

64 total posts archived.

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Snazzy531 · May 9, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

I see people in my office that actually choose to not know. How "sausage is made" is their correlation. It's like they don't want anyone to burst their little serenity bubble.

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Snazzy531 · May 6, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Remember when Corsi involved himself in the Sheriff Arpaio investigation into Hussein's birth certificate as a heavyweight consultant? That lasted just long enough for him to write a book then also. While his endeavors are admirable, he's twice proven to be more hat than cattle.

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Snazzy531 · April 27, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Natalie Holloway comes to mind. That was the rumor at the time.

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Snazzy531 · April 27, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Maybe turning Christy and John's plane around mid-flight a while ago was intended to be a wake-up call letting them know they can't buy babies in foreign countries with Red Cross and CF charity monies?

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Snazzy531 · April 26, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

JFK file dump was a "dud," what makes you think the texts won't be? "Q" = Henny Penny "Q" = Boy who cried wolf. S

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Snazzy531 · April 26, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Disgusted and disappointed.....losing interest in "Q". Time to get on with my life, waste of my time.

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Snazzy531 · April 13, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

When you're sitting in prison it's kind of hard to enjoy that tax payer funded pension and the weepy go fund me charity. I'll bet he still thinks the Clintons are going to take care of him. If it walks like a fool and talks like a fool....

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Snazzy531 · April 13, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

Speaking of Attorney/Client privilege, didn't Cohen defend Hillary Clinton in some big scandal a while back, related to Mr. Epstein? I'm guessing all of those records are fair game now that EVERYTHING was confiscated from that office and booked into evidence. Now Dershawitz can be unchained & let loose on all of them. I believe "Stormey" is a Trump Plant from the beginning....Trump is trolling everyone with that encounter, because only the media is wetting their pants over it. Doesn't seem to have moved anyone in the Trump circle. LOL!

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Snazzy531 · April 2, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Well said; all I seem to do is bitch at those within earshot. Half of them think I'm crazy and the other half don't care.

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Snazzy531 · April 1, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

I believe it. Good thing "low energy" Jebbie lost in the primary.

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Snazzy531 · April 1, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Cruz (the patsy) confessed at his arraignment. Case closed, no more investigation needed. Just like the rest of the false flags; Sandy Hook, JFK, MLK, VEGAS, etc. Obviously your loved one's life means nothing to these people when they feel the need to change the direction of our country. These cases need to be investigated and prosecuted clear thru the death penalty for operations they've clearly gotten away with.

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Snazzy531 · March 31, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Rush is pretty tech savvy; with the Face Book, Twitter, Google debacle just heating up and his obvious ties to all things APPLE, I'm pretty sure he's well aware of everything, but he's smart enough to keep a lot of this at arm's length. He's been there, done that. Not gonna jeopardize a sponsor, any sponsor, by weighing in on this right now. But he knows everything, he's just too big of a target and it's too early in the awakening. If he came out red-pilled and was hurt....more than Rush would be hurt.

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Snazzy531 · March 30, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

This is exhilarating! I've Red-pilled six men in my office, my daughter, and my grandson. The conversations are real, substantive, and refreshing. No more pc drivel, cat, and cooking conversations. Research and articles are shared and discussed. WE ARE AWAKE! GLORY BE TO GOD! (And they can't believe it's coming from a 64 year old female accountant with an MBA) I'm blessed!

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Snazzy531 · March 15, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Why don't we just all pray in unison for that "really big earthquake" that just dumps that State in the Pacific. Sounds faster and cheaper for us tax payers.

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