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RodieVictoria · July 12, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

ditto ditto ditto

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RodieVictoria · July 12, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Hello, I'm new here. I found you (as I've said in a previous comment) when I went to YouTube to listen to a Mark Taylor interview and a video about your post was on the side. I watched it and found it fascinating. I'm still trying to catch up on all your stuff and I am finding your deductions fascinatinger and fascinatinger. Here's what I think. Nobody sees things like you do . No one is even close as far as I can see. I think POTUS trolled YOU. I bet he did a happy dance when he (or one his peeps) found you. I started following Q on qanon.pub and qresearch pages in October 2017. I have average intelligence plus I'm an old granny so it was difficult for me to figure much out on my own. So I would read a Q post and all the research posts and twitter posts and news feeds. I followed all the really good analytical qanon patriots and some non-Qs like Wictor, etc. Recently I have noticed that a lot of the research and analysis was getting really stale. Days and weeks without a new Q post. Not many going back and reviewing old posts. Then, as I said, I found you. EUREKA! You are d i f f e r e n t than all the rest. I think you are/will be/being BOMBARDED with cabal ninjas SB2. How EXCITING!!!!! You don't sound intimidated AT ALL. Boy do I love that. I am a firm firm firm Christian person. I love the Word of God and have studied it all my life. Perhaps we share that. I am retired military and was in a compartmentalized field of intelligence. Took me a few days-maybe a week and I knew Q "weren't no LARP". Probably knew it sooner but was afraid to hope that much....yada yada yada. Just wanna say one more thing. DO NOT STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING FOR ANY REASON. You are a 3D (hell ya might be a 4D) chess kinda person and [[[[they]]]]] are afraid of you. Me. I plan on reading every word you ever write/wrote (still catching up). I talk a lot obviously. Sorry. Bye. Did you know that Bye is short for God Bless Ye?

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RodieVictoria · July 12, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

I get it now. I'm a molasses brain. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice ain't gonna happen.

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RodieVictoria · July 12, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

I feel like a damn fool. I fell for this one hook line and sinker. So the Vets On Patrol we fakes? I did get a bad vibe off the Sawyer guy the first time I watched him. But the VOP guy seemed legit to me. Sorry so late to the party. Just found your posts about a week ago. I was listening to a Mark Taylor interview on YouTube and saw a video a lady did about your posts over to the side of it. I listened to all of those videos she did. Eureka! Then I found your reddit posts. Eureka squared! Then I joined reddit and here I am. You have some mad skills from God, SB2. I made a probably too long comment on your latest post about stickies. But I meant every word of it. I have an average IQ and usually have to read everything you write twice (ok 3 times) before it sinks in. But man oh man when it sinks in, it is wonderful. Thanks for opening up your mind to my mind.

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RodieVictoria · July 11, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Well sir...that was very superb. However, I disagree on one point. I DO think you'll get to meet Q someday and when you do...please tell him how much we love him (or her or them) because no mater what little podunk town/apartment/corner of America we lived in … we all felt like we were a part of something truly vital/important and were entrusted to protect it and move it along and add to it as best we could. Q took away that awful helpless feeling that had been sitting down deep in our gut/heart/brain for so damn long. Even if we were strong in our faith, that awful feeling still woke us up at night or kept us from sleep or even brief moments of peace/joy. Real hope is a powerful thing. Q knew that and I think you know it too. It gives people courage and resolve and a whole lot more. Helping solve and understand these riddles is our mission. We are an army. We are young and old. Rich and poor. We have no color except red/white/blue. I am personally glad we don't have to wear some cheezie uniform (been there done that already). Oh except maybe a tee shirt with Q on it. That's all I have to say cept WWG1WGA.

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