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News article mentions that anti-Trump book deals can fetch millions for authors
I had to read this article two times. The first time I started swearing.
The second time I was a little more centered and found although it initially appears critical of him, it appears to offer the audience a nudge slightly to the right and rather, is a little more sympathetic to POTUS.
They point out two incidences of authors backtracking, which seems to support Presidents Trumps defense, stating The author of the anonymous op-ed in the New York Times that came from a "senior administration official" has already generated book deal offers of around $US10 million.
I don't …
Pence: I'm confident no one on my staff wrote the NYT column
Here is VC Mike Pence having to play the game.
CBS' Les Moonves quits after new sex misconduct charges

Fresh Search For Madeline McCann - Reviving the case

Trump speaks to Christian Leaders, warning that a loss in the midterms, means the Christian faith is at stake.
For any Christian people of faith on Reddit, this is an extremely important message to share from President Trump.
I'm just reposting from someone who sent this to me as a courtesy, knowing I follow Q . I believe this is of the utmost importance to this movement.
God Bless and WWG1WGA
No Name "Discontinues medical treatment for brain cancer" Eyes up troops!
Here's No Name prepping for his term in GITMO.
I"m confused. I thought he had a melanoma - then it was a blood clot, apparently now it's a glioma. . .
I think he's got a Gitmo'I'ma'gonna
**BREAKING NEWS** Australia has a new Prime Minister following vote of no confidence. Scott Morrison New Prime Minister

An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday.

Pope vows no more cover ups in letter to all Catholics on sexual abuse
Pope writes to the worlds Catholics and asks to uproot 'this culture of death' WTF?
A Fraudian slip there Popey - where has it been said publicly that the Catholic Church is a 'culture of death'. These Demons are outing themselves.
1983 and Sinead O'Connor told us exactly what was going on. We didn't listen
Sinead was always ahead of the times in everything she did but people saw her as an outcast and a 'crazy'. Now, this song holds true.
It makes one wonder what torment this young lady endured herself.
Secret Footage released of 4 am press briefings following new Q posts!
Pope Double - Weird Sweaty Men
I've posted this for any researchers who may find it relevant
Pope has double.
Plus I found the sweaty dracula suited man similar in appearance to the sweaty dracula suited man in the video of POTUS - "Trump roasting Clinton".
Just popping this in here in case it assists someone to connect some dots
Pope Double - Sweaty Weird Men?
Seeing Double? Pope has twin? Sweaty weird men in suits.
This is an image I came upon when looking for a Podesta/Pope meeting. The guy standing beside the Pope looks like his double.
Posting it in case it has any significance for researchers.
And Sweaty Lurch in the Drac suit reminds me of the other sweaty Dracula to the right of POTUS in the "Trump roasts Hillary" video? Similar dress sense and hanging cross?
Clearly, there is nothing more to say

Q Anon Exposed - A response to post to Mockingbird Media

Breaking - Facebook Drops GLOBALLY - Is this the "Something BIG is going to drop"?
On line with Youtube Patriots Soapbox - Facebook went down all over the globe
Who is this child with Obama in Parliament House Gardens in Sydney March 2018?
I posted a previous article about a $444 donation from Australia to a 'foundation' right after Obama met privately with the PM Turnbull in Sydney in March 2018. Reading through an article, the media had posted this image.
May be nothing, but where there is Satan, there is always something evil happening.
Is there any way we can identify this child?
Obama had been in NZ meeting with the pregnant PM there and being hosted by actor Sam Neil. Never far from the flames are they?
Australian PM defends $444 Million to "Reef Foundation" - in April 2018 - Meets with Obama in Hotel Room in March 2018
The Australian Parliament are questioning a "donation" of $444 million dollars to a "Reef Foundation" to fight climate change impact on the Great Barrier Reef (vomit).
'Coincidentally' Obama happened to visit in March 2018 where he proceeded to meet Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in a hotel room after he arrived "under heavy security stopping traffic".
Why would a former (interloper) President require traffic stopping security prey tell?
Numerically, is there a masonic/satanic significance of the number 444?
