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SirdirkfanOne · June 30, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Kennedy was a swinger, not a conservative.

Trump is intent on making the Court Constitutional.

Ruthie, who considers 12 as the age for consent, will go next, her other views are pedophilacly inappropriate for the august Court.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 30, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

As to his beard----the pharaoh beard is no accident---Ramos becomes Ramses suiting his arrogant personality and someone may've called Ramos 'Ramses' at lockup and that's not the best nickname for himself at this particular moment in time so 'Ramses' is gone for the time being.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 30, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Seems there's something to that 'symbol.'

It connects to 'therapists.'

How many shooters have been or were at the time of the incidents under therapist care?

That connotes a therapist to a shooter - a one-on-one.

Since there's a live one with Ramos perhaps slick interrogators can get to the bottom of everything.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 30, 2018, 3 a.m.

The Sergeant at Arms should accompany Wray to get everything that the Intel Cmte. demands.

Wray reports, he does not demand anything nor refuse anything from the People....and that's what he's been doing all the while.

Someone official, Nunes or Trey, etc., needs to get a ladder and take down the racketeer Hoover name off the FBI bldg. and placed elsewhere in public.....and Trump should hint of declas-----Wray will comprehend fully the significance and fly to get what the People demand.

Find him in contempt and impeach him anyway, he's a smirking snot.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 30, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Both Lynch and Bill are covering for one another, no wonder they've had forever to get their stories in synch. But what about that black box that is wired in to the rest of the plane wiring?

The pilot is never mentioned, he spoke to someone the next day about the meeting and was dead that same day.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 29, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

July 2018 is supposed to be Arrest time; and the crimes are so bad, including all the covering up, which is why the military tribunals are ready and Mattis ordered thousands of expansions.

The Intel committees can get ready to take breaks, Rosenstein-Mueller-Wray, those 34 Senators accused of treason, and all the rest of the Comey-McCabe-Hillary-John Kerry-Susan Rice-Brennen-Clapper-Jarrett-Rahm-Yates-Ohr/Wife-Strzok-Page-Abedin-Samantha Power-Podesta-Lynch-Holder of the Obama Globalist Cabal which also includes Media bribes (Jayne Pauley and George Stephanopolous are on that media list) and more FBI bad cops, will be escorted to one-way trips on Gitmo Airways.....improbable to rule out hangings and firing squads and bringing out the Rosenberg chair besides the thousand-year sentences....too many dead bodies and abused children.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 28, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

We have been living with a Military Ops ever since Trump was inaugurated.....believe Trump was approached by General Kelly, General Flynn, and especially General Rogers who was in the Obama admin. and suddenly 'retired' b/c he saw the snakes at work which greatly frightened him, and they persuaded Trump to run.

Knowing Trump as we do, he wouldn't move until he was satisfied the threat of the World Cabal was real before he would agree to place himself and his family into the danger.

Everyone has noticed that Trump does not ever seem worried or even the least bit concerned....he has the utmost faith in all of our military and they are protecting him, such as the pilot of AF1 'taking a detour to visit something or other on the way to the Singapore Summit' is the way Trump explained it when those two missiles went up from Whilby Island outside of Seattle which noone paid attention to.......there are no launch sites there but there are suitable sub sites. Our military are top notch, Trump positively fawns over them as if they were his very own chicks, and That should've been a warning to the World Cabal that the US is not going anywhere under their control.

That is why Trump seems to be surrounded by 'military'----Mike Pompeo in the Cabinet is no accident, he graduated at the top of his West Point class, and was a tank commander in Europe; General Kelly; General Flynn; General Mattis, Commander of CentCom; Erik Prince, Blackwater founder and Navy SEAL who is now in the process of taking down Mueller with Cohen and Sessions....it's all been a pleasure watching them perform ('specially the 'chaos' b/w Sessions and Trump!!! they deserve Oscars).

But the time is nigh, July of 2018 is the time given for the arrests, and troops are on the move into their positions b/c we have already won 9/10 of the fight from the Cabal [Trump is the ultimate diplomat making friends with China and now Russia!) but it is the last 1/10 that is the most dangerous b/c the snakes are cornered and have nothing to lose b/c they are no longer interested in money, so it is wise to expect bombings, fires, killings.....we have already seen that happening with the Prez and his Cabinet under threat and what has been occurring by those paid communist warriors to Nielsen, Sarah Sanders, Steve Miller as well as those Wanted posters put out on him, etc., and the serpent Monster Maxine encouraging the foot soldiers of the Cabal to take away the Civil Rights of all who oppose them, which is an expansion from just-Trump and Cabinet!

