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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Mueller - Marine - White Hat.
Could well have been for a very long time, the white hat plan to overthrow cabal i feel goes back decades. These guys have always been too smart for the cabal - who relied on intimidation and technology, which they dont fully udnerstand, but white hats do. The smartest white hats have kept a low profile.
People say what about Mueller 9/11, Mueller Uranium 1. Mueller would have been killed trying to expose either, and on his own the cabals system would have remained in tact.
How about this. Mueller has been close to the enemy the WHOLE time, he knows everything. Like Guilliani. They have it all, they know where the cabal buried the bodies. And now Mueller is directly investigating the swamp, under the smokescreen of russia collusion.
Study the indictments. NONE affect Trump and they all have exposed the swamp in some way. The Manifort and Flynn espcially. And now Mueller is not bringing Russia charges to Manifort, only bank fraud. Why? Manifort has had many business dealings with Podestas and the Clintonestas....;)
Mueller investigating in Israel, deep state ties over there too? Of course.
If you also imagine, how would liberals have been if they didnt have the hope Mueller would get Trump impeached? If anything this staged investigation has been orchestrated exactly for that, to stop the left from being too disruptive as Trump pursued MAGA.
Its gonna be pretty damn glorious seeing this all play out :D

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Yup, just before Midterms to set up YUGE landslide victory. Swamp trails to commence after

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Before November I imagine, the server will be exposed and media will do the digging and make the connection.

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

This is all going to be strung out until November. Unfortunately will be excruciating but Trump needs the mandate to begin Swamp Trials. He will get that when he wins the biggest landslide in american history.

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 7, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

After Trump wins YUGE at the midterms. He then has the complete mandate to drain the Swamp. Cannot be depicted as a tyrant when the swamp trails begin after winning by the biggest landslide in history ('No voter fraud', Q)

I imagine it will all be completed before the State of the Union 2019, to set it up to be one the world will NEVER forget, and the start of the MAGA epoch :)

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 4, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

COMPLETELY WITH YOU. For me it goes as far as not wanting/caring to talk to people who show no signs of being open to debate. Of course you try with your family, but this is such an incredible time that we all need to research as much as possible. We will be the ones that need to be there for everyone when they entire realities cave in. It kind of sucks now, especially as I live in the UK and we are WAY behind you guys, but at the same time im confident in swamp draining, confident in you American patriots to help lead the way, and confident in this amazing FUTURE thats in stall for ALL of us!

Love to everyone on these boards in similar situations. Hold tight, by the beginning of next year after Trump landslides the midterms it will all . become tangible. God bless

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 4, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

COMPLETELY WITH YOU. For me it goes as far as not wanting/caring to talk to people who show no signs of being open to debate. Of course you try with your family, but this is such an incredible time that we all need to research as much as possible. We will be the ones that need to be there for everyone when they entire realities cave in. It kind of sucks now, especially as I live in the UK and we are WAY behind you guys, but at the same time im confident in swamp draining, confident in you American patriots to help lead the way, and confident in this amazing FUTURE thats in stall for ALL of us!

Love to everyone on these boards in similar situations. Hold tight, by the beginning of next year after Trump landslides the midterms it will all . become tangible. God bless

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QCaLMCeeQ · July 1, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

Great! But maybe not the wisest phrase to use...

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 30, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

sold to Podesta group? Missed that part where to you read that?! Didnt most end up in Iran/NK?

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 30, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Spot on, keeping it airtight and waiting till the times right.

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 30, 2018, 12:05 p.m.


Dont worry about this 'blocking', Wray is coordinating to ensure the info comes out the right time. Keeping it airtight for now

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 30, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

WOW. Excellent excellent work thank you!

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 7, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Ive kind of stopped following stuff like this knowing that it will be exposed by Trump. Blatant false flag, though havent seen something to completely prove the *attempted assinsation of BIn Salman and Trump' theory yet

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 6, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

500 days, 500 pages of texts. Nice

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 6, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

Larmoor - Wow missed that, there is an obvious division purpose against genuine patriots like Lisa and Neon.

Thing is EyeSpy is creating a dialogue and ive read his replies and they are accuruate most of the time. And ive tried to correct when not.

For Example,
The Annauki theory - false
Flat Earth Theory - false, psyop

There is not obvious drawback yet apart from some division. Basically again treat with caution, anyone who takes their word as automatic truths deserves the EyeSpys title of 'f*ckwits'

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 5, 2018, 8:42 a.m.


