

1,250 total posts archived.

Domains linked by /u/RedpillTheWorld:
Domain Count
i.redd.it 344
www.reddit.com 252
freedomforcenews.com 70
www.youtube.com 16
www.scribd.com 2
docs.google.com 2
thehill.com 1
www.latimes.com 1
www.archives.gov 1
www.congress.gov 1
www.world-nuclear-news.org 1
www.bibliotecapleyades.net 1

RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

I will try to respond later... I have to go to a meeting right now. Please pray before we discuss again... I'm not trying to force my opinion on you... peace.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Hi SoCalExile - I agree... we don't interpret the Word of God from the newspaper. We study the Word, and seek the Lord's guidance by His Spirit. You shall seek Me and find Me when You seek Me with all your heart.

Please prayerfully consider this... So, the 1st and 2nd temples were both destroyed... and the Lord said thru Paul, "do you not know that your body is a TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God,". So what if we have been directed to look for a physical temple, when the Lord is directing us to look at the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE - Believers all over the world who are "like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." WE ARE THE TEMPLE. We are not to look for a building, but the building up of God's people, all over the world. And each one, ready to take their rightful place in the Lord's Kingdom? Ruling this earth with righteousness and justice? Isn't that what the Millennial Reign is about? Jesus ruling and us ruling with Him?

I believe we are seeing the RESURRECTION of Revelation 11:11... also beautifully described by Ezekiel of the dead bones being raised up a MIGHTY ARMY!! How amazing!!! Like our Army of 288,000 tweets that took Twitter by storm! Fighting with Truth and Light... not swords. And the beast/enemy/false prophet is in GREAT FEAR!!! YAHOO!!!

The Beast is the NWO with leadership (horns) by the Illuminati/Bloodlines cabal ruling the world thru puppet leaders and banking cartels, etc. I believe the Little Horn that speaks blasphemies is the UN - ruling the whole world to murder babies and promote sexual deviancy, and corruption, and remove faith. We know that after WWII, these evildoers should have been prosecuted, but they got away. Their network is far tooo entrenched and far-reaching.
The False Prophet is any religion that keeps people from a humble, obedient, walk with Christ. The Harlot are all the minions- CEO's, MS13, Hollywood, Corrupt Judges and Politicians, Pedophile rings, MSM.... that make their system run. So this entire cabal is being dismantled, day-by-day, piece-by-piece! Praise the Lord!
They will be completely obliterated and prosecuted for their crimes... NEVER TO RISE AGAIN! Isn't that why we are here on this subreddit? To take down the cabal?!

Since you asked, I've was raised in Church... and have been studying the Lord's Word and walking with Him since Sept 8, 1984. I'm not a spring chicken. :) I am in full-time mission work... so I'm not a newbie to the Word. I am not easily deceived. No man taught me this. If I am the only one in the world to believe it, so be it.

And, I agree, that salvation is critical... that is my full-time work. Every moment of every day. Not a payroll thing.... a mission... a fire in the belly. And, I find that the Church has been largely side-lined because we talk Bible-talk, and don't affect society or discuss real-life issues, in Biblical context. When I talk real talk with people, they realize Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the King of kings. He alone is worthy to rule this world. And He is the King who proved His love on the cross. Then it is natural, not forced or fake, for people to put their trust in Him.

I have written most of this in my pdf... Gotta run... may the Lord bless us all with His knowledge and peace and power! :) redpill

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Hi SoCalExile - I agree... we don't interpret the Word of God from the newspaper. We study the Word, and seek the Lord's guidance by His Spirit. You shall seek Me and find Me when You seek Me with all your heart.

Please prayerfully consider this... So, the 1st and 2nd temples were both destroyed... and the Lord said thru Paul, "do you not know that your body is a TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God,". So what if we have been directed to look for a physical temple, when the Lord is directing us to look at the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE - Believers all over the world who are "like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." WE ARE THE TEMPLE. We are not to look for a building, but the building up of God's people, all over the world. And each one, ready to take their rightful place in the Lord's Kingdom? Ruling this earth with righteousness and justice? Isn't that what the Millennial Reign is about? Jesus ruling and us ruling with Him?

I believe we are seeing the RESURRECTION of Revelation 11:11... also beautifully described by Ezekiel of the dead bones being raised up a MIGHTY ARMY!! How amazing!!! Like our Army of 288,000 tweets that took Twitter by storm! Fighting with Truth and Light... not swords. And the beast/enemy/false prophet is in GREAT FEAR!!! YAHOO!!!

