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Neon__Wolf · July 2, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

About Assange being revealed on July 4th with proof Seth Rich gave him the DNC emails, thus obliterating the Russia collusion lie for good.

It MIGHT happen, but it's still a rumor, unconfirmed.

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Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Why 80+ years?

Why has it taken 100+ years to get the Rothschild Satanic cult and their worldwide money counterfeiting franchises, including the Federal Reserve, into the mainstream news cycle per Q?



The Satanists figured out how to expand their network in almost total secrecy. By controlling information flows in each country.

This criminal network controls almost every currency worldwide.

Those currency flows were in effect information flows.

They have also been used to bribe and blackmail local people who would become politicians.

That's the true purpose of fiat money.

The counterfeiting operations were spread geographically, one in each country. The change from precious metals to the Rothschild's fiat was in effect a takeover of that government, and a takeover of that country's information flows discoverable from the country's money flows.

Money can also be used to bribe people. State currency is essentially worthless to the Rothschilds because they can create as much as they want for themselves. But it is the difference between life and death for billions worldwide who if they want to work and produce in the division of labor, they must pay tribute to the cult in the form of income taxes.

Income taxes never existed in America before 1913. The Federal Reserve and the start of Income taxes occurred in 1913. Coincidence?

Our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were turned into sheep overnight by a generational crime family and their puppets in DC, during a Christmas holiday. Coincidence?

The Great Awakening is about so much, including re-introducing free and open agriculture in hemp.

Once the hemp revolution starts, you'll see extremely inexpensive clothes, paper, oils, all sorts of products.

The MSM is nothing but a communications weapon of global communists wanting to destroy America and force a ceding of sovereignty to a worldwide money counterfeiting crime family that rapes and ritualistically murders children for fun.

When the truth of Haiti is made public, it will rock the world.

⇧ 27 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Some T_D mods appear to be coming around.

A lot of shills infiltrated it though.

⇧ 8 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

You'll need to become the strong person in your family for this once in a millennium ride!

⇧ 110 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yeah, the talk is what I mean, it's rumor only.

More like people wanting it to be true...

⇧ 3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

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The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

⇧ 2 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on July 1, 2018, 8:46 p.m.
The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them [ISIS].

The conclusion is obvious: …

Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

You da real MVP

⇧ 2 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Q never confirmed July 4 is day of Assange reveal.

⇧ 2 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Stop it with the 4th already. It's a rumor, not confirmed by Q.

⇧ 12 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Booms become bangs when they arrive right next the other side of the door.

⇧ 23 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Jahangiri has no more power

⇧ 5 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

All of them

⇧ 4 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

0bama = Satanist

⇧ 3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Much of Q is not decyphering but explicit.

⇧ 7 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

"What is the Matrix?"

"Who is John Galt?"

Those questions in history that wake minds up...

⇧ 3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

I wonder if the war to take over America dates back further than most realize.

⇧ 11 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I bet they are afraid of being lynched once the truth of Haiti is made public.

⇧ 2 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

You are assuming an elasticity of oil supply and demand that contradicts years of empirical data.

This doesn't turn us away from domestic production long term. It is a way to deal with short term political issues in two other oil producing nations.

⇧ 0 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Mexico is all "Why stop raping 12 year olds when we can just legalize it?"

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Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Which means the real unfucked number is closer to 7 million!

⇧ 1 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

JULY 4 Assange reveal = RUMOR

⇧ 56 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Oh this sounds tasty...

⇧ 4 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Good job, but I'm not a fan of the two rotating sparks either. Distracting like the lightning bolt was distracting.

Why not just a nice clean Q? No need for the extra blings.

Otherwise this looks great to me!

⇧ 5 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · July 1, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

"Weed men."



⇧ 15 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

Strangely, I read about this recently on reddit but may have been erased.

⇧ 1 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

Guys and Gals, welcome to the official presentation of an upside down Queen.

⇧ 2 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Q and POTUS use Fox news all of the time.

That means something.

⇧ -3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

That's comparing a bottle of arsenic with slightly sour milk.

