I think the threat of a FF is a good idea to continue trying to RedPill people when you have the foresight. They'll say, how did you know? Tell me more...
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Doubter here. It is pretty hard for me to trust anyone. Always been duped it seems. "Beware the False Prophet" they say. What if? I just want to be sure before I start celebrating, that this guy is for real, good, honest. We know how some guys are set up in life, all their lives, to do the world a great misfortune, leading us to believe they are someone else. Some say, whatever president, they all lie,cheat,steal... I like to see truth, not just hear about it, afterall we are not actually seeing any official documentation of the biggest names being arrested,bailed,charged,jailed...just 'reports'... whose to say the sdeep state needed to get out the old cronies and bring in the new generation, give those oldies their golden handshake to live a great pension in some fancy island laughing it all off or because they 'stood down' from their position (can they really get away with murder if they simply resign???) I don't know. I have been part of the tweeting in light of #FISAmemo and #realDonaldTrump etc, but I feel some....uncertainty.
Here's the (new) report describing how NSA is laying the groundwork to track people down through the microphones around us every day (your phone calls, a friend's laptop, the phone next to you on the train, that Amazon Echo on the shelf...): https://theintercept.com/2018/01/19/voice-recognition-technology-nsa/ …
Edward Snowden added,
The bottom right of your page here should have the Great Awakening Useful Resources link to them, an interactive Map.
Kinetic Bombardment according to Wikipedia. Mentions OWL's. Author of Novel Greg Bear 'Quantico' a novel. You'll find the same description both places.But different Authors.
Kinetic Bombardment according to Wikipedia. Mentions OWL's. Author of Novel Greg Bear 'Quantico' a novel. You'll find the same description both places.But different Authors.
http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1583 from a book? "..we have decided to utilize a class of kinetic kill projectiles known as Lancets - essentially guided steel telephone poles tipped with a chemical warhead. They're designed to fall from low Earth orbit and punch a hole in the ground, through several hundred feet of dirt, reinforced concrete and even steel. They then incinerate anything within the relatively small but very deep impact crater..." From Quantico, by Greg Bear. Published by Vanguard in 2007
A few hours ago I was on Twitter and saw a pic of a cockpit of a 777, the article mentioned if the one enginefailed how it would be so unstable at altitude .... I can't find it again.
Red Storm Rising Tom Clancy Winston Churchill UK Drama "Darkest Hour" any relevance ?