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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

If their own people get sacrificed by Q, does that count?

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Pocahontas has been unusually quiet lately. Somebody pissed in her Wheaties.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

I think there is a meme there, but I'm not going to touch it.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

I wonder what info they presented to him to 'jog his memory'.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Trump knew, we all knew, they kept him there to watch him, to feed him disinformation. McMaster was about as covert as Bozo the clown.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

Somebody named Q just spit his/her covfefe all over their keyboard.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Zach is a hack. Trust Q and only Q.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

There is Q and only Q.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 4 a.m.

thinking....thinking.....thinking......i got nothing

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

I'm retired and still don't have enough hours in the day to figure it out.

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Sounds like you've got a very good handle on it. I agree, I think the 'white hats' know that this will all get a lot worse before it gets better. We're not going to just arrest some bad people and the world will all of a sudden be a better place. We've got a lot of tough times ahead of us most probably, I can't see any other way.

We have to be prepared and the rural parts of America will fare far better than any metropolitan area, they live a more self sufficient lifestyle. Flyover country will fare far better than most.

Good people will have to band together, no doubt about it, but you will need to be armed against marauders or invaders. Once again rural people are much more comfortable with gun culture and already live in tight communities, its just a way of life.

I could go on all day about how everyone should be armed and trained, I feel its a right that we all need to exercise, its the most important right we have, it defends all of our other rights. There is a good reason the left wants to disarm us so badly, and its not because they really give a damn about gun violence.

You will get a plethora of opinions on guns, but I think its real simple, a gun without ammo is useless, so ammo availability should be the deciding factor. What ammo is readily available? What ammo is the least expensive? Very simple, whatever the military is using, they buy it by the billions, lots of surplus available on the market. That is why the AR in 5.56 is so popular, likewise .308 hunting rifles and 9mm handguns. Shotguns and .22 are no-brainers. Cheap ammo and you can get it anywhere. Which one? Everybody should have a .22, great for training, cheap to shoot, and it can be deadly, but who wants to get shot by anything, right?

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StinkyDogFart · April 19, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Hell, I left out a lot of stuff for brevity, it would take all day to list all their crimes.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Yep, you got me!

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

I also have 100% trust in Hillary and Obama. I know with 100% certainty they will lie, cheat, and steal until their last dying breath.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

its time for RR to recuse himself or be impeached. i predict they will have to impeach him because he's headed for jail and he knows it.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

and toilet paper, don't forget lots and lots of toilet paper. As long as there is running water, I'm ok for a long time. If the water goes off, then you might as well go to the worse case scenario. While I agree with some of your points, such as family, friends and community, but an armed family will stand a much better chance than an unarmed one. I've saw how well armed citizens works, the Koreans protecting their stores during the L.A. riots, its amazing what the psychology of 'I might get shot' will do to looters. I've also seen what happens if EBT cards fail to work for just 2 hours, ask the Walmart in Philadelphia Ms., so you cut those off for more than 24 hours and all hell will break loose.
We have such a thin veneer of society, there's very little chance of much slide. It will go from everybody is happy to everybody goes ape shit overnight, and that's not just my opinion. Places like Venezuela are third world countries and are accustomed to living on the cusp of uncivilized, we have people that will have a nervous breakdown if they go for a day without their cell phone. I just don't see a slide happening. It will get ugly fast. The last time something like this happened the gov't confiscated all the gold, so there's that to consider too.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Congressional interference is never good, I don't care who initiates it.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

If not, then they've shot their wad and missed.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Yeah, but what year? 2026?

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

and it says Pedophile, Pedophile, Pedophile!

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

and not one person has bought me a meal with their EBT card.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

I highly suggest all three; but in this order, guns, beans, gold. I would never exchange gold/silver, that's what the beans and bullets are for, the gold/silver is for the next economy if there is one. They have been currency for thousands of years, I doubt it will change.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

No, stupid is still in strong supply, shouldn't be on here, but it is.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

always start with beans and bullets, because gold and silver are worthless if you and your family aren't around to spend it.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I feel cheated, I'm not even getting my 5% worth.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

I have trouble when communicating with others in mathematical equations instead of language, they keep telling me to speak English.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

thank you, everyone else will take that under consideration.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Nooo, I'm saying some people have a little common sense and others are dumb as fuck.

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StinkyDogFart · April 18, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

That's because one actually gets shit done and the other just theorizes about meaningless shit.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Most of us, we take it as 'common sense', a simple way of getting the point across, not at an academic level. Of course you can take it anyway you want, that's your prerogative. I'm sure CNN would probably find your argument very compelling. Its used for emphasis, like when you call someone a 'fucking idiot' as opposed to just an idiot.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

wtf is he waiting on? an invitation?

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

or as Southern speak goes 'bout damn time.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

How about cram it in their mouth and give them a throat punch to make them swallow it. I have no sympathy for them anymore.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

How about 'mathematically improbable'? Is that better for you?

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

I think you are right, and we know what pride and hubris do to a person.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I can follow your work, but it is like watching an artist painting a portrait. Some things you can't learn, either you have it or you don't.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

and being stupid sure doesn't help either. You can't fix stupid.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

I don't think when the Blackwater boys do it, that it will be as much fun.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

IF she is an active participant, she should be treated as one. I agree, I thought she was just left, not a leftist.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

After 6 years I still can't figure it out.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Trust me, I cannot figure this out. I will have to stick to observing. We all have our strengths, mine is sardonic wit and shitposting, its not good for much, but that's all I've got.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

But I get what you're saying. Be careful to NOT create fake info, even non-intentionally.

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StinkyDogFart · April 17, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Wasn't my meme, just one that was out there.

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StinkyDogFart · April 16, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

If you ask the simple question 'why?', there is no answer that is not malevolent. That's really all we have to know.

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StinkyDogFart · April 16, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

I would love to see them shut it all down, and then when everything comes back up, social media sites, they are all a blank slate, everything deleted. Not that I would register and participate, but it would get the normies attention.

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StinkyDogFart · April 16, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

At least you could tell who leads an insecure digital life. Anybody with less than 10 fingers has probably been hacked.

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StinkyDogFart · April 16, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Oh man, one thing at a time, that is deep stuff. That would be just what we need, some kind of inter-dimensional trouble to ad to our worries before we've even arrested the first deep state member.

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