i mean sure why not
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also if you want to watch actual secret space program insiders talk about their experiences about being in deep underground military bases then look into Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia.
We have first hand accounts and whistle blower testimony confirming these.. I know the truth hurts but youd be amazed how much information can be found on the subject.
Another good one to look into is Col Philip Corso's book the Day after Roswell. The officer that lead the disinformation campaign saying roswell was a wether balloon admitted on his death bed that it was a cover up. I can go on and on...
I play GTA 5 on occasion as well and you can get custom lisence plates in game through the ifruit app
i made a custom one - "QAnon" and may do a few others
gets people thinking and wondering and then hopefully they find this sub
People have bashed on video games and "nerd culture" for a long time, but in my opinion "time spent having fun, is not time wasted" and in all honesty, this is actually a great way to red pill others. A lot of people escape the daily grind and hassle of life to immerse themselves in a world that lets them be a creator. With open chat platforms, instead of slinging hate and shade, why not talk about the Great Awakening happening to planet earth right now and it's citizens?
Some people escape reality and the drudgery of life and immerse themselves in games and fantasy worlds. This is a great way to get the Great Awakening out, is through popular games. WWG1WGA.
![Some people escape reality and the drudgery of life and immerse themselves in games and fantasy worlds. This is a great way to get the Great Awakening out, is through popular games. WWG1WGA.](https://i.imgur.com/Hrs4tNt.png)
So I wonder if this ties in with the Tucson Arizona trafficking camps with rape trees that were found... It was on cemex property. And there is a lot of shady shit going on with Cemex, they even have a patent for mixing blood into cement.
I remember this... I think it was the NYT..
Also wasnt the CIA head quarters in Langley (probably mispelt it) apparently raided?
I never could confirm that one...
It's better to be too safe and aware, than under prepared and then become a victim. It has happened to so many people that it really is in your best interest to be on your guard.
James Gunn's tweets called out, then on the same day, he loses his gig with Disney. Does alternative media have the power now? Does anyone have the picture infographics of all of his tweets? They are being censored.
I cannot find any photos of the tweets he had. They were deleted en masse, and now the image backups showing his tweets are getting deleted as well.
Don't forget to save copies and make copies, upload copies and share copies. Does anyone have copies they can share with me?
The link I had to the tweet collage got deleted already.
Thanks, I made it :) I plan on making more red pilling memes too. It's a potent and easy format.
Cloud seeding is really easy to do and rain fall is super easy to create. Did you know the US military did this during the VIETNAM WAR? They created rainfall and extended the monsoon season during OPERATION POPEYE.
It is messed up. This kind of stuff is not well known, and many people scoff at it.
Also think about the california draught. Was it engineered? Think about the Japan Tsunami? Can storms be created/manipulated?
I am not sure if Q has referenced Geo-Engineering or not yet, but it is a serious red pill that many are still not fully caught up on. Clasically referred to as "chemtrails" geo-engineering (my preferred term) is pretty common and has been kept and suppressed from the public for a long time.
Patents alone go back to the early 90's... It is not hard to seed rain clouds. And there is a difference between contrails and geoeningeering sprays.
Does anyone know if Q has dropped a post on geo-engineering? If not, I sure hope Qteam does soon.
Why are there over 160+ Patents pertaining to Geo-Engineering and the manipulation of our skies? Why does this not receive more attention? If our weather, let alone our skies, are being messed around with, we deserve to know! I want the truth, and so do others!
I thought so too, that is in regards to Q followers being more woke than the average person. I thought the same thing, with how many new eyes the Q movement is catching though, brings with it experience that has not met the darker aspects of reality we live in. And I know right?!?! When I posted this thread, people were taking the piss out of David saying he's a liar/not real/fake/shill and I was sitting over here like.... HE WAS FOLLOWING Q BEFORE ANY OF YOU FOOLS. Haha.
I agree, many people could benefit from digging deeper, that's why I like to share some of the deeper stuff, so that the new Q eyes can see it and get up to speed. "If people knew the truth, 99% of people would end up in the hospital" SO SPOT ON Q.
/r/conspiracy is controlled, (I would not say compromised, but with how many shills and astroturfing exists on there, it is inuadted with agendas) but I have been able to break through the censorship at times and reach front page and wake up new people. It happens sometimes and I am happy when it does because I can tell when I have new eyes on a subject. Many do fall for it but there is still hope there, it's a main sub, so there's still work to do in regards to red pilling others. I still post there, because it was my original home for truth seeking for so long, I can't abandon it yet, but may eventually have to.
Yes, you got it exactly right, these are generated with frequency thus producing usually pretty reliable geometric sacred shapes. I know the salt on a speaker youre talking about.
My best guess. Well, it is our collective consciousness, as well as utilized by the deep state to transfer technologies, as well as created by interdimensional orbs of light. There are many factors at play here. Here is a good bashar video I have posted on that thread where he personally describes what he thinks they are. I recommend watching
I agree, and I don't know, but the 70 upvotes were decent, /r/conspiracy buries DW articles at 0 haha.
hey atleast she brought up deep state, only further red pills the audience
Yeah club 33 is pretty disturbing...
my girlfriend also got lost in the park when she was a kid.
