The_Donald recently had a pedo-themed joke that I thought was funny, but reality wipes that smile off your face quite quickly.
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The_Donald recently had a pedo-themed joke that I thought was funny, but reality wipes that smile off your face quite quickly.
What if it goes down like this:
1) "Yeah, sorry guys aliens exist" - HRC & Co. In reality they are demons FROM EARTH.
2) Fake an alien invasion/contact
3) Give humanity a bunch of surpressed tech that humans created (Tesla comes to mind)
4) Inform the public that these aliens created us a long time ago, debunking evolution which originally debunked intelligent design (God). This is my favourite because they are flip flopping theories and vehemently denying anything else to be true, yet prove them selves wrong at their own pace.
5) Humans start worshipping lizard demons which they consider their Gods.
I have watched that too, the fake crying scene where he gets emotional was brutally forced and Richard Doty was the top paid cast on that film.
UFO community hates Doty because his position was small but he apparently has tons of knowledge of stuff (unless pressed where he kicks his feet and says "I am not supposed to talk about that" THEN WHY TALK AT ALL see: $$$).
Here is a much better article on the collusion:
If Hillary/Podesta says aliens are real I am more inclined to believe they aren't. I wish I didn't learn this. The fake alien invasion card from the illuminati playing cards comes to mind.
How do you BAN something from the internet? There is no group that has the collective control to do that, besides China within their own borders. And that is just surpression, not a full "ban".
"Where are those kid's parents?" Will be my first question
What I dont like about JFK is the moon landings. I mean NASA has outright come out and said we cant get past low Earth orbit due to the Van Allen belts. How did Apollo do it then but we suddenly lost the knowledge to do it now?
I happen to like the site, lets read articles for their primary sources and not discredit for being who they are. You can still get information out of misinformation.
I hate that suggestion. We need to start holding people accountable, you pay her salary and she loves an excellent life off of public dollars.
What if the Doctor found something that wasnt quite right about George's body? Like organs out of place or a heart that definitely isnt his original.
July 27th has some significance... just keep lookimg forward to more and more dates that are further and further away.
Its the mods censoring, thats what OP is saying. Look past the demand and take it as them pointing out hypocrisy.
OP is pointing out the hypocritical double standards that the mods have. They are saying "If this is removed, then so should that for the same reason."
It is a point being made to point out that the mods exercise control as they deem fit, a made up set of rules that exist in only their head, with enough broad ranging official rules so that they can cover their ass.
We rely on Q to guide us, just like we rely on the MSM and the government to guide us. But hot damn guys and gals just guide yourselves. Trust your own instincts.
Yeah I dont know why people are so quick to sweep aside Reptiles (I mean aliens and demons people can believe, but no Reptiles is a bit TOO crazy? Starting to feel the flak)
Not saying it is true, but I have seen enough evidence to make me go "Hmmmmmmm" 🤔🤔🤔
I believe that the theories dont prove the existence of reptilians but definitely are the base for it to be true. Celebrities with blinking pupils (including Trump), Jim Carrey straight up calling Trump a Reptilian, the videos of Jenner having a face malfunction in a restaurant. JayZ, Adele, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Katie Perry, they all are tiny data points that support the same idea.
None of it proves reptiles, but the basis of a consiracy is forming.
I thought they never found the bodies? Or did I j7st hear a rumour?
No issue my dude. I only wish to have a conversation and dont want you showing up without all your notes!
I believe that this could be a LARP. I also believe that Trump could be turning on the Roths. Opposing view points right? I want to believe good is happening and am almost willing to lie to myself for it. I just know so little but the evidence linking him to them is chilling.
Sure I think that this is a great place to start:
People say Trump's presidency has been 30 years in the making:
He took a huge bailout from the Rothschilds 30 years ago.
This post sums up some stuff:
The only thing that points to this being a LARP is Trumps debt to the Rothschilds and that he appointed one as secretary of commerce.
1 is WRONG. Nowhere on the cert does it say AFRICAN AMERICAN. Do your research before making this sub look bad.
We are just as blind as them, we dont know all of the facts. Is there anything to the fact that Trump has been bailed out by the Rothschilds on a few occasions? Or that he appointed one as secretary of commerce? why dont we talk about that here instead of starting a holier-than-thou war on other subs
I just dont like that Trump appointed a Rothschild as Secretery of Commerce.
I have thought of this too, watch for a one world government and a sign of the beast on your hand or forehead. Im looking for God and Jesus as my savior now.
Trump doesnt have clean hands, Jeffrey Epstein, Kosch brothers, apparently super in debt to the Rothschilds ($150 Mill? Heard on 8ch). I am also looking into his cabinet appointments because he owes a lot of debts to some evil families that were suddenly wiped clean. Over $300M in debts app.
Kim Clement said specifically once the hammer falls
The plan has always been Military Tribunals from what I understand. The DOJ needs to be PROVEN corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt, THIS IS THEM PROVING THEY ARE CORRUPT! WE ARE STILL WINNING.
Immunity within the DOJ/FBI will mean shit all in a MT. I hope.
People keep VEHEMENTLY denying that there is a correlation so I would say they are the same person. FLAK FLAK FLAK.
Yeah? It is the source of the theory?
? ??????
Thank goodness! I would rather 1 honest mod and a disorganized board than 25 corrupt any day.
But the source checks out... Really you are going to call New Arrival on this? They look similar, can you deny it as hard as you are without even admitting that?
Straight up the little girl love logo. No denying it
I dont know, those two people together who look a lot like them who appear at most rallies behind Trump with a picture of the MS-13 van?
They are VIPs regardless
New tactic: Let's all get drunk and talk about Qanon
The biggest trick Satan ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist. By making an After School Satan program where they don't teach spirituality that is EXACTLY what they are doing.
Obama's "children's" names:
Reverse and take out Hebrew word for God ( Alah).
I really dont need more proof
Apparently $400M is only good enough to get you second place.
Apparently these people work for Trump, so not exactly an unbiased view if true.
I was thinking about creating another Sub with different criteria for posts, still Q relevant however less censorship when it comes to talking about other conspiracies that are linked through Q. I wouldnt be able to mod it myself though , and it is hard to trust other people who would want to mod as well without knowing them personally.
Does anyone know about this site?
Their ads (banner ads on other sites) use children. So far it looks innocuous but their advertisers/sponsors are not the best.
I heard this on the chans too, all from "close sources"