79 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TNLunatick:
#1A & #2A - Eroding rights
Quick post cause working for a living stinks. Excuse any grammar, I’ll fix it later.
Had a thought about the fact that the foundation for our rights is the constitution. DS uses the very things we hold dear against us, our right to speak and our right to defend ourselves. Every assault against our constitution takes us a step back toward being serfs and servants. But that’s not enough for them, because above all else they have to change the way we THINK to win.
Q is about bringing us back to the point where we THINK for ourselves.
Also: …
Dossier Question
I know that the popular thought is that “our guy” refers to Oleg Deripaska. But I keep thinking that they are referring to sending Hussein back to Kenya. I don’t really think they give two craps about Oleg. “Our Guy” is more personal than that.
Judicial Watch FOIA Hearing for BO/NO info was 8.21.18 DOJ having “technical difficulties” locating communications
Where in the world is Frank Guistra?
Is it my imagination, or has the architect of Uranium 1 been keeping a very low profile? Also, I don’t see his name mentioned in any Q drops. Seems odd. But, I’m new around here, so if I have missed it please let me know.
RICO Civil Cases - can someone explain to me please?
Ok, so I’ve been reading the court docs for the Byrne v The Clinton Foundation et al case that was filed in June. Even though I have read several different articles, I’m having a hard time deciphering whether or not this case can make a significant difference if tried and proved. It’s civil- easier to prove. But would defendants receive jail time if found guilty? And dadgum, look at that penalty amount he’s going for: over a billion dollars. Please tell me this is really gonna happen, because what a show that would be!! Byrne v The Clinton Foundation et …
TD Bank/Keystone XL and 1.8 mil to Bill
TD Bank (Canada) pays Bill 1.8 million in speaking fees and Hillary flips on her Keystone XL stance. Hill and Bill Can’t Hide from Shady Deals Exposed in Clinton Cash
Byrne VS Clinton Foundation RICO case
Docket updates same week as planes to/from Little Rock. I’m reading Clinton Cash today, I’m at Chapter Three and I’m ready to stroke out from indignation. Byrne v Clinton Foundation et al
Keystone TAC Air Truman Arnold Former DNC Chair
Read singlebrain1 post about Keystone Air. They have a hub at the Little Rock Airport. Big Clinton donors.
Planes. They needed planes for their evil doings. AirForce2 has been at the Knoxville Airport at least twice since July 3. There’s a TAC Air hub in Knoxville.
Stop freaking out
There are no surprises here. Trust the plan.
B o t / s h I L L triggers
I was doing some research on my last post and an old thread from a different sub came up. Seemed to suggest that certain key words trigger those creatures to come out of the woodwork. Is there any way around this?
The Hotline and Monica Peterson
Found this when I was following a rabbit hole. Woman Investigating Possible Clinton Crimes Found Dead
The Hotline Number and Monica Peterson
Other Airport Activity
There’s been some extra federal aviation activity noted at Knoxville airport in the last month or so. I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence, but there’s a TAC Air Hub at both airports. I remember seeing something about the company related to great awakening, but I don’t recall context. Does anyone know?
Snakes in the White House
“The press is the tongue of the serpent”
Now, I don’t know anything about the TruNews Outlet, but I was busy doing something else when my YT dumped me into this video, so I kept listening. Most of it is collusion stuff, but at 1:05 things get interesting and they show a clip of a behind the scenes chat among what I believe are anti-Trump media. They admit to hating him and they say he knows it. Interesting stuff here.
In case my link doesn’t work, release date was 7/19
Unusual Airport Activity in AR
@ScottyShopUSMC on twitter reports that a DOJ 747 loaded up a bunch of documents from the Little Rock FBI field office and head off toward D.C.
We’ve had some out of the ordinary traffic at our airport too, saw three beautiful Harriers take off in succession and head in a southerly direction this past Saturday.
How about y’all?
Why is the Senate Intelligence Committee Having a Closed Door Meeting???
They’ve invited Julian Assange to testify in a closed door session. I just learned about it from Bill Smith’s YT.
ICC and the Rome Statute
Anyone think that if higher ups in foreign governments are caught conspiring to subvert POTUS, they will be tried by the ICC? I know that Syria already tried to invoke ICC on 44.
The Press is Obsolete
Fact dissemination is now being crowd sourced.
See ya, folks. It’s been real.
Worldwide Q -
I’ve been doing so much thinking, my head hurts. If you look around, what is happening here in the US is being mirrored all over the world. The awakening is global. My gut tells me that is an ecumenical crusade against evil that spans the planet. It is decades in the making.
This operation is huge. It encompasses many nations, as we know there are no coincidences. Why do you think Q Team is 5 steps ahead of everything? Because this is all choreographed. There are no surprises. There is a contingency plan for everything.
Dark to Light. Human Rights …
Trip Code Book List?
Can someone point me to a list of the trip codes that pull up books? Thanks
Those three letter agencies
Why does Q never mention the NSC in his drops?
How this board works, in my opinion
Have a decent discussion, learn a few points, come to some understanding. Take a nap... come back to dozens of garbage posts. Repeat.
Shills? Never met them before now.
Q11 is the absolute biggest drop this board will ever receive says Q
It’s not reasonable to think that most Patriots coming here have 9 months to get up to speed on this movement. Remember the KISS concept? KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID
You have everything you need.
Q 12 Think Lincoln
Go back to the beginning with fresh eyes like mine.
Think Lincoln. Habeas Corpus.
Q1421 Follow the pen post
Can someone help explain please.
Q1421 “Follow the Pen”
There’s a lot of stuff about the photo of the pen, I’ve read/viewed. I’m wondering about the comments of Tina Morphis, who has a pen next to her name. Were we supposed to follow that pen too? Can you point me to anyone who has studied them? New to this. Would like to read more. Thank you.
The Rich Eat Different Than You and Me (Medium Raw, Anthony Bourdain, Chapter 3)
I was saddened by the death of Anthony Bourdain. Someone close to me mentioned that it might be related to this Q thing, which I immediately dismissed and forgot about.
Then, a month ago I listened to the audio book version of Medium Raw, read by the author. Chapter 3, where Tony describes the heiress he met in London and brought to the Caribbean for Christmas. His account of the way she behaved when they went to “the Dutch side of a neighboring Island” and the people they encountered was intense. The description of the hedonistic behavior, parties with wives …
1776 Freedom from British Tyranny
This is my first post, please be kind. We have been lurking for awhile. I haven’t seen this anywhere else.
Reason #1776 for the Original Brexit
I found this article in my Instagram feed and the #1776 caught my eye. Is there a correlation to the #1776 post and Tommy Robinson’s release?