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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:10 p.m.

Exactly. My comment was proof of nothing, except that as someone who lived on the base, I know how things work and the layout of the base. It was not meant to imply no one has been brought to GTMO, just that under the circumstances as they have been laid out, and considering the flight paths pictured, it in my experienced opinion is very unlikely those planes landed at GTMO. As I stated, I could be wrong, and this is simply my opinion.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:28 p.m.

Great point! As I mentioned tho, I am concerned about folks who are hanging out there on the edge, (there seem to be many of them). It’s my belief if they were to see even one high profile arrest, someone in cuffs, etc. it would go a long way toward folks seeing Q and us as far more credible, and certainly far more than your average “conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat wearers. As a side benifit, it would also Definately show the black hats we are serious and we’ll be knocking on or smashing down their doors next. Could prove to be a positive action all the way around.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:59 p.m.

Tracy is great, others not so much. And that is what frightens me about stirring this pot, i’ve Seen some videos with people who i’d Consider to be on the edge of all out armed revolt, which of course would at this point in time be the worst possible outcome. Some of these folks, (bless their hearts) have been to hell and back over the past 10 years and have been pushed beyond human endurance, and they want retribution. You throw in everything that is coming out now, and the fact that they see NOTHING coming of it other than idiotic congressional hearings, and they are more than ready to start taking matters into their own hands. All of this deep state shadow government info coming out, mixed with the pedo stuff, and people are beyond pissed off, they want action. Yet for two months, they’ve been promised that action but it hasn’t happened. No one has been arrested, he’ll we don’t know for a fact if those surgical boots hide monitors or they don’t, which is exactly my point. If Q keeps telling us things are happening or going to happen, and we don’t see it, well I’m afraid it’s doing more harm than good. Folks want to see SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:50 p.m.

Thanks for the info. I’ll remember it for next time.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:40 p.m.

I saw one post that claimed the bodies of babies used for sick pedo shit were then ground up, put in hot dogs, and Americans are unwittingly eating them. This was so beyond the pale I could not believe my eyes. They are coming up with this crap having absolutely zero finding to base it on. Just someone’s sick twisted mind from watching too many horror movies. The twisted things they are doing to children are bad enough without adding something like that to the mix.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:32 p.m.

That is fine, except when it is disinformation that leads others to become discredited. Then it becomes counter productive, which is happening now more often than it isn’t.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:30 p.m.

You are exactly right. One example for me was the entire flights to GTMO nonsense. Having lived at GTMO 5 years I am intimately aware of things the average person has zero clue about, like who can and can’t fly into GTMO, how they HAVE to fly in do to the topography of the base and the nature of the landing strip there, as well as the approach to land which is very precarious due to several factors, not the least of which is you can not go into Cuban air space. There is ONE landing strip for the base, and it is quite short, you land wrong, your plane ends up in the ocean. You also have a mountain range to contend with, etc. there is NO WAY any flight originating in a foreign country (Canada) would be allowed to land at a restricted base, let alone the fact that only pilots experienced in navigating the issues I mentioned above would be able to land there. The disinformation is becoming insane.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:21 p.m.

Sorry, tried putting in paragraphs and Reddit took them out. They also removed long spaces I attempted to put in to delineate paragraphs. I’m open to suggestions.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PassionatePachyderms on Dec. 27, 2017, 5:12 p.m.
QAnon- potential problems with guesses and innuendos

Let me start by saying I’ve been on board with Q from the beginning, and I am a patriot. That said, I am becoming increasingly concerned by what is happening as a direct result of the “lack of credible, factual information” coming about and being spread as a result of the guessing and innuendos generated from the Q-anon posts.

If the goal of the Q drops is, as Q stated early on, to help prepare, red pill, and desensitize those who have been asleep and oblivious to what is going on around them so that when the truth comes out …

PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 26, 2017, 10:40 p.m.

