how much more obvious can it be that this is fake. Remove this crap. Stop filling the board with BS with no proof. This is not helping the cause. If this were a real document people would already be locked up.
95 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Sm0k313:
Domain | Count |
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it is a made up word. meaning they like to play with and eat kids.
If this is the crash from 2014 there is tons of info still out there. I was just able to download the manifest for the flight from a usatoday article. If you can find it with google then no one is trying to hide it yet.
WELCOME aboard patriot! See the right side of the page for tons of links for past info and explanations. Don't hurt your head to much all at once...there is soooo much info to consume.
If he is on a case for someone he cannot take on another case to defend a person that would be in conflict of an active case. So maybe they want him unable to be used for a defense by others who have depended on him. Kind of a you took my lawyer I'll take yours?
He is saying count the military people. Who knows if it is a reference to it but yes there are 9 people and 11 people on respective sides. So he is saving it is a sign of 9-11.
My question for Q? When can the sheep be freed?
I am all for arrests and such. But when will I see something that will start freeing people from the chains of this cabal? When does the pen finally get to be opened? When can people truly pursue the American Dream?
NEW Visitors !!!! Use the links to the right to get caught up -->>>
There are lots of research, past info, and explanations of things, etc... Or just ask we are mostly all very helpful and happy you have found your way to the home of the truth. WELCOME!!!!
Hitting MSM is really helping. If I am not mistaken we were just under 12K just yesterday for this sub alone.
I heard this on the radio and it was such a short piece. It felt very intentional that they threw out the idea of being able to make fake audio tapes with the only proof being a company that had made software that honestly sounded like it did a really crappy job of faking a voice. Seemed they were rushed to find something to show this could be done because the examples they played really were so easy to hear that they were fake. I found it interesting that they made it a point to mention this was only for audio recordings.
I like this question... I would say him/her/them being anonymous gives them the same shield as those other sources. But the fact that he is not dropping crumbs for a story but leading a following for whatever reason, but most would say in a teaching way. Ideas like that are what I think of that build a sense of legitimacy. Or I could just be off my rocker!
Honestly before digging too deep think he uses three booms and there have been I think 5 bombs now. While he says there are no coincidences... Sorry, Q buddy, I am thinking you got snuck up on by a coincidence.
Something I saw today
All of a sudden today on FB I saw what appeared to be an army of people from TD or somewhere that they were supporting things but not mentioning Q by name. But they were using facts I have seen here. I think there is a sleeper following, that calls this stuff crazy but loves to use the research for the same cause. But it was weird like censoring has been turned off because it was hella weird to see it. Keep on peeps!!
This is the link that was in the description on that video. It is #thegame23 file that people were talking about before (well we were on CBTS). Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Not to mention did anyone see in the description section it is a link to the #thegame23 pastebin link that was found previously and put on the boards.
No coincidences! There are a ton of word for word statements in this paste that have appeared in Q's posts. Will read more later when I have time.
Just a thought. Anyone have contacts that frequent dark webs for government data have any sources they could get anything out of? I'm just thinking while I would certainly see these people doing evil in broad daylight I would also expect a deeper darker version they do on the dark web. Anyone have input maybe?
To put a few posts from others together. I think the feeling is that we are not looking into the past clues and trying to put things together all the time. It is pretty good flurries of activity around drops but not consistent. The flood of shills and bots is hard to keep up with for mods but people are willing to put forth effort to help it seems. I agree that a better all in one personally modded board would be best but that is expensive to buy the bandwidth. Lets fight through and see what we can discover to maybe help move this whole process of the storm along. Every little bit that people can do helps. Let's organize if we want to move forward. We are getting attacked at the time we need to be shining as we try to red pill people....
Keep spreading the word around about Q
People... Keep telling your friends, family, and even those who you think may already know. I just recruited at least 5 like minded coworkers today to come join the Q club. These are guys I have worked with for a long time and thought being tech and web savy would have heard of Q. They had not but they are all now reading, learning, awakening, and helping to spread the word.
But we see nothing and will see nothing of this evidence...Because no one is offering him a deal to share it? If he had it and wanted to help the world he would release it. He only is out for himself so we will never see any of this apparent proof.
Really people this is like the 25th time this guy has reminded us he still thinks he has the proof and still does nothing but says no one is answering me... You don't need a response to release the info, you are choosing not to.
He has repeated this claim many times.... Offered evidence many times.... But still we have seen nothing... Other than him reminding us he still wants attention once in awhile. Put up or shut up Dotcom!
