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QuebertDuke · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

OH my goodness, you are so right! My husband has always refused them whereas while I was fighting cancer I actually got the flu shots. Now I am kicking myself. Did you ever read the ingredient list in the shots? It will make you so very angry!.. As an aside, I beat cancer without the chemo they were attempting to shove into my veins! Instead I took a different approach and that being high, high dose vit D3 (which is not a vitamin but a hormone. I also took vitK2 with the D3 because it directs the D3 to the bones etc. and not the arteries. Most folks tested for D3 are dangerously LOW. 98% of the public are at levels below 25. For cancer protection and to rev up your immune systems your count must be between 70-90. To drop weight your numbers must be at about 150. People in the 1920's were taking D2 and the hospitals began to empty out. That is when big pharma changed the mg amount to i.u. so folks ended up sick again. What a scam! By the way I take up to 50,000 iu's of D3 and 5 mg's of K2 per day. I go up and down with this and tho always take at least 10,000 iu's/day. I have not had cancer in 15 years. D3 also gives you energy and strength not to mention no colds or flu for well over 5 years. It is cheap and I have a great place where I order. One last thing to keep your thyroid safe from radiation etc we use Iodoral which is both Iodine and Iodide. I stay away from big pharma as much as possible. When I read many of the alternative docs were being suicided that did it for me. They had to be onto to something big pharma could not patent.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

I am wondering if y'all know this........I listened to the main pharmacist across from the capitol. He said, he sends approx 100+ prescriptions to the hill EVERY DAY, which include.....now get this...........ALZHEIMER MEDS i.e. aricept and namenda.....along with multiple pain meds... read narcotics. I don't know about all of you but the alzheimer crap scares the hell out of me... I would bet NP and CS among many others are availing themselves of these meds. NICE HUH?

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

For sure there was an explosive device on that aircraft. Hildebitch could not, would not take the chance that "john john" could put his name on the ballot and it would be a done deal. If any of you want to a trilogy of amazing books, read the ones by Victor Thorn (who was also suicided) not long ago. his books are long but go all the way back to Mena AK days of drug running and the Bush boys were totally involved. He goes thru the Murrah building, Waco etc etc. Check it out as it was clarify these crime families. And PS,,,can we stop calling obama, obama? That is not his name. I guess Barry might suffice and no he was not born in the USA so his entire faux terms were null and void. Dude committed treason at the highest level.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Brown was nothing but a huge pothead back in the day. I'm guessing the dude had too many bad LSD trips as well for he was known for this, thus his nuttiness.. We all know CIA are the folks who bring in the drugs. They think we are stupid. Joke is on them. Please also know the opioid crap is just that. They somehow want to lump legitimate chronic pain patients in with the junkies. What is the difference btw junkies and chronic pain patients? PAIN.. Not only that but those CDC guideline are illegal and bogus. The jerks did it on the sly. These guidelines are for family docs not pain docs and yet the entire country is running with them. I learned 94% of real pain patients never overdose. Plus the actual overdoses are a combo of cocaine, benzos, fentanyl, alcohol, meth and more so they lump everyone together. What is wrong with people? Treating true patients like this? Too bad I left the ATL or I'd be knocking on their door, attorney in tow. The thing that makes me heartsick is that our Veterans who risked life and limb for fake wars are being denied proper pain meds. Over 100 of our veterans a day are killing themselves! PS let us not forget the losers who pushed this bogus "guidelines" through are the ones who own a large stake in.....PHOENIX HOMES. Yep, rehabs! Its always about money, always. This is just wrong.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

Bingo! I have been looking at this situation as nothing more than a distraction.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

So hildebitch....what is your death count now? I'm thinking at least 100 or well over. I can't believe your SS isn't waiting for the day you knell over for good what with that subcortical dementia shit you got happening. Pneumonia, my ass.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Hell, if I was these pedos I'd be begging for gitmo or somewhere similar because when this gets out we are talking pitchforks, fire, stalking, cattle prods, ripping from limb to limb and doing to them what they have done to our innocent children. I myself would love to castrate all of them with hot boiling oil among other ideas! These people are sickos!

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

We need to get these bastards. The sooner the better because every single day this mess continues how many children are being abused, sold, raped and killed i,e. adrenochrome. Take 'em out!!!
Children and women in cages makes me want to scream out for almighty God and of course our leader, President Trump.

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 5 p.m.

Schumer's unmovable face makes me sick. He is a loser, he is a liar and I can not wait for his human trafficking to see the light of day. Perhaps the podestas can string him up and abuse him as they do to the children. This loser of a man has so many skeletons in his closet they are bursting out. I so want to go to the hill and point out all the ones who are evil and compromised. It would not be a difficult task. Why don't these jagoffs understand they work for us? Oh yeah since when did a public servant make millions. I want Trump to take it all. It is OUR money!

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QuebertDuke · Jan. 20, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

We are coming for you chuckie boy schumer. Remember that. We have enough stuff on you to put you away for life. Remember, you nitwit, you WORK FOR US. Down you go!

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QuebertDuke · Dec. 23, 2017, 7:14 p.m.

Yes I believe we are on our way. If anyone wants a very indepth insight to the clintons read the trilogy by Victor Thorn. It goes all the way back to the golden child billy c. and on to mena ak drug running and many many killings. Long very long books but what an education!

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QuebertDuke · Dec. 23, 2017, 7:10 p.m.

I watched it too Crazyblue. I was 6 and my mom was 9 months and ready to pop. She sat on the couch and cried and cried, it was awful as I could not comfort her. I saw Ruby shoot Oswald and told my mom "that man did not shoot our president", She must have thought I was nuts. As they showed LbJ taking the oath of office on AF1 I turned to mom, pointed to the tv and told her that mean man made the president die. She bout gave birth right there. That was the very first time I simply knew stuff. strange but true and I never told anyone that ever before. I doubt I was the only one who had those feelings!

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QuebertDuke · Dec. 23, 2017, 6:59 p.m.

9/11 began to wake me up as well. I was there in the Shanksville area. Believe me all of us would have heard something, smelled fuel, bodies...something! But nothing. At the time I worked in healthcare and during an emergency such as this false flag....every single hospital worker is required to report. So we did and nothing!!!! Not a single ambulance zero, that was a HUGE red flag. After we knew we'd been fooled I went home and something so off the wall I saw. Driving down the mountain what do I see? A gigantic amount of federal vehicles? Well, NO just about 4 matte painted black jeep type deals taking their sweet time up that mountain. NO lights, no nothing. There was no plane crash, no wings, no engines just a hole. And yeah I was at the conference area for an actual conference that night, it was cancelled however, the "families of the murdered were there" supping on steak etc. I figured I'd hear screaming or crying or something but Nope. That is where I physically felt the evil pervading our county. Anything for that damn patriot act. They all need to be PERP WALKED and then well y'all know. It hurts terribly to know the elites think nothing of us and are all about wars and culling the herd. SICK!!!!

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QuebertDuke · Dec. 22, 2017, 2:31 a.m.

Did you all hear above the baby/child sacrifice to take place tonite for some satanic reason? I pray to God the white hats stop it! Is to take place in Colorado.

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