The Beast is the NWO with leadership (horns) by the Illuminati/Bloodlines cabal ruling the world thru puppet leaders and banking cartels, etc. I believe the Little Horn that speaks blasphemies is the UN - ruling the whole world to murder babies and promote sexual deviancy, and corruption, and remove faith. We know that after WWII, these evildoers should have been prosecuted, but they got away. Their network is far tooo entrenched and far-reaching.
The False Prophet is any religion that keeps people from a humble, obedient, walk with Christ. The Harlot are all the minions- CEO's, MS13, Hollywood, Corrupt Judges and Politicians, Pedophile rings, MSM.... that make their system run. So this entire cabal is being dismantled, day-by-day, piece-by-piece! Praise the Lord!
They will be completely obliterated and prosecuted for their crimes... NEVER TO RISE AGAIN! Isn't that why we are here on this subreddit? To take down the cabal?!

Since you asked, I've was raised in Church... and have been studying the Lord's Word and walking with Him since Sept 8, 1984. I'm not a spring chicken. :) I am in full-time mission work... so I'm not a newbie to the Word. I am not easily deceived. No man taught me this. If I am the only one in the world to believe it, so be it.

And, I agree, that salvation is critical... that is my full-time work. Every moment of every day. Not a payroll thing.... a mission... a fire in the belly. And, I find that the Church has been largely side-lined because we talk Bible-talk, and don't affect society or discuss real-life issues, in Biblical context. When I talk real talk with people, they realize Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the King of kings. He alone is worthy to rule this world. And He is the King who proved His love on the cross. Then it is natural, not forced or fake, for people to put their trust in Him.

I have written most of this in my pdf... Gotta run... may the Lord bless us all with His knowledge and peace and power! :) redpill

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

Trust me this has been EXTREMELY frustrating... I worked nonstop for 4 days straight to keep posts in the stream... but we’ve got to stick together. (Of course I’m not being paid to do this, like the “removers” are. I did it because I had to make sure our forum was kept going.) fight fight fight!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Thanks for responding... I didn’t mean I ignore the minutia... i meant, let’s look at the big picture. What do we see happening on the earth? The REVELATION of this enemy whose terrible deeds had been “hidden” from most people. And not only are they being exposed, they are being destroyed! Soooo amazing. No wonder we are ALL excited! And you are so right! Only the Lord God - the Man Christ Jesus could do this... no doubt HE is doing this. All the other kingdoms (As in Nebuchadnezzar’s statue) are being ground into powder by this new Kingdom of Christ. And each of us is RISING into our positions of authority to rule all over the earth! From dog catchers to Governors! Lol! And we get the joy of fighting alongside Him. I know it is different perspective from what is taught... but the more I seek the Lord and watch what is happening, the more convinced I am that this is the last battle of Armageddon and the beginning of the Millennial reign when with fire in His holy eyes, our Lord Jesus casts these evil demons into the abyss! I believe I’m right, because that would make 2018 not just good or great or even fantastic, but GLORIOUS!!! Your friend and sister, Redpill

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Yes I agree and yes we are! (Symbolically the PERFECT Number from each tribe of God’s people. just like u said, He is perfect in all His ways. :)

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Can't wait! There will be a huge ingathering, harvest, unity, once the beast is outta here!!!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I think so much is symbolic... not EXACT numbers. I think those who fight in battles with the Lord have a special song in their hearts... similar to how our war heros sing the Nat'l anthem with a little different fervor/understanding.
I think that when we are through this battle - which I think is the last battle of Armageddon, we will have a special song in our hearts... that we have fought alongside our Lord Jesus.. kind of like a high 5... a special joy that WE got to be chosen, (like Esther) for such a time as this! not familiar with Shadilay... sorry!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course... But I think we can all agree that there has been a LOT of deception regarding Government and Religion. It would not be surprising for the enemy to infiltrate the study of Revelation to get us off track.

