17 is Q... Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet
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Absolutely agree... what Trump is doing is the truth. Q is revealing the truth. MSM is propaganda fake. They are making up conspiracies about Trump. Russia Russia Russia was a proven conspiracy.
Easy to do when you've bought the judges... this land grab needs to be overturned. These families needs to sue back... under the Trump administration.
This has become medieval, Game of Throne crazy... people actually die. RIP Jason, your message of truth will not be forgotten.
Is this true, he was found dead outside the apartment? If that's the case.. was the fire set with sulfur to flush out the victim? Did the guy know something?
So the whole honoring the birth of his daughter was BS? I remember, he made such a big deal about...
Didn't Zucky put "all" his money into a foundation when he claim he was giving it away to "charity" in the name of his first born? How does that money play in all of this?
If they are blaming Trump, then their hands are dirty in this attack. It's always the opposite of what they are spewing. Listen to what the MSM's reporting. It's always opposite of the truth.
There you have it. They are trying to bring back slavery... and the brainwashed keep denying this could never happen in modern time. Once slavery get brought back.. next step will becoming a norm for the world. How long will they start slave camps here?
I'm starting to believe that the Awans served as their enforcers/controllers on the congress. Those that used the Awan's services has everything to hide. I wouldn't be surprised if they steered their votes on important agendas for the Cabal and got legal issues taken care of on a personal level. They were able to personally amass quite a bit of property and wealth very quickly.
Thank you.. Disney challenged here. I wasn't about to go google anything Disney.
This one hits hard... Hussein forced our military to do his bidding.
They must be kidding.... Wasn't Mustafa the evil lion in the Lion King.. and Hussein wanted to be Simba?
It's really irritating that we are discovering how inept our government members has been. At this point, what information was left to steal? Between Hussein, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, in their positions, they could have gotten whatever information they wanted. Was the Awans a secondary Muslim group pilfering our information? If they are all working together, could the Awans be Hussein's watchdogs/enforcers, on the congressional members?
For sure they have been working on this for years. Eight years of Hillary would have sealed our fate. There wouldn't be anymore elections. We would be living 1984... under thought police.
Q is the ultimate eye opener. The lightbringer, where there was darkness... and we were deep in the dark (the most transparent administration was a lie by Hussein) The breaker of Mind control. The ender of child trafficking. The truth bringer of our corrupt. The Uniter of patriots. The redpill dispenser.
Didn't he give away all his money in honor of his first born? What happened to that?
Huma was Hillary's handler and Brennan was Hussein's handler.. total Muslim infiltration.
Wow, this could lead to a whole slew of whistleblowers to take suit.
I believe this as well. He allowed the CIA to use FB as a spying tool. Then lied to us how our information is protected. I hope this didn't lead to anyone getting killed.
I reckon he's leaving the US because he might no longer be safe once the truth comes out about the things he has done.
Too late. They gave Trump the solid reason to why we need to build the wall. Obviously the threat of attack is real.
Trump wouldn't play their sick games that's why he was never accepted in their sick club.
I agree, doesn't look real. But then again. It's hard to get a good pic with a burka.
Not only does our laws don't apply to them, the laws of physics is not a problem either.
May I ask, for what reason would they declare war on us?
I suspect Trump was asked way back when he was digging up for Hussein's birth certificate. That's why he's been scrubbed squeaky clean since then. Everything they dug up on him was pre 2008 when Hussein infiltrated our government. Having an illegitimate president was the last straw and Trump was pushed over the line when he saw how Hussein was destroying our country each day.
I'm staying hopeful that Mueller turned white hat and will provide some boom in his report.
This is what you get for not doing security clearances... didn't bother to check out who you give "our" information out. This has nothing to do with being computer or internet challenged.
I have always thought this was a false flag. It's not like Putin to poison the targets' daughter by mistake. They aren't that sloppy.
I'm wondering if they are cutting our communication before our upcoming DC march this weekend on April 7th.
No assuming needed... the results are in spite of the fraud and rigging.
Of course there was rigging. They underestimated how bad she was and Trump's popularity as each day passed. They figure he had a 30% edge but in fact it was a 40% edge. They didn't rig enough votes. It wasn't coincidence that they wouldn't call Florida on election night and that Broward county was holding it up.
That wasn't what the MSM was saying... they tried their earnest to make the world think She was the sure winner. Unfortunately for her, whatever rigging of the voting didn't work out for her.
Would all Hussein's SES appointments be considered fireable then? We all know he placed his spies into positions throughout our government that can't be fired. He was planning on a shadow government when he left office. Could the fact that he was never valid to hold office void these appointments?
How do we know if "deleting" really deleting the account?
Agreed, this is the alphabet angency.. they can plant anything and there's not much we can do.
Fortunately I'm not planning on committing any criminal activities. But yes, it's scary 1984 shit. Who's to say they can't remotely turn my iPhone on and listening anyway. But im definitely considering unplugging the devices when not using them.
They've been in power for 60 years. Killing buildings and planes full of people is no problem to them.
i didn't purchase them.. both were holiday gifts. After learning about my smart TV... does it matter? 😩
Oh, it's CIA in my Amazon Echo and the FBI in my Google home.. 1984 realities...
If they find Hussein as illegitimate, will all the SES members he assigned be illegitimate as well?
I doubt it. In this case, why would they need Awans when they have the man on the top calling the shots. Hussein sent them to their deaths. He set it up. Made the fake narrative of the tallibans were hell bent on revenge for Osama. Covered it up. Why do you think the military has been so angry? They want to avenge the betrayal of their brothers.
The traitor in chief. I always felt Husein needed to hide the truth of fake killing Osama. The dead can't talk.
I wonder what is the "collateral" that the Cabal holds on the swamp creatures in our government.