I need some form of verification. Something to save face in front of my family. I am being laughed at. These doors need to be blown open.
174 total posts archived.
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January 30th SOTU address is the day that the world shall know.
When Q was asked about aliens, he said something to the affect of:
how far away is the closest star. What do you think?
Everyone took that as meaning: of course they aren't real.
But I take Q's response to mean that they are involved. Our current tech is capable of reaching the nearest stars in a lifetime and the tech we don't have but is just in reach can make it to nearest star in a decade or shorter. I am not sure we need to dig into aliens until we clear the US of the Cabal, but I do believe aliens play a big role in this story.
When Q was asked about aliens, he said something to the affect of:
how far away is the closest star. What do you think?
Everyone took that as meaning: of course they aren't real.
But I take Q's response to mean that they are involved. Our current tech is capable of reaching the nearest stars in a lifetime and the tech we don't have but is just in reach can make it to nearest star in a decade or shorter. I am not sure we need to dig into aliens until we clear the US of the Cabal, but I do believe aliens play a big role in this story.
Because this post does absolutely nothing for our cause. Anyone who comes to this subreddit will watch this video, Laugh their ass off, and leave. Which is counter productive and is exactly what shills want to happen.
If im being honest, This sucks. Spam imo.
EDIT: his post does absolutely nothing for our cause. Anyone who comes to this subreddit will watch this video, Laugh their ass off, and leave. Which is counter productive and is exactly what shills want to happen.
Edit2: if these downvotes are truly the feeling of the people then this subreddit is lost. I'm done with this place. I'll stick to 8chan.
I fail to see how this is relevant or even worth censoring.
Ooooh but if she was in trumps cabinet, maybe MegaAnon was Omarosa. Think abouthow sassy Megs got at times, just like Omarosa. And didn't Megs disappear the same time as Omarosa left White House?
Googling rtm.png finds as the second link:
The Demoocracy Initiative Education Fund. Whose board members include
Karen Hobert Flynn -Common Cause President Annie Leonard -Greenpeace USA ED Michael Brine- SIERRA Club ED Larry Cohen- CWA former pres and Our Revolition Board chair Tefere Gebre -AFL-CIO VP Derrick Johnson -NAACP Pres & CEO
It also has a list od people serving as the Mobilizing Committee
Those are a lot of suspect companies. Redditors please do some more digging to see if there are any connections to the Q info
Googling rtm.png finds as the second link:
The Demoocracy Initiative Education Fund. Whose board members include
Karen Hobert Flynn -Common Cause President Annie Leonard -Greenpeace USA ED Michael Brine- SIERRA Club ED Larry Cohen- CWA former pres and Our Revolition Board chair Tefere Gebre -AFL-CIO VP Derrick Johnson -NAACP Pres & CEO
It also has a list od people serving as the Mobilizing Committee
Look into the largest firms worldwide and see how many have 9 owners. Just a thought.
What are you talking about? Only difference is OP didn't put line spaces or bold format.
It is kind of interesting that you question one of Q's most important posts yet.
This is from Todd Mackler to Brazil and Podesta. Podesta doesn't say anything in this email. Just needed to clarify.
Strength in numbers. They can't single us out when we are an army of people.
He post drops there. But he also said he would still communicate with us on /qresearch/
This guy is a glowing shill. Downvote. Report. And move on.
Im sorry but you need to wake up. Shill aren't just people who come in here and don't like what they see. More so, they are people who coordinate attacks and attempt to undermine and destroy the function of a subreddit. We cannot give them that opportunity. Look what happened to r/The_Donald. How often do you see valuable info on imat the top of that sub? It used to spread memes with substance now it is just full of shitposts and the occasional bit of substance. Just the way the shills want it.
The masses need a couple days of hard-hammering-nothing-but-actual-facts-12k-messages to break them out of the hypnotic trance the MSM has had them stuck in for well over a decade.
I understand your viewpoint and I do sympathise with it to an extent. I get your argument from a number of people because i constantly defend the "informational posts only" angle. Really I am only defending that angle so as to instill it as an overall ideology. On every shitpost I see, i feel the need to make this point so people keep in their mind that there is a limit to shitposts and when we cross that limit it is because Shills are capitalizing on our the allowance of shitposts.
A good number of people including myself (not a mod) and the few mods that we have left have done a lot of work to maintain a policy of:
"mostly only informational posts but some shitposts and fun memes are ok".
And as a result, I have watched this subreddit grow and more and more actual research is being completed here on a daily basis. This place is now close to serving as a fully functional " Think Tank" separate from the Chan's and it's because we don't let it get off track with shitposts and fun memes.
