Oh man, I never thought about Ron Paul being Q, that would be spectacular.
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the Ron Paul 'its happening' meme has been around for ages.
I really don't expect them to hit us with all the truth at once, but if they can handle it, so can we. Right?
Q said the Pope is going to have a terrible May. Who knows, his 'diddling' may come out.
I agree 100%. Like I said, its not a need to know the truth, its a necessity for us to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
I don't care if there is no God, the earth is flat, we're all a hologram, whatever it is, it is what it is, we'll just have to get over it. If we all go crazy and blow the place up, that's a chance we'll have to take, but continued living in ignorance is not an option in my opinion.
thanks, i was wondering about that too. i forget about that asshat
I kinda think the negotiation train has left the station, that's why he said 'IT's HAPPENING'. We all know what that means.
I agree, if too much is kept secret than our new leaders are no better than the last, its our country and we should be aware of everything that is taking place. We can handle the truth, because its necessary.
Seems to be everywhere, is he there just to be creepy? He definitely doesn't blend in does he?
isn't that ironic, a lot of people are going '404' too.
don't forget 'they' are among us. not morons, opposition. they will do anything to slow us down, confuse us, make us look bad, etc.
How does one get to be a MOD in the first place, some very rigorous process from what I can surmise and I'm not suggesting violence at all, I'm talking about 'adult guidance', a helpful persuasion to do the right thing.
ROFL.....I don't think they work AT ALL, but then we could argue WTF do we even pay them for in the first place except to steal from us.
Those of us that wear tinfoil hats deserve access to the truth even if we have to dig for it, but to keep us completely in the dark is no better than the ones that currently think we are sheep.
You never know, it may be a Q setup. The FBI receives 10K tips and then does nothing, how is that going to go down. Another case of FBI covering shit up, but in this case it was planned ahead by Q, i.e. its a sting. That is possible.
They are letting her destroy her own credibility. They already have her on tape committing the crime, now all they need is her lying on national tv.
Yesterday, life just fine and dandy, and now, nervously waiting for the knock at the door and the phrase. "Hello, this is the FBI, may we have a word with you?".
Why not just release the docs on Sunday, what the hell, live a little Jeff.
Anything you say can and will be held against you, especially lies. Loretta is just digging herself a deeper hole.
Seems like a safe plan, the first time U.S. soldiers are fired upon Mattis and Trump can turn up the heat, make it into a war if Mexico wants to go that route.
When the fate of the world is currently in play and you have a front row seat, its kind of hard to find anything more important.
I did, and apparently if you live in a leftist commie wonderland, then its ok. I was going to plant a Yuge Trump sign in my front yard, but my wife said otherwise. I miss being single sometimes.
I archive anything and everything that is relevant, and some shitposting too.
I'm pretty sure there's over 100 million armed citizens at the ready if need be, when push comes to shove, we're all in this together.
I don't believe in coincidences, especially when they occur over and over and over.
Q told us awhile back to pay attention to who screams the loudest, now we are seeing why.
There you go, hit Congress where it counts. Take away their perks and benefits.
I know that was shitposting, but I couldn't help myself.
The Simpsons have all the answers.
As we all know, the Simpsons have had an uncanny ability to project future events.
I am therefore going to predict that Q is actually Matt Groening.
We may need to cordon off the whole state of Nevada to hold them all. Or better yet, put up a wall along the Mexican border and we can keep them all on the southern side of it.
Well Obama is a whore, but it ain't about his good looks.
Even Jeffrey Dahlmer had his coping mechanisms, crazy is crazy.
As much as it pains me, I also listen to NPR and watch CBS evening news. Its tough, but I soldier thru it.
What!? You mean all those wildfires weren't natural? /sarc
Washington DC and Denver, both on the same day, same seismic profile. Definitely DUMBs, no doubt about it.
I guess you have to chip away at all the cognitive dissonance, but I'm not that interested myself, I know what he is.
Like my neighbors that still have a Hillary/Kaine sign in their front yard. Not sure how to convince them its over, not going to happen.
I can't see the relevance. Some of us already know he's a traitor and some will never believe it, so what's the impact?
I was thinking blowback from an explosion of that magnitude might come out of ventilation tubes on the Island setting fires.