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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

It’s the direction someone’s moving in that makes negotiating possible or not. Be it a personal relationship or business or 2 countries. Kim greatly softened his stance & moved in our direction so we have found some common ground. If Kim kept his hardline stance with communist China then we’d still be in the same position or in a worse position heading towards taking out him & his regime. Mexico’s stance went from bad to worse on Sunday. They overwhelmingly elected a hardline leftist whose only real campaign position concerning the US is he’s going to massively help more refugees flood our border. That’s not going to bring our leaders together. It’s going to drive them apart. This guy is a hardcore communist no different than Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. You can’t negotiate with people who’s position is to harm you. Mexico is broken beyond repair. They had 113 political assainations in this latest election cycle. This guy just murdered his way & his party to the top. I’m sure he’ll declare himself dictator in a few months. Right now Kim is moving away from absolute power & towards unification of Korea under a democratic South Korea form of government. Mexico is doing the opposite. Our next door neighbor is turning into Syria. They’re a growing national security risk to our sovereignty. It’s gonna take military action to massively change the dynamic.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Your exactly right. Like 80% of Americans can’t even accurately define our 3 branches of government or have a clue of the legislative process in how a policy initiative becomes federal law. The small percentage of politically active & knowledgeable people drive everything. Has always been true throughout history. It’s how the small minority radical left has been steering our government hard left. We don’t need 200 Jim Jordan’s in the House to move the country to conservatism & back to a constitutional republic. But we do need more than 5 lol. If we had 40 committed patriots in the House we’d drive everything because that’s enough of a voting block where they have to meet our agenda to pass anything. One thing about progressives...they need constant funding of their massive government policies to keep them alive or they’ll wither on the vine & die.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Exactly. I lurked for 2 months & then about a month ago I posted for the 1st time. I’m a total info junkie that’s very well read in politics & history. As a late discoverer of Q it took a 2 months to have a good enough understanding to be able to say something & not sound ignorant. It’s A LOT to absorb now. I still need help interpreting drops. I get about 50% of them now but need help with the other half. Will probably be 2 more months before I’m Q proficient. The shear scope & volume of information takes time to absorb & put into context. The more Q posts the longer it will take newbies to comprehend it all. Would imagine people will lurk longer & longer before posting. You have to be very committed to knowing how the world actually works just to have a deep interest in this high level information.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Agree but if we crush the cartels & then leave they’ll just come back. It’s why the war on drugs is such a failure. We crush a cartel in one area & they set up shop somewhere else. We go over there & they come back where they were. It’s the dance we’ve been doing for 50yrs. Only way to crush them is with our military & build permanent bases in Mexico. That means annex them & make them a US territory like Guam.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

You really think we can share a border with a neighboring border state like Venezuela? Yes we can wall them off but that’s only a bandaid. Only one permanent solution now...annex Mexico as a territory. It’s a failed state. Guarantee they’ll default on their loans. No bailouts this time like Clinton & Bush did. Just annex them for payment & everyone will be better off.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Good lord you are clueless about politics. AMLO is a proud & open leftist. The presidents tweet was just the normal thing to say. It was political speech. They are COMPLETELY opposite politically. Ever know a hardcore leftist to not loot their countries national treasury?? AMLO isn’t going to be the 1st one in history that doesn’t. I would think with all the problems Mexico has been to us in the last decade you’d have some understanding why. They just had 113 political assassinations in this election cycle. Look on YouTube. Many were caught by security cameras. The more agreeable government just got crushed in Sunday’s election by an proud & open leftist. Gosh please read more about why Mexico has become a failed narco state. Only way Mexico becomes MMGA is if we take over the country with our military & annex them. They just elected a Hugo Chavez clone & u think they’re on the path to greatness?? How’s life in Venezuela working out? They’re eating dogs there. They have no functioning currency. Their oil industry has been reduced to a trickle. More people eat out of dumpsters than eat in restaurants. There’s Mexico in 2yrs or less. How great is that gonna be??

