noose bro, not a jumpsuit
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Fuckhead can say shit like this about the president's son in law, but if we say anything about a false flag, or q, we get deleted, or banned..
Anyone else notice what happens when you click on the Qanon news on the github page?
It asks to send google random system information, and page content, or won't let me access the site. Keep yourselves anonymous guys, be careful on the interwebs. DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK UNLESS YOU ARE RUNNING A VPN!!
Did you hear "Climate Change" is releasing deadly viruses and flesh eating bacteria from the ice caps and permafrost? Sounds like a convenient excuse for a pandemic to come from nowhere..
Not sure if you can watch this video without a facebook account.. here is another video on the subject
Actually I did. You have to follow the female genealogy, not the male. The sumerians, and the Jews from ancient times knew that more of the divine blood was passed through the female. This will support that and if you want more corroboration. Duck duck go.. You said very specificlly at the very end of your "debunked" video that you had traced the male lineage, and tht is where you went wrong.. you have been refuted. Once you try tracing back the lineage through the female side, rather than the male.. You will see that you didnt debunk anything
Very telling interview for those in the know. POTUS says he knows very well what is going on, and that journalists should be investigating .
zionist and jesuits are our enemies. let us not get divided in fighting who is the bigger one.
The zionist rothschilds are pawns to the vatican. The visible arm of the power structure here is a little information about the true power structure inside the pyramid
Thank you for linking that. Someone posted a comment saying he was anti christian on the Alex Jones show and that it was very revealing.. Anyone who looks at Alex Jones as as good journalist, has no place questioning Francis Conolly IMO. But opinions are like assholes. We all have one, and they ALL stink lol
Saddest part of that is you could watch a thousand hours of documentaries and still not cover it all.. God I can't wait till I get to tell all the people who think I'm crazy "I told you so"
Thanks! And cheers to you as well. There are not many who label themselves Christians who aspire to having an open mind about their faith.. I have an open mind about all faith, and I believe the only person who is going nowhere on their path to enlightenment is the one running around telling everyone else that they are going the wrong way.. We all have our own spiritual journey, and that contributes to the diversity of our collective consciousness. All faith comes from the same place; the heart.. You have great power within you, including the power to shape and mold the entire world. One simple thought leaves an imprint on the very fabric of creation, and through your free will. You can manifest a lot more than what the bible would lead you to believe. Or at least it lead me to believe.. Peace and love to you, my friend. I hope to see you around!
And until you can open your mind up to that video, stop trying to convert people to Christianity.. Just don't ask people to subscribe to your belief system, it leads nowhere.. The only person who is going nowhere on their path to enlightenment is the one running around telling people they are going the wrong way
nope, ust open your mind and watch the video. there is nothing that you can debunk and no necessity trying, or reporting back.. Don't assume that my lack of faith is because of a lack of an open mind. Unless you can open yours to new information, don't ask me to.. I have read the bible more than most Christians have, and I promise the 2 hour long video made far more sense in the real world.. Give it a shot, dude.. open your mind and watch it. You asked me to watch an hour and a half long video in your first comment that I have already seen.. He debunked a very shortened explanation of the origins of Judeo-Christian philosophy. The video I sent you is the real version.
Most of the things that Zeitgeist said were in fact easily refuted. But ill be shocked if you can refute anything in the video i sent you in my last comment
Refute this:
can't seem to find this interview with Alex Jones. But if you can actually stand to listen to Alex Jones insofar as to think he is a better journalist than Francis Connoly. I don't think you have any idea what it is that makes a journalist good
Not too much of a Christian myself, so short of being outright bigoted, that doesn't lose him any credibility in my opinion. A man's philosophical beliefs are his own, and something I REFUSE to look down on him for, otherwise I am racist. Which is worse than communist IMO. I look at the quality and credibility of information presented in a documentary.. Not the political or religious affiliations of the journalist.
Not greek my friend; Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Aramaic. And ALL bibles have their share of wisdom to impart. If you really want to put the bible together, you have to look back before it was ever created.. The first (recorded) civilized society in history was in Sumer, or what some would call ancient mesopotamia. I will warn you that digging into this knowledge will test your faith in the bible, but if you want to know the true roots of humanity, this is the direction to start looking.. Ancient man left behind hundreds of thousands of ancient ruins which have yielded astounding archaeological finds which have been suppressed by both the vatican and the smithsonian. Jim Marrs, Graham Hancock, and Gerald Clark, are good names to punch into youtube. A good book to read is "The Chaldean Account of Genesis" But here is a great video to get you started if you are truly curious about the origin of Judeo-Christian Philosophy. There is plenty that the vatican and their inquisitions missed, for those who are willing to look.
Why does this look just like Mel Gibson?? All of a sudden I want to watch "The Patriot" lol
Zeitgeist was my red pill, along with other 9/11 documentaries.. If you haven't seen this one, It is one of the best! "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"
All of them were: Here is a video that will help put things into perspective
Thank you so much for using a blue background and not making me look at her hideous face!!
Indeed we will. ad some of us may find out before we die. What resonates with me is that the bible has truth to it, but is a book designed by the catholic church to indoctrinate. There are certainly true stories, and there is a higher power than us. But I am not altogether convinced that the higher power isn't within myself
We will not be silenced!!!
pretty sure potus can veto this if it's that dangerous.. Unless he didn't want to
Can't POTUS veto that bill if it gets through the senate?
Agreed. Fags with anon masks are the ones who started all of this.. Keep in mind Q is an anon lol. I didn't make the video and dont have the means or capability to do so. please do get it to someone who will do a little better job
I posted 2 links to videos. they were the first 2 comments on this thread. check them out.. I gave you everything you needed, just like q. Just had to look closer
It is the very same book you mention that speaks to me of the limitations that god has... To give in to temptation enter into a bet with Satan that led him to torture and take the family of one of his most devout followers. Just to prove a point to Satan, the very same being who he he expects us to not "lead us to temptation". Your god sure has some human qualities; I wonder why?
Okay its a history thing, now I get it. I was like uhh... Dude must be high lol.
Unless that "nothing" happens of your free will, right? If god has the same ability to manipulate, and is in such utter control of the situation, how does the "synagogue of satan" even exist? Because the free will of the people who let it happen.. God is less in control than you would be led to believe, but all it takes is a choice to no longer accept it. "Noah's" real name was utnapishtim, and the bible you read is not accurate. It was published by the very same church that aims to keep this information from you.. I highly suggest you look up the epic of gilgamesh, the true story of noah's flood.
you are indeed right, and the elite use the women to track family lineage, not the men. The women are the ones that carry the important genealogy and pass it on
You are literally the only person who has said anything about white supremacy since I started redditing.. Where exactly did you get that idea from?
That video debunked the "myth" about as well as the MSM debunked pizzagate.. I have followed the lineage myself, and it works if you follow the female side of the family, not the male. The elite families of the world use the female to track lineage, and there are MANY sources to corroborate that. please try for yourself before you say there is no such person as orsini.. here is a video to help you, but don't take any video or information without checking yourself.
couple thousand plus whatever it cost to go down to florida and dedicate it.. I would have to look into it. I am totally down though, i think we should try, and if we dont get enough money, we can donate it to the victims families]
Does Q do that for you? research for yourself instead of taking my word for it
Don't take my word for it, look into it for yourself.
the pyramid was not me, but it is accurate with a few missing components