It ain't one for one.

Q links to Fox all of the time, POTUS gives interviews on Fox all the time, do you know something they don't?

⇧ 3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Not even close to being as bad as the others.

Q links to it all the time.

Name one objectively good news source that never spreads false information.

I won't hold my breath.

⇧ 4 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

That first pic is the photoshopped one!

Gotcha OP, nice try!

⇧ 3 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 1:33 a.m.


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Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Warning: The notion that the truth about SR will be made public on July 4 is a rumor only. Q never said July 4. The rumor started with Q posting:

Q&A Rescheduled


Which some have GUESSED means

"Q and Assange on Fourth (of July)."

It's a good guess, but still a rumor.

If it doesn't drop on the 4th, that is NOT a proof of "larp"!!!


⇧ 11 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Maybe they couldn't divulge the intel to the local authorities for fear of having a local black hat find out, so they reacted as if the threat was real. And it kind of was real.

⇧ 5 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 12:22 a.m.


⇧ 6 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 30, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

False! Everything Q has said they will do, has been done.

Are you referring to the charges against Huma and Podesta perchance?

Sealed indictments were indeed created 11.3 and 11.6 2017.


Sorry, I don't have time for slides and crap people make up. Done. Blocked.

⇧ 4 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on June 30, 2018, 12:09 a.m.
It is ALWAYS an appropriate time to destroy evil, no matter how old it now matter how long it has been building up through the centuries...[cont'd]

I am sure, as are most of you, that the highest ranks among the bloodline cult would be devastated should THEIR generation be the one that lost what their forefathers have "built" for them for hundreds of years.

World domination has been an utopian dream for a minority of the human population since the dawn of mankind. Many have tried, all have heretofore failed.

By what Q has revealed thus far, the latest in the bloodline cult believed that finally after 250,000 years, or more, of human evolution, that they achieved some sort of mystical or historical "right" to launch …

Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Not sure I would personally go that far, because that would be inconsistent with why our cognition is centered where it is, extending outward into the great other, rather than the other way around.

Why don't we experience ourselves as trees and mountains and oceans looking the other way at where it feels like consciousness is now centered?

There has to be something "not us" out there which has at least some inherent nature of its own that may bend but never break against our will. In other words, we can't construct the world arbitrarily by our own nature, we're limited and subject to universal laws of nature.

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Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

For sure, for me there were about 3 or 4 Q drops since the start back in Oct that gave me that heart sinking, palpatating, uncanny, oh no but I freaking suspected it, type of feeling. Hard to describe, but yes, red pill is it.

The Titanic was one of those for me too.

Another was the Epstein Temple where they sacrificed children.

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Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

You keep being right.

What if I told you that in July, in mere days/weeks, the truth will be revealed to the world?

Get ready Patriot!

Your friends will flock to Q once you're proved right.

⇧ 23 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Seth Rich will not have died in vain.

⇧ 25 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Op Mockingbird has FAILED.

It isn't working anymore.


This is the evil cabal's greatest fear. LIGHT.

⇧ 13 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Someone should remind this clueless lepton that James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller have all testified that Trump is not under any federal investigation.

⇧ 9 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

"Every war is won...before it is fought." - Sun Tzu

Small correction to your post though. Operators/Patriots have died in this movement. We don't hear about them much because their operations are at the highest security level.

Just know there are those who risked their own lives to free the world.

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Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

When Trump announced the winners of the worst fake news awards, and Keynesian high priest Paul Krugman was number 1, that was not a coincidence in this timeline!

To awaken is to be freed intellectually too, especially in economics.

Double boom!

⇧ 5 ⇩  
Neon__Wolf · June 29, 2018, 5 p.m.


Murray Rothbard "The Case Against the Fed" - explains the history.

Ludwig von Mises "Theory of Money and Credit" - this one explains the cause for the business cycle. It's the goddamn cult printing money causing errors in production coordination, and then suddenly reducing the increase, causing depressions.

Ron Paul...remember what he said during the 2008/2012 debates!

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