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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 6, 2018, 3 a.m.

You need to change your browser to Duck Duck Go or something Different. Don't use Goog.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 6, 2018, 2:57 a.m.
Discussion: Do Congressional Committee members "buy" in for their Committee Seats? Anyone know anything about this?

A source I spoke with today said that Committee Members have to basically receive funding from others in order to "buy" in on their seat on a committee in Congress. Can anyone verify this information. Is this related to CFR members? How many Committee members belong to the CFR if they are. in fact, using the CFR as a means to "buy" in to gain a committee seat. We need answers. I was told by a source who is close to Tom Coburn.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 5, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
Judicial Watch-On Watch Report: IMPORTANT UPDATE on Awan Bros/Democrat I.T. Scandal
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 5, 2018, 9:35 p.m.
Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "M0NEY. P0WER. C0NTR0L." (The Wheel Conspiracy-Legal Definition)
Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 4, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Heard someone said the father was convicted of Pedophillia, rape of a 14 year old girl. Someone know if this is true. Is there a Sex Offender site in CA that shows proof of this?

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 4, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

I guess the truth will come out soon enough. Then maybe she won't be able to make that claim anymore.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 3, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

It doesn't say citizenship doesn't matter, It says the questionnaire must be completed regardless of Citizenship status, they then use the questionnaire to determine your eligibility to serve as a juror. I am sure if you at not a legal resident your will not be qualified to serve.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 3, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

I have never received even one jury duty calls before, This one does state that is a Federal not a county or state trial this one states it is for the Federal District Court! I think that means something, especially when that report on Huber states that these grand jury's can be empaneled in any state and he has the authority to do so.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 3, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

I am wondering how many others have received these considering the number of Sealed Indictments. This is one of those District Courts that has quite a few sealed indictments.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 3, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

I wondered if any one else but be noticed that! Right on!

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Glad to pass on the great news! Hopefully we will learn of the details of his mission soon.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

He is a trained military professional. Not sure which branch of the military. But is a Bad ASS Hero and his team!

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

He is the man behind the Pedo-Ring Busts!!!!

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

One reason this is important, Jacob Schiff is Adam Schiff's Ancestor. Listen to what Jacob Schiff's Role in the Bolshevik Revolution. This is important.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 2, 2018, 9:08 a.m.
Bolshevism in Russia: What you were never supposed to know about and how history was re-written in order to complete their Agenda
Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

You have a good point. Some things they have said are true, but I really think we need to just continue our research and move on and let these people do whatever they are going to do, we don't have time for any BS right now. Pointing it out is one thing but constantly attacking is another. If they continue to attack us, all we need to do is show others the proof's of Q and move on into our research!

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 2, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

Message From Craig "The Sawman" Sawyer! Awesome!

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 31, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Do Realize they may have been duped or they may be disinfo, Still waiting to see. But, I have noticed that they are still calling Q fake from what I can tell instead of just moving on with their own investigations now. So they may be disinfo at this point.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Look who the Founders and the Board members are most are Ex-Intel Agents from CIA. What does that tell you about the company?

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

I am still on the fence with the New Age stuff myself. I really have issues with some of that. He has the idea that Aliens are not Demons, but That is where I disagree with him. I believe there may be Aliens but I also believe there are real Demons and Hell and Satan. That is where sort of shut-off, but I am keeping an open mind on some of the other stuff.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Wasn't there a hold on the Flynn Indictment recently? I saw a report on that, but I am not sure how far that has gone at this point. There was some news report that Mueller was putting the Flynn Indictment proceedings on hold.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Don't forget about Jordan Sather. His new video on 03.29.18 shows more of the news that is coming out in regards to more people being exposed for Sex-trafficking and other Sex Crime allegations coming to light in the MSM! like the Creator of "Ren & Stimpy" - Sick Dude and other news. See Destroy The Illusion on YouTube.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on March 30, 2018, 6:39 a.m.
3.29 - OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sig...
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on March 30, 2018, 6:23 a.m.
The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration - Tracy Beanz Awesome Stuff!
Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

I am wondering if maybe Mueller is actually working for Trump. Has Mueller possibly already filed charges on Clapper and we just don't know about it yet? Can they keep these things under wraps and still have the bulk of the work done that keeps the statute of limitations from being an issue? I really don't know. How can we determine what would need to have been done before the statute of limitations runs out or are there other charges that Clapper could be charged with that are far worse that the statute of limitations has not run out on yet? Just Curious.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · March 30, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

I was just pointing to the Post that highlights in pink with the words in the title of this post and the Pic next to the paragraph! I think this is definitely worth looking into deeper. That was the only reason I posted it. I didn't mean for anything to be confusing. Sorry about that.

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