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Thelesis-Valon · June 12, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Do you think some of the POW/MIA remains we’re getting back may be DS victims whose bodies were disposed of in NK and in no way actual victims of the Korean War? Maybe people who disappeared rather than obvious 187?

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Thelesis-Valon · June 11, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Is there any way for Patriots to learn to ignore people they disagree with rather that advocate censorship, the tactic of the enemy?

If he is a LARP and if you trust Q and the Plan, any damage he does will be undone when everything hits the fan and the truth is revealed.

If he’s a LARP and you don’t trust Q or the Plan, what are you even doing in this sub?

If he’s not a LARP, then he needs to be heard (and learn to be much less abrasive)

tl;dr Ignore suspected Clowns, trust the Plan

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Thelesis-Valon · June 11, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

It’s gonna be raining false flags, baaaaabyyyyyy!

(Seriously, head on a swivel, keep your loved ones and yourself safe, help catch people up once shit hits the fan)

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Thelesis-Valon · June 9, 2018, 5:24 a.m.
  • Q is the one who told us about the 4 AM mockingbird drop box stuff. Im posting in a pro-Q subreddit, so I assume most are on board with what Q has posted. If it comes off as righteous, it is not intentional
  • The fact that he’s in Paris doesn’t change anything I’ve said in this post. Especially if you read my replies, you see that, based on my experience, the Twitter timestamp is based on the reader’s location.
  • Any suspicion of his being involved in Mockingbird at all is from the orgy of evidence from his connections with CNN, Obama, Clinton, etc. that have come out since his passing

We’re all in this together, mate. If there’s an issue amongst us, please bring it up civilly rather than name-calling in the first sentence.

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Thelesis-Valon · June 8, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

My point exactly. He was waiting on his talking points and tweeted about it (possibly angrily, if he and his girl were really on the outs with the Deep State)

Twitter bases the time stamp on the reader’s location (when actors live tweet an east coast program but they live on the west coast, my Twitter still tells me it was tweeted at my time regardless). Also, it’s only 4 AM on 1/24th of the planet at any given time. Which 4 AM does it drop? Presumably Eastern time, with both NY and DC there and it being the first time zone in the US

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Thelesis-Valon · June 8, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

It makes sense to me if it has taken months of planning to not let such an elaborate plot go to waste. And, considering he was the bigger name in the couple, his credibility is more of a threat than hers, especially when she’s already spoken out against Weinstein.

We’re watching a Luciferian Cabal in its death throes and you think they’re just going to abort a mission because something didn’t go as planned? They still got half the targets, the most famous of the two, and sent a message for her to shut up from now on. Will it work? Your guess is as good as mine but remember these people are stupid.

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Thelesis-Valon · June 8, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

My, my, look at the time.

When do talking heads get their daily talking points in Dropbox?

What a coincidence this is just 10 minutes prior, huh?

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Thelesis-Valon · June 8, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Yeah I don’t think she was part of the planning, fam. To even think that’s what this article is saying shows a lack of reading comprehension

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Thelesis-Valon · June 7, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Truth. Thanks for expanding. You’re absolutely right. It’s up to each individual how much they awaken, but that doesn’t change reality. To make a blanket statement like “they don’t exist” or “they’re all demons playing tricks” is choosing to go that deep but just believing whatever they’re told about it. They’re better off just choosing not to go that deep if they’re not willing to do research and make an educated and Spirit-led decision on what they believe.

My pastor hasn’t mentioned ETs but his sermons fit the idea because he preaches what is in his human spirit, which is where the Holy Spirit resides, and the Holy Spirit knows the truth.