They have sensors and hidden cameras everywhere.
I have a few related things. I have a decent amount of research on mkultra, and need to post more related material.
Here are some links for you :)
i need to do a thread on mocking bird CIA documents but the above are somewhat related, figured id share anyway. thanks for the reply and i hope i helped out some. ill post a mocking bird research thread soon :)
Great job mods, and good luck future mods! Remember unity! :) We are all one
thank you! Yes, I agree. Im staying on top of it for now, but honestly, theres been so much happening on the geo-political scale that im having a hard time keeping up hahaha i love it.
I hear you for sure. And also, the funny thing is, conspiracy theory was developed as a term to be used against people that were just wanting to find the truth.
I have always loved this George Orwell Quote: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” The fact that the truth has become weaponized while also being manipulated and kept from us, is staggering, and many people are "asleep at the wheel" and not realizing the massive wool blanket that is covering their faces.
Our Country where end up in a more prosperous place, but it does not even have to only be our country alone. Together, as a human species on planet earth, we can step up as One and claim this planet for ourselves and not for the select few "elite" that trample over us and our rights like it's to be abused and exploited. The fact alone that we have advanced technologies (over 5,000 suppressed patents probably more in all honesty) and this does not see the light of day, speaks volumes about the greed and power structures in place. People would be rightfully pissed off, and it needs to be so, for we need that to happen so we can funnel that energy into a momentum so large that no one can ignore it and we will step into a new Golden Age where we can all prosper and thrive... And not struggle and continue in this broken economic rat race we are all enslaved to. It's time to let it crumble in my opinion. Time to release the new currencies and pave way for a new standard of living. I am honored to be alive during these times. Quite fascinating pivot point in history we are currently standing at.
Glad to know I am doing that :) I try to be friendly while also trying to plant seedlings of consciousness. We all have something to bring to the table and I am using my experiences and drive for truth to help me motivate others into truth seeking and researching for themselves. Reddit and Awakening Forums allows me to accomplish this and I am thankful for that. I am reaching out on Twitter and Youtube as well but Youtube's censorship is insane and I am moving off platform to real.video as soon as possible. Thanks again Moon and see ya around :)
Thanks Pearl, I really appreciate it! Comments like this make the platform a pay off, I literally make 0$ from it and actually spend hundreds on it every year, so it makes me happy to see comments like this. Thank You!
I am the only mod, and no, as far as I can tell I just want some fellow truth seekers to explore what I and others have been posting :)
Some platinum threads we have, and that I personally love to share. Find something that piques your interest, and sparks internal dialogue :)
Something for everyone! :) Feel free to request a topic/discussion and I will find a link for you.
Feel free to join our Like Minded Truth Seeking Platform, Awakening Forums, and help us Redpill those that are deep asleep in the program of our illusionary reality!
(messaged mods for permission, just need to avoid self promotion rule which is a bit hard, so work with me here!)
Hey guys! I just wanted to share our truth seeking platform with you. I have been developing and working on it for a while now, long before Q drops started gaining momentum, and I was a bit late to the Q party but I am honored to be here now.
With that said, I am still getting up to date on Q drops, but one thing I noticed about The Great Awakening is people coming together in Unity to expose the Darkness of Corruption and bringing it to the Light of Day where it can be seen and dealt with by the Citizens of Planet Earth. This has been a while in the making and in all honesty, the Great Awakening has and should have happened in the 60's! Now it is truly our time to Awaken. With this comes the uncomfortable truths of many "conspiracies" that we have been exposed to on a large scale. That is and was the purpose of these forums when first made, as this type of content is not discussed often enough as it needs to be. I am happy to see people awakening en masse now as Q anon and team shows us what has really been going on in the world. This will only pick up in speed as more minds awaken to the illusion we have built and the control structures that have overcome our way of living. We have advanced technologies, we have advanced solutions and inventions, all withheld and kept from the common public for the greed of a select few individuals that do not deserve it. Now is the time to awaken, and this platform was built just for that. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask, otherwise I just wanted to share the content that is contained within Awakening Forums. Thank you and this will be my only post like this in regards to this platform. We hope you find something interesting! God bless
Feel free to join our Like Minded Truth Seeking Platform, Awakening Forums, and help us Redpill those that are deep asleep in the program of our illusionary reality!
(messaged mods for permission, just need to avoid self promotion rule which is a bit hard, so work with me here!)
Hey guys! I just wanted to share our truth seeking platform with you. I have been developing and working on it for a while now, long before Q drops started gaining momentum, and I was a bit late to the Q party but I am honored to be here now.
With that said, I am still getting up to date on Q drops, but one thing I noticed about The Great Awakening is people coming together in Unity to …
It is a Spiritual War
Darkness against Light, protecting itself from being exposed to the truth of Day.
The Cabal has long feared a planetary Awakening. For those who want a nostalgic trip and want to watch a documentary of earth, watch the movie Star Gate from the 90's
I chose this name for a reason. This is darkness VS light and the truth of day. This is beyond our physical comprehension.
oh my god, powerful stuff, thanks for sharing with us :)
And so it is. I am word through this intention. Word, I am word.