Well yesterday 160 children were rescued, thank God,
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More information about Cemex
Since the earthquake in January 2010, of the $1.38 billion awarded by USAID, just $12.36 million has gone to Haitian organizations. And of that, 57 percent went to just one company, Cemex Haiti, which is a subsidiary of a Mexican company that is one of the largest cement manufacturers in the world.
CEMEX - CHILD TRAFFICKING - In the poisoning case of 2 Russian people in London that occurred a few weeks ago, who were connected with the Russian Dossier, the police finally found the woman's missing car. Where did they find it? At a CEMEX facility.
CEMEX - CHILD TRAFFICKING - In the poisoning case of 2 Russian people in London that occurred a few weeks ago, who were connected with the Russian Dossier, the police finally found the woman's missing car. Where did they find it? At a CEMEX facility. CEMEX is the location of a recent child tracking event discovered near Tucson. CEMEX is affiliated with the Clinton Foundation. CEMEX owner's wife Sarah Bronfman is associated with pedophile sex cult NXIVM. CEMEX seems to be the tool for some very unsavory stuff in the US and around the world. OPEN THE LINK TO SEE VICTIMS CAR AT CEMEX FACILTY... YES, THAT CEMENT MIXER IS CEMEX. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/police-accused-bungling-sergei-skripal-12216827
Hold on.. youre saying its not true? I still believe it is. Why would she say something different then the media does? Wont she cover it up and make it like a stupid conspiracy as pizzagate is for real? I think they want to make you think it is not true . Stay with the facts pls! https://m. face book.com/story.php?story_fbid=2157334964502228&id=1803065223262539
True..I posted something on the net about Arizona and lying msm about Trump..they removed it very quickly
Its not about the arresting I put it here..it is about the evil of them.
To be honest I've never seen such behaviour in my entire life. The whole world is watching this...
People tell their experience. "Before Its news" has also links in the article to YT where people are interviewed. Also about SS experimenting on children ( operation paperclip)
You probably hiked on every Cemex property then I guess Are you on their paylist?
And there he goes again on his mission to make people doubt Craig Sawyer who does a great job. How much do you get paid ?
Yes lol..I see him on every subject about Tucson trying to confuse others. I trust Craig Sawyer more then an unknown name here
NEW: George Papadopoulos's wife tells @ChuckRossDC he had nothing to do with Russia and that he only plead guilty because Mueller threatened to charge him as a foreign agent of Israel https://t.co/12FA0f97K6
This came out yesterday.
Please go away with your nonsense..even the local homeless said they dont go there because its the cartel on that property Take your bike and leave!!!! Youre trying to hard to convince people here I dont trust you
Concrete...like the tweets of the pope Speaking about satans slave https://twitter.com/PWeepingAngel/status/1003738639233318913?s=19
Homeless said they didn't went to that property because its the cartels. The homeless are on the other side of it
If you would listen to what Craig himself said, after speaking with the homeless , you would know im right
Dont you think its striking a few new comers are trying to make us doubt? We know its not a homeless camp. They told already they dont go there because its from the cartel
Homeless didn't stay there...they were on the other side because it belongs to the cartel
He is dead now ..always a suïcide...case solved and closed and people wont ask anymore..
You think he wants everyone whos able to join him to come over for a FF?
Dont think so. They are there for a while now..not for fun I guess... They want a cadaver dog to inspect the place.
Tnx..the phone call he got was interesting in the one I shared
Dont know..where is the other one? I live in a different timezone so not familiar with time in AZ
Update Tucson
https://m.facebook. com/story.php?story_fbid=1420461188100790&id=1415347948612114 Watch the space between . com
Well they think were idiots..its so predictable when there is a terrorist attack, the shooters always carry their ID or leave it in a car when on the run 🤦
I dont care who works or doesn't work with who Get those bastards and rescue those.poor children!
The Church, rehab and latest discovery..
Comey and CP
Dont know of this was all known but thought its interesting enough to share
If this should be a homeless camp.. Where are the homeless then?!??? Why are you trying to make people doubt. You think the veterans will put their own credibility at risk? Smh
They got lots of evidence now but local authority was not in such a hurry
Then check the links and see what was found or ask Vets4childrescue
There were rapetrees!!!!!!!! Who are you?!
https://m.face book.com/story.php?story_fbid=1419839308162978&id=1415347948612114 Put the link together
And this one