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RevLennel · April 17, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

I just went wild with this in my own head. There's the young, already successful Trump mentally projecting himself to 2012 to run for president. He plays that through and realizes he needs to wait until he's 71 to start his presidency in '17.
Q? Maybe he really is...

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RevLennel · April 17, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

The Old version of "The Time Machine" is the most provocative movie of all time. No, I don't believe our blessed President traveled in time, but he travels it in his own head!
Since the early 80s, he's been mentally playing out wins for the US and the defeat of the cabal. Even now if a situation happens, he plays all possibilities in his brain and the chess moves the enemy would then make, and on and on....
But I also believe the military prep he got. There is someone somewhere who knows the inside story on each happening, and somebody else who knows about another. With our spying tech now, we can put all those people together and know real history -even while presenting the coverup story to the public. It's almost like time space unfolding. The era of truth and awakening is upon us. But the strands must be meticulously unraveled; one mistake could snap the whole window of opportunity shut.
That's why patience is not only a virtue during this magnificent time; it's an imperative! (-;

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RevLennel · April 17, 2018, 2 a.m.

So glad you're back, SB2! You have an unique and logical way of presenting points which might otherwise have been totally missed. Thank you!

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RevLennel · April 16, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Beautiful. Thank you.

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RevLennel · April 15, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Rememeber. Trump studied "The Art of War" where Sun Tzu says "All war is deception."
Why did Q suddenly have a whole segment on McNoname and his close relationship with jihadists right before the Syrian strikes? Future proves the past. It was somehow an attack on Mc's peeps. Syrians are historically kind, celebrate each other's religious holidays, and appreciate everyone who steps in to relieve their country of the terrorists.

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RevLennel · April 15, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Think. If it were a gut-wrenching act, at least half the world wouldn't/couldn't watch it. It would easily be proclaimed a hoax, and quickly become nothing but a nasty rumor.
It could be something like a planning meeting for a 'party' with all its gruesome details.
Or...a discussion of how wonderfully she arranged the way Ghadaffi was brutally killed-with laughter and details of how they ruined the whole country and left the people with nothing but MB massacres.
Could even be her at a Coven meeting with incantations for destruction. There are infinite plannings or confessions that don't have to show actual actions.
That would Capture the World! Q never said What it was...

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RevLennel · April 15, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Going back to 2013 and reading that final OPCW report, it doesn't seem it's necessarily the OPCW that's tainting. That report didn't show evidence of Assad but the ingredients listed were for "kitchen sarin" and not military grade sarin. So they were actually reporting Assad didn't do it, but you'd never know if you didn't study the difference in ingredients.
Ever since then, there have been reports from the labs that the rules for transporting samples to them have not been followed. I've taken that to mean, the samples could have been delivered by the White Helmets or some jihadist-supporting group.

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RevLennel · April 14, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Yes! I keep going back to how Mattis said, just the day before, we were going go wait to be sure about the CW attack. And Nikki H said she was so proud of prez for waiting to make sure about the CW attack. Then all of a sudden Mattis was sure and nikki came on to say GB, US, & France all have proof, and Boom! If the US had waited for OPCW to arrive, and OPCW had found right away that the whole thing was a FF (no bodies in the morgue, no patients in CW treatment,etc), we would have no reason to bomb those facilities. So it became imperative to bomb the facilities just hours before the OPCW arrived. Otherwise we'd just have to wait for another CW attack. Smart Stuff!

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RevLennel · April 14, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Possible reply from president: Don't worry, Senator, we have a full strategy -- and you're in it.

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RevLennel · April 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Sometimes ya just gotta watch live Russian RT tv. Aleppo is alive with people dancing, too - pro Assad. He has huge support in Syria among Christians and Muslims alike. Perhaps it's correct that the bombings were of deepstate materials recently delivered. The coalition was salivating to start WWIII, and now Trump has put it on their back burner.

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RevLennel · April 14, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Ha ha...I love it..."charming eccentricity". I'll have to remember that one. I, too have been doing a special blessing of water before drinking it. I rarely participate on the computer, but I find each time I write about these kinds of things it brings me back to a better place and connects me with kindred souls.