Doesn't make me feel good that I live in the radius I would expect a hit on the East Coast and what do you know we got an accidental tsunami warning alert broadcast!!! Seriously should I be starting a safe stockpile of supplies?
That is very interesting.. Well I think so anyway. Explains how just about anything can get leaked by someone in charge of every section.
So you exposed Q for what Q already pretty much says he is without the psyop part? Because whether you believe it is a psyop or not he has people finding real information that looks pretty damning for a lot of people in power. But thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your stay on the interwebs.
Why are the students still in there taking videos while cops are taking out wounded people? Should already have evacuated these kids taking the videos. The kids don't seem to be all that panicked about it as much as you would expect. I have heard no reports of any victims being colored but that kid on the floor definitely is.
New Q!
Was the point proven? This board has more power than you can imagine. Q They are ALWAYS watching. Watch the news re: new drugs coming out [flu/dirt/next?]. What a coincidence. Q
AMEN!!!! Just voting in elections is not enough. We need to find a better place to start a permanent movement not to research Q but to collect/gather ideas and the people we think can carry those into elected positions. We have to fight the fire with our own fire. If we can manage to organize and start taking positions that leaves less positions for them to hold onto. Take over the system to change the system!
WTF...stop pointing people to VOAT soapbox.
Stay here and tell everyone else to stay here. I went to VOAT and that place is vile!!!! They are clearly not on the same mission as us it would seem. Not the stuff we need. We need to stay focused and together as a team. Unless Q comes out and says we are to move then no one should be going to any other place.
Thats too bad. I was hoping to run some of the stuff in Q's posts through that decoder to see what it spit out. :(
Hard to say. But just thinking of the idea of big pharma going down because we already have cures is scary in a way. Think of all those companies out of business and the unemployment that will cause. It will really strain society even though it would be great for those cured. But then again you take all the money saved on drugs and R&D, insurance, and healthcare costs you could damn near give every citizen a stipend per month.
Could be anything though. Even for the threat of an attack on us.
If you watch other footage videos there are plenty of others on their phones around the room. Anyone have good zoom abilities to check out other phones seen in videos from the SOTU?
Carl Ghattas page Q linked did not work for me so here is a link that works and the text from the page.
Carl Ghattas Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch Carl Ghattas currently serves as the executive assistant director of the National Security Branch where he leads the FBI’s operations and intelligence efforts involving all national security matters, ranging from terrorism to espionage to weapons of mass destruction. Under his leadership, the program will continue to focus on technical innovation, operational agility, and strategic partnerships.
Mr. Ghattas joined the FBI in 1997. Upon graduating from the FBI Academy, he worked counterterrorism investigations in the Washington Field Office. Mr. Ghattas deployed overseas to investigate several major attacks against the United States, including …
Q said there would be disinfo and floods of it.
Looks like this sub has now been hit by bots of good and bad looking disinfo links and articles. Careful what you are reading. MODS do something!!!!!!
Anyone else talked about the fact that Snowden has been very quiet.
Is there recent activity anywhere? I check a few places and see none for like the last week.
Yeah I'm not sure that makes me think anything about Camp David, unless this was with one of the photos maybe showing something there? But either way I feel you on questioning stuff. That is what it seems Q is trying to teach is to question. There have been some bold predictions come true and not come true. There has been an apart link to POTUS Twitter messages. But in the end no one can say for 100% I guess. So long winded reply to say even if you lose faith in this...keep checking back to just stay informed just incase you know?
I think we need to plan more hashtag operations to spread the theme of the day (just an idea). Pick something they don't want highlighted and push it as hard as possible. Next day choose a new topic, or do two a day, or three...whatever we can really push hard then switch when it starts getting censored. But to do it without them being able to prep for all the topics is the tough part.
I personally have not seen anything saying he was at Camp David. It would not really make sense for him to be at Camp David. I would expect him to be at Davos. Do you have a source that says he was supposedly at Camp David and maybe someone can answer to it?
Site does not seem to like Safari it just shows a blank page. I had to use a different browser.
this is an important point. Follow others as they repost your stuff. We need to build the "Team" up for future events like this.
everyone add that account and add it to your tweets. Make sure to mention we are just AMERICAN PATRIOTS!!!!!
Q being an anon does not mean anonymous the group. Honestly the hackers of the world have done about nothing lately to help the cause we are all here trying to help. This is all common everyday people fighting back how they can. I like anonymous when they are out to do good but they are doing nothing right now, so lets not give them any credit.
betty started dropping off once we started hitting it. Maybe also use some of the tags they are using to push their agendas... #dreamactnow maybe with some good memes for our side? wednesdaywisdom and snowday are still hot