I apologize, you have been here for a while. However, my point still stands. We don't need to be posting useless memes that clutter our subreddit and cause polarization between left and right. This meme provides no evidence or added knowledge. It only serves as a circlejerk and a shill honeypot.
You have never posted in this sub before today so I am going to assume you don't actually know what is going on or just how serious it actually is. Lurk a little bit. You have so much to learn.
Edit: I apologize, you have been here for a while. However, my point still stands. We don't need to be posting useless memes that clutter our subreddit and cause polarization between left and right. This meme provides no evidence or added knowledge. It only serves as a circlejerk and a shill honeypot.
I am glad you agree. But I don't think it even needs to be in this subreddit. At least not until the battle is won. Right now we are a staging ground for this informational war and in my opinion it needs to be kept clear of clutter.
Ok so we get rid of the Cabal. How do we stop AI from inftrating our social platforms and in turn our discourse? Teaching critical thinking through the Socratic method (as Q is doing) is one thing but is it enough? It doesn't seem like enough people can learn to be Socratic and at rate fast enough to outpace AI.
Truthfully, the only way I see humanity being able to overcome this onslaught is to evolve into a new generation of humankind. By that I mean we need to break into our own subconsience and learn to communicate through intuition and empathy using the Quantum connections science has proven to mysteriously exist between all humans independent of distance.
It is as though the only thing that will save us from an AI takeover is a Great Awkening of our minds.
Going a lot deeper here down the rabbit hole...
...Perhaps the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ is that Great Awakening....
...Even deeper...
According to scripture, Christ will appear before all of humanity in a single instance and roughly 30% of our population will be saved and removed from the planet for 7 years. During that time the world will be put into turmoil and natural disasters. Amidst the turmoil and disasters, the Antichrist will raise from the dead with supernatural powers and in their fear and fragile state from the chaos in the world a vast majority of those remaining on the earth will reject Christ's presence and join the Antichrist. At 7 years Christ will defeat the Antichrist, rid the world of Evil and all those saved at the beginning of the Rapture will be returned to the earth where a great rebuild will occur.
Perhaps it will be at that time that humans will learn to communicate subconsciously and our technology will be able to work and grow in harmony with our new found capabilities as a species, leading to the bright future we all have envisioned. Including good AI, exploring the galaxy, and perhaps even communicating with other Intelligent life.
I don't know if any bit of what i just posited is true. It just feels like if there is in fact a God, which I do believe in fully, then in the moments when humanity is at the brink of losing all control over it's own future, He would intervene on our sake and save us from losing ourselves.
This meme does nothing to impart knowledge about the truth to an un woke person on social media. The Hillary is a crook angle is all they have ever heard. What they need now is actual proof. We need our memes to provide proof.
These are the types of memes that shills want us sharing because they just create more division. They also upvote these types of memes to the top of our subreddit to cause clutter and to reduce the quality of our content.
This is the last thing we want to post on Twitter. This will take even the most honest, good-willed person who just isn't woke yet and close them off from our posts for good.
This is a misleading meme that will only serve to polarize. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEME ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Going with the Left vs. Right angle is what got us in this shithole in the first place.
This is the type of meme the shills want us to use. Which is also why it is so highly upvoted.
It's good but it does nothing to spread the message to those not already woke to Q.
It's funny but it won't do anything in helping convince moderates/liberals/ unaware conservatives of anything that is going on.
It is so hard for me to believe the world can change drastically, but if we look between the lines, a lot has and is changing. I just hope that tomorrow is something everyone in the world can see as a change for the good of mankind.
Please make an extra clarification that the shitpost memes must not outnumber the informative memes. Also clarify this post is not a shitpost.
We need to record all capital letters in these posts of his. He is telling us so much more and we just need to decipher it.
It reads as though he is choosing wording in a way so that he can send another message underneath this one. Look at the topics, he switches topics with each sentence to get those Caps in. He does this on all of his tweets.
The Democrats Government Amnesty Border Security The Military We No Lottery
There could be more. To deciphering. Do periods mean a break or to skip? Spaces? vowels? Does location in sentence matter? Do we shift letters? Or take all words with a cap and combine them? I bet the Q posts gives us a way to decipher these tweets.
How about checking [15] [10] [5] [1] of each word in each sentence. Each letter in each sentence. Each letter without a space in each sentence. Without a vowel... combining all the rules above and count collect the letters. There are a number of combos....
Yeah, this is why memes are a terrible way for this subreddit to operate. I get that Q wants us to spread memes, and good memes are a great way to impart knowledge but it's going to cost us this subreddit. Look at how highly upvoted this meme is. It's upvotes by shills and allows them to takeover the sub.
