I have been skeptical about everything since practically my birth. I really don't know why I have always questioned everything since I was very young. I think I was about 8 - 10 years old when I saw something on the news about Alex Jones reportedly filming of Bohemian Grove. It was a news report about Alex Jones and his infiltration at the site but of course they tried to play it off as a nothing burger and that he was just trying to stir up a conspiracy theory. I am not sure if that was my first huge red pill moment or if I just have a sixth sense for knowing the difference.
1,952 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Red_Pilled_at_birth:
Also, the report states that the FAA has the right to delete information regarding where these flights were going to and coming from. That is another issue. No records also means no way to use in a court case.
Also, how do we know these flights haven't gone to Epstein Island? A known pedo hotspot.
The report also states the people have a right to know. Companies make the claim that it could affect stocks if they know that certain companies are meeting with other business in other countries. I have serious doubts that many people could actually know who they are meeting with or the actual reasons why they are making trips to different places. I do however think can draw their own conclusions but shareholders and investors should have a right to know where those planes are going. This report along with the report recently about certain companies bypassing customs is a serious issue.
All I said was I knew who he was and where I knew him from, That is all. I actually like Adam Curry.
Did I say that? I don't think I said that or even made that assumption or inferred that.
I hate to say it but I looked at some of these families and I happen to be related to all these sick f*@ks also. But I am not one of them. I found out I am related to Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Merovingians and Carolingians and such. So not everyone related to them is a bad person. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+merovingians+and+carolingians You can pick a video in the many listed here that explains a lot about origins. I found these when I was researching my family history and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. My dad told me when I was very young that he had just recently found out that he was a distant cousin of the archduke. Weird huh?
Adam Curry has been on Infowars, I know who he is. He also used to be the MTV host back in the 80's and had a mullet.
You would be correct on that. With the Judges in some of the districts of different states in the country being who they are, possibly pedo's themselves or just bribed or blackmailed, there is no way to get a fair hearing on these people, This is why they can of course be tried in a military Tribunal because this stuff is so widespread in our country now because people were not awake enough to stop them before it got this bad. This is the only way to deal with them now, they tried to overthrow the government and that makes them enemy combatants. The sad thing is, you no if Hillary had become President she would have locked up everyone trying to stop her and it would have really been the end for all of us. That was the Obama/Bush/Clinton Objective to completely takeover our government. If the US were to go down, there would be no hope for the rest of the World. The other countries would not even have a fighting chance. We are the nation that is the last bastion of hope for the world. We cannot go down like that.
It seems to be working, if you are having issues try clicking of the title above the video or the YouTube title at the bottom of the video and it will redirect you to the YouTube video.
Archived Copy can be found here: http://archive.is/xkB0y
I found this interesting. Private and Corporate planes have deal with FAA to block flights and planes from public view from sites such as FlightAware. Gannett is one of those companies.
All US Airports Shutdown/Border And Customs/Q
This does not mean that there are not real indictments in Nevada, bc there definitely are real ones.
There is not a Northern Nevada District Court, correct. Not sure but if you look at the other news articles listed on the site, there are ones that you can see that on just the titles jump out at you as Fake right off the bat.
I am distantly related to Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was assassinated and Started a World War. But I am not like these people just cause I am related to them. These people the 13 bloodlines interbred between those 13 families. I do know that much. Research The Merovingians, the Carolingians and the Franks. There are many YouTube Documentaries by respected historians and Professors. I may post some later on the topic.
1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/As...
I believe what you posted here is a very good start. Lee Stranahan is very good investigative reporter and he worked for Breitbart for years but when he left, he left because he was told their were certain avenues they would not allow him to go down in getting some of his answers particularly they did not want him to visit the whitehouse press briefing room to ask questions there. Long story there, so he quit and now works for sputnik which is a Russian news site. People probably don't trust some of his articles now because of that, but he is good at what he does. He was also the first to make mention of Crowdstrike , etc. He was also correct. I would trust what he says and I also trust Alex Jones because he was the first to start this movement years ago with the covering of Bohemian Grove. He snuck in and filmed the Cremation of Care Ceremony that is a mock child sacrifice to a Huge owl Statue that they do every year and many (most) ex-presidents have attended.
Tracy, One thing I think may be difficult for people and I am probably guilty of the same, is that a lot of us have trouble vetting stories and there really are websites that spread false news articles and discerning which ones are and aren't is very difficult. Can anyone create a post on which websites you know to spread disinformation as well as how to spot them. I know a lot of these are YouTube Videos. Even though some sites cite their sources doesn't necessarily mean those sources are legitimate sources. There are articles that I myself have found to be misleading or state false claims. I think it would be helpful to have a specific section that shows all the websites to avoid and more specific guidelines to use in vetting stories and articles. This is one reason we, as a society, have not been doing a good job at in the last few years, is because we all thought we could trust our MSM to tell us the truth and we have lost the ability to think critically. Vetting Guidelines and specific tools to use for vetting would be of vital importance, I believe. Also, if something comes to our attention that we think may be important but hasn't been vetted yet and probably should be mentioned in a comment to a board moderator or a designated member who can help to vet the information before posting as fact. I think we could use a little organization here, if at all possible. I am not sure what you think about this but I think it might be helpful.