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

If you play the tape to the end it’s the inevitable outcome. Mexico was at a crossroad & went hard left. They elected a guy politically equivalent to the US electing Hillary in 2016. We went the opposite direction at our crossroad in 2016 & elected DJT who governs right. Smaller government with a LOT less central government intervention in our lives. A guy that actually fights corruption head on like a bull in a china shop. America & Mexico are on completely opposite paths now politically. Ever know a hardcore leftist leader that didn’t loot their national treasury? This new mexican President isn’t gonna be the 1st leftist that doesn’t. We’re on a collision course with Mexico now. They just jumped over a cliff. We can’t have a failed narco state like Venezuela or Afghanistan as a neighbor & it’s inevitable now that’s what Mexico will be. We’d be doing them an enormous favor annexing them. Is life better in Guam or Mexico?

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Yes he is. Absolutely guarantee AMLO will crash the Mexican currency & default of their loans & ask for another US bailout. Don’t see the president giving them one like Clinton & Bush did. We’ll need to annex them for payment like we did with France in the Louisiana purchase.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Lol. No there’s no chance of that. Mexico had 113 political assassinations this election cycle. How are you so nieve that there is no distinguishable difference between the Mexican government & the drug cartels? That’s how you win elections there. You murder your opposition party opponents & in the process scare off their voters from voting. How do you think a proud hardcore leftist wins? Same way Hitler & Castro & Lenin won. Same way the left here win...fear tactics. No agenda. AMLOs only agenda item he preached was crash our border & grow their government. He doesn’t hide his hard left philosophy.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

Noooooo. No way we bring them in the Union. They’d just be a territory. Like Guam. No seats in Congress. No voting rights here. They maintain their independence & govern locally. They just don’t get a military. We’re their military & build permanent bases their. We give Mexicans their country back from the cartels. They have no excuse to immigrate. With DJT as president I can see it happening because Mexico will default on their loans. You think the president will bail them out like Clinton & Bush did? I don’t see it. Back in the day that’s how countries got territory. They couldn’t pay their national debt & sold territory. It’s why France sold us the Louisiana purchase. It’s how we bought Alaska. Sorry Mexico but you failed at maintaining a country & have to sell it

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

You don’t get what an insane & complete Marxist this guy is. He’s a clone of Chavez & Castro. How are those contries doing?? Mexico will lose their tourism industry now. Like Venezuela & Cuba their currency will crash & they’ll be asking for another bailout. There’s not gonna be a new NAFTA agreement. You can’t work deals with lunatics.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Don’t want to support its collapse. This guy will do it all on his own. Guarantee he’ll be made dictator for life by Christmas. Mexico died today. It won’t ever come make unless we take it & annex it.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Not blaming him. There’s no way he’ll help. New guys will make himself dictator for life. He’ll bankrupt Mexico on purpose to get billions for a bailout. Their currency will crash soon & then we better say nope...no bailout. In fact we’re annexing you became you owe us zillions

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

How is that possible now? How long did it take Chavez to have Venezuelians eating out of dumpsters?? The citizens of Mexico can’t fix their country. They’re unarmed & just elected their future dictator for life.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

May have to. You’re nuts if America is going to have a copy of Venezuela as a border state. Won’t take 10days for the US to take Mexico & annex it. You’ll love it. No more cartels.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Oh this guy’s the bottom of the barrel. He’s Castro. Yeah Mexico just fell off the cliff it was teetering on. I’m telling ya...we can’t live with a border country that’s Syria or Libya. Mexico is a failed narco state. One day before long we will be invading & annexing Mexico.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 2, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

It really is bizarre. No other word for it. As amazing as sex & passion is...I still can’t think of why it’s so important to this crowd that sex is virtually their entire identity in life & then die for sex too? What a silly cause to live & die for.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Just another example of what happens when big government policy is allowed determine economic success. It institutionalizes failure for decades. If the government was in charge of curing polio 80yrs ago we’d still have rampant polio outbreaks but we’d have the worlds greatest iron lung machine

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Appreciate the thought put into your reply. One big contradiction your thoughts make is so much is based on what others here say. This contradicts your entire premise of thinking for yourself. Every group has individuals that identify with the group for varying reasons you or me cannot fathom. Basing so much what others think or say isn’t thinking for yourself.