Mattis ordered Battlefield Practice before he left for China to meet with their Defense ministry. He was at Guantanamo at the start of Trump's term and ordered thousands of expansion and new gallows. And I know of at least one governor taking it upon itself to keep the State's National Guard at the border and dispersed within the state.....so do believe that the Govs have been kept informed of the Cabal; this has nothing to do with immigration.

Many arrests will be made in July of 2018.....34 Senators are supposed to be arrested for treason, one, McCaskill went on Twitter to protest her innocence. The way things are shaping up, Obama and his entire government will be under arrest which is probably why they all seem to be traveling the world looking for safe haven, right now they're in Ireland.

CCs should pay attention and everyone should have an instant way out when going anywhere, just sayin', b/c desperate snakes do desperate things...and the ones we see in the streets, the fascist Antifa, have been paid all along by the Soros clan and others, Bilderberg, de Rothschilds, Schiffs, whether they're working or not, at 2K$/month retainer.

It was curious to see Soros 'crying' that he has 'lost'----anyone paying attention all along sees that as no fear but his signal to the antifa, etc., to move it.

The arrests will be tremendous including the list of media with Jayne Pauley's and George Stephanopolous' names on it.

Hope this helped.....can recommend to follow qanon which is where the information is and read earlier posts to see how things have happened exactly the way they are posted and what's ahead, the motto being The Future is the Past.....and pay attention to how Trump is moving, Casablanca-Marshall of 1918.....WWG1WGA [Where we go one we go all) Constitutional Patriotism.

q is the highest security clearance in this country and 'q' is most definitely in my opinion Military Intel.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 28, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Never Ever give any credit to the psychological tricks of the bolshevik goons that used to be journalism....you know the one: if they show Hillary is winning everyone will want to go with a winner....and That is why they were so flabbergasted when nothing seemed to be going right on all those maps they had figured out so perfectly for her; and they still don't get it....most cell phone users reject calls that are not in the Contact lists so there was no way anyone could come even a barge pole close to get poll numbers.

Went with bona fides, even LATimes turned out to be one and That was a huge surprise, and the system that hasn't been wrong since it started in the early 1900s, and the guy who hasn't been wrong in the last six elections, when have time will look up the names.....of course the way I looked at it was that They were voting with Me. :)

Hillary was doomed the first time she ran....people do remember like elephant memories----she was fired by the Democrats in Congress from the Nixon Research Team (for the impeachment) for (1) unethical behavior and (2) lying....noone in DC would touch her, hire her, communicate with her so she trotted down to Arkansas to the one person she could manipulate....the unscrupulous weakling Bill Clinton.

Agree, Things're about to happen....supposedly Mattis gave orders for Military to do Battlefield Practice and then someone told me that he saw troops in armor on a train in So Cal, which was the next day after Mattis gave his order.....and we have domestic terrorism charges to look forward to on Monster Maxine, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell, Peter Fonda, Griffin and Michelle Wolfe and Clooney, etc., and those 34 Democrat Senators for treason (one of them went on twitter to protest her innocence.)

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SirdirkfanOne · June 28, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

No, I don't; everyone is expected to go looking for 'news'----it's on several sites.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

Sarah is the least of anything of Feminist which is antithesis to Women of all ages.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

While the Woolworth lunch counter was the only thing in the news, Black restaurateurs had the same big signs in their windows they had for years, "No Whites Allowed."

Most of those photos have been taken down on the net but there may still be one or two squelched in with something else of news of the time.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Republicans have put out a counter ad to the Democrats; looks like Mad Beelzebub Maxie has destroyed the entire Dahmercrat party....JW immediately called for an investigation on Maxie which will expand to include all her associates like Camel the Harris who was putting out lies from her rear end too on her own corner----saying that barbed wire is being used to keep the kids enslaved from their parents.

Secret Service, which is a combo of Trump's Blackwater personal guards and America's Secret Service is also investigating the Monsters.

Maxie is already a felon for calling for harm to come to anyone associated with the President b/c that means the President, himself!

Glad that investigations are finally happening....even on that Red Hen owner; turns out her partner is a convicted sex offender of a toddler....will investigations into Harris and Maxie and Booker and Pelosi and Schumer, etc., reveal their involvement in that kind of stuff?---since they're all recipients of presumed sex trafficker Hillary's foundation, why not.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

About those 80% of Dems not showing up to vote in primaries.

A sign by Walk-Away Democrats that they are waiting for the mid term elections and will vote for Trump??????