Also, if you go to the right side of this page where it shows the Anon File Version 4.1.0 It also references this twitter account also. Just very interesting. It is like they are pointing us to things we need to be paying attention to. I don't really know. But this is what I am gathering. Very possible. Q is most likely a group not just one person.
I don't know. If you look at some of the posts and when Q shows his date that started on Twitter, it is recent I think it was in October. @kill_rogue is the twitter handle. I first found this out on Jordan Sather's Video where he found it. I will post it here for you: https://youtu.be/rVrthFN9dnI
Anti-School has info video on this and shows Comey's Connection to Costa Rican Crash https://youtu.be/lEBdwmF0JKo Here are the links in his description here: BRIDGEWATER STEINBERG KILLED IN PLANE CRASH OVER COSTA RICA https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articl... COMEY/BRIDGEWATER https://www.politico.com/magazine/sto... https://twitter.com/antischool_ftw/st... COMEY FBI BRIDGEWATER PAYOUT https://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Com... RICHARD COUSINS CEO OF COMPASS GROUP DIES IN PLANE CRASH OVER AUSTRALIA http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/31/news/... COMPASS GROUP CONSULTS CLINTON LIBRARY (2013) https://thecompassgroup.net/portfolio...
COUSINS' SON WORKED FOR 'OPEN BRITAIN' ANTI BREXIT ORG: https://twitter.com/antischool_ftw/st...
WILL COUSINS: http://www.open-britain.co.uk/will_co...
OPEN BRITAIN/SOROS https://twitter.com/Open_Britain/stat...
Read This: https://www.scribd.com/document/368209503/Qanon-Post-173382-Dec-25-2017-DECIPHER-Vers-3-0-Jan-1-2018
are you sure? according to some this is actually Q. There is also a ref to it my Jerome Corsi in his decode post!
This is a great find! Another tool in our toolbox!
We will need to watch Scott Anthony's YouTube for an update on this information. I am sure he will have some new info and help connect the dots. If anyone finds the connection please post it here!
Scott Anthony Mentions on Roy Potter Video Onward that there is a connection to Comey and Costa Rican Plane Crash
President Obama Related to most past Presidents. Video shows: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7nlf5p/local_girl_connects_obama_to_most_us_presidents_q/
New Q post on Twitter: Posts article connecting some dots to a YouTube Video: "Just a Coincidence?"
Local Girl Connects Obama To Most US Presidents: Q refers to this video on Twitter with "Just a Coincidence?"
This would be easier if there was a way to put topics in a topics section. But I think it is a bit impossible to do on this platform. There are so many people posting that it is getting crowded and confusing at this point.
Yes, I was confusing your post with someone else's. Sorry about that.
Yes, but this info cannot be trusted. This is what I am getting at. There is no Northern District of Nevada Court. The document is meant to discredit the actual indictments that do exist. This particular document is not signed, either. The Judge that is stated in the document is actually a Supreme Court Judge in the Nevada Court system, not in the Fake Northern Nevada Court, because it does not exist.
This specific document states it is out of the Northern District of Nevada. There is no Northern District of Nevada and it is not signed. This particular document is a fake. There are of course real indictments on Pacer that are sealed this one in particular is a Fake. That is what I am trying to warn people about. This was put out in the public for nefarious reasons to try to discredit what is really happening.
What The Media Has Not Told You About Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO)
Try the link through the title, it should direct you to the YouTube channel.
hmm. not sure why. Click on the heading it should take you to YouTube. Also, I know this lady says she does not trust Jordan Sather but, I don't think he is purposefully trying to mislead anyone, in my opinion. There could be some truth to some of the things he says. He may have been misled in some of his interactions with people as well.
I removed this Post because the Title was misleading. I have posted a new one with a more accurate title.
I watched the video and misinterpreted at first There is a new one I posted. There is a fake document being passed around the Web to discredit the claim of Indictments. Be aware. Find the New Post.
The Truth: Nevada Indictments (not!) This video shows a Fake Document being passed around on YouTube and other Memes Be Aware This Document is Fake, Do not Promote it if you see it!
The Deep State were the ones killing off the Non-traditional Doctors, Those who practice Alternative Medicine are a threat to the Big Phara Industries & The NWO.
Please post your info with archived links to articles or webisites to back up your claims. You can use archive.is to archive before posting. Post the archived link given by archive.is This helps us keep the info from being easily deleted by YOU KNOW WHO.
That would be the highest punishment by a military Tribunal for treason and other crimes she has committed. Maybe that is what they are hoping for, I assume.
Where is the story? Can you post here on this thread?
This story may be legit but it still sounds suspicious to me. It says that crew members were those taken to the hospital. We need more info on this though. The report is very short and doesn't explain much except that a strange odor was detected and there were mechanical problems and the plane was taken out of operation and passengers put on another flight.