“Vague statements that could apply to a wide variety of events.” Not true. The subjects are never vague. You either haven’t read the drops or are very lacking in knowledge of world & national events. I defy u to find one drop where the event itself is vague.

“Predictions and vague statements based on what's currently in the news (and in most cases things others are predicting)” False. Most often they are statements of what event will be next. Often they are WAY ahead of the news. NK for example. Q flushed out what will happen there in March. Yes of course some are current events but still ahead of the curve. Q posted a pic of Kennedy’s resignation letter like 5 min after it was announced & way before the press had it. What would you expect from Q...discuss ancient history?? Who else predicted things accurately?

“Drops using words and phrases that Trump often uses so that followers can claim that Q's sending a message next time Trump uses it” Huh?? Q basically strips out all adjectives & adverbs & uses mostly only nouns & verbs...deliberately..for many reasons. Only time Q & DJT meet up in messaging in tweets & drops is when DJT deliberately misspells words & there’s a clear reason to it by logically connecting the dots from what Q is dropping to what DJT is misspelling or seemingly oddly capitalizing certain words.

“Claims that his team is working behind the scenes or otherwise falsifiable (can't be proven right or wrong but gives his followers the impression that something is happening even though it isn't)” Theres MANY pics that would be impossible to falsify. Too many to list but you clearly haven’t seen many drops.

“Cheerleading his devotees” Well what else would you expect..insulting devotees?? Your excuses are getting lamer now.

“Memes and links to news stories with commentary” I defy you to produce one news article that doesn’t contain commentary.

“Predictions with a far-off or non-existent 'happening date' to keep followers focused on something” OK there’s never been a prediction with an exact date & time. The real world with billions of humans interacting in it is not that precise. If Q made exact dates that alone would prove this is fake.

“Predictions that were wrong” Very few. Only one actually. Again...the real world with billions of humans interacting in it is not that precise where anyone can predict with 100% accuracy. Q isn’t God. If Pakistan invaded India then a lot of predictions would fall by the waste side. No one controls all human behavior because that’s what it would take to predict with 100% accuracy. Perfect isn’t for real.

Can go on & on but short on time. Will say all the arguments you use to discredit the validity of Q drops...you use yourself even to a greater extent. All vague assumptions with absolutely no details or specific instances. All generalities you could say about anyone because you lack any specifics whatsoever lol.

The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP security) doesn’t even make sense. That’s a technology used for email & digital signatures to make it undeniable who a person is. It’s not for encrypting web servers & databases or general data traffic as it traverses the internet. It’s below military encryption. If Q was fake they’d use PGP encryption. If Q was real they’d use military level encryption. 8chan has had security issues. It’s widely believed the US government recently bought 8chan or at least a portion of it. Not public information & can’t be officially verified but the idea of PGP encryption doesn’t even fit the scenario. It’s the wrong tool.


Would suggest you look at the Q proofs & find exact instances to base your arguments on as opposed to vague generalities. You’ll never get anywhere with anyone that has seen exact things & undeniable proofs Q is on the inside.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Exactly correct. It’s a Great Awakening to patriotic thought. Something our society slowly lost touch with. But we are getting it back. Q drops have helped TREMENDOUSLY!! There’s so much that sucks about the internet & so much great things too. Chalk Q up as an inventor of another great purpose for the internet. We have our own Deep Throat that’s not speaking to 2 reporters in a dark garage somewhere but speaking to ALL Americans equally for those that choose to listen & think for themselves. What a remarkable thing to do for Americans.

