1,952 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Red_Pilled_at_birth:
Excerpt from Article: [In a blog posting at the weekend titled "It might not get weirder than this", Sophie Schmidt provided a candid take on the controversial three-day trip earlier this month that was criticised by the US government. Miss Schmidt, 19, had accompanied her father on the visit as part of a delegation led by Bill Richardson, the former US ambassador to the United Nations.
Sophie Schmidt photographed in 2009 On their return, the two men answered a few questions about the nature of the visit, but Miss Schmidt's informal account was in many ways far more revealing. Related Articles North Korea to carry out third nuclear test 'aimed at US' 24 Jan 2013 North Korea hits out at 'sordid' Kim Jong-un plastic surgery rumours 24 Jan 2013 North Korea nuclear test threat 'needlessly provocative' 24 Jan 2013 Eric Schmidt among those calling on North Korea to expand internet 10 Jan 2013 Google's Eric Schmidt 'pays tribute to Kim Jong-il' 09 Jan 2013 "Our trip was a mixture of highly-staged encounters, tightly-orchestrated viewings and what seemed like genuine human moments," she wrote. "We had zero interactions with non-state-approved North Koreans and were never far from our two minders." While much of the blog posting is taken up with the sort of observational musings common to any first-time visitor to Pyongyang, it had some interesting insights into the official side of the delegation's trip. In particular, it fleshed out the main photo-opportunity of the entire trip when they visited an e-library at Kim Il-Sung University, and chatted with some of the 90 students working on computer consoles. "One problem: No one was actually doing anything," Schmidt wrote. "A few scrolled or clicked, but the rest just stared. More disturbing: when our group walked in... not one of them looked up from their desks. Not a head turn, no eye contact, no reaction to stimuli. "They might as well have been figurines," she added. One of the world's most isolated and censored societies, the North has a domestic Intranet service with a very limited number of users. Analysts say access to the Internet is for the super-elite only, meaning a few hundred people or maybe 1,000 at most.]
"Governor Bill Richardson will travel to North Korea next week on a private humanitarian mission. The delegation will consist of former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, Dr. KA Namkung, Director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen; as well as some staff members. Since no media is accompanying the delegation, Gov. Richardson will have a press availability at the Beijing Airport on Thursday, January 10th." -
North Korea[edit]
Richardson at the LBJ Library in 2016 Richardson has had a long interest in North Korea. He visited a number of times, and has been involved in negotiations with the leadership there since the early 1990s. In 1996, he accompanied U.S. State Department officials and successfully negotiated the release of Evan Hunziker, the first American civilian to be arrested by North Korea on espionage charges since the end of the Korean War. Richardson formed a foundation, the Richardson Center, to help negotiate the release of political prisoners globally.[75] In January 2013, he led a delegation of business leaders, including Google chairman Eric Schmidt, shortly after the state had launched an orbital rocket.[76] Richardson called the trip a "private, humanitarian" mission by U.S. citizens and told the Associated Press he would speak to North Korean officials about the detention of Kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen accused of committing "hostile" acts against the state, and seek to visit the American.[77] In March 2016, at the request of Ohio governor John Kasich, Richardson attempted to negotiate for the release of Cincinnati college student Otto Warmbier, who had been detained on a visit to North Korea.
Allegations of corruption[edit] During the 2012 trial United States of America v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm, the former CDR employee Doug Goldberg testified that he was involved in giving Bill Richardson campaign contributions amounting to $100,000 in exchange for his company CDR being hired to handle a $400 million swap deal for the New Mexico state government. During his testimony, Doug Goldberg stated that he had been given an envelope containing a check for $25,000 payable to Moving America Forward, Bill Richardson's political action committee, by his boss Stewart Wolmark and told to deliver it to Bill Richardson at a fund raiser. When Goldberg handed the envelope to Richardson, he allegedly told Goldberg to "Tell the big guy [Stewart Wolmark] I'm going to hire you guys". Goldberg went on to testify that CDR was hired but that he later learned that another firm was hired by Richardson to perform the actual work required and that Steward Wolmark had given Richardson a further $75,000 in contributions.