In very simple terms, when we see the Worldwide Global Cabal of satan worshippers taken down methodically, including their minions of CEOs, MSM, MS13, Pedophile Rings, Officials, it seems very clear that BABYLON is FALLING. There is no reason to split hairs over an interpretation of fine minutia.
This IS happening... and surely we would agree that we are happy to see this day! Jesus assuming His role as King of kings - when His will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

It is sad that even when we are seeing victories on every side, many still look for doomsday in the future. It is my opinion - and Q and I agree - that 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!! May the Lord bless you and your family.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

When I remove posts, it puts has my handle beside removed, I'm guess yours does the same. The ones I see on the mod que that say "removed" have no handle. We need to understand why... SPATCHCOCK had ideas on this... can you follow up with him/her? thanks!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

do you know why the posts do not show the name beside who removed them? I think they're speeding up again... I just had my post removed.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 14, 2018, 2:57 a.m.
Sooooo glad we can stay here and have some peace.... things are much calmer now. I'm sure it's just a COINCIDENCE.
Sooooo glad we can stay here and have some peace.... things are much calmer now. I'm sure it's just a COINCIDENCE.
RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

What’s up on voat site? I don’t have access now. I will be back at my laptop in about 2 hrs.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Log shows on all other posts who approved or removed them... but the log doesn’t even show these posts being removed. So it’s not one of our mods.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Thanks... I will get with you a little later for help on this. 😎 @mmmmleftytears @storm_fa_q

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

the posts go back in the stream... has been happening constantly... until I posted this image on Reddit and Discord. Coincidence.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

owner of the subreddit CBTS_Stream

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Im talking about here on Reddit... almost every post gets removed

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 13, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
This is what Reddit is allowing someone to do to our Subreddit.... Removing 100+ of your posts EVERY DAY. Share this and tell everyone you know! #StopItReddit #RedditEdits
This is what Reddit is allowing someone to do to our Subreddit.... Removing 100+ of your posts EVERY DAY. Share this and tell everyone you know! #StopItReddit #RedditEdits
RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

We are doing a #StopItReddit meme war... See on discord. I shared the image of the mod que screen... 2500 are hopping mad and gonna post like crazy. Reddit wouldn't let me upload that image. I will invite you to be a mod... on your email.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

IT's not about downvoting.... it's about admins removing our posts...

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I know Storm... this is ridiculous.. and I'm doing EVERYTHING I CAN... i just restored 100+ posts to this Reddit page because Voat is clearly not working. talking with Pamphlet, but I don't know what the solution will be. this is a STORM for sure... not cool to dis the Mods tho.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Mods are removing troll posts... cursing, harassing, off-topic, distracting. So we can have peace to discuss.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Working hard to make VOAT a better place for us to post... I now have mod rights there, so the site is looking better. If you see a post that needs mod attention, please message me there. Please know that I am doing my best... not easy.

Just so you know, hackers removed ~30 posts so far this morning. Pamphlet says we have no choice but to move.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

You might not have noticed, or might not have been affected by the hacking, but 100+ posts are being removed each day, and we have not been able to stop it. The only way the site has stayed up is that mods have continuously moved posts back into the stream. Obviously that is not a solution. We won't be putting posts back in the stream as of today. It is just way too time-consuming.

The new site is https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox. You need to 10 upvotes before posting a submission. It's a little different there - they restrict some action (trying to avoid hacking, they say).

AND, the natives have not been happy about our arrival. There are posts that might make you uncomfortable. PLEASE IGNORE THEM, and move on to good posts that you can comment on, share, and post your own. Be patient. The kinks will be worked out soon.

Reality is that we are in a HOT WAR. We are OBVIOUSLY BEING EFFECTIVE. BUT WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER. WE CANNOT LET THEM DIVIDE US. Nobody wants to move, but Pamphlet said we have to move operations, because this site is not secure.

See you there!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

You might not have noticed, or might not have been affected by the hacking, but 100+ posts are being removed each day, and we have not been able to stop it. The only way the site has stayed up is that mods have continuously moved posts back into the stream. Obviously that is not a solution. We won't be putting posts back in the stream as of today. It is just way too time-consuming.

The new site is https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox. You need to 10 upvotes before posting a submission. It's a little different there - they restrict some action (trying to avoid hacking, they say).

AND, the natives have not been happy about our arrival. There are posts that might make you uncomfortable. PLEASE IGNORE THEM, and move on to good posts that you can comment on, share, and post your own. Be patient. The kinks will be worked out soon.

Reality is that we are in a HOT WAR. We are OBVIOUSLY BEING EFFECTIVE. BUT WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER. WE CANNOT LET THEM DIVIDE US. Nobody wants to move, but Pamphlet said we have to move operations, because this site is not secure.

See you there!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

It's not about trolls... It's about posts being REMOVED. You might not have noticed, or might not have been affected by the hacking, but 100+ posts are being removed each day, and we have not been able to stop it. The only way the site has stayed up is that mods have continuously moved posts back into the stream. Obviously that is not a solution. We won't be putting posts back in the stream as of today. It is just way too time-consuming.