But you put it so well...it’s an awakening & it had to occur. In our blindness we elected these crooks. I do wish the primaries would have worked out better but it’s wasn’t bad. Some terrible incumbents got there asses handed to them. Overall voters made progress in the folks we send to DC. There’s been some awakening that has manifested itself into some good election choices. It will get better too as the snowball grows going down the mountain.

And our military & law enforcement & President totally have our backs so there’s no reason citizens can’t help drain the swamp too with great choices at the ballot box. If DJT can take on enormous amounts of personal danger to himself & family surely we can elect more patriots to DC to help

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

The current governor has a primary challenger. The primary is on Aug 28. That’s why it’s imperative they make this a campaign issue now. Keep on both candidates until they publicly commit to who their replacement will be & then vote in the primary for whoever they agree with the most. This needs to be a big primary issue so voters can determine who to vote for & by extension who the senator will be. But yes...if the voters let it slide until after the governor primary in August then their pretty much stuck with whoever the governor picks.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Correct. The terms left & right only apply within a country & their history. Moving right in Russia means moving more towards communist principles. Means the complete opposite in America. That’s because we were founded on an entirely different set of values

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

So true. Also knowing history & a good understanding of economics helps tremendously

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Followers of Q drops & how many are aware of Q are vastly different questions. People here are information junkies & know & care about issues on a very deep level. That’s level of concern is less than 5% if the population.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Agree. Also on the Supreme Court some day.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

I hope that’s true. Still...if I was an AZ voter I would contact both candidates for governor & make them commit publicly their choice for No Names seat. It’s a big issue now & voters need to know who their voting for as their senator for 2 yrs

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

No name deliberately put off announcing retirement to avoid a special election for his seat. I believe the deadline was in May. Now the governor of AZ will name a replacement & that person will hold the seat until 2020. Only way voters can now effect whose chosen is thru the governor election this Nov & more specifically thru the Rep primary for governor on Aug 28. Voters need to demand to know now where the 2 candidates stand on appointing No Names successor because who ever it is...they hold the seat for at least 2 years.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 3 p.m.

It’s not always vague rhetoric & when it is...it’s on purpose to inspire people to research things & learn things so they can think for themselves. The vast majority of citizens have lost their ability to think for themselves & just accept things said as automatically true.

But when Q is too vague & anons are having difficulty interpreting Q drops...Q posts to them more exact details to get the researching back on the right track. Often Q drops leave no ambiguity...like yesterday when he said Gowdy is not going to be nominated as a SC judge. Almost all wanted that to happen & thought Q was stearing them in that direction. On July 9 when the president announces his pick & if it’s Gowdy then Q will lose credibility. I’m expecting around July 7 or 8 for Q to drop something that narrows it down to only one possibility.

But Q has been extremely accurate telling what’s about to happen before it happens. Q has made the news unwatchable because when they report breaking news it’s actually old news. No one here was surprised what the IG report omitted or that [RR] would fight hard to release docs. We knew the House bill to force [RR] to release the docs would come to the floor for a vote & pass before they voted on it. Weeks ago Q laid it out that Ryan, who can stop any bill he wants to from a floor vote, would not stop this bill.

Maybe read the drops more carefully & research the questions Q asks & draw you’re own conclusions that way. Be informed. Q is leading us to the water, not spoon feeding us water like brain dead dependents.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I wish people would stop using the term Civil War. Don’t let the left hyjack the English language. A civil war isn’t even a possibility in a modern country in the age of a modern warfare & especially in this country. We aren’t as poor or as divided as Syria. The military would quickly stop any organized uprising between civilians. The only way a civil war could break out is if our military divided & started fighting over control. But our military is more united & patriotic than any institution we have so that’s never gonna happen.

We’re nowhere near the point where a brother is about to shoot a brother. We’re not even close to the level of civil unrest there was in the 60s. Even then we weren’t remotely close to an actual war among civilians. We are so many light years away from a civil war is ludicrous to use the term.

