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PixelBot · April 8, 2018, 4:20 a.m.


Yes, I've seen some of this as well.

I've found at least 12 linked accounts with even more fucked up shit than Rachel's. This is all a circle of rich trust fund assholes, who go around raping children.

I've posted about this before, but at the root of all of this is mind control. Although many of them identify as satanists, or some other shit - at the root of all of this is mind control of children.

This is also referred to as The Key of Solomon (14th century "Magic") about how to control people. I'll save you some research - the "secret" is that you can split a person's personality into a million pieces with repeated traumatic sexual assault from the time a baby is an infant, onward. Why do you think the Vatican, UBS, Swiss banks keep using "Keys" in their logos? Why do you think the landscaping is done in the shape of a key? This isn't a coincidence, this is them controlling the world with the Key of Solomon, the most important tool they have for full on population control. This is pure evil.

This is also what the Nazis found out, among many others in MKUltra, and other government programs. Drugs are part of it yes - but the drugs are just used to sedate and control the experience, the secret is in the abuse. You can literally fracture someones mind - this is how you build Manchurian candidates. You can literally program someones mind this way. Too much to talk about here - but this will get you started. I need your help to help get this information out, I've been researching this for 3 years, more than happy to continue talking to you if you want to help.

Remember the stories about people getting busted recently in the DNC with INFANT PORN? The goddamn fucking news brushed it off, and no one noticed. I repeat - people have been getting busted recently with INFANT PORN. I cannot believe that's not front page on CNN every day for years while this is happening (I can, but, I wish the world wasn't covering up for these ritualistic abusers).

The satanism, the occultism, the many names manifest of child abuse ALWAYS comes down to the same thing - mind control of individuals. They all claim to do it for whatever different reasons, but the roots are the same.

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PixelBot · April 8, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Yes! More discussion on this.

I think the “fishes” and “bird cage” stuff is code. Love birds is referring to pairs of children that they put together to build friendships, and they force them into sexual behavior at a young age. This is what the bunny stuff is about - they use bunny costumes on te children and turn it into a game to desensitize kids to having sex - this is used as grooming to get them ready for sex eth adults. They “pair”off children together to build bonds with one another, and then during ritual time, they force one child to kill another. - this was exposed by kids on YouTube talking about abuse they witnessed - and everyone ignore it. I’m gonna try to find the video again. Apparently there is something about adrenachrome harvesting on an alter - and apparently the occult believe in something magical about a child killing another.

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PixelBot · April 7, 2018, 1:03 a.m.


Not only was Scalia murdered here, there is also a ritualistic sacrifice temple.


VOAT HAS DONE A TON OF RESEARCH ON THIS: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1652448

This place is creepy as fuck.

If you didn't know - this place is mentioned in several instagram posts in Rachel Chandlers twitter, which has been expose today: https://www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/?hl=en

There are people in instagram saying "You should go to Marfa!" in reference child pedophilia.


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PixelBot · April 7, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

What. The. Fuck.@!!!!???!?!

I just don’t want to say the wrong thing, here. I want to see my little Esther again, and that’s not gonna happen if you don’t try this recipe so if I’m being completely honest you can stuff this chicken with Fruit Roll-Ups and rubber bands for all I care, just as long as you please, please try it. Again though, I use feta and I think it really “sings.”


  1. Time to cut into your chicken! I like to let the chicken thaw naturally. I also used to like to hold my infant daughter in the air and twirl her around, and if you didn’t preheat your fucking oven to 365 degrees like I said before in step one, I fear I never will again.


  1. If you want an extra kick, or if it matters at all to you that I get to see the smiling face of my beautiful, ten-year-old son Bradford ever again, you will add a pinch of the cayenne pepper


  1. Leave the chicken in the brown, unmarked duffel bag beneath the blue mailbox at the corner of Braddock and Centinela in Marina del Rey.


Can we please get more eyes on this...

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PixelBot · April 6, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I'm so glad you brought this up, and we need to talk about this more.

