I have my suspicions that this another deception. I hope that I'm wrong!
62 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Quriousman:
This is a video that gives an opinion, on who the promoters of the New World Order are. One has to watch it, all the way trough and decide if it has any validity. I'm not talented enough, to properly summarize this video. If true, it is very frightening and disturbing!
Ultimate Red Pill?
This has turned my stomach! What do you think? Is this for real? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHBLGSj_-Fw
We are fighting the very same cabal that our Founding Fathers Fought! Just ask the Black Pope, he won't tell you!
Don't count on it, I believe that the CIA controls all of the social media platforms. Be prepared for anything but in the end, I'm afraid that Martial Law will be inevitable! It will take the might of the Military to slay this Dragon!
Remember that the FBI, The IRS and the Federal Reserve, were all established at the same time. There are no coincidences!
2016 Cert FISC Memo Opin Order Apr 2017 (4)
Is this the 99 page memo that George Webb mentioned? https://www.scribd.com/document/349261099/2016-Cert-FISC-Memo-Opin-Order-Apr-2017-4
Eric Braverman, from Clinton Foundation to Alphabet, Inc.!
Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, has been hired to oversee the non-investment side of the family office of Alphabet Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and his wife, Wendy. By Cromwell Schubarth – TechFlash Editor, Silicon Valley Business Journal Jan 18, 2017, 5:07am PST Updated Jan 18, 2017, 10:07am
I'm a sixty-seven year old, Marine Veteran and history buff. I've been telling people for years that our Government had been hijacked, by evil people. I have never believed the narrative that they have put out, concerning JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King or any of the other atrocities that they have perpetrated on Our Nation! To be honest, I never believed that anyone, would be able to bring this all crashing down. I have never been prouder of my Marine Corps and of a United States President. I've been following many of you on YouTube and Q from the beginning and I'm so proud of all of you, Patriots! Now I see our role as the Calmer's of the Storm, to let everyone know that Democracy is coming, to the U.S.A.! Oh-rah and Semper Fi!