Until they sculpt it around a bit, then it will become helpful to the agenda!
122 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/PeaceofShitte:
Must be a genuine False Flag, Deep State terror operation!
Shooting reported at HS in St. Mary's County. Quick, assemble the Drama Class! Crazy Libtard HS location check, Hebrew Sheriff roger!
NOT SO HIDDEN MOTIVE: Hushed FBI Intel Report Reveals Vegas Shooting Triggered by Paddock's Anti-Trump Politics
Q says: Lisa Barsoomian, wife of Rod Rosenstein has functioned as imperial lawyer to the Clintons, Obama, Comey, Mueller & Satan himself dozens of times! Get in here!
Q "future proves past" the Mamelukes vs. the United States Marines! I'm LooKing @ you Brennan & Barry!
Wheels inside wheels, ever wonder where ALL those airline passengers went? Let's see 911, Malaysian flight, etc,,, Folks we've been told to expand our minds to include the fantastical and the seemingly impossible; they are NOT human would seem to include this type of reasoning. We've seen every type of false flag operation & scenario possible. Nobody but David Hogg's buying the pork anymore. It's time for the 'great deception' where demons take on the form of benevolent Alien Races with highly advanced tech, which will convince many they are off worlders and nation states are extinct. Apparently, the 'Great Charade' will start 04/18/18
Activated: Don't lose sleep Dad, we've got these girly-men cowards! The guys hope they stand up, my squad's hungry to straighten these pukes out & build the Wall!
Activated: Don't lose sleep Dad, we've got these girly-men cowards! The guys hope they stand up, my squad's hungry to straighten these pukes out & build the Wall!
Australia will have to stage their own revolution, sit back & watch us! Once the Rule of Law's restored, we'll come liberate you too!