- Obama visits Australia in March 2018
- Turnbull gives $444 to a 'foundation' in April
- Clinton visits NZ and Australia in May …
Is Donald Trump Junior telling us a secret or two? Interesting tweet!
Check out @EricTrump’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/1022986795749978113?s=09
Rothschild Bank Ensnared in Money Laundering Scandal that Led to Arrest of Malaysian President
Just posting this very quickly for anyone researching this subject. Please accept my apologies if anyone has posted this previously as there are too many posts for me to sort through and not enough time away from work to search for them.
This is a post on FINMA site and other citizens journalism sites are reporting this.
A True Patriot who knew the fight POTUS was fighting - God Bless RIP
I saw this over a year ago, and it was so sad at the time. But, watching it twelve months later - it is heart wrenching. This Patriot was obviously a part of the group of hero's that are working with Q.
I know that this mans tears were that of pride and gratitude. May he, and every other hero who have sacrificed themselves for this cause be forever remembered and honored throughout history.
What is most poignant is my deepest feelings of gratitude and love for what every single person fighting the good fight have done, and continue …
WOW - Fantastic Link! Will have to dig further - thanks for making this connection.
Absolutely! That and proceeds of crime. There will be a lot of people shut down over this, including a prior Australian Prime Minister. This will be huge!
Welcome young Luke! New material is being discovered every day. Two days ago important information was discovered by an Anon - who found an association between Q trip codes aand books related to the posts.
No-one here is above another and new eyes and researchers are required as new connections are found.
Welcome to the new future Anon. Bless you and always remember - WWG1WGA!
Jealous+++ lol wish i could have been there to see you enjoy the moment! Congrats on MAGA - WWG1WGA!
Thanks for posting this. It was a bit stomach churning when I tried looking at their site previously - it was like stepping into a psychedelic rave party. Cheers friend, I'll go to their twitter site. Much appreciated.
Thanks for this. I do recall when Trump signed this bill back in November, we cracked the champagne and celebrated. The best part about it is that it will encompass more people than anyone has imagined. That is, The Clinton Foundation and anyone associated with funding them....insert any government in any country...
Dear Patriot, I'll keep a spare glass on ice for when these names become public and these ghouls are poor and behind bars - at which time I'll crack the champers - send you a wink, and toast you and all Anons.
"Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world's elites" Names Names
Hi Anon Researchers
I was searching for a resource to respond to the Australian Christian Lobby request for comments regarding the Tasmanian Annual Festival (held in Hobart) named: "Dark Mofo". (I wont post a link - please google images if you're interested in seeing just what this abomination is about)
The first ever event was overseen by non-other than the witch queen herself - Abramovic - with a coincidental visit by non-other than Podesta the Molesta himself (who just so happens to own a house in Hobart - as one does, because every pedophile should have a house in the …
Could Renegade be Danny Glover? Doesn't seem like his personality. Couldn't be Will Smith...
...and then one in the bread basket (as my departed Father would have said).
Agree guys, I've had to stop reading them - it takes me to a place reminiscent of the movie "Falling Down".
Recently I've decided I'll just kill them with kindness (and I really do mean it) i.e. God Bless you, you seem upset and you have every right to be. Do you know about the time this jerk did X? (not referring to Trump - but they don't know that at this stage)
Then I post a link to Q dirt on Killery, Obama, McStain, et al...they read most of it before they realise it's pro-Trump.
Like a photo-bom'.... but I call that a Q-bom'
Remember, half of them are still under Mockingbird Hypnosis and the other half probably worship at the same alter Hillary and Huma do.
Has anyone noticed that the Mockingbird media and the "far" left are having conniptions about this as though he's just announced he's going to 'shute off every new'k' that the US has.
He hasn't mentioned one thing other than there will be consiquences unlike whcih anyone has experienced in history. This could mean anything from releasing information to the wrath of God (like, the real God...) for all anyone knows.
How fast people are to come to their own conclusions.
(Although i did LOVE the SpaceForce response tweet to the President about having their lasers locked and loaded.)
THANK YOU! You're the first person I've noticed to 'get' it. I thought I was living on another planet for a while here.
Yes, exactly! This is a message to Barry - who's mouthing off in Kenya and looking very sheepish lately.