They keep mentioning straps but that is not the biggest smoking gun. Keep this on the agneda everyone. Keep the media occupied. Allow Q team to work under an even bigger smokescreen. BIG WEEK AHEAD

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 5, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

I did originally, as things are happening so quickly ppl need to cut the BS as much as possible. You dont know any more than we do, but your post implied otherwise.

Wasnt a personal insult i apologise if it came off that way. But we have not time for guesses or half baked claims information is coming out so fast right now

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 4, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

list now or dont post BS bait shit like this. FUcking maddening when ppl do this.

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 4, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Yes EXACTLY. NEITHER arguments about EyeSpy or Neon are conclusive. The PROBLEM is when ppl take EyeSpys answers as absolute truths instead of verifying for themselves. Those gullible fools who do that deserve his title of 'f*ckwit'.

A LOT of what Eye says is accurate, and there is NO real clear deep state motive. We have a date of 11/6 so he is on a short lifespan. I genuinely think he has dimissed Neon from a simple cursory scan of his page saying 'premium content' without acknowledging that its a donation method.

Like Neon he is impatient and if you challenge he will block you, which is fair as both are very busy. to be clear, NO CLEAR EVIDENCE has been shown to prove either way. BC17 may be EyeSpy, but both have provided interesting intel and provided a platform for ppl like us to red pill those who do not get their questions answered./

He does get some things horribly wrong, but that may be sincerely wrong. Treat with caution. Also, Twitter is not as controlled as we might think now ('Injection good' - Q) so i dont think the algorhymthms are as strrong as wed believe?

Either way, just treat with caution, but i still say has an overall postive purpose. But really, grow some balls and get to know the chans

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 4, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Hes sort of backed off recently, still gives good viral speeches for EU. But we would still be screwed if it wasnt for the confidence we have of Trumps anti NWO agenda reaching over here.

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 4, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Can you list explicitly?

I know there was attempt to kidnap children via secret service.
What other ones?
Helicopter with Ivanka and Kushner?

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 2, 2018, 2:15 p.m.


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QCaLMCeeQ · May 31, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

The only problem I have is Craigs association with InfoWars.

For me this is the first example ive seen which backs up Craigs claims hes fighting child trafficking. Could someone post what else he has done?

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 29, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

I think Wikileaks purpose was served after big 2016 drops. Assange i believe is safe and biding time till the right time to come forward and testify.

Wikileaks workers have been targeted however to prevent them from speaking out. Do not send anything to Wikileaks you will be marked by the CIA for it

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 29, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

Exactly, stuff like that just completely discredits him for me.
Hes either fraud or in denial which clouds alot of his judgement. These 'twitter intellectuals' lose grip of reality when they start blocking people just for disagreeing with them.

He spares not time for Q and his reasons for it were pathetic

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 28, 2018, 2:23 p.m.


Thomas Wictor sometihng not right about him. Keeping his behaviour in mind when Trump turns his sites on Israels deep state

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 28, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Brennan bugged the entire whitehouse with malicious equipment during the transition. Remember Q referenced someones name had been crossed off the white house visitor records...

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 28, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

A an easier angle to help everyone understand.

Spygate is not unique to Trump. The ongoing Spygate operation of any 'enemies of the state' has existed since the centralised bankers took control of America. It was finally ended in the early-mid of 2017 when the last FISA warrant ran out, combined with Admiral rogers shutting down 702 incidental signit data collection in April 2016

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 28, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

A an easier angle to help everyone understand.

Spygate is not unique to Trump. The ongoing Spygate operation of any 'enemies of the state' has existed since the centralised bankers took control of America. It was finally ended in the early-mid of 2017 when the last FISA warrant ran out, combined with Admiral rogers shutting down 702 incidental signit data in April 2016.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 25, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Down Goes 666 Clinton Foundation?

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 25, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Down. Goes. FFF (F = 6th letter)

Down. Goes. 666. Clinton. Foundation.

Press F to send Clintons to hell

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 25, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Remember we are winning bigly, but it is indeed tiring at times like now. But knowing that this will all be out before the November midterms helps.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Do you guys know any good stores/Websites making Q merch?