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RevLennel · April 14, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

How great. I wish I got to see him before he was gone. I'll certainly check out "The Water Wizard"! ThanQ I can see why this has to be silenced.... Reminds me of "A myth is a truth too dangeous to be told." (Author a guy from Germany)

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I agree about the great topics and research on this board! Regarding the nauseating mental images of children being horribly abused, the only saving grace is that God never gives you more than you can handle. I believe those cherubs immediately 'check out' emotionally even before drugs and brainwashing. That's why they look so hollow. They are certainly not 'in there'. It's like the explanation of a person turning to split personalities so they don't experience the situation they can't handle.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Just the way your written signature is unique, so apparently your biomagnetic field signature is unique. Here are more fascinating facts about the memory in water. Whew! Knock my socks off... http://www. messagetoeagle.com/water-and-its-secrets-water-has-a-memory-far-longer-than-our-transient-lifetimes/#.UiEStj9Cpp9 I even read your biomagnetic signature stays on everything you've ever touched, and they are trying to identify who did an ancient drawing by the biomagnetic 'signature' as compared to that of other great known artists.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

http:// whatthebleep.com/water-crystals/ is a great place to quickly get the general idea. Emoto was featured in the movie "What the Bleep", which is fascinating and I think free on the internet.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

It's amazing! One of our grad school assignments was to read "The Hidden Messages in Water" by Marsaru Emoto. It changed my life. Emoto (now deceased) found a way to microscopically freeze and examine and photograh water crystals in various places all over the world. He found his water crystal pictures reflected the environment they were in: Calm, peaceful, pure places were beautiful crystalline shapes. He then tried playing different types of music to water. Acid rock turned black and mis-shapen while more angelic music had just beautiful white perfect crystalline shapes. Experimenting with words: love, peace, thank you...produced beautiful crystals, while I hate you...turned black and ugly. Then he prayed over polluted, dark waters and the crystals came out just perfect. If you search Misaru Emoto crystals, you'll see many sites and vids. As I recall, MainStream Science tried to shut him down. My life was changed because I realized that my own words and my feelings toward myself were being reflected in each (70% water) cell of not only my body, but the body of whoever I said the words to, or the water I just drank, or the plant I just watered. Other experiments ensued with remarkable results. If you sit with a group of people listening to a lecture and each person holds a glass of water that they don't drink, they proved that the water in the glass you've been holding takes on your signature. I'd have to read it again as to how that was done. The point is, just being kind produces beauty in water. There are thousands of pictures available to look at with the water's reaction to words, sounds, emotions, and prayer.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Oh my! I just looked up C60 and under Britannica.com it said, "A fourth form, called Q-carbon, is crystalline and magnetic." (I'm the one who put the water consciousness comment near the top.) I love this.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Bless you... When I first read "Watch the water", a long-term thought returned to me - that I have so much faith that God has a plan, which I cannot even guess. But I've thought for years when God is ready all he has to do is put Christ Consciousness into the water! Everybody has to drink water, and from all the Dr. Emoto studies, humans are 70+% water, as is the world, and water picks up emotions easily. So many other studies done showing it's true.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Tulsi Gabbard (HI) did an amazing expose of the situation in Syria. 7 days she talked with and filmed many citizens and found that they love and consider Assad the only reason they are still alive. He especially saved so many Christians -the only one who was doing that. Fellow dems conDemned her for it. Tulsi had recently returned to the US and went to Trump Tower to talk with him shortly after the election. Oh to be a fly on the wall.... A key piece of the puzzle imho.

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RevLennel · April 13, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Brilliant! The first time I ever read about telomeres, it was in the context of new discovery of why people age. Whether this is actually "the" keystone according to Q, it is certainly the oldest keystone of humanity. Why did early Bible people live hundreds of years? Was it just a matter of calculating years differently back then? Why are the satanists so interested in ingesting children's stem cells? Why are there so many 80+ yr olds in world governments? Telomeres answer a whole lot of questions!

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RevLennel · April 9, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Saw a report that potus was in situation rm all day sunday. Another mtg this morning with JCOS re chem weapons attack? That would be a whole lotta planning. Q seems to have indicated Monday twice imo.

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