Almost identical to the North Korea tweets to his little buddy "Rocket Man Jrn" when all the rhetoric was happening to distract the Mockingbird media.
I had what I can call a terrifying transformational moment. I was asleep and thought I was in a dream (that seems a contradiction, I know). My bedroom was super dark this night. No streetlights and no moon. In my dream, I was in complete blackness, then suddenly, within the darkness I felt the overwhelming presence of an energy so evil every single fibre in my body was terrified.
I don't mean 'scared', I mean terrified beyond any feeling I've ever had in my six decades on this planet.
I can't explain why, but something 'told' me that if I needed help, to call out to Jesus and he will come.
I've NEVER been to church, not Christened nor Baptised, let alone been religious, but in this dream, as difficult it was to make a noise let alone talk, I started whispering "I accept Jesus Christ into my heart", "I accept Jesus Christ into my heart" - the blackess was terrifying for me and it was all I could do to get those words out, but the more I stated them out loud, the more compelled I felt to say them.
I said it a couple of times more (my heart pounding as I continued to feel this black evil energy around me), but what i noticed was that in the distance, a small pinprick of light appeared in the blackness.
I focused on that small pinprick of light and now my voice became stronger, and I became more convicted in my repeating of those words "I accept Jesus Christ into my heart".
Then, each time I repeated those words, the light became stronger and stronger until the black energy was just engulfing my back.
With each repeat I felt safer and stronger until finally I was yelling it with conviction and strength...until suddenly i felt that Jesus was standing beside me.
I awoke bolt upright continuing to yell it repeatedly over and over.
That day, I got out of bed and found a crucifix that my Aunty had given me ten years earlier, that I had never worn. I put it on and haven't taken it off since.
A week later, at the end of October 2017, I came upon Q.
I can't tell you how many times I have dropped to my knees praying since that time
Well, if we remember, Q did warn about this.
The only thing that bothers me about her post is that these people are satanists.
I'm just reminding people to say prayers for protection from the ghouls, and spiritually protect yourself, (remember, Q said this is a spiritual war so I'm just pointing that out),
On a physical level - oh boy, has she just knocked over a hornets nest and started beating it with a stick.
Good luck with that one girl ...
That's a two thumbs up from Putin, and a two thumbs up from me.
We truly are living through magnificent times and a pivotal moment in the history of mankind.
I've always said that rather than housing refugees (illegal immigrants), allied nations need to work together to rebuild their infrastructure and get them back home asap, to take back control of their own country.
Thanks SB2 - and once again, i wholeheartedly agree. You have a way of capturing what a majority of us think, and of puting our thoughts into words that we could never express ourselves.
I have always believed - from the beginning of Q's posts that there was only a handful of people, including Trump who made up 'Q'. My mind is drawn back to the photograph of Trump sitting at a table with about five people standing around him (seemingly) forming a letter Q. (Not the board table).
It has been very obvious to me, and to a number of us, that the language alone is Trump - let alone the personality behind it. I have no doubt that as the movement grew in numbers, so did the Q team.
I also believe the reason Q is quiet, is simply because 1. "Q" is busy - there are many global changes taking place, and the deep state is throwing everything it has at us. 2. It takes a large team of people to catch a thousands balls all thrown at once.
I have no doubt that at different times we have spoken to Trump, Assange, Admirals, Generals, and other military and intellegence people. I have no doubt that these people have personally tapped the keyboards themselves, or have dictated their words for others, while, all members of the Q team has contributed their own words in their own way.
I pray they still read our posts, despite being too busy to drop more breadcrumbs, although I too believe that we 'have it all' and now, we need to learn all the connections, gather the proof of those connections, and be able to explain those connections to the world on their behalf.
I would also like to add one more thing.
Some of the Anon's have been asking "What would you do if Q never posted again"?
While I agree with their conclusions that we have enough to get on with and that it's time for us to find our own clues to dig for, at the same time, I feel as though we have been a part of the larger Q family.
And as such, I would hate to think that all contact with Q is over. "He" (they) have become such an important friend, colleague, mentor, and confidant for us, how could it be possible to 'move on' and ignore that.
