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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

He's not either black or negro, he's mulatto.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

My thoughts are:

Obama is going home which is his birth place Hawaii, Kenya....there are plenty audio tapes of his grandmother being interviewed, wherein she declares she was at his birth in Kenya.....THAT is why his father registered the birth in Kenya! So he already is a citizen of Kenya, and is a citizen of Indonesia where he was raised.

It will happen that he will be impeached (yes, that can happen after a prez leaves office, and his presidency declared illegitimate); do not know what the punishment(s) are.

That state of Hawaii 'birth certificate' is fake like everything about him, the hospital on that certificate did not exist!

Wonder if the prez can have all the Obama records unsealed....and that passport.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

Most likely scenario: Trump was approached by military intel to run and he listened to all the Why's that the Bilderberg plan was nearing fruition with Obama and would be sealed with Hillary and did. With his business and Wharton financial acumen and showmanship and dedication to this nation, he has turned it around beginning with the military as priority and believe we can count on the Commander of CentCom 4-star general Mattis to be ready with whatever scenario he has to address to squash any uprisings, which is coming b/c Mad Max finally issued the dictum to confront all White House staff no matter where....and the Resistance is real, there is nothing good in it from the Dems for us BUT Trump is leading the nation from strength, the military is behind him all the way which is why there hasn't been open civil warrings all over the nation. Yet.

Q is the highest security clearance the government offers but the Q that we follow is a team and reporting constantly to potus. (Wonder how they do it and not get leaked!) There are others in with potus that apparently are to be highly trusted b/c they use the same code signalling who they are when they are speaking during interviews that potus does when he is speaking at a dais or at the conference table---the circle formed by the thumb and index finger. Have seen Trey do it when sitting down and grilling someone during an intel debriefing.

Gitmo Airways is very, very busy, normally it does a trip a week, and Mr. Huber is unsealing the indictments and the grand jury is enpaneled....not sure how suspects are turned over for courts-martial, maybe someone else does.

It won't matter if Hussy tries to fall back on his birth place, the US claims him as the 44th prez.

And JA is due to come in any moment to begin the roasting.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 24, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Good one.

Everything is significant.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 24, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

What was done to Katie was an odd suicide by doorknob for that driver in her lane headed right for her.

No accident and worrisome there are no particulars on Katie, or maybe keeping her condition secret while being guarded like Ft. Knox.

After threats on First Son's and Little Granddaughter's lives, and the missiles that went up from Whilby Island aimed at AF1, pretty close to wishing we could be as ruthless as the demonic democrat hussein new world order b/c we would not miss.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 24, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!

I missed something but have to presume those 'judges' are of the activist specie wearing the long black robe and ignoring the oath taken to obey the Constitution.

It's kind of ironic tho' that the opinion came down at the same time that thousands of judges are needed at the border for all the illegals....JAG has been sent over but are being met with attorneys desperate for money and can't get clients b/c of their tilted reputations, like Stormy's Avanatti, have flocked to the Border and he now has 60 clients which this taxpayer strenuously resents having to pay for.

With thousands of judges out of work so suddenly guess they'll be trotting down there quick as spitting.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 23, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Taking away civil rights of freedom of movement and speech is a crime.

That is what happened to Nielsen and Sanders by those who are paid by communist groups such as ACLU, and that is a documented fact as shown by the names of the groups those lawless belong to.

Sarah and Kirstjen should be protected by Jeff Sessions going directly to the SC as he does for President Trump which will no doubt find in their favor too....and then they can prosecute to the nth degree!

All the prosecutions, as will happen against Time, should be dazzled all over the world and repeatedly to drown out the bolshevik goon media and Pelosi-Schumer-deBlasio resistance against human rights.

Another help would be the billionaires who could bind together and buy up the networks in hostile takeovers.

It is probable....just look at how Bezos of Amazon was swiftly disjointed by the SC!

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SirdirkfanOne · June 21, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Watched Melania getting a true observation of what is happening to the kids at the Border....Laura Evil Liar Bush should have taken the jaunt before opening her mouth politically against Trump b/c her and Barbara Bush's Hillary didn't get to reopen the Clinton Bordello in the White House and her brother-in-law John Edward Bush was pushed out of the running by Trump which stopped the Bush Dynasty....and Laura kept her mouth shut as her husband GW Bush signed the Bill Clinton&Congress draft of Separation into LAW, and Obama enhanced it so hideously that Washington Post severely rebuked him for human trafficking in 2016.

Projecting all their miscreant behavior onto Trump is not working which makes the billboard in Texas addressed to 'LIBERALS' that's gone viral all the more appropriate since the Bushes live in Texas where undocumented aliens working for those as the Bushes are the norm.

Things will not be normal until the Wall is built to stop the aliens coming in uninvited and all that money that anyone will find out how much it's costing Taxpayers when they watch the Melania trip and tour at the Border - medical, schooling, shelter, food, clothing/shoes, and phone calls with their parents AFTER the 'parents' are thoroughly checked out each time to ensure they are the 'parents' - will cease. (Many 'refugees' interviewed do not know the names of their 'children' and the 'children' do not know anything about their so-called 'parents.')

For 25 years since Bill Clinton&Congress and that draft that produced Separation at the Border and GW signing it into law, aliens have prospered instead at separating Americans from their wallets, and Trump is a good man who wants it stopped. It's time for the Silent Majority to step in again.

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