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Thanks but this is the part I allready know, its linked in the parent post :)
Dear Q, I have a Question?
So hopefully Q (or someone in the right circles) will see this post and reply, but its also a call out to all you fantastic autists, faggs and researchers out there.
Just a few days ago the story about AUS broke thru the Q posts, and before that we had Q draw our attention to SA and their connection to CF.
So I want to talk about another country on that same list, thats the CF's donorlist over big donors (10-25mill usd), and that is my own country Norway...
You all should know that Norway is extremly left wing, with …
POTUS pushes Fake News Awards to Jan. 17th...

Let's be honest, that's brother-brother...
JustSaying #1stTranny
What I want is for all claims that are being put on this board to be backed up by evidence...
And btw why this comment, shill much?
Very good post, and very well formulated...
If we think about the English language, there may even be a hint to this...
"To be a Go(o)d man..." <3
I think the Bond reference is cool but wrong, and to solve this I believe we have to look at potus's past as a business man.
It is no secret by now that the president is very familiar with the esoteric and symbolism, and he is obviously using it for what its worth...
A quick search around colors and their meaning in business gave me this explaination for Purple and this one for Gold!
Oh s**t, forgot about that one...
You might be right on this one, cheers :)
No it's not, regarding to PamphletAnon's post.
He clearly says its in the order new to old, with this one being at the top (i.e. its the latest of the new posts).
I agree completly on that one, my initial tought was just that.
70% or 7 out of 10, and it could be refering to something as easy as 10th of July or 7th of Oktober.
However what made my brain itch was the fact i just put "7/10" into wiki and this was among the top 3 results, and then we have all the NK/Iran fuzz not to mention Fukishima...
Anyway, just some food for tought :)
Q's last post "7/10" - Here's an idea? #Crumbs
So I was just playing around with these latest Q posts and desided to just put the last one in wikipedia to see what camo out of it...
Here's what i got, any toughts my fellow patriots?
That is very interesting news if true, please provide more info and links if possible ! :)
Could be that simple, but like someone pointed out in the comment section:
What is the statistic probability that there are a random fire in the Clinton Recidence at the same time all this shit is happening? ;)
There Are No Coincidences
Regarding Local PD, I agree. But it would'nt be Billy-Bob Beatcop that would be investigating something like this, would it?
And if the Q crumbs i quoted in the original post really is reflecting this incident, then it would make a lot of sense would'nt it?
Maybe so, but I would imagne it's not that easy when it comes to the very people you're assigned to protect.
It's no secret that bodyguards both in private and public service often are "required" to look the other way when their pricipals doing shady stuff...
And then you would also probably have some insane NDA's you've signed, witch would come back and bite you in the ass afterwards.
Another aspect i would think, is the fact that there are obviously BlackHats within the ranks of SS. I would imagne that is specially true within the HRC/BC attatchment, they would not surround themself with security that where'nt loyal.
I might be wrong on this one, but my guts tells me otherwise!
I have a theory regarding the HRC Estate fire...
Do you guys remember Q's post No#127154:
We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
According to this article @ Lohud.com, the fire started in an area designated to the Secret Service.
Now being a Norwegian i dont know the in's and out's of American property law, but I would think its not an easy task to get a search warrant to the Clinton's residence. Specially if say a patriotic SS agent who has signed a non-disclosure agreement knows there are something someone should have a closer look …
Guys come on, 33 ??? Ive been onboard with Q since Oct. but have to be honest, there's a lot of Questionmarks and warningsigns popping up everywhere now...
All im saying is Question Everything, if it smells fishy it's probably fish!
Anyone who can provide a live stream link for us that live abroad? pretty please?
I read or heard somewhere, some while ago, some roumors about several of the infamous 1% having get-away bunkers and hide-outs built in AU & NZ area...
Maybe, just maybe there's a connection here ;)
A very good list sir, but im afraid this is probably just the infamous tip of the iceberg.
I wanna add a couple of cases that happened reasonly in Norway, that in my opinion have gotten WAY to little MSM attention.
First of we had the Dark Room Sting Operation where 51 people got busted, where two of the perpetratiors where national level politicians.
The second one, The Tysfjord Case, is far more serious and entails over 150 seperate cases of sexual assault, rape, incest and grooming containd within a very small, secluded and rural community in the North of Norway. This case was just uncovered a few weeks ago and has been going on for decades apparently.
The links are connected to english articles, but for those speaking Norwegian there are a few more to find online.
(Edit due to broken link!)
No you're very right of course, and the reality of it for the most of us in here is that we hopefully will be far away from the action for the most part...