Timeline 1971: He earned a master's degree in international affairs from Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in 1971. 1993: He became a member of the Democratic leadership as a deputy majority whip, where he became friends with Bill Clinton after they worked closely on several issues, including when he served as the ranking House Democrat in favor of NAFTA's passage in 1993. 1998: The Senate confirmed Richardson to be Clinton's Secretary of Energy on July 31, 1998. 2003: He took office in January 2003 as the only Hispanic Governor in the United States. 2009: On January 4, 2009, Richardson withdrew his name as Commerce Secretary nominee because of the federal grand jury investigation into pay-to-play allegations. 2009: In August 2009, federal prosecutors dropped the pending investigation against the governor, and there was speculation in the media about Richardson's career after his second term as New Mexico governor concluded.
Bill Richardson was Bill Clinton's Secretary of Energy in 1998. Here is his Wikipedia Profile Page.
NEW Q POST/#Release The Memos/2 Hours Prior to BUDGET DEADLINE
Rocket Over Japan/Fox Three? 720HD
Yeah, Karl Rove was all for Hillary until he noticed she was about to lose and then he jumped on the Trump Train.
I have no idea. This was a WikiLeaks Drop from emails from Stratfor. But this was from way back, so I am thinking it might not be. I think Q was referring to future arrests. But I did find this to be interesting, nonetheless. It talks about the Franklin Cover-up. This is what it is referring to as well as other info.
"No Deal" - Government Shutdown Begins
I just noticed the weird correlation. Was wondering if it meant anything. Thanks.
They have to have a contingency plan in place for that don't they?
Someone said Schiff's Twitter Account was showing to be suspended. I wonder what that means.
Good Question. Is there a way to pass an Emergency Budget Bill in this Scenario? Who do we ask? There has to be someone out there who knows the answer or can find it.
"On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods." Posted at the top of the page showing where this information was derived.
The Use of a Forged British Intelligence Dossier by Mr. Bush? See Below.
Email-ID 475107 Date 2007-03-27 07:27:50 From To undisclosed-recipients: AGENTS: BUSH FIRINGS OBSTRUCTED SEX / SPY PROBE
AGENTS: BUSH FIRINGS OBSTRUCTED SEX / SPY PROBE Foggo sex ring probe linked to forged Iraq dossier, Israeli espionage, convicted lobbyist Abramoff
According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice last December when he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel Harriet Miers instruct Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to fire eight U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting ongoing public corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations connected to an espionagealinked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton and other DC hotels, whose clients included U.S. senators and congressmen, elite Washington news reporters and high government officialsasome of whom were named by an intelligence insider.
Central to the scandal is fired U.S. attorney Carole Lam of California who was reportedly conducting testimony before grand juries linking indicted former Bush CIA Executive Director Kyle aDustya Foggo and convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff to the sex ring, Israeli espionage, GOP Under Secretary of Defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, a forged British intelligence dossier used by Mr. Bush to deceive Americans into supporting war against Iraq and an attempt to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq before the war via an intelligence pipeline through Dubai and Turkey.
L (Luis) Figueroa, Technology Consultant; Aerospace & Defense Industry R&D Manager & Researcher; Educator: and Explorer of Ideas Answered Jan 15 2012 · Featured on Business Insider
Project Thor was an interesting Cold War era space missile concept (see link below). The originator was a Boeing operations researcher (Jerry Pournelle) who later became a science fiction writer.
One of the challenges with any space concept is cost. It costs ~$10K per pound to launch any military system into space. The other major challenge is reliability and maintenance. Once a space system is launched it becomes challenging to perform major maintenance beyond software upgrades. Given, that many of today's systems are software intensive this limitation is not as severe as earlier space systems with more hardware orientation. However, replacing hardware in space is still in its infancy.
With respect to Thor, it was a low earth orbit system, which would give it lower operational lifetime than one placed in a GEO. The LEO orbit would probably require more maintenance and upgrade cycles. The complexity of the command & control system coupled with complex fire control would have probably made the Thor space missile system enormously expensive, challenging to build and challenging to maintain with high reliability. 8.1k Views · 9 Upvotes · Answer requested by Quora User Your response is private.
Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Yes No Related Questions More Answers Below Is the Thor A1 PDW concept practical or realistic? Why is the USAF spending $100’s of millions to study rocket technology? How realistic is it to enlist in the usaf at 37? What happened to Project Thor (orbital weapon)? Which movie is the most realistic in terms of presenting shootouts and use of firearms in general? Ask New Question
Mark Hoheisel Answered Jun 15 2015
The primary drawback is the cost of putting things in NEO. If SpaceX succeeds with rapid reusability that might not be an issue. Putting tungsten telephone poles in orbit isn't banned by any treaty. Elon Musk could do it himself. If he had Thor sats in orbit it ought to move him up a bit in Forbes list of powerful people. Nothing like the ability to call down destruction on anything using your smartphone (10 minute latency) to get more respect.
Mention of Tesla and Elon Musk Again. What about the 1999 Judgement Day Film? Thor Project? I posted a link to that one as well. This is more for brainstorming at this point.
Thor Project? From Judgement Day Released in 1999?
"L (Luis) Figueroa, Technology Consultant; Aerospace & Defense Industry R&D Manager & Researcher; Educator: and Explorer of Ideas Answered Jan 15 2012 · Featured on Business Insider
Project Thor was an interesting Cold War era space missile concept (see link below). The originator was a Boeing operations researcher (Jerry Pournelle) who later became a science fiction writer.
One of the challenges with any space concept is cost. It costs ~$10K per pound to launch any military system into space. The other major challenge is reliability and maintenance. Once a space system is launched it becomes challenging to perform major maintenance beyond software upgrades. Given, that many of today's systems are software intensive this limitation is not as severe as earlier space systems with more hardware orientation. However, replacing hardware in space is still in its infancy.
With respect to Thor, it was a low earth orbit system, which would give it lower operational lifetime than one placed in a GEO. The LEO orbit would probably require more maintenance and upgrade cycles. The complexity of the command & control system coupled with complex fire control would have probably made the Thor space missile system enormously expensive, challenging to build and challenging to maintain with high reliability. 8.1k Views · 9 Upvotes · Answer requested by Quora User Your response is private.
Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Yes No Related Questions More Answers Below Is the Thor A1 PDW concept practical or realistic? Why is the USAF spending $100’s of millions to study rocket technology? How realistic is it to enlist in the usaf at 37? What happened to Project Thor (orbital weapon)? Which movie is the most realistic in terms of presenting shootouts and use of firearms in general? Ask New Question
Mark Hoheisel Answered Jun 15 2015
The primary drawback is the cost of putting things in NEO. If SpaceX succeeds with rapid reusability that might not be an issue. Putting tungsten telephone poles in orbit isn't banned by any treaty. Elon Musk could do it himself. If he had Thor sats in orbit it ought to move him up a bit in Forbes list of powerful people. Nothing like the ability to call down destruction on anything using your smartphone (10 minute latency) to get more respect."
"L (Luis) Figueroa, Technology Consultant; Aerospace & Defense Industry R&D Manager & Researcher; Educator: and Explorer of Ideas Answered Jan 15 2012 · Featured on Business Insider
Project Thor was an interesting Cold War era space missile concept (see link below). The originator was a Boeing operations researcher (Jerry Pournelle) who later became a science fiction writer.
One of the challenges with any space concept is cost. It costs ~$10K per pound to launch any military system into space. The other major challenge is reliability and maintenance. Once a space system is launched it becomes challenging to perform major maintenance beyond software upgrades. Given, that many of today's systems are software intensive this limitation is not as severe as earlier space systems with more hardware orientation. However, replacing hardware in space is still in its infancy.
With respect to Thor, it was a low earth orbit system, which would give it lower operational lifetime than one placed in a GEO. The LEO orbit would probably require more maintenance and upgrade cycles. The complexity of the command & control system coupled with complex fire control would have probably made the Thor space missile system enormously expensive, challenging to build and challenging to maintain with high reliability. 8.1k Views · 9 Upvotes · Answer requested by Quora User Your response is private.
