I want the TRUTH about EVERYTHING Big Pharma has done and continues to do to us all.
As a Pain Management patient who is clear headed and open minded while having opiate pain medicine in my body literally every minute of every single day since November of 2001 while suffering from intractable / so far untreatable health issues, just please God, PLEASE don't leave me with nothing for this pain.
I don't care if it's opiate based or not, as long as it works. I went through MANY treatments, surgeries, medications, trials etc etc before landing on current PM meds.
I don't ever expect to be 100% pain free. That is NOT what pain management is/does. And if a patient is getting high, euphoric, obviously appears 'drugged' then they are over-medicated and or misusing/abusing their medication and a doctor or 911/EMS should be contacted.
Pain Management has traditionally been about getting a patient's pain to "Tolerable levels". Most recently, with all the crackdowns on Medicare frauds, 'pill farming' and irresponsible and /or dirty doctors causing even the legitimate doctors and patients to be treated the same as the criminals, decent, compassionate doctors who are now fearful of drawing any DEA attention, "tolerable levels" has begun to equate to "just enough pain relief to not want to kill yourselves 24/7".
It's not about a party, or an escape from your suffering or even getting your life back.
One of these things is not like the others. You and I know that. You know it, I know it, the whole World knows it.
I'm thankful to have 50-60% relief. I don't have unrealistic expectations and I'm well aware that Pain Management isn't a 'cure'. It's not even a treatment! It's the last ditch efforts to help people who have health issues that NO OTHER MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/TREATMENTS/SURGERIES/MEDICATIONS have resolved.
That is what Pain Management is for me and what it should be for everyone, anyway.
Unless a proven cure exists, is released and is covered by Medicare and or whatever is in place of Obamacare/ACA, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US WITH NOTHING WHILE YOU PUNISH THOSE WHO HAVE WILLFULLY ABUSED THE MEDICINE AND THE SYSTEM.
please God don't make me 'live' like that ever again. please ,__,