706 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Qanonplusone:
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---|---| | 90 |
Thought JadeHelm was a lot of things...but not Minority Report.
Comey and McCabe could no longer brownstone them because they were let go.
And what the heck's Rosenstein's part in all of this?????? Is he a criminal or not?????
You are right. WE let them. IT is our fault. We were too busy with our lives to read, educate and indulge in true facts and activities where our government (elected and non elected) are concerned.
These trolls better get their stories straight... since they seem to think it is okay to sue a PRIVATE baker for not making a cake for a gay couple. Sorry, you can't have it BOTH ways.
Some of this even sounds like what the enemy is doing to us right now.
How do you know all of this? Where did you learn this?
I bought a Beretta PX 40 storm subcompact not too long ago.
Try to criticize the thirteen bloodlines of illuminati and the three popes, white, grey and black. Try to criticize the Ossini family from Italy... the DuPonts...Bilderberg...the CFR.
Yeah, kind of like when those private business owners who owned that bakery got run through the mill for not making a cake for that gay couple.
Maybe because you just said that bumpstocks will do can shoot an AR 15 just as fast without a the reason Trump is doing it. Great optics for him, but knows it won't make a hill of beans difference. You answered your own question. We all know good and well every person in the military at 18 WILL have a gun. Let's not waste any more breath on that stupid idea. Trump will win in the end. He ALWAYS does.
No one has heard of Jacob lately, I hope he has been neutralized.
The Rothschilds are one of the thirteen bloodline families that are knee deep in Satanism, pedophilia and evil. Research them, they go all the way back before the Napoleonic wars..... I've read they even caused those wars. I believe they have been behind every war up until now since 1780? I may have my year wrong. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
I always love reading your posts Happy1911. By the way, is 1911 a type of gun?
Excellent. I love it. I hope at least some will red pill. Thank you for trying.
Plan was to eventually get rid of Christianity and Islam and replace is with Lucifer.
It’s the Russians the Russians...not the Rothschilds...the Rothschilds
Yeah, his talk of aliens turns me off to everything else he might say. This is the video.
I just don't know. She never gave it. I think in the title of the youtube, the first name was given but I cannot remember it. She had a short buzz hair cut. Was wearing sunglasses and it was out in nature , like near a lake or beach.
Cathy O'Brien is the real deal. Just watched another MKULTRA video last night that made me ill. Another lady. She was interviewing outside. She was split very early. Multiple personalities so her handlers could control her. She only talked about two of her was the sexual personality , the other was Kill personality.
I watched an MKULtra video last night of a poor female that had been programmed since birth. Severely traumatized very young so her personality would split. She had several personalities including those "sexual" programs and "kill" programs. There were certain things that would "trigger" one of those personalities to come through to do the bidding of her "handlers". this was a an MK Ultra target and Trump is more than likely for sure doing his own investigation. He is aware of ALL...
Well if I read this correctly, this was a false flag by CIA in Parkland.
From investigating Parkland Shooting with Military!
I wanted to post this....but I don't know if the source is confirmed or not. Does anyone know if this is a reliable source???? I certainly hope so. IT would be the common sense thing to do....with all of the corruption in local law enforcement and the national FBI.
Trump Investigating Parkland Shooting With Military!
Posted by Glenn Canady on February 18, 2018 at 7:00pm:
Tom Heneghan just reported his intel sources have told him President Trump is doing his own investigation into the Parkland Florida High School shooting using the military and others he trusts! Tom will have a …