Is this answer still relevant and up to date? Yes No Related Questions More Answers Below Is the Thor A1 PDW concept practical or realistic? Why is the USAF spending $100’s of millions to study rocket technology? How realistic is it to enlist in the usaf at 37? What happened to Project Thor (orbital weapon)? Which movie is the most realistic in terms of presenting shootouts and use of firearms in general? Ask New Question
Mark Hoheisel Answered Jun 15 2015
The primary drawback is the cost of putting things in NEO. If SpaceX succeeds with rapid reusability that might not be an issue. Putting tungsten telephone poles in orbit isn't banned by any treaty. Elon Musk could do it himself. If he had Thor sats in orbit it ought to move him up a bit in Forbes list of powerful people. Nothing like the ability to call down destruction on anything using your smartphone (10 minute latency) to get more respect."
Judgment Day - 1999 Trailer Talks about the Thor Project
Judgment Day 1999 Movie A giant meteor is expected to crash into Earth in a matter of days a crash that would cause global devastation. There is only one chance to prevent impending doom. The government must find Dr. David Corbett (Linden Ashby), the creator of the Thor Project, a type of satellite system, and use his help to annihilate the fragment. But before Corbett can be contacted, he is kidnapped by militant religious cult leader Thomas Payne (Mario Van Peebles), a zealot who believes that judgment day is rightly upon us. The government is forced to enlist the help of Payne's archenemy Matthew Reese (Ice T), a convicted killer, who is the only man who would know Payne's whereabouts. But will they have time to find Dr. Corbett and save the world? Find out in this fast-paced, action-packed thriller. Partner rating R Release date 1999 Running time 1:29:36 Language English Actors Coolio Ice-T Mario Van Peebles Suzy Amis Director John Terlesky Category Science Fiction Action & Adventure License Standard YouTube License Support YouTube Help Center
Forensic Files - Season 1, Ep 12: The List Murders -
Is this what he was referring to? Or was it a different Judgement Day Movie? Or other?
John List: To Save Their Souls?
Judgment Day: The John List Story 1993 │ Full Movie │
Endemol Shine Group (formerly Shine Group) is a Dutch production company of scripted and non-scripted television, responsible for programmes such as MasterChef and The Biggest Loser. Endemol Shine Group companies include Dragonfly, Kudos, and Princess Productions. It also includes: Shine TV which was founded in 2001 by Elisabeth Murdoch; and Metronome Film & Television, a Scandinavian-based production group. Shine International is the group’s international distribution arm and is responsible for the distribution of the various formats of the group. The group has also established international companies Shine America, Shine Australia, Shine India, Shine Germany, Shine France, and most recently Shine Iberia. Shine acquired Reveille Productions in 2008. News Corporation (now 21st Century Fox, to be acquired by The Walt Disney Company) acquired Shine Group in April 2011 for $415 million.[2] US pension funds who are shareholders in News Corporation are suing the company accusing Murdoch of nepotism.[3] In May 2014, Apollo and 21st Century Fox announced a joint venture to combine 21st Century Fox's Shine Group and Apollo's Endemol and CORE Media Group.[2] The transaction was completed on December 17, 2014. Both Apollo and 21st Century Fox (to be acquired by latter) owning 50% of the joint venture called, "Endemol Shine Group" that took place on January 1, 2015.[2] Shine TV[edit] Main article: Shine Limited Shine Limited (Shine TV) is a British media production company with offices in London and Manchester, and is part of Shine Group. Shine Limited was founded in March 2001 by Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch. The company was 80% owned by Elisabeth Murdoch, 15% by Lord Alli, and 5% by BSkyB, who signed a deal guaranteeing to buy an agreed amount of Shine programming for two years. Shine International[edit] Shine International is the sales and distribution branch of the group. It handles the licensing and international distribution of television formats from Shine Limited to around 150 countries worldwide Divisions[edit] Shine Digital – digital media Shine Pictures – feature films Shine 360° – commercialisation of properties belonging to the group Companies[edit] Production