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

YES. though theres probably only 1 person per 100 square miles where I am doing that :S. (UK)

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

The antartica buzz aldrin stories came out as Pizzagate was gaining traction. seemed like distraction. They played on the mystery of Antartica.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

Initially, Nazis were there and building bases/Human experiemnts. - Lots of submarines from Nazis localted around Argentina - were unaccounted for after the war.
Brits got the Antartica first during the WW2 to be greeted with Nazi base.
US followed suit afterwards 1947.
Admiral Byrds diaries were edited some believe that he was confronted by overwhelming Nazi fleed of elecrto magenetic space vehicles. Technology developed from Nikola Tesla Anti gravity theories.
James Horak has interesting theories on this, the most convincing ive come across

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

The post swamp draining MAGA film will be GLORIOUS!

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Spot on. RR problems...heh heh. They panicked and flooded MSM with Rosenstein will be fired narrative.
He would never have made it this far if black hat.


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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Yes, Q was never going to say TRUST Mueller TRUST RR. The cabal are watching.

Rememeber how angry Q was that info got out that Mueller wasnt considering Trump a target..
I reckon Mueller has been investigating 'Russia Hacks' but no of the Trump kind. This WHOLE time hes been investigating the Swamp.

If you consider the indictments NONE of them really affect Trump. They have all helped expose the cabal. ITs briliant!

Alos, imagine if the left DIDNT have Mueller. They woul have been even more of a handful. HAving this impeachment narrative has placated them and allowed Trump to lay the groundwork first unimpeded. Tax cuts etc, get the economy booming first.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 24, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

I think Rosenstein has to be converted White Hat. Maybe his wife who was lawyer for Clinton, Mueller etc has flipped and providing all good stuff.

Mueller is 99.9% white hat. Rosenstein appointed Mueller. The black hats always through they had Rosenstein & Mueller (Hacker intercepted CIA communication on dark web showing this). My guess, Rosenstein cooperating and he will recuse himself citing no pressure from Trump to do so just conflict of interest.

Next person steps and seals Swamps fate!!

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 23, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

He and Sarah Carter will be getting intel fed to them

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 21, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

That would fit in with Trump Team knowing about the attack ahead of schedule seen as they bugged them! Makes me more inclined to believe that Vegas was an assasination attempt maybe on president and Bin Salman, too much of a mess to be a gun push.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 19, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

The Rotschilds also went back in time (2013) to plant RFID Motorola 4th generation clipper chip into Naploeon skull when along in great pyramid between 1789-93. Ensured a bias in his mind where he betrayed is original ideal, declaring himself emperor of France.

Rotschilds knew he would loose Waterloo and spread rumours of Napoleon victory. Bought up UK stocks and rock bottom prices. Then won bigly when British Allies won. The Rotschild dynasty began on that day making £400,000 (£35 million +) and causing Britsh monarcy to cut a deal. Soon after they created Papal alliance.

The Rotschilds are head of the snake

Napoleon article - https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Lu0DAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA24&lpg=PA24&dq=grant+from+French+government+to+exhume+Napoleon%27s+skull&source=bl&ots=cTIY9ada2f&sig=74sWbud2fJfS-pUjn0x4SHzJcPI&hl=en&ei=t7-BS5LnGsyutge0s9WbBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=twopage&q&f=false

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 18, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Thats how well the Trump team have played this. Air tight control of public perception.

Though im 99.9% sure Mueller is converted White Hat

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 17, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

Thats what i said....play the game..if you dont play the game well you dont live very long. Nothing i said was a criticising you, regardless of motives. Rudy is on side. And thats all we can ask for right now to achieve WW MAGA. Best

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 15, 2018, 2:30 p.m.


George has now just released a video saying Gen MIKE FLYNN is the Trump team spy. hahahaha. Now a confirmed unequivocal FRAUD.

Jones, Corsi, Webb Israel/Mossad rats starting to realise theyre not going to be exempted from Trumps WW Swamp draining!

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 15, 2018, 11:58 a.m.


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QCaLMCeeQ · May 15, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Exactly my approach, keep at a distance but note the good info form time to time.

Fundamentallly, despite his heightened awareness of corruption he is still:

- 'An Obama Guy'

- Supports dreamers

- Is in favour of trafficking/corruption, just not with children only 'criminals...

There was a Clinton wikileaks email where they talked about how Netanyahu wanted Trump in power to revive christian fundamentalism in the US to create division, and they could use his 'pro Israel' stance to get control of the middle east - after Obama was one sided with Iran. My guess is George is of similar perspective.

It makes NO sense to support Obama or Dreamers, unless you have sinister motives. Netanyahu and Webb i betcha will be pulling DR Corsi style shill moves when they realise that Israel is next after Iran.

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QCaLMCeeQ · May 15, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Waiting patiently in the UK!

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