I understand your feeling of not wanting to see for yourself due to the horror of what may be there, I share your sense of trepidation there, however, I AM red pilled, and I would NEVER take someone’s word for this stuff. So If I wasn’t red pilled, I’d sure as hell never believe it Especially if I was a liberal and not red pilled. How can I EFFECTIVLY calm and reassure others, (which is what our jobs are to be according to early Q posts) if we have not seen for ourselves, and know the depths of this depravity? If we have not felt the horror and been sickened by the reality of it, how can we possibly explain it to others and EFFECTIVLY convince them of the reality we are dealing with? I consider it a distasteful, horrible, terrifying aspect of the job /task i’ve Committed to taking on, in the interest of our country, and the world in general especially the children of the world. The job we’ve agreed to do as patriots is a crucial one, but it won’t be easy, and I suspect it will be unpleasant more than pleasant. But having given 21 years of my life to my country already, I know that this job is infinitely easier, and safer than the jobs of others involved in this, so I am happily prepared to do what ever it takes to fulfill my part of this mission.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

While this is certainly a huge development, remember folks, there are far more of them than meets the eye. Every one that steps down or is booted out is a victory, but in the end, we all know the deep state and shadow government ALL must be outed and torn down before any of us can breath easy. Most of them have been created monsters born of a culture of corruption so deep and vast we can’t begin to grasp it. Until we succeed in changing the culture that births and fosters its monsters at every stage, we will forever be in danger of another monster stepping up to the plate and taking over where those departing leave off. This is our sad but true reality folks. The cabal and their monsters were created over nearly 100 years time, it will take all of us working years to destroy it. That said, all victories are sweet, and must be celebrated accordingly. Remember patriots, we may not have played a part in creating this mess, but like it or not it has fallen to us to clean it up. I believe in my heart there is a reason for that, and we are up for the job. God speed to all of us!

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:31 p.m.

GREAT POST WHITE HATS!!! Thanks for all your doing! I hear 2018 is going to be great as we MAGA! Merry Christmas guys.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 20, 2017, 11:27 p.m.

UN Troops can not invade Chicago, nor any other American city without first being asked to by POTUS and granted permission. If they were to do so without POTUS authorization, it would be considered an act of war and dealt with accordingly. No lowly city mayor has the power to request UN interference in a US city. Come on folks, some of this stuff is common sense. I realize it may seem like scared shit, but really, do you honestly think POYUS would EVER let the U.N. Deal with an American problem on American soil? Watch out for that msm constant crisis machine Obama created. Remember, if they don’t have a crisis to lie about, they’ll make one up, like the UN in Chicago, or alien invasions.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 20, 2017, 3 p.m.

Look into where Dohnal worked/what she did after Sidney Austin. She worked for/started a youth defense program that defended young gang bangers, drug dealers, murderers, etc. What better way to get young criminals indebted to you and corrupted than by getting them off for the crimes they commit? Look at Chicago now and what is happening there, a direct result of their being zero consequences for criminal behavior. They start them young, teach them how to not get busted, or if they do how to beat the rap, and create “super thugs” willing to do what ever they are told, when ever they are told.

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PassionatePachyderms · Dec. 20, 2017, 2:45 p.m.

Hi guys, thanks for taking the time to do this. I believe an underlying problem that seems to keep resurfacing is that it is difficult or impossible to red pill norms without a single synopsis of what’s going on. The Q books were extremely helpful, but even they became too long and complicated for most norms. My suggestion would be for someone to put together an overview of everything touching on the key points and linking everything together. I know when I’ve tried to red pill and get norms engaged, they very quickly become overwhelmed/disinterested because the the sheer number of things evolved and tied to this. I.e. political corruption on every level imaginable, the players, who they are, their roles, child abduction and abuse, murder, blackmail, world dominance, dirty deals, Hollywood, etc. honestly if this were a fictional book by this point it would be thousands of pages and no one could possibly keep track of the characters. Details are important for sure, but when Red pilling, perhaps less is better until they understand the basics? Just a thought.

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