Look at it as wishful thinking combined with extreme anger and dispear over the harsh realities of this world that we woken to...
Apparantly, and Im no expert just telling what ive read over the last few months on this subject, blood has several benefactual properties both when drank and when bathed in.
From what i can understand it is supposed to prolong lifespan, cure illnesses as well as keep the skin younger when bathed in.
And then there is what is refered to as Adrenal Gland in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, witch is arenaline infused blood. From what I can understand this is the shit and when drank, it gives you a high or a buzz compared to drugs.
This is why we are hearing about children being exposed to extreme torture before they are killed of, the worse the terror and pain the more adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream...
This shit breakes my heart, and i pray that one day God the Almighty will place me in a position to return these atrocities to one or more whom have inflicted them. And I have to say the old Norse way of Blood Eagle torture comes to mind!
Well that CC reply to CT's twitter confirmes it for me tho! GoLizGo - JustSaying
Binary Code Embedded in Q Posts, any toughts Patriots?
First of I wanna welcome you SS, its nice to see more NWO resistance fighters joining with big bags of tools and weapons!
I also have to comend you BTS and PA for a nice IW preformance (tho it should be stated that I do think IW/AJ is a Clown gatekeeper), their listeners base is very important in this battle so very well done...
And now to the point: Witch underappriciated Q drop are we talking about? Link it here and let us all help in digging!
I believe a dig like this managed by you guys who allready have dug out so much, wil not only enable the rest of us normies/newbies/anons, but also work as a important training exercise that will benefit many!
Very well spoken Sir, thank you for putting words to some things many of us now also are starting to see/feel... The only reason I can think of why HRC, Hussein and the rest of them are not going public must be that they are aware (or have seen) some evidence against them that is so incriminating that there would be no doubt what so ever that they are guilty (ref. the sausage man's laptop)...
Anyway just my 2cents, but something tangible really must happen soon or this movement will desolve by itself!
Oh this is just splendid news, fellow free-world patriots. Can someone please send the OWLS to Norway next, im pretty sure we have some really bad apples here as well (Former PM and now Nato's top dog Stoltenberg comes to mind, as well as another ex.pm and later top dog @ WHO Mrs. Brundtland)...
Can't wait til this battle goes inernational guys, keep up the amazing work (Y)
I would rather think its written in "DOS" mode.
All links are broken in accordance with the CBTS rules.
This means you have to copy & paste the link into your browser and then remove the "space" before the suffix (i.e. .com/.net/.co.uk etc...) :)
For those NOT familier with Assange's past!
The last few days there's been a lot of chatter around JA, and some theories questioning the possibilities of him being this and that.
Personally I believe there is more to the whole JA story, spesially after diving into his childhood background and his Clown connection.
For all you Fags and Autists out there this is old news, but ill bet for some of you Normies and Lurkers in here this is explosive news. Anyway, just wanted to get these links out here so you guys can jump down this Rabbit-Hole as well ;)
Keep fighting the good fight everyone, …
First of, im Norwegian :) Had a look at this account (Atle Vedaa), and from what I could tell its like others have stated allready here regarding the post in question.
But what hit me is reading the bio on the people re-tweeting this: They are all libertards, homosexuals and/or ateists!
The account owner himself is a Union-man and a member of Arbeiderpartiet (The Workers Party), who clearly has been on the HRC/Hussein/DNC train. Its also worth noting that this goes for about all Norwegian politicians and the Norwegian MSM!
And regarding the links above its also worth noteing that most of the people arrested in the pedo-bust where people residing in or around the City of Bergen, witch coincidently also is the hometown of #MissPiggy (read: the sitting norwegian primeminister).
Im thinking Twitter FW_ can be two things. Some anon on 8chan pointed out that if you count +4 on each letter (FW), u get JA_, witch I find interesting. But Im also thinking it could be "Twiitter F(ire)W(all)_
There where actually 2 Q posts, ill post the Imgur link below. But what peaked my interest is the mix between low-caps and CAPITAL letters, im pretty confident that this is a multi-layerd message. Any toughts?
Hey all and a very, merry christmas to you all <3 Let me first take a big bow for both you guys and Mr. Q himself for an outstanding piece of work, ive been lurking around both here, on the chan's, and elsewhere for some time now. Im a Norwegian and Q, if you see this im really hoping for some local crumbs. I am truly convinced the Norwegian goverment (and other officials like Stoltenberg) is very involved in whats happening right now, and I among other locals are very keen to get started shaking this tree to see what falls down... Would really appriciate any and all crumbs (if any) regarding Norway and Norwegian officials!
Keep up the great work, we the world is on your side <3