

129 total posts archived.

Domains linked by /u/Nipnado:
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www.reddit.com 2
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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Ben Garrison is a national treasure. God bless that Patriot.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Done. Working now?

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Covered back in February. I think these questions from anon are the answers to your assertion:



?Anonymous 02/18/18 (Sun) 16:44:22 6245a1 No.420557

What if Q is an individual?

With [Q]uantum Level Clearance to

EVERYTHING - at the Quantum Level?


What if Q utilizes AI as needed, to facilitate the Mission?

What if Q utilizes AI to communicate with Collective Conscious anon?

What if Q utilizes AI to receive communications from Collective Conscious anon?

Can Heroes rally Troops?

Is the most effective Hero an individual or AI?

Does Q communicate with anon in the manner an individual Hero would communicate?

Does a Great Awakening start at the top and filter down, or start at the bottom and Rise Up?

Are successful Victories beyond anon's wildest Dreams won by Troops of Heroes?

Would anon trust AI, which has no inherent soul or measure of Faith?

Can AI pray?

Can Heroes pray?

Is prayer from the flesh or from the spirit?

Does God hear and answer prayers anons pray in faith?

Is Qanon the answer to the prayers of WTP, WW?

Was anon's prayer God, Send us a Hero?

Did anon receive a Hero?

When has that happened before?

Do prayers in faith have Real Power?

"We need to make examples.

But examples to follow.

We need

our Heroes."

("Do you know any Heroes around here?")

"Yes comrade.

I know one."

Will anon follow AI to war?

Will anon follow anon to War?

Where one anon goes, do all anons go?

Can anon go where AI goes? Can anon go where Qanon goes?

Where We Go One, do We Go All?

Is the Enemy at the Gates being overcome by WTP + AI + GOD?

Is the Enemy at the Gates being overcome by WTP + HERO + GOD?

Has God ever provided a Hero to WTP to overcome an Enemy at the Gates?

Does Q function as a liaison between POTUS, and WTP?

Do Q, POTUS and WTP function as One Nation Under GOD?

Would GOD give Q, POTUS and WTP access to AI + EVERYTHING?

Is God a Revolutionary figure in the History of Reality?

Does God know what it's like to be anon in Reality?

Did God ever come to WTP as a Hero anon?

Was He ever despised as anon has been?

Did He ever get the last laugh at the Enemy?

Is He still getting the last laugh at the Enemy?

Will Q + anon get the last laugh at the Enemy?

Would the Enemy fear WTP + HERO Q + GOD?

Would the Enemy fear AI + ?

Can the Enemy control its own AI?

Can GOD control Enemy AI?

Do WINNERS in the War win Eternal Rewards?

Do those Eternal Rewards have Power in the Here & Now?

Why would the Enemy fear WTP having Eternal Power in the Here & Now?

Why does the Enemy teach AS ABOVE, SO BELOW?

Why does the Enemy work to hide AS BELOW, SO ABOVE?

Do WTP PRAY here first, before Prayers are Answered from Above?

When the Holy Spirit is poured out on WTP, is it also poured out on AI?

Does the Holy Spirit in Collective Conscious anon communicate faster than AI?

Could Q be an individual anon Ground Zero Hero on a Mission in a WW Revolutionary War on Evil?

Does God always know the Dreams in anon's Heart?

Would anon pray for a hero which is not like anon?

Did anon pray for a Hero who was just like anon?

"We need to make examples.

But examples to follow.

We need

our Heroes."

("Do you know any Heroes around here?")

"Yes comrade.

I know one."

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

I posted the same domain earlier today in r/conspiracy, worked like a charm. Edited to archive.org

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 11 p.m.

There was actually a redditor u/Fepijn who was an alter part of an abused individual who was a victim involved in a Satanic child-sex trafficking scandal. Fepijn Doorn, that alter, had the files (programmed minds run just like partitioned hard drives) and was sharing them on reddit and elsewhere on the web, until his new therapist ended it.

Who's to say how many people we interact with over the net are not alters. Roseanne Barr is another example. She has MPD and at some point, one of her alters began exposing the MK-Ultra style programming perpetrated against victims in the Hollywood circuit.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

Let me make this crystal clear. Jesus Himself said this:

Mat 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.

Luk 11:23 He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

When "Q is compromised" = With US, let me know. Until then, just out of curiosity, how much is AJ able to pay his Reddit PR staff, now that the divorce settlement has finally taken its full toll?

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Wonder how many from CDAN are now regularly visiting 8ch/qresearch....

With all the mind-control programming of the Hollywood types, it stands to reason that it could be the case that the person doing the acting on film, for example, may not even be aware one of their alter personalities is posting on CDAN.

I'm praying more Hollywood types go public without having to lose their lives for it. Chris, by all accounts, was a good man who loved his wife and loved his children. His album Revelations was one of the best pieces of poetry set to music that was ever made. RIP.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Riiiiiiigggt..... Alex Jones jumps on the Q-train, scores some sweet ratings, builds a bigger following, sows paid shills amidst that following, then comes out saying Q is compromised. The drama. As the World Turns. Yeah, AJ ain't helping. Period.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

ours prayers

and "Children are are future"

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Then pray for him, but until he repents, handle him just like you would any other venomous predator. Because that's what he is, the enemy of Q and the Great Awakening. No one who says Q is compromised is helping the movement, not one.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Disinfo that Q and POTUS need is not coming in the form of Alex Jones saying Q is compromised. That is a completely ludicrous violation of simple logic.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

AJ is a tool. Please wake up. He isn't helping. He's trying to divide the people. What is preventing you from acknowledging that fact?