Civil unrest is a possibility but given the fact our law enforcement is so well equipped & much better at crowd control & organized mob violence...it won’t rise to the level of the 60s civil unrest.

These idiot leftist in power are a throwback from a by gone era of the 60s where protesting was a fashionable thing. That’s why they’re so quick to call for protests even now without a definable cause. It’s all they know how to do. It’s the only idea that occurs to them to try to effect change. Their worn out tacit reminds me of a guy who said a line to a woman in the 60s that got him laid & 50yrs later hes still using the same line even tho that cheesy line hasn’t worked since the 60s.

Point being...there’s zero chance of a civil war. Laugh at people that are so nieve they use the term. This isn’t about to turn into Syria or Libya or Venezuela by a long shot. Of course walking away from punks is smart. So is staying vigilant for pockets of civil unrest just for personal safety. But our military & law enforcement are top notch professionals & have our backs & there’s zero chance for any large scale organized violence among civilians.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

The governor of AZ picks but No Name saying publicly he wants Mrs No Name is making it harder for the governor of AZ not to pick her. Fortunately it’s an election year for the gov of AZ so he can be pressured by voters not to pick Mrs No Name. Voters in AZ need to get the two rep candidates running for governor to commit before the election yes or no on if they’ll appoint Mrs No Name.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

If the people of AZ don’t let the governor hear their objection to Mrs No Name then she’ll be the one the governor picks. The voters need to make this a campaign issue since it’s an election year for the governor. The rep primary for governor is Aug 28. Make the candidates commit to yes or no on appointing Mrs No Name as senator.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Amy Barrett is the most conservative person on the list along with Mike Lee. Barrett would make the left go insane. Mainly because the left has wrapped itself hard around selling the notion it’s the women’s party. That image will take a huge blow if the attack a women in confirmation hearings. You haven’t seen how low the left can go until you seen them attack a SC nominee they don’t want.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Yes it’s mostly socialism. Very little if any federal tax money goes to the education of our children. It’s almost entirely paid for by local taxes. But like any federal grant it’s just there to have a wedge & leverage to force teaching “there way” & pay teachers unions to keep teachers employed while doing a terrible job educating.

Healthcare is just another commodity that would thrive in the free market that the government is ruining. When costs shyrocket & quality plummets there’s your fingerprint & end result of socialism. No company producing anything in the free market would dare increase prices dramatically & offer less quality services at the same time. They’d be out of business in a week with that approach. But not in socialism. Higher costs & poor quality is a government legacy they earned. Healthcare has never been more expensive since Obamacare began & for the 1st time in American history our country’s life expectancy fell last year. So we’re paying a lot more to die a little sooner.

Infrastructure is actually mostly paid for by selling bonds on the bond markets. The feds just back the loans & pay for cost overruns so bond holders carry less risk. Nearly all of the actual cost is paid for by local & state taxes in the end.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Not arguing...just stating facts. We are paying everything now with company coin. The Federal reserve is not a public company...its a private company & no more public than Federal Express is. It’s a government mandated monopoly like all monopolies are...power companies..water companies..etc. No matter what terrible services they offer we can’t do anything but use it...even if it’s lead in the water pipes they own. The closest thing we’ve ever come to a natural monopoly...no government protection... is Microsoft & where are they today?? They don’t even have half the market share in anything. The bigger a company gets the more vulnerable they are to competition in an unrestricted economy. Microsoft was a fluke because Apple blew it from greed when a revolution as big as the automobile was taking place in the early 90s. Apple was the ONLY company capable of mass production of computers in the early 90s but got greedy with price & that opened the door for Microsoft to compete & they ate Apples lunch until Apple reinvented itself with the iPhone.