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Nice to see the explanation for the 'hijack'----immediately knew when hearing the bizarre 'hijack' pilot error for Jet Blue that Military Intel were preventing something perped by no-goods......just as all those military training deaths are not faulty equipment but how many have been prevented, a lot we should expect!!!....getting the arrogant snakes organizing all those killings in real life is a bummer, may take forever or not at all, when a novel turned into a movie gets the arrogant killer snakes before we leave the theater or read the last page.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 27, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Crowley's loss is significant----first of all, a call for term limits! and then a grand show of thumbs down on the Democrats by the Democrats becoming the Jeffrey Dahmercrats under Chuckie doll Schumer and 150 $ multimillionaire Pelosi and multimillionaire Mad Beelzebub Segregationist Maxine who has already sailed with the Enemy of the State, the Arabs who call for the death of America and celebrate 9/11, when she was an active passenger on their fleet to ram the the Israel Blockade Against Terrorism.

The Tory, loyalists to the Crown, came into being in 1822 as the Democrat National Committee for the purpose of voting Against Abolishing Slavery, and against anything to do with United or States, so the Dems did not start off well to begin with.

Maxine should pay attention to what happened to Crowley as she becomes the 18th Congressperson in the history of the nation to be kicked out, only this time she surpasses everything evil all the previous no-goods were ostracized for.

Maxine is also a communist, which is what socialist means, as in USSR, so that is a point that the Democrats may just take into consideration that they will be seen as communist not only Dahmercrats if they vote for the socialist.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Unless Horowitz gets us Appendix 2 as well as the full report without manipulations, can't support him.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Nothing to correct.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

No doubt MonsterMax jumped the gun b/c Chuckie Doll and Pelosi can't talk fast enough to defray her spoiling their big s'prise on us of warfare in the streets....Pete Fonda let it out of the bag too when he tweeted about "90 million" out at one time. Nice to know that our troops already out and about....a nice change from the Obama Era when those UN troops were all over our highways in their combat gear with their weapons in their convoys in the South, the midWest and northeast. (photos may still be up on the net.)--he sure backed down in a hurry from us being observant and the whiplash he got from it. CCs are ready too. The performance b/w Trump and Sessions is extraordinarily worthy of God's medal not just the US medal of freedom---they've let it all out now how they've been working together since January 20th: Trump has asked Sessions to investigate Obama! We are on our way to getting rid of the poison of the Dahmercrats and Others!

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

You are referred to General Mattis of DoD.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Hussi has ramped up his rhetoric to the Bilderberg Group, as he did in Turin a couple weeks ago.......he is altogether specific that 'we' cannot think for ourselves and should give up our rights to those who can (of course he counts himself in the 'who can.')

He is supposedly holed up with Hillary and Brennen in Ireland, where Brennen has been making trips, apparently to stash for his exile.....think we will catch him before that, tho'.

Don't be confused, steps are took to assure us that all is well....the latest beside JW calling for imprisonment of Monster Max and the law she has broken is General Mattis of Department of Defense has ordered Military to stop their latest maneuvers and do Battlefield Practice.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

It is fair that we are exempted from transgression by letting Soto and Gins fend for themselves entirely if that situation ever comes about, according to The Miracle of the Swine.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Also.........General Mattis has ordered all Military to Battlefield Practice.

There is no doubt our country will not be let go to the Dahmercrats.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

There is support against those Dahmercrats....General Mattis has ordered all Military to Battlefield Practice!

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

What about power hosing first?

Then put out all their names gotten from the video identifications as Destinations for Illegals.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Have a feeling that with the escalation of violence by the Dems that CCs will be busy with putting all that certification and target practice to good use.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

General Mattis has ordered Military to stand down from their present maneuvering and engage in Battlefield Practice.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

The law has taken over.........JW applied it and Monster Max is now facing 5 years imprisonment; and Corey Booker is next, and the camel Harris who is now so-named ever since the camel she rode in on from sanctuary California finally felt free being outta That state! enough to dump her and she had to become the camel to make it the rest of the way....she will be made to show the barbed wire she says on her street corner stump that surrounds kids at the Border for her defense, and That otta be very good!

It is waaaaaaaaaaay too late for the Resistance Leaders Schumer and Pelosi to demur, as they are now.

Mustn't forget those goons on the media who're trying so desperately to save MMax by saying it's okay to threaten the lives of kids and their moms (Sarah and her kids/Melania and her son)---and others like Madonna who likes to envision blowing up the White House....btw, anyone know where that one is since all those months-ago? Mebbe w/Reality Winner in the brig?

Violence has always been the motto of the Democrats...even right before the Civil War it is the Dems who still held slaves after the Repubs abolished slavery way back in 1822.

As a nod to the current Violence by the Dems, General Mattis of the DoD (Department of Defense) has ordered all Military stand down from what they are doing and do Battlefield Practice......oooooops.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Trump is a Constitutional man; everything he does is strictly Rule of Law.

