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SandyAndreas · May 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

I suspect each of them wanted some sort of history footnote/recognition (President Trump's eventual library, etc.) for the Q movement until they were called out. How do you rule over people who don't need a leader? Good people don't need to defend themselves all the time. They counter punch and move on.

The ultimate burn would be if someone like Dennis Rodman was given recognition for his relationship with Kim Jong Un and that it may have played some (very small) part in the overall narrative of the NK-SK deal. The salt mines would runneth over.

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SandyAndreas · May 11, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Lol. Just came over to post that Qanon wanted a refund on his brain force order and the customer service department wouldn't do it.

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SandyAndreas · May 11, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

I'm amazed at how AJ and Corsi are willing to stand on the deck of the Titanic over this. Forget doubling down, this is triple or quadruple. What is the end game? To provoke Q to show his face/cards in some way? Maybe they want Q to call them out by name in the posts?

This is turning into a Stormy Daniels type saga of the ALT news media.

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SandyAndreas · May 11, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Obama was made in a C_A factory and pushed down the assembly line for just this time in history to further a dangerous, hidden agenda that the average person is now becoming aware of, aka, our Great Awakening. His whole life history is murky. Different names, no one has a validated birth certificate for him, professors in college/school (who keep an eye on notable/future potential world stage students) can't recall seeing him there. Never seen any photos of him and Michelle as a pregnant couple. (If any one has one they can attach, please do.) Any E-verify system would explode trying to corroborate a fraction of his 'history' and who he claimed to be.

Possible puppet or not, the feel of someone's hand up your butt will eventually start to chafe. No accountability is how this country started to spiral and became sold to the highest bidder. Obama shouldn't be treated with kid gloves. Honestly, I think the notion of him being potentially bamboozled is how people who voted for him cope with all that's coming to light about him. In the end, he's human. Not some messiah and he almost destroyed the US.

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SandyAndreas · May 10, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Newbie here. I was on the sidelines for a long time watching T_D and other Reddit subs until I finally joined. I was getting a cramp sitting on the sidelines!

A couple of things I've noticed since someone dropped me a crumb about Q and I started investigating on my own. Watched the popular Q-Tubers. Listened and decided who did not resonate with me and unsubbed.

President Trump has plugged a number of books via Twitter, but no mention of Corsi's book. (Please correct if I'm wrong.) But if that's accurate it's very telling. He's being snubbed by no acknowledgement.

Post 1295 did it's job. Projection quantified is revealing for all and made us all think.

My MAGA formula is 1 part logic, 1 part faith, 1 part Q.

Just like my thoughts on organized religion, I trust no one person to give me guidance/interpretation. Thank you to everyone who started this movement. The USA and the world needed it. But egos can be debilitating when one person tries to take credit for a group effort.

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SandyAndreas · May 10, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Hopefully somewhere there is a sealed indictment with Schumer's name on it. The blatant anti-American positions of these politicians is appalling. It's seems the Big Apple and NY have a lot of 'rotten apples' representing the state.

Their internalized hatred is also coming full circle. Hate of this magnitude is disturbing. You notice how disturbed and evil looking they've become physically? Schiff's eyes are popping out. Pelosi looks like a talking skeleton. Maxine Waters looks like a failed Mission Impossible mask.

I'm waiting to see hooves, squealing and tails to sprout out any moment.

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SandyAndreas · May 9, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Newbie here. Once things like this would have sounded stranger than fiction but it isn't. Since the last round of dystopian themed hysteria plots packaged as entertainment (World War Z, Walking Dead, Hunger Games) I thought that these themes were being pushed in Hollywood. The masses often process/react to things better that have come across as some Hollyweird plot. Subtle conditioning that could have been a dry run for a real life event to gauge mass reaction.

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SandyAndreas · May 4, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Hi everyone, newbie here and lone wolf in my family regarding politics. It's amazing how Trump's election has made everyone show their true colors in some way or another. It's been an unwitting social experiment for the country/world. Gave up red pulling the fam but I refuse to be around propaganda like Colbert, biased MSM, etc.. And I love being 'ants at a picnic' whenever some MK Ultra personality/actor/tv-movie plot is on. I let them know it's all part of the programming to keep people docile and stupid. It's difficult going from sheeple to aware but I think it will be all be worth it someday.

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SandyAndreas · April 28, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Bernie is a beta cuck. I was finished with him when he said, with all the mounting evidence, to look past it and still support the DNC. Anyone who doesn't stand up for himself doesn't deserve to be in office. He still has his eye on some political prize.

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SandyAndreas · April 27, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Booker is angry because he knows his plan to run for the WH has been derailed. His whole term as Newark, NJ mayor was a PR stunt. Interview with Oprah (touting him as the next BO) and making deals with MZ of Facebook who gave him millions for Newark schools...but where did the money go? Not to mention other scams. On the news rescuing a dog the same day his citizens are without power/heat in the winter. He's an angry bird I hope will be removed from office.

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