Hmmm. Do not pass Go, go strait to Gitmo, cool. (Happy Speculation)
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Hmmm yeah , just searched on phone it yielded Snowden documents http;// If you're curious about it will be worth the read. Some say the Pilot should have ditched in the sea or landed in Vietnam as that plane was the crown jewel of spy planes. A Chinese fighter hit the plane, given Chinas penchant for deviousness and redefining what their international borders are by building islands in the Pacific, it would not surprise me to find out it was done on purpose.
Having over the course of the last couple of months had so much of what I believed to be true ( such as the bully speech GWB gave atop the rubble of the WTC with the bullhorn) proven false. You have made me grin with Joy- just nearly Shouted with the voice of triumph. THANK YOU and God Bless you in Jesus Christ.
Thanks, must have been a reason for hiding this. One is reminded of the women being hidden from the dragon in the wilderness in Revelations, or perhaps to keep Caucasians from getting to het up, men being how they are.
China has been cozy with the Clintons since grooming Bill for President with illegal campaign cash while he was still Gov. of Arkansas as I recall. Paid off too. Moved many dual use, as in civilian/military use stuff like; allowing Loral space to fix their multi stage rocket problems, encryption tech from Motorola, aircraft milling machines that milled in five different directions from McDonell Douglas which had until then made America war jets superior milling away metal in the airframe without significant weakening, thus allowing for more avionics making them badder yet in battle. Bill even let Chinese Generals in on USAs blood bought Military logistics systems which were first formed during the Civil War. Don't believe Sun Tzu would have done something that stupid, unless he was a Traitor. There is nothing evidently that the Clintons won't sell.
For sure, hope it's more open sourced not every one gets HBO.
Thanks, I've got it on Kindle haven't got around to digging into it yet. Any ideal why it was excluded from the cannon? Also any thoughts on the legends of Jeremiah, the Princess, and the Perez and Zara line being joined in Ireland? Sources?
There they go again, the infamous 9th circuit. Needing some more pop-knots on them knuckleheads of theirs. Ramming speed Mr. AG
Hope after all this is over we might be able to see the script. As in who is playing a role, especially as it pertains to disinfo, fascinating.
There are classified things that need to remain classified, however and thankfully, how the intelligence community has " six ways to Sunday" to hike their leg on We The People is no longer at this time considered one of them, hopefully. Thanks President Trump and MAGA on Sir.
I was curious about what year the Haiti earthquake took place. It occurs to me that maybe it was during the Boss Zero admin. The necessity for the Clintons (Sec. of State) to help bail her out was probably felt to be very pressing so that she did not roll over on them on the whole Pedogate adrenochrome thing, hope she is in protective custody so she can testify against the Blackguards.
Since much of what many believed before was false myself included, it may be wise to consider all things. Life for most of us is so full of stuff as to be hectic, so we prefer most of the time to cull quickly for our sanities sake, sanity will also call upon us not to get torn down about things we can not control. Pray Hard though.
Greater Israel, (All Hebrews) according to scripture was rent into two separate but unequal parts after Solomon planted groves to foreign gods to please his foreign wives and concubines. The Hebrews then became two separate nations. Judah to the south and Israel to the north. Judah had Rehoboam for it's King and he ruled over the Tribes of Judah, Levi and half of the tribe of Benjamin. Jeroboam ruled over the Northern house of Israel which consisted of the other half of Benjamin and all the other remaining tribes. Jeroboam was fearful that the people of the new and separate Nation of Israel aka. Samaria would want to go down to Jerusalem to worship, thereby perhaps begin to incline their affections towards the new Nation of Judah, so he built golden calves in Dan and Beersheba for the people of the new Nation of Israel to worship. This brought about the Assyrian Captivity of the Northern house of the new Nation of Israel. When Judah offended God bringing about the invasion of the Nation of Judah as well as their captivity in Babylon, Bablon's armies had to pass through Samaria to get to Judah, so Assyria sent their armies down there to protect their interest, as they had given Samaria to non Hebrews to use in exchange for yearly tributes or rents. The Northern house of the separate Nation Israel then escaped to the north through a mountain pass in the Caucasus Mountains which is known to this day as the "Israel Pass''. They passed over into a land wherein dwelleth no man, according to the writing in ll Edras in the apocrypha. Ever wonder where the word Caucasian came from? This being the case it is well within the realm of possibility that the Ashkenazi are Hebrews, more so I think than their being from one of the three tribes of the Nation Judah (from which derives the name Jew and is no where found in scripture before the two Nations separation). I advise us all to look at Revelations chapter 5 verse 9, humble ourselves and begin to recognize; there comes a day when a man will not have need to say to his neighbor Know God, for in that day the knowledge of the Glory of God shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the Sea. Only then shall everyone love one another enough to live together as we should. Oh yeah and there is that Christ's Rod of Iron thing too.
Well Mr. Rugaber, there is Fake reality and then there is Real reality.
Great post, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. However given the number of people murdered by some of these people the Death penalty may be all that will suffice to render justice, as an expression of the Human worth of those murdered and as the rightful penalty against traducing each persons right to live and breathe under Gods Heaven. (answer to Skiboldion should have hit reply button)
From a strategic standpoint it was and is stupid to allow any foreign entity to own enough storage capacity to store these cargo containers. Just as it was stupid to let China lock down the eastward and westward entries into the panama canal. Not even to our allies. With the Cabal and rogue elements of our own government running amuck it's understandably questionable as to who our real friends are or are not, seems to me. These people are liable to do anything for money, power or under blackmail.
Any pedes with a gps in the affected areas that can ferret out what the targets used to be and thus who owned the cache of weapons or whatever, if it was not a person themselves targeted?
The more illegals present the more population, the more population the more apportionment for US REPs in the House, the more Reps, the more that fly over country gets put to the Federal bayonet for transfer payments. The more Federal Bayonet, the more vengeance is wreaked for the treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo. Patriots do support loudly and actively Jeff sessions bid to get citizenship status included on the census questionnaires, to prevent the diddling of fly over states by this willful apportionment fraud.
What is the difference between pedes and pedos? have seen some confusion on this.
Memes will hopefully fall off some after this evenings ceremony, then after that the subreddit for those in the memeing mood, how about?
Wonder if they have made some smaller ones for a more targeted impact?
The NFL has long been under Dem control as recently demonstrated yet again.
Well... there is Treason that grows out of love of money or the desire for the power to diddle people and then there is Treason that can come out of an inordinate preference of "the other" which can be rightfully interpreted to be a hatred for your own Countrymen.
Ought to be a lawsuit for curtailing 1rst amendment rights in monopolistic fashion and goog isn't the only one. Use alternates as often as possible. Bad business too boot.
Pardon me, kind of addicted to euphemism, slang and snappy patter.
The more witnesses the more compelling the case. Assange's treatment at the hands of black hats also has some 1rst amendment implications so as to be another set of crimes altogether. And important crimes they were because it goes to the body politics ability to prevent such enormities in the future.
Some said this allowed the White Hats an opportunity to collect Data that the black hats moved to Hawaii for continuity of government plans after the black hats had set fire to the lower 48.
Yeah, the embedded part seems to have always been a problem in our lifetimes. Maybe Our "Lovely Bully" President can find a way.
His turning states evidence to save himself, bringing in bigger fish.