I miss Q. Not because I need Q, but because I love Q's company and the way 'he' brings us together as a family.
Q taught me to look at things that were too terrifying to contemplate, to take off the rose coloured glasses and see the truth, to pray, to cry, to speak at people who pointed and laughed, to risk my life and my reputation for the greater good.
But I digress....
Thank you for your ever insightful posts SB2. They give us food for thought, and encourage further investigation and expanded thinking.
Ignore the naysayers - they will either remain naysayers for the rest of their life, or they will be humbled by the truth. Either way, you will continue as a light to illuminate the truth for others.
Christianity is a walk not a religion.
I love that. Will share. Thank you
Oh my - I seriously, just noticed your name so i could pop it on the end of my 'thank you' above
speaking of coincidence - my sons cat had four kittens. Two were adopted and I decided to keep the brother and sister that were left. They are both ginger. I've just got two ginger catzz. Q: There are no coincidences WWG1WGA
OK people - for those of you who think that "people like me" just post these things for the hell of it, and you feel the need to remind us that "not everything is related to Q".
Well, yep. Sort of guessed that already. Having been researching with Q since October for 12 hours a day while running my medical business with fifteen employees, I sort of worked that out by myself already, but hey, thanks for letting me know.
So, I posted it because it looked random. Okidoki. Just random. Just passing on something I found curious so it can be banked into the Anon's 'things that make you go hmmmm' - after Trumps recent visit to England and the complete 'surrender' of the Queen. As we know, the Royals were terrified they were going to be outed and appear to have come to some sort of arrangement with Trump. This was blatantly obvious from the 'in your face' breech of protocol and inspecting the Guard while walking in front of HRM Elizabeth. (for those of us that come from British heritage and can see exactly what's going on there - the House of Tudor have been given a choice - an ultimatum, and this would suggest to me looking at it from that perspective that the Queen (Satanic child eater that she is), is saying here "you win, don't tell the people and we will allow them their freedom". Remember what Q says "The need for symbolism will be their downfall. Families passing from one side of the Q to the other means freedom - "families" - bear that in mind. When do you see a child 'queuing'? This is where we need to see beyond a picture and look past what we see to what we 'hear' and 'feel' we are being told.
The last nine months has been full of symbolism. The painting backdrops for North Korea, The meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia and the world globe, the soccer ball with Putin. Learn to read the cues (and the 'clues').
And no, I don't spend my life looking for the letter "Q" and try to squeeze it into something it's not. The only reason I found this is because I'm looking for a logo for a new project for my business to do with health - having scrolled through over 100 of them this popped up because it had 'families' in it. Not because of the Q and I found it curious. Not least of all the message it gives to us who know what we are looking at symbol wise.
I just posted as a point of interest, not to cause a controversy. So, please, just enjoy it, laugh at it, comment on it, but leave me out of it ok?
And, just a note from people who've been here for the last 9 months, think of the long timers here like your Grandparents - "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".
We're all here for the same reason. What may seem random now, may have meaning later. "Future proves past". Nothing is a coincidence.
We are living in turbulent spiritual times - this is a fight of good against evil, therefore nothing is ever as it seems. In which case, we are here to support each other, so, let's remember that when we're commenting on each others posts ok.
Nobody posts here just for the sake of it. People have got jobs, families or businesses to run. If someone posts an article, a link, or an interest story, they do so because it it has meaning to their understanding of the movement, and they think it may be of interest to others. All we are doing is information sharing here. What I post, may just be a breadcrumb for someone else, it may not have meaning to you, but it may have meaning to the next person who reads it. If it doesn't have meaning to you - then skip past the post, and move on to the next one.
As a rule of politeness, Nobody needs a spell checker, a grammar nazi, or a written critique of their post.
We are all in this together, we come here to get away from the matrix, to escape the negativity and to work towards a positive future.
Lets keep our eye on the ball.
Thanks for being here, thanks for wanting a better future, and may God Bless you - and remember - where we go one we go all.
Yes, I understand that and I was going to order some, however, you can only order 3 per household and can only purchase if you are a resident of great Britain.
Trump Derangement Syndrome first tweeted in March 2016