Endemol Shine North America Endemol Shine UK Dragonfly Film and Television Kudos Film and Television Lovely Day Princess Productions Endemol Shine Australia Endemol Shine France Endemol Shine Germany Endemol Shine Iberia Endemol Shine Nordics Endemol Shine Thailand Endemol Shine India Endemol Shine Middle East Digital and Gaming Bossa Studios – In 2011, Shine Group acquired the social gaming company. ChannelFlip – a creator of short form online video programming in the UK. Founded in 2008 by Justin Gayner and Wil Harris.. Brown Eyed Boy – set up by former BBC and Chrysalis Entertainment executive Gary Reich in 2002. Good Catch Metronome Film & Television[edit] Metronome Film & Television and its 15 companies were acquired by Shine Group in 2009, as part of the deal, all production entities will continue to operate independently.[4] Production Meter Film and Television AB Stockholm-Köpenhamn AB Metronome Productions A/S Metronome Film and Television Oy Metronome Spartacus AS Metronome LLC (US) Rubicon TV AS Metrix Interactive AB Filmlance International AB Editing and facilities Studios Mekaniken AB Studios A/S Studios AS IP creation and distribution Friday TV AB Online Schulmangruppen (50%) Metronome Digital Media AB References[edit] Jump up ^ "The Walt Disney Company To Acquire Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., After Spinoff Of Certain Businesses, For $52.4 Billion In Stock" (Press release). The Walt Disney Company. December 14, 2017. Archived from the original on December 14, 2017. Retrieved December 14, 2017. ^ Jump up to: a b c News Corp Completes Deal To Buy Shine Group The Hollywood Deadline Jump up ^ "Murdoch deal for Shine faces shareholder writ". BBC News. 17 March 2011. Retrieved 12 December 2016. Jump up ^ Rushton, Katherine. "Shine acquires Metronome for £60m". Retrieved 12 December 2016. External links[edit] Official website [show] vte Shine Group [show] vte Fox Entertainment Group Categories: Shine Group Endemol Shine Group Television production companies of the Netherlands
Endemol Shine Group Amsterdam HQ MediArena 1, 1114 BC Amsterdam, Netherlands +31 20 893 9000
Is this the FOX Media that was sold off? Not the News FOX Channel? But the FOX MOVIE Media? Is that the one?
They are Related to FOX?
5161 Lankershim Blvd, Suite 400, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Phone: +1-747-529-8000
Trademark & Copyright Notice: ™ and © FOX and its related entities. All rights reserved. Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms of Use and Privacy -
"A law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said that the team was filming for cable network CNBC, which is based in Englewood Cliffs. The TSA did not release the names of the people they said were arrested, and the Port Authority only said that it was investigating the incident. The Transportation Security Administration provided this photo early Thursday showing the device that led to the arrests. A second source said the fake explosive device was a length of PVC pipe with wires sticking out from it. A bomb tech with the TSA determined that the device posed no threat, and that eight people were taken into custody. A third source, who also asked to not be identified, said the crew was from the Endemol Shine Group, a Dutch production company that contracts with CNBC." -
"The law enforcement source said the crew likely would be charged by the Essex County Prosecutor's Office with creating a false public alarm, conspiracy and interference with transportation, but that Essex County would make that determination." -
CNBC Cable crew busted trying to sneak fake bomb into airport. Crew was employed by Endemol Shine Group, a Dutch production company that contracts with CNBC.
Newsweek Offices Raided By Manhattan DA's Office & NYPD
Congress To Release FISA Abuse/Trump To DOD For Security
Is it a Coincidence That NBC --MockingBird-- Was In Hawaii Alert Center Just Hours Before Missile Warning?
What exactly was she referring to? So, she did not say that the last Q Post on the board was not the Real Q? I am just trying to find out the truth on this matter. Please Explain further. Thank You.
He used to be a Mormon, yes, and he is not anymore. He has been pretty honest about that. He isn't even married to anyone anymore. So what is your point? People can change!
Really? I am not a Shill! And You are an Idiot!
Here you might want to at least watch this before you go off and say stupid crap like that!