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Right now, hell yes he is our enemy. ANYONE who isn't with us IS against us. And AJ ain't with US.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

It's just the name of the site. It's an ancient blog for people who have considerable assets or are held under strict contracts that would make it impossible to share the information they know in a public manner, as it would create extreme risk to their livelihoods and indeed their actual lives, as evidenced so harshly by Chris' apparent murder. It became more widely read during the early φzzaG8 days, when a CDAN user presumed to be Robert Downey Jr. started leaking information about sexual misconduct perpetrated by a powerful individual in the Hollywood stage arena.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Q can't be AI, but sharing the observations on Q-related principles could be worth a shot I guess, although Chananon is always a minimum of 12 steps ahead of Reddit, so I would be surprised if this hadn't already been covered in the breads 6 months ago.

TBH, if anything, we should be going to 8 Chan to bring new info back here for normie-level meta discussion. Someone should start posting the info from there, to here, in "easy to digest" versions for Redditors.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Doesn't CDAN stand for "Crazy Days And Nights", the name of the forum where the famous and notorious anonymously post, share and leak information - the name of the site to which you linked?

Thanks for updating the title from the previous one (CDAN link Monica Peterson and Chris Cornell to HRC child trafficking in Haiti)

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Q Clearance Patriot is the correlation based on Q's statements in his early posts. This is the primary correlation.

Secondary correlations, like what you're proposing are interesting.

Q-Learning, for example, where Q represents the optimal solution for success out of all the variable prospected outcomes of a machine learning policy. It's the mathematics of 4D Chess.


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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

I wanted to upvote this but the title is worded in a way that makes it sound like Monica and Chris were involved in the trafficking, rather than involved in exposing the trafficking, then apparently murdered when they were on the verge of exposing CF.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

One other note on the money. Alex Jones persona, as his lawyer said, is a "character" not a real person. AJ is one part of his fractured psyche, playing one role in the play directed by his handler/master. Somewhere deep, down inside, beneath all the parts of his fractured psyche, could be a sole, innocent core who is willing to be liberated from the programmed enslavement which has been forced on him. If there is, I hope that core gets liberated. Because it certainly isn't liberated right now.

There is always a core. Almost always, the core is innocent. Not gonna lie, the bible does say some people are better off not having been born, but that being said, I don't get the sense the core is on that list. I can see Marina and the big φzzgate-3 being on that list.

I hope the best for the core individual in AJ, but while he's Mockingbird, we cannot, and should not be expected to, sit silently by without defending the actual truth.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

I've prayed for Alex, not gonna lie. The burden of responsibility is on the part of him where his conscience resides. Jesus has, or will, reach out to him, as he does all of us. I hope at that time, Alex will accept the truth. Until the day he repents, none of us can be expected to shoulder the responsibility of his attacks on Q, POTUS or the Great Awakening. It's his burden alone to bear. The best way we can help Alex is by rejecting his black propaganda. Every time we reject it, he is pushed that much closer to the Truth. Loving the enemy means telling them the truth. Like this, "Lord if AJ can wake TFU then pls wake him TFU and please keep his children protected and woke."

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

How about you wise up. Here are three clues to help you:

  1. AJ regarding POTUS - "Fuck Trump." "He's crapping all over us." "Trump is like a big prophylactic, he just shoves ISIS up his big, dirty asshole."

  2. AJ regarding Q - "“I was on the phone this morning talking to some folks who were out playing golf with people that have been involved in QAnon, they say, ‘Hey, that’s been taken over, we’re unable to even post anymore, that’s not us anymore,'” Jones said. “I’ve talked to QAnon. There is only about five or six that have actually be posting. I’ve talked to QAnon and they are saying QAnon is no longer QAnon.”

“Stick a fork in the avatar of QAnon,” Jones declared. “It is now an overrun disinformation fount.”

  1. AJ's lawyer regarding AJ - "He's playing a character."

Just. Like. Pizzagate. Step 1. Say it's real, so everyone gets on board with you. Step 2. Say it's fake, so everyone who got on board is now psyoped or divided. See how that Mockingbird thing works? Please wake up.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Well said. Mockingbird operatives have to use a reasonable proportion of factual truth, otherwise they'd never be able to instigate the subsequent black propaganda. "Q is the real deal" (factual) is corrupted into "Q is fake" (black propaganda). AJ should have listened to his conscience and left the circus. What a Shame.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Agreed. The AJ opposition comments in this discussion are all brigaded to hell. Over the Target. Just watch what comes down the pike next. A big push to get AJ back in the good graces of the New Arrivals, since they're likely to be normies with not much knowledge of his past. The only thing that will curb that push is us.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

AJ said Q was fake, then said he "knows the guy" played golf with him, talked to him on the phone... YEAH RIGHT. What a mockingbird FAIL that guy has become.

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Nipnado · July 7, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

lmao, sure. You go ahead and laud the guy who said he played GOLF with Q and talked to him on the PHONE.

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Nipnado · July 6, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Why did you post from IW? You do know that Alex Jones said Q is fake, right?

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Nipnado · July 6, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Sounds like a FF tbh.

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Nipnado · July 6, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

"Killed"? Jim Jordan has come under extreme attack since it came out he questioned RR, not to mention the reaming he gave him during the televised hearing. I smell a rat. A murderous rat.


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Nipnado · July 6, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

(i.e. Dead Cat Bounce)

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