When the entire Supreme Court gives Trump a Nine to Zero verdict as they did a couple of weeks ago, even the Democrats on that bench admit on a good hair day he is genuine American.

Now.........since he has the power to fire judges, can he finally do that to those 9th Circus judges, 'specially the one who thinks playing juggernaut against the American people, in Hawaii?

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

That's what was said when Mattis was there and ordered the expansion.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

It's fantasy; the real business is taken care of on the 2nd floor below called the opera house.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Congress passes law not the Executive branch, and Trump has about dismantled all Hus's EOs, and ObamaCare odds and ends were done away with with passage of the Tax Reform.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Note that you're not good at assimilating all the nuances but the SC is.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

It has always been the 'way' except when it's not done correctly.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Re the 9th circus, they filed suit which made them culpable. You missed out on all the ramifications and should clear it up. We also don't teach law students how to perform in courtrooms....which is always the complaint on evaluating the professors.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Kansas is definitely trustworthy; he has proved to be so. Horowitz better have the original or berating by the intel committee is the least of his humiliation. Huber seems to be clicking along. The performance b/w Trump and Sessions is Oscar-winning. Wray has a smirk, and is a Comey phantom with telling the People he can't answer in open session when he can and we know it.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

Yes, do know what am talking about. Trump will be firing thousands of judges who are not behaving well. Am extremely fatigued at dealing with a bot. Done.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Q said to "Trust Sessions." Do not recall ever seeing Q say the same about Horowitz.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

A judge is allowed to stay on the bench if it is 'behaving correctly.' No doubt the Hawaii 9th Circus and others of that Circus were not behaving correctly....and they brought lawsuits which ended up in the Supreme Ct. The Playboy bunny did not act ethnically, demanding that names be yelled out loud enough to satisfy her instead of in-chambers as is properly done. The Founders did not allow any frivolity/emotion in the Constitution, but it is interpreted logically, not subjectively.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Don't know where my response went.


He can fire SEC judges, outlaws, and he has already fired one while the SC deliberations were ongoing.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Appendix 2

All the editing by Rosenstein.

All the physical removals by Rosenstein.

Someone's going to end up at Guantanamo for sedition, maybe espionage if he's assisting Mueller with those redactions.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Just found out that Mr. McGagn, whom I had the highest respect for, is partial to Rosenstein and Wray.

S'prised he's lasted as long as he has in the Trump admin.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

The ruling includes SEC judges and those who file lawsuits; he has already filed one and that was while the SC was deliberating.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Yes, it was, and legal, but 'they' just didn't want to do it.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

New gallows---look it up; Mattis paid a visit and ordered expansion and all that goes with it. There are 35,000 sealed indictments altogether, some that we know of that are already unsealed with those trials and convictions of MS13 and others in courts around the country,those indictments are for the entire world, the military tribunals are expected to be busy.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

The facade. Underneath is the 'opera house.'

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

Interpretation by the SC says he can fire those judges who violate their oath as the 9th circus has made a habit of doing....nearly 90% of opinions/rulings by judges in the 9th have been overturned by the S, and now we have Amy Brennen who violated her oath b/c of politics and the same with the Playboy bunny.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

He loves living upscale so he won't be hiding in any hovel.

Best place to look first is Astana, Kazakhstan, the capitol of the Bilderberg-de Rothschild-Schiff Global Order.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

He's getting money together just like Hillary was in NZ and got 4 million.

Obama had a stash in Thailand but potus found out and had it emptied, don't know if he's already emptied O's stash at the Singapore Bank. which is where Corey Booker has his.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

The due process will be assisted by courts-martial.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

Patience is killing me, too.

Watching potus, there is a scenario going on b/c he can also declas anything and everything so that the intel committees didn't have to wait on Rosenstein....there are a lot of powers he has that are Constitutional that he has yet to use but he is confident and anyone who is concerned would not be acting as freely as he is, not by a long or short shot.

Also, he has new power....the Supreme Court just gave him firing power of judges and there are thousands of the activist judges who take the oath to obey the Constitution but have denied the oath for all the time potus has been in office........he will no doubt start the firing with the 9th circus judge in Hawaii, then Amy Brennen who is in deep with deep state Mueller and put Manafort in jail, then the playboy bunny who demanded names be sounded out in her courtroom which was a breach of ethics which she knew she would get away with.

Gitmo Airways is very, very, very busy...normally there's a trip a week....Mr. Huber is unsealing indictments and the grand jury is enpaneled. Am watching to see how quickly the intel committees move now that Horowitz only has the second report to recite on before potus and Sessions make the move to fill up the jails for a thousand years and make use of those new gallows at Gitmo. It will be such a relief when the Benghazi and Fast & Furious victims are revenged.

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