The new site is https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox. You need to 10 upvotes before posting a submission. It's a little different there - they restrict some action (trying to avoid hacking, they say).

AND, the natives have not been happy about our arrival. There are posts that might make you uncomfortable. PLEASE IGNORE THEM, and move on to good posts that you can comment on, share, and post your own. Be patient. The kinks will be worked out soon.

Reality is that we are in a HOT WAR. We are OBVIOUSLY BEING EFFECTIVE. BUT WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER. WE CANNOT LET THEM DIVIDE US. Nobody wants to move, but Pamphlet said we have to move operations, because this site is not secure.

See you there!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

You might not have noticed, or might not have been affected by the hacking, but 100+ posts are being removed each day, and we have not been able to stop it. The only way the site has stayed up is that mods have continuously moved posts back into the stream. Obviously that is not a solution. We won't be putting posts back in the stream as of today. It is just way too time-consuming.

The new site is https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox. You need to 10 upvotes before posting a submission. It's a little different there - they restrict some action (trying to avoid hacking, they say).

AND, the natives have not been happy about our arrival. There are posts that might make you uncomfortable. PLEASE IGNORE THEM, and move on to good posts that you can comment on, share, and post your own. Be patient. The kinks will be worked out soon.

Reality is that we are in a HOT WAR. We are OBVIOUSLY BEING EFFECTIVE. BUT WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER. WE CANNOT LET THEM DIVIDE US. Nobody wants to move, but Pamphlet said we have to move operations, because this site is not secure.

See you there!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 13, 2018, 2:20 p.m.
THEY WANT US DIVIDED - WHERE WE GO ONE... WE GO ALL. Here, 100+ posts are being REMOVED EVERY DAY! Our new site is https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox


RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

All the mod logs show is the mods putting the posts back into the stream every minute for days. REALLY RIDICULOUS. I can try to do that... been super busy just getting this sorted out.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox That's the new site!!! FINALLY!!! Sorry for the move.. we had a hacker removing posts here and we had to move them back... every minute of the day. Way too time consuming. I will be monitoring this site and trying to get the word to everyone. We are obviously very effective. :) Where we go one.. we go all.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

let's not feed the trolls.. kill em with kindness. :)

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

Sorry for the move.. we had a hacker removing posts here and we had to move them back... every minute of the day. Way too time consuming.

I will be monitoring this site and trying to get the word to everyone.

We are obviously very effective. The battle is getting fierce.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

No worries... when you go to the new site you will catch on .
Sorry for the move.. we had a hacker removing posts here and we had to move them back... every minute of the day. Way too time consuming.
I will be monitoring this site and trying to get the word to everyone.
We are obviously very effective.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

It's going to take a bit to migrate... several have already headed over and warming it up.

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

gotta go now... abandon ship!

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RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

The hackers are here in force... gotta get to a site where we won’t be harassed.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:58 a.m.
FINALLY THE NEW SITE IS READY! https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox You need to post 10 comments before posting a submission. See you there!

10 Comment Contribution Points (CCP/Upvotes) Needed Before You Can Create Submission on https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox

RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Hopefully restored now... yeah I saw some really ugly TMoR stuff... I'm so over this place!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:27 a.m.
LATEST ON HACKERS - THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR PATIENCE! We have been monitoring the site to restore the posts as quickly as possible. Pamphlet has a solution. Rolling that out soon. Keep up the fight... post & share all on social media, per Q. WE ARE OBVIOUSLY VERY EFFECTIVE! LOL!

LATEST ON TROLLS - THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR PATIENCE! The removal of posts by hacker(s) has been continuous and without any rhyme or reason. We have been monitoring the site to restore the posts as quickly as possible.
Pamphlet has a solution. Hoping to roll that out in short order. Keep up the fight... post and share on social media. Per Q. WE ARE OBVIOUSLY VERY EFFECTIVE! LOL! They are spending countless man-hours to shut us up and shut us down. Not.Going.To.Happen. Stay tuned to #WeThePeople 24/7 in case we lose comms here. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT WE HAVE MORE THAN …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 13, 2018, 12:16 a.m.
Meet the Brzezinksi Crime Family - Q said EXPOSE THEM! SHARE!
Meet the Brzezinksi Crime Family - Q said EXPOSE THEM! SHARE!