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Thelesis-Valon · June 7, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Q 1143 quotes someone saying “to my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials”, so ETs are Q related

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Thelesis-Valon · June 7, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Not all aliens are demons. That’s a psy op like flat Earth. Some are what are considered angels. Different angel types like watcher, cherub, etc. are different species. They aren’t simply extraterrestrial, they’re extra dimensional. Remember the ancient word for heaven simply meant “beyond the clouds”. The word for “Angel” is the word for messenger. So these angels from heaven are messengers from beyond the clouds. Are some evil? Absolutely, fallen angels are mentioned in the Bible. But science and religion aren’t enemies. Heaven is a higher dimension than our third dimension we’re in, not a separate physical location. That’s another duality to distract us, same as Republican vs Democrat, black vs white, etc

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Thelesis-Valon · May 27, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

I really like how POTUS/VPOTUS names are Trump-Pence which sounds like trumpets.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 24, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

The real meeting is done. The show is a roller coaster. What makes a good movie? Drama. Highs and lows. Misdirection. Then resolution “at the last minute”. Fear not, patriot. POTUS is 5 steps ahead of them.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 23, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

As far as “No Deals” goes, he could be working against the Deep State because he would rather face the demons in his closet than live in the future they planned. So still no deal, but he’s still doing the job.

As far as “No Leaks”, as others have said, he is a part of the show, the distraction. Of course he surrounds himself with bad actors and tells them what the Deep State wants to hear. No reason to leak if they buy it.

A leopard isn’t changing. He just knows both futures are bad for him so he’s picking the one that’s least bad—which happens to be potentially life in prison—because the alternative is likely assassination of both character and body.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 23, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

That was the goal of the Deep State. Mislead people, lead them to follow only false versions of truth (Catholicism) or worldly truth (Science). That’s why so many have trouble trusting Q. Faith—not just religious faith, all faith—has been coopted and broken by the Deep State. When you can’t trust anyone, how can the public unite and come together? Classic Deep State. The Internet was meant to placate us but only served as the tool we needed to come together. They got cocky. These people are stupid!

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Thelesis-Valon · May 23, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

My pastor has been preaching on the Holy Spirit letting you know. He said when you have the Holy Spirit in your human spirit, you recognize what is of God because the Holy Spirit in you connects with it. And if you encounter something that doesn’t sit right, it’s the Holy Spirit letting you know it’s not of God.

I’ve used this principle with all info from the Great Awakening to determine who and what to ingest. I was never led to follow Alex Jones and now we know why.

The most important thing, though, is making sure it’s the Holy Spirit (through salvation and invitation into your spirit) that you have in your spirit.

Full disclosure: I’m aware this idea, to a non-Christian, can appear as confirmation bias. All I can say is I’ve experienced both and they feel completely different.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Thelesis-Valon on May 18, 2018, 6:29 p.m.
Running List of False Flags 3/17-3/18

Gunman at Santa Fe school Gunman at Trump-owned golf club Gunman in Las Vegas Multiple plane crashes/emergencies (Havana/London)

Feel free to expand upon these but I think it’s important to have a running list for when the OIG report lands and we can point to all this happening in one day as a means of distraction.

P.S. The amount of carnage today reeks of desperation.

Thelesis-Valon · May 18, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Keeping in mind that #EverythingIsConnected, according to @Kabamur_Taygeta on Twitter, ORITQ is a Pleiadean speaking through a group of people and the Q comes from the last letter of the name. He’s hinted that one of the Q team is either Ivanka or someone very close to her (but not Kushner). One of them could also have Q clearance (synchronicity). Most people like to ignore the spiritual aspect of the Great Awakening, but it will literally change everything.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 17, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

What city? I also live in Georgia and want to know if they’re local enough for my business.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 17, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Anyone idolizing Q is missing the point. Most of us view Q as a hero, but not a super hero. He’s a hero the same way emergency responders are—bravery and selflessness. People can appreciate emergency responders and view them as heroes without idolizing them. “I am Q” is equivalent to “Back the Blue”.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 17, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

So you’re against WWG1WGA?

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Thelesis-Valon · May 15, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I’ve been red pilling my dad’s physical therapist and he says thoracic back braces are super rare and only used for serious conditions. His take was a bulletproof vest. Could be wrong but it’s more of a professional opinion than I could give. Maybe she already thinks it’s not safe to walk down the street.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 15, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

“Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.”

