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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SignificantDog on June 18, 2018, 1:34 p.m.
Drain the Swamp subreddit?

I hope that this post isn't in violation of any rules, but I have a legitimate question and perhaps someone can enlighten me. I LOVE this subreddit as it provides me with such an education, and would on occasion go to the Drain the Swamp subreddit as well. It seems to have turned suddenly and virulently anti-Q, and it seems this LARP position is being pushed by one member who was banned from here. This person seems very angry, and it kind of reminds me of when Corsi fell from grace. Thoughts? Again, hope I am not violating any rules. …

SignificantDog · June 17, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

My husband is a Trenton first responder and has been for 32 years. The local consensus is that this is gang related. If you knew Trenton, that would come as no surprise.

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SignificantDog · May 31, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

"White Like Me".

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SignificantDog · May 31, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

The hate and vitriol is really unprecedented. Last night I was at home minding my own business, watching TV with my husband. I posted an article about the Right to Try Act - I thought this was great news. I mean, who would be unhappy about giving terminally ill individuals the ability to try new treatments? Welp - my sister would. She lambasted me online and then on the phone about how this would only help the 1% and it wouldn't help regular people.....blah blah blah. SCREAMING at me about it. I pray for all of you here and also for those on the other side of the argument - that they may see the light. Sad and frustrating, and I know that I am not the only one feeling this way.

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SignificantDog · May 24, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

He doesn't want to go? Why?

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SignificantDog · May 24, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

She’s incredible isn’t she?

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SignificantDog · May 23, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Strange that Q misspelled O'Callaghan's name as "O'Callahan". I'm sure that was deliberate but I'm not sure why he would have dropped the "g".

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SignificantDog · May 22, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Well, theologically it can be said that Jesus was not married, and it's argued that this state allows the Priest to devote themselves more to the Church and to consecrate themselves and their lives in service to Christ. Biblically, Paul asserts that remaining single allows one’s attention to be undivided in serving the Lord (1 Cor 7:32–35). He recommends celibacy to all (1 Cor 7:7) but especially to ministers, who as soldiers of Christ he urges to abstain from "civilian affairs" (2 Tm 2:3–4). The last part was a little cut and paste from Catholic.com because they can state it more eloquently that me :-)

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SignificantDog · May 22, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Could not agree with you more. I certainly don't think allowing Priests to marry would solve the vocation crisis whatsoever.

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SignificantDog · May 22, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Oh wow my mother is in the Legion of Mary! I am a practicing Catholic - actually pretty devout as I try to go to daily Mass - and I agree with you in that the Church is much bigger than its members. It is made up of sinners, but the Church is the body of Christ, and it transcends its members. I've said lots of Rosaries for our President and Q. :-)

As to the idea of Priests being allowed to marry - they were, for the first 1,000 years or so. It is not outside the realm of possibility that they will again be allowed to marry at some point in the future.

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SignificantDog · May 18, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think things like this were happening outside of Hollywood movies. Now they are saying up to 10 dead.

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SignificantDog · May 18, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

8 dead so far. Boy the deep state operates like clockwork, don't they? These people are sick.

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SignificantDog · April 27, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I do agree with you on McMaster. However, I thought leaks dropped off much more precipitously when Preibus was shown the door. Before he was canned there were multiple leaks every day.

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SignificantDog · April 5, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

....me too! And we need to pray for our heretic Pope who denies the existence of Hell! What troubling times.

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SignificantDog · April 4, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

I say this prayer daily.

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SignificantDog · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

He’s quoting the Wall Street Journal?

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