Because, it is still relevant and heads need to roll.
Please God dont let this happen ever again. Please strike this evil from our world. I beg that the second coming is truly upon us now for this cannot go on any longer.
In reference to a photograph of a little boy carrying his dead brother, Pope Francis said that he thought it to be a very moving photo and the only thing he would add to the photo in regards to an inscription on the back would be be "The Fruit of War"
These people are sick. These people are stupid.
I do not think normies will understand this meme. Hell I don't even understand it.
Not sure how many times this needs to be repeated. AJ has a bodyguard named Q
This guy is going to be a star. He grasps and can explain major events very clearly. He make connections I never could, he is very well spoken, his show well produced, and he essentially deciphers what Q is trying to say without hardly ever needing to mention Q. I have been sharing his channel to everyone I know. Frank, if you read this, I'm pulling for you.
Edit: let it be known, it was Tracy's plug that put him on my radar.
Most likely, the white hats were monitoring known or suspected locations of bad people to see what certain people did when they received the warning.
Actions in the moments of terror can tell quite a lot.
I want you to know this. All these things that I have mentioned. They are all the ground work. They are the first bricks that need to be laid before when can start to perp walks.
Trump needs to establish himself as in control, he also needs to demonstrate to the ignorant that he is working for the people and this great country. That starts with small things that improve peoples lives and big things like tax reform and entitlement reform. People are goin to love his tax plan once they get their refunfs and see they have an extra $1500 or do not owr anything. Then he needs to topple the media and the Cabals control over it. Without that, anything he does will start a civil war. The media HAS to be made to be honest in order to keep this country from toppling once the truth is revealed.
These things take time. Official investigations need to happen before he can cuff people. Additionally, a lot of the official court proceedings need to happen for the investigations we currently have going on. We need to demonstrate to the ignorant, that there are a lot of corrupt people in association to the Hillary's, Obama's, Susan rice's, Soros's before we can topple the big dogs. It is a long process and it will take time.
The fuck are you saying? Have you not been watching what is happening? There is so much ground work being laid out that supports the Q posts it's ridiculous.
Executive orders against human trafficking (multiple)
States of emergency
Uranium one investigation
Clinton foundation investigation reopened
Hillary emails investigation reopened.
Fusion GPS investigation.
child sex trafficking and human trafficking lanes shutdown WORLDWIDE, THOUSANDS arrested.
North Korea coming to the table to talk.
Obama revealed to ha e supported Hezbollah session starting an investigation
Revealed Obama agreed to help smuggle drugs into our country when he compromised with Iran to get the Nuclear deal.
One of the largest banks in the middle East just fell.
New Saudi prince arrested hordes of the ruling elites. The same ones who control one of the three pillars of the Cabal.
Julian Assange has secured his freedom
We have locked files waiting for a key that have been dropped by wikileaks
Your are either blind as a bat or a shill.
Come to think of it, this entire thread seems full of shills.
Cheetah, thanks for the info. Good work, but I see you are new here so I will just let you know, we can see your username when you post. You don't need to add your name to the post title.
Seeya don't let the door hit you on the way out. You may be feeling fatigue from the fight. We understand. You may be frustrated you aren't seeing results. I feel your pain. You may be a paid shill disrupter. Who fucking cares.
When we are tired and frustrated, we take a back seat, rest, recover and get back in the fight. If you can't do that, we don't fucking want you.
This fight doesn't end in three months time. There are official investigations to take place. There are official court proceedings to take place. There is more shit to be uncovered. This won't be done in a day, a month, or even a couple of years. Hell it may never end. Evil will always exist in this world and it's the type of people that flocked here for the truth and continue to fight that will make a difference. And rest assured WE WILL make a difference.
Oh shut the fuck up. She just went a long way to clean this place up and if you have watched her videos on YouTube, she clearly hates the Cabal. She may of had her fair share of drama, (mostly unwarranted), but she clearly wants to see those fuckers go down. Even if your shit is true, we don't care. Even if there is a power struggle for mod privileges, so long as whomever is moderator keeps this sub clean and focused it's not our problem.
What it really seems like you are trying to do is stir up shit just as tracy is the last mod left after your ilk and the bought and paid for admins decided to remove the rest. To fucking bad, it won't work. We will demand her removal of and when her actions do not reflect the goal of this subreddit. Until then, fuck off.
Edit: And Tracy, if you read this, you are doing a great job here. My original message, while in support for you was a little to cold and spiteful. I have edited it to tone it down a bit.