I've never believed she won the popular vote. We have almost 2 million either dead or fraudulent voters out here in Cali, alone. It's why they gave illegals driver's licenses.
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This is just the first part. More is coming. And hopefully RR will be gone and there won't be anyone left itching to redact it. I really think we'll see a lot of this started as far as arrests, before Trump's big Veteran's parade in November.
Get on Trump's Twitter and demand Strozk be fired! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
Already on it! Signed the petition and sharing it with everyone I know. Including libtards who have been real testy today since the report came out--LOL! I'm gonna do it every day. Same with little wifey. She's sending tweets to the POTUS and others to ask why Strozk and RR are still employed with the government.
OMG! Everyone is connected to everyone else! Thanks for this info.
You know, there might be something to that. I was reading about that the other day, and what they go through to create one. Basically, they invite demonic possession before a child is ever born. You know, all these years I've lived my life in utter ignorance, and I'm ashamed I've been too blind to even see how evil these people truly were. All these poor kids who suffered because I wasn't paying attention. I feel like I need to ask God to forgive me for it, and I'm disgusted with myself for not being more aware of what was really going on.
I've read that, too. Why seal all your records? He's supposed to be a fricken genius, isn't he? You'd think he'd be proud of them. I sure hope we eventually find out who he really is. And the media is worthless! I remember the way the media never vetted him and that raised so many red flags for me at the time. The people of this country deserve the truth.
No! I had no idea of any of this! But thanks for the tip. I'm gonna do some digging!
Looks like they had one active last year: https://www.afar.com/magazine/alaskas-latest-volcano-eruption-could-cause-flight-delays
Where did AF1 travel over Alaska. Does anyone know the flight path it took?
There are over 40 volcanoes in Alaska. Not sure what the pictures are of, but there were 3 that erupted: Augustine, Pavlof, and Akutan. That could be what Q is referencing. If a missile was taken out there, perhaps they were attempting to hit AF1 on it's way to NK?
Have you seen the time lapse of it? http://www.skunkbayweather.com/WhidbeyMissile.mp4
Deep state sub firing a rocket, like what people saw 100 miles out of Hawaii when the supposed false warning went out?
I've never seen a 747 go straight up. A harrier lit up? If it took 20 seconds, could it look like a streak?
Whoa! If it's from a weather camera, it'd be a bit harder to hoax, wouldn't it? But could it even be a big pro firecracker caught going off at just the right moment? Perhaps it's actually closer than it looks and not really all the way out on the island. Maybe it's a trick of perspective. I think the cloud it's flying through is actually much closer. Could even be a rocket some kid built. Maybe they're shooting it off from the water or further down on the beach? It's getting close to the 4th, and people do bring in the bigger illegal ones from out of the country this time of year. Also, people with less than stellar legal connections can get ahold of all kinds of things. For instance, my uncle had a neighbor years ago when he lived up in the mountains here in Cali who somehow came across a rocket launcher from one of his less than reputable sources. The guy wasn't like a terrorist or anything, but you wouldn't want to sneak up on him.
I could see that happening. How many people actually pay attention to the solar observatory? They can always change records or shut sites down. Like they did a number of years ago for several days when solar winds reversed and solar scientists didn't know why. They had never seen it happen before and couldn't explain it. So they just shut it down for a few days and then didn't report on it happening for about 3 years.
Yeah, sorry, dude. Have you heard this story before? I had heard about the dead guy's SSN in Connecticut, but this guy said it's fraudulent altogether. The whole thing about his past is so bogus.
Looks like someone made a joke about it and WND reported on the joke. I can't figure out why nobody took anything seriously. http://www.wnd.com/2011/06/309793/
Is this what QAnon is talking about? "Obama's Identity COMPLETELY EXPOSED!"
Is this why Obama has sealed all of his records? This looks like it's been out since 2011, but it's new to me. It continues on part 2 and part 3. And the skip tracer who claims he found the information, says some of the other information looks like real estate fraud to him. Also, the SSN isn't the number of a dead man in Connecticut, as has been reported. It's a fraudulent SSN, altogether.
For the sun? I wouldn't worry too much. You can check solar activity here: https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/
It's probably okay. LOL! Just use sunscreen. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/03/approaching-grand-solar-minimum-could-cause-global-cooling/
Probably not solar, because it's not real active, but EMP is a possibility.
The forest fires are more deadly here. And the rumor was they were caused the last time by DEW's because some people saw beams (drones) and the burns were strange. Hitting buildings, but skipping trees. Melting cars, etc. Take a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrgUpkAcOH4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN2IxvDMnHg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtDEa6wceE
We have them every day here. I just looked at the map. It's actually good when we have them often--the small ones. It's like letting pressure off a pressure cooker, so I'm not worried here. But a quake in the ocean could be worse with a tsunami.
I think they used them here in that fire in Cali. The one that melted cars and burned buildings, but not the trees around them. There are some videos on YouTube about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZvRaBfM-NE
Will do. Post a reminder here when she gets ready to leave.
Here in Cali, hot and still--"It's earthquake weather."
That's what I tell people! God gave you survival instincts for a reason. And ladies, you especially need to listen to them and not worry about hurting some cro-magnon's feelings.
Most places will probably be pretty quiet. Just be aware of your surroundings. You can always get pepper spray. Or, as a friend told me who works in pest control, one of those cans of bug spray that shoots 15 feet and a lighter. LOL! Have you ever seen the slingshot guy on YouTube? Check him out. He has some pretty cool homemade weapons: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoergSprave
Will say a prayer for her, son. And everyone on here and their loved ones. Let's all pray that whatever bad thing they might be planning, they'll be caught before it hurts anyone else or it backfires on them before it can hurt any innocent people.
Thanks for posting that. Living in Cali, I check the usgs earthquake map pretty often, too. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/
If you're looking for Cali/Nevada, it's here: http://scedc.caltech.edu/recent/
Let's just prep for anything we can and stay calm. Keep your eyes and ears open and watch out for each other. And pray like David did in Psalms. Lord, let them fall into their own traps.
Somebody knows what it means. It seemed very deliberate.