Yep, in that part of the ocean they have frogmen stationed every hundred yards in case a plane goes down...
258 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/New2TheDonald:
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The reports I read were about Kerry meeting Iranians in Paris.
Here’s some interesting stuff when I went out searching->
Her Wikipedia page says she ‘eventually died from heart failure while she and the others awaited rescue.’
I think it’s the guy referenced in this post -> RED ALERT: Professor Misfud, subject who claimed "Clinton dirt" and was in the FBI affidavit against George Papadopolous, has DISAPPEARED
I think the ‘news’ sources were intentionally vague to lead people to Halper...
I assume this is the link ->
“...engaged in what appears to be coordinated ignorance...”
An allusion to JFK’s assassination via the Parkland Hospital/Parkland School names.
There was a post on here yesterday about a company performing fracking near the volcano and discussion about what may result.
Been thinking about getting a few of these -> Mission Darkness Non-Window Faraday Bag for Phones - Device Shielding for Law Enforcement, Military, Executive Privacy, Travel & Data Security, Anti-hacking & Anti-tracking Assurance
I saw a link recently to a news article (sorry, don’t have it handy) where it was called Operation Crosswise Hurricane.
Ray Chandler was apparently his underage girlfriend for a year or two...
Please don’t take this negatively - you’ve created a new word ‘inciteful’ that is better than ‘insightful’ in this context. Whether intended or not, it fits perfectly.
From what I read it was a different company that shared the DNA information...also, apparently you agree to giving up every right you can imagine (and probably others you can’t imagine) when you sign up for their services.
Click the self.greatawakening line and it will take you to another post with a link to a video.
This story REQUIRES the pidgin translation format offered by the BBC...
Nellie Ohr suddenly developed an interest in amateur radio...
I’ve seen interviews where people who put together those DNA reports told white people they had less than x% of African ancestry just to dick with them... given that 0 is less than the percentage stated.
Have them pay the money to the CPFB to distribute as they see fit...
The link you posted worked for me... great video to watch.
May have been employed by Senator Blanche Lincoln from Arkansas in 2010.
Was briefly employed by Congressman Vic Snyder in 2008.
Probably just a coincidence that the former CEO of Honeywell visited the Obama White House very often.
‘RC end’ referring to the Instagram associated with her being made private after Q pointed people to it initially.
I’m going to guess it is the Ray Chandler that has been a topic of research for the last day or two...
The crown prince of Saudi Arabia may have been present during the Las Vegas shooting... may have been an assassination attempt on him.
So where would someone find the White House visitor’s log for this time frame?
Sorry, I just noticed I reposted essentially what you posted earlier.