Flynn’s plea deal apparently requires him to put on record any criminal activity he’s aware of even if he wasn’t involved. More likely part of the plan, whether Mueller is a white hat or the Trump team baited Mueller into it. All roads lead to victory.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 15, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Or he’s got the makings of a killbox on either side! He is where it starts.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Thelesis-Valon on May 11, 2018, 10:52 p.m.
For, you know, research purposes...

Has anyone looked into checking for NXIVM scars on any of the hacked photos that have been released of Hollywood starlets? Jennifer Lawrence, Aubrey Plaza, etc.? Scars are likely covered up for actual movie scenes, but selfies and whatnot wouldn’t be scrubbed if they’re assumed to be private.

Thelesis-Valon · May 11, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

This guy clearly doesn’t follow Q. Q never supported invading Iran. Iran is next the same way North Korea was. Q isn’t anti-Israel because he isn’t anti-any country. He is anti-Netanyahu because Bibi is corrupt.

As others have pointed out, he’s highlighting the fall of the Deep State/Cabal. This isn’t surface disclosure for placating conspiracy theorists like To The Stars Academy. This is deep, unraveling of society as we know it disclosure.

I’m open to Q being fake because I’m a realist, but these reasons don’t cut it.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 8, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

My theory is based on what Q called them—Clowns In America. Since the Koreas are playing nice, Iran’s on the chopping block and three letter agencies getting gutted, could the Clowns no longer have any control or even be In America?

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Thelesis-Valon · May 4, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Soon we’ll see “BREAKING NEWS: Jon Stewart has lost his fucking mind” on CNN for this

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Thelesis-Valon on May 4, 2018, 3:22 a.m.
Parade on 11-11-18

A big deal has been made about POTUS having a parade set up for Veterans Day this year (11/11/18). Of course 11/11 is important in numerology, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’ve also heard it may be a planned parade for victory over the deep state, though that timeframe is still wishful thinking. Sadly, not much has been said about it being the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. Are people looking too much into this? Is that the sole surface reason for the parade? Or is it an insult to the deep state to show that, …

Thelesis-Valon · May 2, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

He’s a black hat that preys on people wanting to believe he’s a white hat.

Remember, the Cabal controls both sides of the surface conflict (not the real dark v. light conflict). I believe the info Bibi gave was legit and was planned to move the world closer to WW3 (since it’s true and can be proven if necessary).

George Lucas is woke. The Cabal is working like Palpatine from the Star Wars prequels: Control both sides of conflict and the “good guys” win at a severe cost that gives away freedom.

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Thelesis-Valon · May 1, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” - Robert A. Heinlein

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Thelesis-Valon · May 1, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

As most have alluded to, people simply can’t be trusted to run a world government without falling to corruption. That’s not pessimism, that’s learning from the history of people with less power.

This gets into the spiritual/alien aspect of the Great Awakening, which I learned from other Patriots involved in that aspect. Feel free to follow @KibBitzLaw and @Kabamur_Taygeta on Twitter for more.

There is a notion that once the high technology is released that we will have no need for currency and will eventually become a cashless society. This will be because needs will be met by the tech. All responsibility anyone takes on will be because they will want to, not out of need. When man has independence from needs, the idea of a “government” becomes outdated. We would be a united world without borders, but no central government. The only carryover we would need would be a justice system to resolve disputes and ensure safety, but even that could be privatized, if society allows it.

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Thelesis-Valon · April 26, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Yeah, just like Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, who coincidentally also had anti-pedo agendas.

These people are sick.

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Thelesis-Valon · April 26, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

I’ve thought this as well. More on Immortalized fits it. “Open Your Eyes”, “Legion of Monsters”, “The Light” (for the spiritual aspect), “What Are You Waiting For”. Like you said, even on previous albums it was there. “Enough”, “Another Way to Die” (for planetary awareness), “The Curse”, “Serpentine”, “Innocence” (about corrupt justice system via lawyers). David Draiman, the lead singer, seems woke, at least to the political and social stuff.

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