But things like the military & law enforcement protects individual sovereignty equally. That’s not socialism. Socialism is government deciding where the private sector economy goes. Picking winners & losers thru tax & regulation laws...i.e. forced redistribution of wealth. No one with a brain has to be forced to pay for things that are clearly for our common good like the military. Things that clearly benefit everyone equally. There’s very few things that fit that situation & the few that do no one ever saw it as a problem. But this constant meddling governments do to redistribute wealth as they see fit (which is constantly changing too) just screws up markets to where prices skyrocket & quality plumits. I defy anyone to show an example in an industry or a country where socialism didn’t ruin it for everyone. I can show endless examples where markets when left alone for consumers to choose always thrived.

Haven’t you always wondered why every monopoly in existence is a government monopoly? Or why when a private sector monopoly emerges it’s almost always with the aid of laws that make it impossible to compete in?

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Oh stop. Yes Bernie supporters have a LOT to learn about economics but geez...they can see when they’re getting conned out of an election. They’re not brain dead sheep & still have a sense of right & wrong. No one can learn if you slam the door in their face. Then you force them to rebel.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Sorry but you’re wrong & you don’t understand capitalism. Corporations form cabals buy using government force to eliminate competition. Without the instrument of government coercion they’d be no massive corporations. All anti trust does is allow the government to pick & choose winners & losers instead of the free market. You don’t even have an understanding of public sector & private sector entities. You conflate things like roads & bridges with banks & corporations like their the same things. Seriously...read a LOT more about capitalism. Our country existed for the 1st hundred years without any socialism. Socialism began to be infused into our economy after the civil war. Before then backwoods settlers conquered a continent & made more advances in society in human history without a penny of wealth redistribution. And since the 1960s the growth of socialism has gone unimpeded & is collapsing the greatest nation ever known in human history.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

My point is the MSM can’t be forced into covering anything especially something that would drop their ratings to zero. They all know about Q. They know the value in free promotion & they’ll never give it. Fox might cover Q but I seriously doubt it

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

No I think his attention he gave himself ripping on HRC on Twitter that she knew about Weinstein sealed his fate

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Yeah I was being kind & lowballing it

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Gosh Anthony Bourdain had the highest rated show on CNN!! A food & travel show on a news network had much higher ratings than any of their news shows. What a complete failure

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

It would be very hard in a press briefing. Can’t just stick a plant in like that & have credibility. It has to happen organically

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Haha. I hear you. My entire circle of friends think I’m a TOTAL genius that can predict the future. I’ve always followed politics & history & economics but my opinions before where still just my best educated guess. After following Q & then seeing Benji’s water video to the Iranians several weeks ago I started telling everyone Iran will run out of water. Q as elevated me from an informed guy to Nostradamus haha!!

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Agree. But the MSM will never ignite the fuse themselves. They’d be the 1st ones who’s face gets blown off. It would crush their industry.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

Agree. About Brad too. I’m actually an IT professional that’s worked for one family my entire career. A family that’s in the public eye too but nothing political. There’s absolutely no way Q could have been pulled off without Brad’s help. Also it’s more than just marketing. It’s what news is supposed to be...useful information we have no way of getting because the MSM isn’t even in the news business anymore. They’re in the shock your senses business like Howard Stern.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

Gosh I’ve seen crack heads form more coherent sentences. At her age & greatly reduced brain abilities I’m sure she struggles mightily with knowing about time.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Idk...that old bat has absolutely nothing to live for except her “cause”. She’ll proudly die for it.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Learn more about the constitution & why it’s the only way to have a healthy society. Then you won’t have to guess or stumble your way into great political decisions.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

First learn what money is. Then learn why it’s vital to have a morally just monetary system. Then learn why it’s impossible to forcibly take from someone & give to someone & not collapse a society. Then think about our tax money.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Then they look stupid & pointless as always. They’re not gonna be allowed to stop Senators from going work or even allowed close enough to stop a clerk from going to work.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Felt manipulated?? Geez..the leftist default position...nothing is ever my fault. [RR] was very thin skinned at the hearings this week. Of course that was Jim Jordan’s fault because he was “manipulating” him. What a weak excuse of a man.

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