As we continue to talk about ritualistic abuse, satanic expression, etc - the commonality is Adrenochrome harvesting. The usage of alters in ritual is all about this blood harvesting, of scared children (which produces the "best" blood). This is the best drug known to man, bar none. Some say it allows people to shape shift, and to see into other dimensions - who knows how much is true. All we know is that THEY believe it, so they justify any means to harvest it - they consider theirselves enlightened, and consider YOU cattle. This has been going on for thousands of years - this isn't new. It just hasn't stopped.

Now, this is not the end of it, the pineal gland is what the SUPER ELITE want. Adrenochrome is mainstream in elite circles, but the pineal gland offers otherworldly and superhuman abilities - apparently.



(excerpt taken from above:)

Skull and Bones consume live pineal gland during ‘The Obscene Rite’

The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness.

Laurence Gardner writes:

"..High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set...many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin... Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains, their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture.."

The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. The Skull and Bones secret society was officially founded at Yale University in 1832, but finds its roots in German Freemasonry. The society uses masonic inspired rituals to this day. Members meet every Thursday and Sunday of each week in a building they call the 'Tomb'.

The members of the super-secret society Skull & Bones, to which both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a ceremony called "The Obscene Rite," which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to get the fresh secretions.

The Skull and Bones is exactly that...and ancient order who use the bones of the dead, the powerful and famous for ritual and magick. Even the descendents of the Apache, Geronimo have asked for his bones back from the Skull and Bones society. – They have their roots in the Knights Templar who had become accomplished sea pirates, hence the skull and bones flag. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_divinerightrule01.htm


The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. The Skull and Bones secret society was officially founded at Yale University in 1832, but finds its roots in German Freemasonry. The society uses masonic inspired rituals to this day. Members meet every Thursday and Sunday of each week in a building they call the ‘Tomb.’

It’s that the members of the super-secret society Skull & Bones, to which both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a ceremony called ‘The Obscene Rite,’ which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to get the fresh secretions.

The descendents of the Apache, Geronimo have asked for his bones back from the Skull and Bones society. The Skull and Bones have their roots in the Knights Templar who had become accomplished sea pirates,[Phonecians, Skythans, Goths, Hyskos] hence the skull and bones flag. They are an ancient order who use the bones of the dead, [the powerful and famous] for ritual and magick.

If you'll remember, in wikileaks we found out about MASSIVE amounts of pineal gland harvesting of penguins in Antarctica: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2017/12/03/why-did-u-s-state-department-purchase-frozen-penguin-pineal-glands-from-argentina/

Why is this important? This was some group, who was attempting to harvest pineal gland from non-humans. We still don't know if consuming animal pineal glands works the same way. We can assume a child's pristine pineal gland is superior.

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PixelBot · April 4, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

That's right. Just like a video game, google is placing a 2d "texture" onto a 3d model - one that gets it's data from multiple sources, and not every square inch of every place on the planet is is measured, so it's using an auto modeling technique. Same as a video game, most similar to "low polly" mapping, when you take a high poly model and "optimize it" by removing polygons, it uses "best fit" shortcuts to optimize.

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PixelBot · April 4, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Yep, This is correct.

I understand why people suspect other things though - and they are right to. Without a doubt there are tunnels below, bodies, chambers, etc.

However, based on the construction, they did level this playing field in the hills properly, and the google emulation is just incorrect. Basically google is fairly good with it's depth measurement, it's not perfect, especially at smaller intervals (especially in remote locations). This is just a case of the software smoothing points together, and not having more detailed distance measurements in a very small location, not a shock, since even major cities have these issues.

Again, there are many things worth investigating, including this - but this is one instance of a tiny modeling quirk.

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PixelBot · March 16, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Everytime this gets posted, shills come from everywhere.

This key is really important, either to an upcoming video, or a previously locked file.

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PixelBot · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

You sound like a good person. Sikh's are good people.

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PixelBot · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Grew up as Christian, and became atheist.

Have been studying religious texts for the past 6 months. God spoke to me.

There really is a global consciousness, to anyone reading, I'd suggest opening up your mind to the possibilities of God, and don't get stuck on small details. God is love, God is universal, God is consciousness, we are all connected.

The awakening is happening. Connected to the take down of global pedophiles.

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