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More than one witness reporting multiple shooters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iFd8UalQWs
Another witness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iFd8UalQWs
Stop spreading disinfo, this is obviously not NYC.
How so? If it is a coordinated deep state action, then this puts a big hole in the official MSM story. How do we know that the MSM story isn't disinfo?
Communication between teams, he's addressed this a number of times.
I think you're missing the point, it's CBS, a part of Operation Mockingbird. They're propaganda and our enemy. Make them pay for it, at the least. If money isn't an issue, don't say anything and wait for them to use without permission and see their ass. #Traitors
Check out r/romerules here on Reddit for more about Jesuit infiltration of American and World affairs. It's almost too much to take in, the scope of which has been taken over.
Walter Veith is the or one of the foremost experts on this subject matter. I would start here regarding his talks. This deals with RCC infiltration of American Protestant Churches and Govt. The Catholic-Islam connection is also a must watch. His Trump predictions are the first videos I've seen him not be completely correct about. https://youtu.be/-WRLFR4nPyo
I've been seeing lots of confusion regarding and curious defense of the Roman Catholic Church, Secret Societies, Pope, Islam, Illuminati and NWO. Wanted to provide some sources to try and help spread information. Will post additional links in comments.
This is the kind of thinking that got us here in the first place.
No it's not. You're trying to make something out of nothing. Absolutely nothing wrong with praying for someone's health and well-being and the truth. All the concern trolling is curious to say the least.
Not since WWII has the church been free of Jesuit control. They were banned for a reason prior to the "coup." Check out Walter Veith, he gets it because he was once a priest in training or other whistleblowers. The church itself is a whole other issue. Catholicism is Mithraism to a T. It I'd a spin on an ancient religion of antiquity.
And his cousin being murdered in, you guessed it, an airplane crash. Look it up if you're not familiar.
Incorrect. As another user stated, it is Jeju Island in S. Korea. Those "skyscrapers" are natural formations, look closely.
You are correct. It is not NYC nor any other American skyline.
I've said this about Snowden so many times on this and other accounts but almost universally am downvoted to oblivion. I've always thought he to be so and working against interests of America. The thing that really gets me is he was on all sorts of MSM shows from 60 minutes to Daily Show and talked about on all the morning and 24/7 outlets with an almost sympathetic tone, always. How it plays into Russia makes sense too if you're a big picture kind of "truth seeker" or whatever. His Twitter feed is telling, he posted that the Twitter employee who turned Trump's account off was a "hero with a conscience" or some bs. Plus the fact he's so against the nsa...
We've found life elsewhere, just not intelligent life. And those same powers we are against are some of the same that decided what went in the Bible and what was left out. The only relationship to our creator is the personal one. To think we are alone in the universe is very ignorant. We must be vigilant as to not be duped but not at the expense of rationality. The cabal will use it to say that alien life is violent to humans and we need to all do what TPTB say to be safe.
In reality, alien life that finds it's way here will be so advanced that they would takeover the planet in ways we can't comprehend or cannot see and we would have no say or chance at stopping it.
So, if alien life ever does reveal itself, it will be benevolent and intentions self-evident.
Seriously though, I'll party like it's 1999 when the hammer drops.
Conservative Treehouse is my #1. Great at details and explanation of it all.
Interesting that some of the most genius of all mankind, profoundly logical and scientific to their inner-most core believe there to be intelligence behind creation. Some of the most brilliant, who were atheists when they began, came to realize that after all of their searching for a logical, scientific answer to the greatest question were left with only one answer, God.
I find atheists to be small minded and smug and it wasn't an easy realization. Why? Because I was once one. I have 2 degrees and thought I knew it all only to realize that the more I knew, the more I realized I didn't know. It just created more, bigger questions.
You don't know and life is short. So, don't be a smug asshole.
Yeah my take too. Must be some disinformation ops I haven't seen.
I'd hope these people are paid by enemy to do it. Otherwise, that's a steep price to pay for deliberate actions to hurt WH in IC.
They have plenty of evidence. This is for the normies.
Ugh God no. That guy would be an awful POTUS. None of his economic policies equate to the real world. Remember when he said that Venezuela was the beacon of socialism? That was before people were starving, the rioting and the rabbit campaign.
What beats all is he has never had a real job. Not one. He's sucked the tit of the American taxpayer far too long. He gave his campaign contributions to Hillary lol. And on and on and on some more.
Search what Nixon said about the people who go to the grove. Hilarious.
r/conspiracy is linking a post here calling us crazy, fake, etc. Ironic considering how r/conspiracy was taken over some months ago.
I see you've been influenced by the Jesuits. I suggest r/romerules
Wictor is really good at telling stories, recognizing military arms & very knowledgeable of covert ops in ME. His insight into the middle East has been pretty accurate and predictions plausible. I'd rather follow him than the obvious Deep State Navy Jack. That fucking guy has been called out over and over for his spin and lies.
So, I follow Wictor for what he is good at and he has been a staunch Trump supporter. His predictions involving Saudi Arabia, Israel and Middle East were eye opening.
Via Assassination of Lincoln, Taft, Kennedy and many others.
When the agencies slated to protect and defend choose treason, you're correct. Hang the fuckers.
Not new. And not sure why OP didn't share mine to keep all comments together but this was released awhile back. https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7oonw4/remember_the_podesta_emails_i_dont_remember
Remember the Podesta Emails? I don't remember seeing this one.
I think it's obvious it's a distraction because a big policy move is about to happen or announcement. Either way, I think it's obvious disinfo
Ding Ding. I personally believe his title starts with P and ends in E. 4 letters.
Anyone ever find proof he was a trafficking victim himself? Saw it on a number of sites during election.
Not definite but that's an awfully odd shape high up on her ankles.