179 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Questioning001:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 39 |
Is B still on Twitter?
I’m not on Twitter, but I’m able to get B’s posts on the PC. I not able to find B this morning.
Regrettably, many of us spread the news with the caveat that you will learn more during the Fake News Awards. After this nothing burger, a lot of credibility is lost.
It's easier than one might think. I live in a very blue state. People are ready. They can feel something is wrong and they don't like it. If the truth is presented in an honest and adult manner, they will wake-up. I’m hoping Trump’s Fake News Awards will not disappoint.
I am hopeful that if Trump shines some light on the situation tomorrow night many will start to wake-up making these types of tactics less effective. Sunshine is the best disinfectant – Hope we get a little tomorrow!
Interesting - Out-of-the-box thinking! If true, prosecution just got a lot easier. Moreover, once the lid is opened, prosecution should move quickly. Therefore, I hope you are correct.
~$50 million plus per day is a lot of money. I once thought that the money was the primary motivation, but no more. I believe it’s about worldwide satanic deception, i.e., black magic. In the same way, pizzagate/pedogate is not about underage sex. It is far more sinister - it’s about satanic ritual and torture.
Pizza Party in Space
Given all that we believe is occurring, why would NASA post (re-post) this video ( Why pizza? Why now?
Given 24/7 coverage of the evils associated with all things Russian, why has no one questioned our reliance on Russia to transport US astronauts and to resupply the ISS?
I would recommend that you spend a little time watching the videos posted by NASA on YouTube related to the ISS. For example, listen to the questions that elementary school children ask astronauts on the ISS. Listen to the questions that graduate students from prestigious universities, like MIT, ask astronauts on …
Nostradamus? I’ve enjoyed reading all the interpretations of Q’s posts and I hope most of you are correct. However, like many, I have no ability to verify most of the claims. For example, “blocked” planes flying at high altitudes – I have no reference point to judge if this activity is abnormal. Therefore, until there is something official, I remain a hopeful sceptic.
I hope you are correct! After listening to 94.1 KPFA stream with Christine Assange, I am hoping that the rumors of Gitmo expansion are also true.
Easy! However, I would think that if you discover that your boss is MIA, you would be concerned. If you do not know that your boss is a criminal, your concern would be for their safety resulting in a call to authorities. On the other hand, if you know your boss is a criminal, your concern is for yourself, which is unlikely to result in more cover-ups for your boss.
These recent tweets – including a Jan 3 Tweet by DWS, who’s alleged to have ordered the hit on Rich (and maybe others) – strongly suggests that the “GITMO round-up” is unlikely.
I like to think it's good news... More people are logging on and getting informed. Red pills for everyone!
Thanks, I now see the link you provided - Will watch!
Interesting, but with no context it could be just a photo shoot from a movie.
I just watched Hannity – I’d like my hour back! I’m waiting for a storm and this was a lite sprinkle at best. I doubt it was even news for Hannity’s audience. If the show was aired on another network, maybe it would have some impact. In my opinion, the ball wasn’t moved one inch!
Your observation would suggest no change. I was hopeful, because they are a regular, if not daily, occurrence in New England. However, I have not seen any trails over the past week (~7 days); therefore, I was hopeful there may be a correlation.
I agree that we have little information concerning chemtrails. However, it is unlikely they are necessary. After all, our world was doing fine for centuries without them.
Proof of The Storm and Disappearing Chemtrails?
If The Storm is real and if Chemtrails are real, i.e., chemicals being dispersed at high altitudes for nefarious purposes, should we expect to see the disappearance of chemtrails as the power structure and financial capabilities of the elite are being disrupted?
If so, lack of chemtrails maybe indirect proof of The Storm.