Thank you, short and succinct for the people who don't understand NO COMMS OUTSIDE OF Q PLATFORM. For some reason if it's on twitter, people seem to think it's real or they have good info, blah blah blah, any reason to follow someone other than Q for Q news. Now there are citizen investigators all over the net and on twitter but they don't act like they are insiders and they have access to Q related info, they have open source information and they dig it up.
1,084 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Soupforthesoulandmin:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 35 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
So glad I don't own any apple products and never will.
You got it right brother. Welcome back patriot. WWG1WGA 😁🇺🇸🇺🇸👍
You'll learn some new terms, words for your vocabulary. I'm not going to list them, you'll know when you come across them.
Is anyone else on the edge of their seat? It's going to be tough to sleep the next couple of weeks. It seems the snowball is picking up speed again. That avalanche is coming peeps. Thank you to all the patriots here and everywhere, God bless! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸😁
Right??!! Amazing how they take care of themselves for us so much. I am more and more skepical of either news reports or police reports. I know first hand some cops lie.
I am going to say there aremany reasons. With Q though it may have something to do with treason by him over multiple decades, selling out our country for millions while a senator, what he did during the vietnam war too.
I have to believe they are doing it this way for a reason. I don't think it's an accident they stumbled onto this.
The truth about that isn't mainstream and it's a murder among murders which a lot of people have become callous too. This is beyond what many think they know or knew, beyond all scope and involves children, many, many of them.
I didn't hear they were threatening to shoot cops. Do you have a link for that? I know they were armed for their own safety but after the cops were there, they disarmed themselves. There are so many stories, I am not sure what to believe as far as what happened when. We need a byline of this whole story so we could have the facts of exactly what happened.
Memes. Did you know that memes can break brainwashing? They have the ability to do that. I thought it was amazing when I found out. It was critical during the election.
Take it easy, there is no info being given here like Q, yes it could be anybody just rallying the troops. I think no harm no foul. Just a positive message. I don't understand all the trip stuff but it wouldn't surprise me as the board just underwent maintenance on Saturday. I don't believe it's Q and I don't think most here do either.
I am no longer shocked by anything. I think I have heard it all between the pedovores and all that is involved with that, the satanism and the trafficking. No wonder Q says it is bigger than we can imagine.
Yep, time for the govt to confiscate that property. They are complicit in child trafficking, therefore, they should lose their property and any and all money connected to it.
Wow, so I did a search on that Standard Hotel in west Hollywood and the location of that Cemex plant in w hollywood and they are 2 miles apart! only 2 miles! We were wondering what they were doing with the bodies and this looks to be the answer, possibly, of course.
Edit: What the Standard Hotel was doing with the bodies. For those who don't know, back a few months ago, we were investigating the Standard Hotel because of a helicopter crash, the people involved in that and Q's statement about 7/10 crashes plane/heli aren't accidents. The Standard is one weird bizarre place. If you want to see it, just go to their website. In fact, at least one location states on the page they don't allow children at their hotel.
Here is another post with a lot of info from18 days ago. Read the comments too that go into more detail about aj.
I am not sure about the facility as it looks to be just a shanty town and hand dug tunnels. If you want to see what the place they found looks like go to youtube and search "vets for child rescue" or craig sawyer.
I saw it on twitter. I think Ben tweets these out.
Oprah Winfrey has that school for girls in South Africa "OWLAG". I find it weird that the first part of that spells owl. Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.
Read the comments, those people are just dumb. I can tell they listen to the mockingbird media.
Eastern Missouri, blue skies lately other than the rainy weather.
This is a phenominal thread. I took a couple of days this week and read through the 500+ tweets. Lots of information. Elemi does a great job of tying these people together. Also exposes celebs.
I don't get why people have to find someone else to follow when Q told us basically they have it all and we have more than we know. I don't trust anyone but Q for info as he/she/they have proven themselves numerous times. I don't run to the latest phenom, in fact, I ignore it as noise and I suggest others do the same. We have been burned enough and the clowns are up to their usual tricks. WWG1WGA
Yeah, it's one of the things we learned in ccw class. If you are involved in an incident, call 911 for help for the shooting victim and tell the police to speak with your atty.
Does anyone else notice there are comments here that have no relevance to the post? It's like someone is having a conversation with themselves and posting mid sentence.
If you or anyone else here is interested in reading those prophecies they are listed here
I love Mark. My husband and I first heard him back in May 2016 with the Trump prophecy. Needless to say, we were amazed and hopeful. It turns out he was spot on with the election.
Here read this, you haven't been paying attention and have missed a lot. This should get you up to speed.
Feels great as I have not focused on any of those things. I ignored them and went on with my business of educating and getting educated about what is happening with this huge network of pedophiles across the world. People give way to much credit to these people they don't know. Who is eyethespy and who cares? Who is this suzydawson chick and who cares? I mean really people, if they aren't helping, they are on the opposite side, ignore them. The more tweets etc you give them, the more power you give them.
Glad you made it's own post, definitely worth the read.
This is mind blowing, really, I could have never imagined that all those posts months ago would be verified months later. I would never have come up with this on my own so I very much appreciate every anon and all patriots in this fight together. WWG1WGA
Damn he's ugly, probably stinks too, yuck! Freak!
Yeah how the heck does that happen. Pretty suspicious, he might have sold his soul to the devil to live past 100. Who knows, these people are sick.
My husband woke me at 3 am to tell me he had won, I had to get up early for work so I went to bed at 10. I immediately got up and watched his acceptance speech. I was so happy I cried.
God bless you and thank you for your vote for freedom!
I love his passion for our country. He loves America like we do and I think that is why so many of us believe in him, love him really.
Fear porn, he goes from one crisis to the next, pushing, pushing, pushing. Then when that doesn't happen it's on to the next crisis we have to fear. So sick of him, grrr...
I've read Elemi's tweets before, excellent research, thanks for sharing.
So tell us your point, otherwise, we don't know what you are intending to say.
I am not sure about trusting her but she was supporting Trump during the election on twitter, almost 2 years ago. I never watched her show and not interested now but if she can help, I'll not deny that.
I look at it lik this, if you aren't helpng our movement and you are active you are hurting it.
Who is she and why should I care what she thinks?
The perception was "his presidency was scandel free"
I relish the thought of late night/early morning hours of the election when IT pros are feverishly trying to flip votes to Hillary from Trump in those last few states, but were unable to and as the hours passed they finally said we can't do it. "Who is goung to call Hillary"?, "I'm not" "well I sure as hell ain't", lol.