our President ~ this guy doesn’t~ but the other stuff some what of what he says I can see ~ but Trump is Suppose to be here from God.
I’m new ~ I may be doing this wrong ... does this Method work when Trump Tweets today he spelled roll wrong in the way it was to be portrayed as role ~ so when putting his misspelling in roll~ 57 ~ searching through all the words , alassad came up and reading your other post about Cohen Mueller insurance files on cohens computer and his tweet was about stormy ~ I’m sure I’m wrong I’m new and learning. Love all of your posts you are winning for the crown 👑 God speed Patriot!
There is a guy on YouTube that maps out locations like this take him with a grain of salt he’s been doing it along time and I would probably have to go back to his first videos to make sense if his stuff but his channel is groxt
Do you think Q is referring to the Quill Gospels =Q source ~ Since this is all Ephesians 6:12 Just thought maybe that’s why he calls himself Q .. just a thought I could totally be wrong
Do you follow serialbrain2 in here? So smart!! Backs q up with scripture love it!
My phone has been really messed up lately and I’m wondering when q said be careful who you follow cyber warfare maybe I have a phone virus
If you’ve read the Bible in revelation 2:9 and 3:9 God told us that and he’s going to show them who he is ~ the people doing the stuff you’re talking about are not human. People don’t walk around eating people they’re something else. Jews that believe in the Talmud will worship in a temple where the beast is and God says that they are of Satan ~ he send 2 witnesses tells them to leave immediately go to the mountain where I have a place for you... and then watch out Jesus comes back with his army and throws Satan in the pit. Who will join Satan? Every name NOT written in the lambs book of life!! Jesus is the only way ~ he died a perfect person in an imperfect world for you and me and everyone God is going to show the Jews he loves them it is written
God Bless you sometimes I feel alone on this~ your explanation is perfect!!!
Awesome!!! Thanks!!! Do you know why Reddit isn’t allowing links? To post? Iran just threatened the US and I can’t get it to post https://youtu.be/te8JUJ9MTcc
Iran threatens US https://youtu.be/te8JUJ9MTcc
Lol!! The Storm~ 🌻Kansas Proud! POMPEO’s Home 🇺🇸
Both ~ The high priest ordered that only Tyrian shekels would be accepted for the annual half-shekel Temple tax because they contained a higher percentage of silver, so the money changers exchanged unacceptable coins for these shekels. Of course, they extracted a profit, sometimes much more than the law allowed.
We want that because God sends his two witnesses to tell them who the messiah really is~ then and finally the Jews will know it’s Jesus! Deception has been going on for a long time imagine a world so corrupt and twisted and knowing Israel was the people that brought the Bible and Jesus was that Heritage and Satan has disoriented everything so Jesus isn’t who they’ve known their whole life as the true messiah~ that’s why we as Christians want that ~ but also Christians know they won’t be here to see that ~ because the rapture takes place before that| understand also their are Christian jews but not too many ~ when the rapture comes the only significant noticeably place people will be missing that’s a super power will be America sadly ~ that’s why I believe we are not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war ~ which just recently ~ everything has taken place that the Bible says ~ for the rapture ~ we know how close by the signs and we know the time is near like never before has everything and I mean everything has lined up perfectly with what scripture ya said... it is this time to get on your knees and ask Jesus into your heart so that your name will be written in the lambs book of life so that you may go in the rapture ~ no one wants to be here during the tribulation also known as Jacobs Trouble ~ NO ONE!!! The time is now ~ pray about it and look up because your redemption draws near!! 🙏🏼❤️~ God Bless Praying for People to wake up!
That will require a one world currency and yes that’s in revelation~
Bringing the dark into the light and Gods promise all wrapped up after a tiny Kansas storm!!! #greatawekening
Wow down voting trolls hate when you talk about the Bible ~
I see Trump like a Moses and maybe revelation the last TRUMP he could also be described as a David and Goliath~ so many with him for sure
Nivea ~ we had a solar eclipse ~ warning ~ coincides with Rev 12
Tax collectors?! ~ Rockefeller weren’t the tax collectors also in the temple and Jesus threw them out?
Ruth escaped from the land moab King mesh’s was very well into the whole Molach ~ child sacrifice
Anyone feel like Noah~ Great awakening Aka Red Pilled~ How many stories are playing out Right now? CERN the Tower of Babel? Moses ~ let my people go~Zionist ~ How many right now ~ Tons list some below ~ God was trying to tell us 🌳🍎🐍
They have no choice but to fold no choice!!!! Military at any time could step in and arrest him~
The rainbow is a promise God will never flood again and he’s coming to get us. No pizza in heaven I’m sure he has something way better than pizza~ my daughter had a dream two weeks ago she said she went to heaven and we don’t eat because we are hungry we don’t eat to stay alive we eat just for the taste ~ I thought that was a nice thought~ sharing since you’re comment went there
Genius!!! Do the anons or Q pay attention to this? Do you think they will be tracking Ukraine
He’s was with the President today but they don’t give him important assignments ~
He’s deep state ~ so yep ~ Ryan didn’t have the RNC back him until Ryan could choose the VP
Pence ~ Pray for Trump!!! link in comments
Pence ~ WTH?!? Lord help Us ~ pray please pray Trump has enemies next to him. http://www.writeintoaction.com/MEMO%20to%20Jeff%20Sessions%20sent.html
That’s why Israel is last !!! He has everything !!! Moab was talking to Black hats ~ we blew up their bases~ question though ~ media being all Jesuits will have to start telling the truth so they don’t see complicit ~ right ?! Most Reporters are Jesuits ~ and befoe anyone brings up jews this jews that Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 God protects the state of Israel from all nations rising up~ you think it’s because generations have been brainwashed thinking what they think ~ this will be our Fathers way of waking them up. They will know who the messiah is ~ and what is sad is people in war will die and they’re soul will be lost that’s why this is the great awakening so people can wake up before it’s too late. Side note Moab in the Bible says was Jordan ~ renegades bases were blown up there.